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  • The Effect of the Economic Crisis on Foreign Currency Loan Holders

    Since the appearance of the foreign currency denominated loan it has received a lot of good and bad criticism because - due to the crisis of 2008 - the exchange rate movements and the loan instalments increased. While the foreign currency credit was favourable at the time of borrowing, later it became a big problem for the borrowers. The crisis of 2008 was unexpected for the countries who have foreign currency loans, and who did not have crisis management mechanisms which could help to manage the crisis. Because of the crisis more and more people have got into trouble about their increasing loan instalments. Since 2008 the Hungarian government has been trying to help the Hungarian people with crisis management measures, like exchange rate pegging, home protection action plan, repayment at a fixed exchange rate, converting the loan into Hungarian forint, etc. Since February 2015 the compulsory conversion of loan into HUF has been in force and it has helped a lot of people having a foreign currency loan but there are still people who cannot take advantage of the settlement and need similar state help to decrease their credit burden. So unfortunately the problem of people having a foreign currency loan has not been solved completely but we are on the good track.

  • Back to the World of Work: On the Way to Public Employment in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

    In the autumn of 2008 the world economic crisis erupting in the United States of America dealt the economy and labour market of Hungary a hard blow. The economic crisis strengthened the adverse labour-market situation in the country’s more backward eastern areas, above all in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. With the aim of reduction of the increasing unemployment the Hungarian Employment Policy applies a number of labour-market tools. Public employment is one of the most important labour market tools. In my research I examined the role of public employment in the reduction of unemployment. In my thesis I looked for the answer to the question if public employment is able to handle unemployment efficiently and to reduce long-term unemployment. In my thesis I examined two of the most important public work programmes – between the period of 2009 and 2011 – which employed the highest number of workers in comparison with earlier programmes. I prepared the comparative analysis of the two programmes based on my own aspect system highlighting the strong and the weak points of these programmes. My research is based on scientific literature, various studies in this field, scientific and international professional journals and Internet sources.

  • The Examinati on of Buying Habits in the Case of Hungarian Food Products

    Hungarian customers have become more price sensiti ve and more conscious and their shopping occasions have become bett er planned as a result of the world economic depression. The freshness of the product, the price level, and the choice of goods have remained important aspects when choosing the place of shopping, but the signifi cance of special off ers and price reducti ons has increased for customers. Our research fi ndings show that one goes shopping less
    frequently than a couple of years earlier. The decrease of the frequency of shopping also means that the scope of shops visited has become wider; the customer is willing to go farther for a bargain; the convenience of shopping plays a secondary role. Because of go-around shopping customer royalty has fallen and customer spending has spread thin over shops.


    While the question of sustainability has received more and more attention and publicity in the past decades, all ecosystems services has been constantly deteriorating during the same period. There is an abyss between theory and rhetoric and meaningful and effective action. Our present-day socio-ecological crisis is the result of a distorted world view which in turn is caused by deep psychological mechanisms affecting the individual and the society. Recognizing these underlying mechanisms, making people aware of how they work might help change the suicidal course that the developed societies based on free market capitalism, neoliberal ideology and excessive consumerism has been on in the last two hundred years. This paper aims to discuss some of the obstacles that seem to have been hindering effective action.

  • The Evaluation of the Procurement of the Grande-Inox Ltd

    Nowadays in the growing competition every enterprise has to strive to meet all the customer expectations and to serve the customers at a higher level than their competitors, In order to meet these requirements the procurement, the first phase of the trade in goods has to be appropriate from every aspect. To offset the negative aspects of the economic crisis and to meet the sales targets the sales have to be smooth, so the procurement also has to be adequate from the aspects of quantity, quality, choice and also of time. For this purpose we have analysed and evaluated the procurement at the Grande-Inox Ltd and have made suggestions.

  • HELP! What should i do? -the lack of financial knowledge in hungarian households

    Financial planning, the propensity to save and self-caring habits effect not only the households' financial management, but they effect the economical, political, social and cultural situation of the whole country. The intellectual skills of hungarians are undeveloped, which stems from the lack of financial literacy of individuals. More and more people realize the need for economic and financial knowledge since the 2008 economic crisis, and that the development of financial culture is essential. In our research we examined, how the financial awareness and the willingness to save of individuals and households can be influenced.

