Short communications

Short communications

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Bauer, N., Balogh, L., Bezeczky, Árpád, Nagy, J., Deák, B., Kiss, O., Valkó, O., Schmidt, D., Török, P., Szűcs, P., Kovács, D., Lengyel, A., Máté, A., & Somlyay, L. (2015). Short communications. Kitaibelia, 20(2), 300-310.

1. New occurrence of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lagasca in Szigetköz region (NW Hungary)

2. Casual occurrences of Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) Kuntze subsp. hungaricum (Klokov) Soó in roadside verges

3.On the first sub-spontaneous occurrence of Asparagus verticillatus L. in Hungary

4. New occurrence data of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. in Kemence (Börzsöny Mts., N Hungary)

5. First report on the occurrence of Prospero paratheticum Speta from Danube–Tisza Interfluve (C Hungary)

6. Some interesting floristic data from Szigetköz (NW Hungary) after the great flooding of Danube in 2013

7. Newly discovered locality of the pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria judaica L.) in the city of Debrecen (E Hungary)

8. Kindbergia praelonga (Hedw.) Ochyra in the urban bryoflora of the town of Sopron (W Hungary)

9. Additional data to the distribution of Plantago coronopus L. in Hungary

10. On the formerly occurrence of Spiraea crenata L. in Kunpeszér (C Hungary)

11. History of discovery of Spiraea crenata L. on Mt Sas (Buda Mts., Hungary)