Vol. 14 No. 41 (2022)
The regular issue of Hungarian Gerontology 2022 contains 13 interesting articles on different areas of gerontology and geriatrics. Sveral publications deal with the current issues of ageing and digitalisation and robotic technologies, one study deals with new directions in geriatric rehabilitation, but the reader can also find empirical results on the psychological aspects of successful ageing or the values of the Roma population in relation to elderly care. The importance of writing in maintaining activity in old age is also discussed, as well as film analysis, book reviews, and reviews of scientific events.
We would also like to draw the reader's attention to our yearly conference in 2023, with presentations in Hungarian on 12 October and in English on 13 October. We look forward to welcoming you as a speaker or participant on Gerontology Days 2023 International Scientific Conference!
On behalf of the Editorial Committee:
László Patyán
How can telemental health help reduce the loneliness and isolation of the elderly?
2-29Views:379In the study, based on a literature review, the author explains the concept of telemental health and how it can contribute to reducing the loneliness and isolation of the elderly. It covers the experiences of using ICT in the care of the elderly in Hungary, and also briefly presents how the use of digital technology has contributed to the social and mental health care of the elderly during the coronavirus epidemic, and what changes have taken place. The study concludes with recommendations for the use of ICT by social workers and the development of telemental health services for the elderly.
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Attitudes of Roma/Gypsy Adults Towards the Care of Their Elderly Loved Ones
30-45Views:141Caring for older people is a challenge for all societies. There has been a lot of research on elderly care to help make it as effective as possible. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the Roma/Gypsy elderly care among ethnic minorities, using national and international trends. The choice of the target group in our framework was not accidental - the Roma/Gypsy minority is considered vulnerable in terms of several factors, which means risks for elderly care in terms of inequalities. In addition to the main concepts of elderly care, the paper will address the opportunities and constraints of the legal environment, the relationship between elderly care and health care, and the factors that shape quality of life and well-being, as well as strategies (formal and informal) that are emerging as trends at national and international levels.
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Seventies - A dystropia about the Hungarian society
46-65Views:90Introduction: Ageing society is an ever-raising issue, however, not so many movies use critics towards it. The movie Seventies had its debut in Hungary 2014. Its specificity is the lens that were used to show the deficits of the attitudes towards the elderly in Hungary.
Aim: The aim of the paper is to explore the dystopian nature of the pseudo-documentary in order to show a picture of the possible deficits in Hungarian society with the help of the narratives of the artwork.
Methodology: In this paper a social psychological approach is considered as the process of affective characterization of movie scenes which are analysed with content analysis.
Theoretical background: There are two main aspects that are held in the analysis, the cognitive schema theory and the nature of dystopian content as a filter for the interpretative framework. Cognitive schema theory is used for perception and cognition of scenes, canonical set-ups, and interpretation-processes. In the analysis, the focus is on the memory objects, the mental models and the cognitive fields.
Conclusion: The film experience includes a sort of awareness of the perceived scenes, thus the real world can be divided from imagination. Indeed, subjectivity and the shaping process of our reality are serving the demands of one’s aspects. Therefore, the film can be considered as a valuable starting point of a debate of the future of Hungarian society, highlighting the situation of elderly.PDF163 -
The role of geriatric readaptation in improving the condition of the non-rehabilitable elderly
66-72Views:176Rehabilitation is significantly more difficult for people over the age of 65 and suffering from multiple chronic diseases than for younger people. In case of acute events or the worsening of existing diseases, it is an important professional question to determine how suitable the patient is for rehabilitation. Based on the complex examination of diagnosis, prognosis and rehabilitation, the primary consideration for individuals who cannot be rehabilitated is to maintain their independence as long as possible, which goes hand in hand with a better quality of life. This is helped by geriatric readaptation, the widest possible introduction and application of which is crucial for the elderly.
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Activity in old age, active and successfull aging
73-96Views:693Background and aims: The aim of our research was to qualitatively examine the attitudes of older people towards aging, the activity available and implemented from it, their community involvement, and their lay perceptions and opinions of successful aging.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the research, and the interviews were evaluated by content analysis.
Results an discussion: According to the elderly, successful aging mainly requires physical or mental health, maintaining activity, an active lifestyle, a positive outlook on life, a good family environment, social relationships, financial security, goals, motivation, successful life, advance planning, and social support.PDF (Hungarian)711 -
The mystery of expected and potential quality of life and longevity
97-114Views:200Recent events have made health and its preservation increasingly important. Health factors are also elements of our lifestyle, and the individual has a crucial role to play in shaping a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle-related diseases (civilisation diseases) are the leading cause of death in Europe today. The main topic of this paper is the mystery of expected and potential quality of life and life expectancy. Through a literature review, we sought to answer the question of what are the most important determinants of health and lifestyle. Based on the data processing of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, we processed the results of health statistics on the general health status of the Hungarian population. Then, we described the pillars of health and their role in the development of a healthy lifestyle, as well as health tourism services for the older generation that encourage the integration of the pillars of health into lifestyle.