  • The qualitative and quantitative research of hungarian origin effect on private label food brand choice in east Hungary

    Nowadays there is more and more focus on researches of food shopping behaviour, as its key role in social practices -and in the shaping of life quality after all - is inevitable due to social effects of basic re-structuring and their undisclosed nature in the post socialist countries. These social effects are still going on because of the crisis and changes in trade politics.Earlier researches more or less focus on abstract ranges, separating daily social behaviour from their solid contexts.This is why I chose East Hungary with its smaller decretionary income and purchasing power as the spatial focus of my reasearch and the method of focus group discussion and questionnarie with food shoppers in the frame of a qualitative research and quantitative research. On the other hand, one of the reasons of the timeliness of chosing this topic is that several researchers (Totth, 2012, Polya-Szucs, 2013; Szakály, 2014) and market research institutes came to the conclusion that Hungarian customers prefer products of Hungarian origin to goods from abroad if they are cheaper than their foreign equivalent. That is why for Hungarian customers cheap own brands can be a priority even over less costly imported goods.

  • Financing SMEs – Prospects in Hungary

    After joining the EU, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises came to the focus of attention in Hungary for their grandiose role in both employment and producing added value. Due to their flexibility, creativity and adaptability SMEs find new market opportunities easier. Also, SMEs can find their way and seize appearing opportunities more quickly under rapidly changing, insecure and high-risk circumstances.When analysing the sector, besides the investigation of the external environment, it is also important to focus on internal factors. The success of businesses is not only influenced by their access to financial resources, but also by their internal organisational structure and the standard of their organisational culture. In the present phase of world economy, when
    transports are delayed, credits are harder to obtain and companies downsize, leaders have to make careful and considerate management and operational decisions. Thus financial decisions have considerable short and long-term effects on the success of business operation.This research paper aims at a comprehensive study of the present situation of the Hungarian SME sector, some of its financing opportunities, as well as factors that hinder its development. Another purpose of the present writing is to lay the theoretical foundations for a primary questionnaire research exploring the financing characteristics of SMEs in Hungary.

  • Critical analysis of logistics strategy models in retailing

    Logistics is key for retailing because product availability is a signifi cant element of customer service and has key importance for compei i veness as well. In the following I would like to demonstrate the strategic retail models of the academic literature and give diff erent points of view on retail logisi cs. Then, with the help of an empirical study I will elaborate on the model of Hungarian retail logistics.

  • The Characteristics of Airport Security Devices in Connection with Terrorist Attacks

    Terror organizations threat those huge places and buildings which are used by a big mass of people. Public transportation hubs such as airports are most preferred places of terrorist attacks. If we prepare a small explosive device, we can cause a huge harm in the aircraft killing a lot of people. Security regulations have been improved to create new methods to prevent terrorist attacks. The main targets are at the airport the airplanes on the runway and already in the air, the arrival and departure halls, and the air traffic control and radar systems. To protect human life and airplanes in the airport security they check the passengers, their handluggage, their registered baggage and the cargo. I would like to show you how we can avoid the terrorist attacks and this present article gives an overview of the application of such equipment, their types and the working principles of the devices of airport security systems.


    Nowadays, our country is characterized by active monetary and fiscal political decisions, however, the crisis caused by the coronavirus and the Russian-Ukrainian war and its inflationary consequences would lead the economic policy decisions in the opposite direction, which is unsustainable in the long term. In my study, I examined the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy and the labor impact of the economic crisis based on macroeconomic data, the Hungarian National Bank, and European Union forecasts. Significant progress was made in economic policy after 2010, thanks to which there was a fiscal balance and monetary policy ensured price stability, the labor market situation showed a gradually improving trend in recent years. The independent but constructive harmony between the two economic policy sub-areas after 2013 resulted in a permanent improvement of the macroeconomic processes of our country. However, the emerging crisis situation required a quick reaction, which fundamentally changed the short-term economic policy goals. Thanks to the consistency of monetary and fiscal policy, the Hungarian economy performed well even in the pandemic period compared to the European Union average. In the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus and the war, economic policy has found itself in a difficult situation, recovery from the crisis justifies economic recovery, while monetary tightening is needed to curb inflationary difficulties.

  • The Eff ects of Crisis on Transport

    The global economic crisis, which started in 2008, has negati vely aff ected all sectors of the economy. Many businesses have gone bankrupt, including old, leading and successful companies but others have remained successful and have acquired a larger market share. Despite this many business owners have tried to enter the market with more or less success. This trend can also be observed in the fi eld of logisti cs and transportati on.

  • The Evaluation of the Stockpiling of the Grande-Inox Ltd

    Nowadays in the growing competition every enterprise has to strive to meet all the customer expectations and to serve the customers at a higher level than their competitors, In order to meet these requirements the stockpiling, the second phase of the trade in goods has to be appropriate from every aspect. To offset the negative aspects of the economic crisis and to meet the sales targets the sales have to be smooth, so the stockpiling also has to be adequate from the aspects
    of quantity, quality and choice. For this purpose we have analysed and evaluated the stockpiling at the Grande-Inox Ltd and have made suggestions.