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  • The biases of floristic surveys I. Naive planters: “cuckoo” of the Medves (N Hungary)

    The aim of the planned thematic studies is to point out the main biases and/or errors of floristic surveys in Hungary. In this first article of the series we focus on those examples when native species were planted out of their original habitats and/or range by a non-professional naturalist. The sources of information are those letters that were posted by Ferenc Varga to the first author of this article in 2005. The circumstances of the transplantation of 10 phytogeographycally significant species of the investigated area and/or the Pannonicum (Adonis vernalisArum orientaleAsarum europaeumGenista germanicaPhragmites australisPulsatilla grandisP. nigricansSalvia aethiopisViola albaXeranthemum annuum) are detailed in the text and summarised in a table. The correspondence between the first author and Ferenc Varga provides insight how the ambition of a non-professional naturalist can influence the flora of an area. Most of the species were removed from South and transplanted to North, almost 10 km away from their original stands. With the exception of Adonis vernalis and Genista germanica at least one transplantation of the species was successful. In the case of Salvia aethiopis, the naturalized populations came 1.25 km close to Slovakia, where this species is a very rare and endangered (EN) taxon.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary I.

    The present study reports the occurrence data of 54 vascular plant taxa, collected at various localities in Hungary during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys between 2000 and 2013. In some cases, phytosociological relevés were prepared to characterize the local coenological properties of the species. Many of these species are included in the „Red list of the vascular flora of Hungary” (e.g. Carthamus lanatus, Sedum caespitosum, Spiranthes spiralis and Trifolium micranthum). Some of them (e.g. Apium repens, Dianthus diutinus, Epipactis bugacensis and Ranunculus psilostachys) are rarities in the whole country. Our findings suggest that conservationists should focus not only on the maintenance of semi-natural habitats but also on the investigation of secondary habitats (e.g. river embankments, temporary pools on arable fields) in order to maintain the total species diversity of the landscape.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary III.

    We report the occurrence data of 44 vascular plant taxa collected at various localities in Hungary (mainly the Danube–Tisza Interfluve and South Transdanubia) during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys between 2016 and 2018. Of the species in the present article, 27 are protected or strictly protected. In the paper we focused on plants that are rare regionally (e.g. Botrychium lunaria, Polystichum aculeatum) or in the whole country (e.g. Ophrys oestrifera, Ranunculus psilostachys), as well as on plants that occurred in unusual habitats (e.g. Corydalis solida). We also included new localities of weedy species, some of which (e.g. Opuntia humifusaSporobolus cryptandrus) may present nature conservation threats.

  • Data to the flora of Sopron Hills and its foreground

    The present study reports additional records to the flora of Sopron Hills and Sopron Basin. The records were collected during our field surveys between 2010 and 2014 and contain occurrence data of 19 vascular plant taxa. The genus Orobanche is represented by 5 species. Two taxa are new for the flora of Sopron Hills (Amaranthus blitoides, Orobanche teucrii), others are interesting because of their old or uncertain indication (e.g. Dianthus superbus, Myosotis sparsiflora, Orobanche lutea, Orobanche purpurea).

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary II.

    We report the occurrence data of 45 vascular plant taxa collected at various localities in Hungary (Duna–Tisza Interfluve, Tiszántúl and South Transdanubia) during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys mostly between 2013 and 2016. Many of these plants are included in the ’Red list of the vascular flora of Hungary’ (e.g. Astragalus dasyanthusErodium ciconium and Lotus angustissimus). We primarily focused on the occurrence of rare plants (e.g. Apium repensEpipactis bugacensis and Trifolium strictum), plants that appeared in unexpected places (e.g. Medicago arabicaPolypodium vulgare and Polystichum setiferum) or have a phyto-geographic importance (e.g. Piptatherum virescensRanunculus psilostachys and Tamus communis).

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VIII.

    The current paper is the 8th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published quite recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 539 plant taxa from 157 flora mapping units is presented in this study, most of them are located in the western half of the country. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 190 new species were found in a single flora mapping quadrat. In another survey along some asphalted roadsides Puccinellia distans was found as a new species for 68 flora mapping grid units. All these indicate the necessity of further systematic research and publication of floristic results in papers like the “Contributions…” series. Most of the enumerated taxa are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are sparse and scattered or rare in Hungary (e.g. Nigella arvensisVaccaria hispanica, Rumex pulcher, Urtica urens), and in some cases they are legally protected plants in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrumDryopteris affinisGymnocarpium dryopteris and Huperzia selago). We also listed some casual alien plants and naturalized species that were not mentioned in the last neophyte list of Hungary (e.g. Acer cissifoliumCyperus alternifoliusGaillardia aristataGalanthus elwesii). In the Outlook we pointed out the insufficient survey of some synanthropic (urban) habitat types in Hungary, like verges, gardens and flowerbeds that can be the hotbed of established species or can serve as stepping stones for potential invaders.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae IV.

    The paper lists supplementary data to the recently published Atlas Florae Hungariae, mostly from various parts of Transdanubia and the Great Plain. The list includes 72 plant species with at least one new station not shown on their grid-based range map. Certain data confirm old records, whereas some others correct erroneous distribution data. The actual habitats where the plants occur are characterized by their corresponding ÁNÉR codes.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VII.

    This paper lists supplementary data to the recently published Atlas Florae Hungariae, mostly from various parts of Transdanubia and the Great Plain. The list includes 73 plant species with at least one new occurrence previously not shown on their grid-based range map, as well as data confirming old records or correcting erroneous distribution data. The actual habitats where the plants occur are characterized by their corresponding ÁNÉR codes.

  • Floristic data from the Great Plain of Hungary (Alföld)

    In this study we report relevant occurrence data of 49 species and hybrids and their habitats from the Great Plain registered in the period between 2011 and 2017. Due to importance for nature conservation, we present additional data of further 13 species. Most of the data are originated from riverine oak-elm-ash forests of South East Hungary (from the region of Gyula, Békéscsaba, Doboz settlements). The most important result of our study is the rediscovery of Gagea minima and Dictamnus albus. Besides, we report new occurrence data for the Great Plain (Alföld), as well as for the flora of the microregions in questions (e.g. Draba muralisNicandra physalodesCystopteris fragilis) and also present the data of the regionally endangered species (e.g. Inula heleniumOphioglossum vulgatum). Some rare weed taxa (e.g. Calepina irregularisCardamine impatiens), spreading adventive taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenellaEuphorbia maculataPhytolacca americanaPh. esculentaSicyos angulata) and in surveys rather underrepresented species (e.g. Loranthus europaeus, Arabis hirsutaRumex confertus) are reported too.