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Changes in digital skills of seniors during and after covid-19
115-125Views:93Since 2014, the Senior Academy of Pécs helps people over 60 with tools for active and successful aging. The activity of the academy was cut short by the COVID-19 epidemic, our work was relegated to the online learning space. Our research examined how the digital skills of our seniors changed during and after the quarantine, in 2021 and 2022. The study was carried out by online questionnaire (n=118, n=123). The survey revealed that the digital skills of 45% of the respondents improved, mostly in online shopping and administration. Most of the seniors learn ICT knowledge from their family members or friends. During the quarantine our students spent their time mainly reading and learning online, watching TV takes only 4%. 10% of them clearly experienced the epidemic situation as a loss: "the daily rhythm is missing". 6% of the respondents considered the current situation to be an advantage: their attitude towards learning improved, they were more forced to self-directed learning. The advantages of online education: flexibility in space and time, participation is safe, lectures can be watched any time. The most typical negatives are: the lack of community and discussion, and the fact that online education does not reduce loneliness.
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Redefining nursing skills in AI and robotisation, with a particular focus on conditions requiring long-term care
126-145Views:244Owing to the enormous improvements in health and lifestyle over the last century, the average age has increased. Although longevity is an important achievement of the modern age, it is a challenge for the care of an ageing population. As people in the richest parts of the world live longer, there is a growing shortage of carers for an ageing population. This paper reviews the literature and describes the global challenges of caregiving, future issues in elderly care, the emergence of robotization in the field of nursing care and how this can contribute to improving the quality of care for the older people. It also discusses the experience of using robots in international and domestic elderly care and briefly describes how the use of AI-based technology has contributed to improving the effectiveness of care in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. The paper concludes by presenting a vision and directions for training development for Advance Practice Nurses, Register Nurses and post-secondary nurses, and other health care professionals to improve attitudes, enhance knowledge, and develop services to improve elderly care.
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The impact of COVID-19 on the online shopping habits of the elderly - a study in two regions
146-158Views:171COVID-19 significantly affected the lives of people, including the elderly, who tried to reduce their personal relationships, especially during quarantine periods. Their daily lives have changed, including their consumer behaviour. The basis of my research was the longitudinal research of the Gerontology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Debrecen. In the summer of 2021, I made an interview research covering two regions, in which I searched for answers for example the COVID-19 epidemic affected the lives of members of elderly organizations, how their habits changed, for example regarding the use of digital devices and consumption in general. Based on the results, it can be said that while in 2020 the members of the organizations kept in touch with each other mainly by telephone during the pandemic, in 2021 there were almost the same number of those who used traditional telephones and those who preferred online contact. Online communication and Internet use have probably become more widespread because older people have become more open to the online world. In the examined period, the willingness of the elderly to use digital devices increased and their opportunities broadened, for example through the (often forced) development of their competences. This is also true for online purchases. As in all age groups of domestic consumers, online consumption has also increased among the elderly. In their case, this is mainly influenced by their opportunities related to digitalization. The main advantage of digitalization for the elderly is that it is much easier for them to keep in touch with each other, including with family members who live far away, while one of the disadvantages is that not all elderly people can afford to have the appropriate competencies, technical conditions and internet access.
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A new approach to Hungarian elderly care in Romania. - Scientific and professional workshop at the Partium Christian University
159-166Views:74Between October 20-21, 2022, the Human Sciences Department of Partium Christian University of Oradea in partnership with the Department of Social Work and Social Policy of the University of Szeged organized a scientific-professional workshop entitled New Perspectives in Elderly Care, in order to provide space and create a long-term opportunity for the meeting and dialogue of professionals working in the field of elderly care in Partium and Transylvania as institution managers, program managers, social workers, elderly caregivers, and researchers. The following review provides a retrospective of the event with the intention of formulating conclusions that will help moving forward.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution – challenges of the future
167-169Views:57Klaus Schwab (2016): The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Portfolio Pinguin.
Public science
Kibővített beszámoló a Rómában megtartott 5. UNECE Idősügyi Konferenciáról (2022. június 15-17.): "Fenntartható társadalom minden korosztály számára: Összefogás az egész életen át tartó szolidaritás és az esélyegyenlőség érdekében"
170-180Views:39A Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség (MNKSZ) számára megtiszteltetés, hogy nemzetközi szakértőként való elismerésünknek köszönhetően Ferenczi Andrea és Hajós Katalin meghívást kaptak a UNECE (ENSZ Európai Gazdasági Bizottsága) Rómában 2022. június 15-17. között megtartott Idősügyi Miniszteri Konferenciájára az esemény szervezője, az Olasz Kormány részéről.
Az esemény címe / mottója: Fenntartható világ minden korosztály számára Összefogás az egész életen át tartó szolidaritás és esélyegyenlőség jegyében. -
Everyone has a novel
181-201Views:85From among creative activities, this paper recommends writing for elderly people as ’one novel anybody could write’. At the same time, it is common knowledge that elderly people cannot be treated uniformly as every old person is different: therefore, this activity is probably suitable for just a more limited number. The introduction highlights some of the researches concerning old age. Mention is made of the ever increasing life expectancy and of how many different kinds of age we have (feel-age, look-age, do-age, interest-age). After a short overview of the special literature and literary works about old age, the components of meaningful old age is discussed: the issues of old-age learning, reading and writing. Finally, the paper makes recommendations for elderly people wishing to make records of their thoughts and ideas.
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