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  • The Implementation of a Crucial Project in Jászladány by the European Union

    Highlighting the importance of the aids given by the European Union we are discussing the question of by which resources a project can be realized and what goals they have to meet. Within it we focus on the implementation of a specific project, the Social Reformation Operational Programme (Code number: TÁMOP – 5.3.6-11/1) complex settlement programme (ensuring a complex human service access) through the example of Jászladány. The aim of the research is to demonstrate with the help of the project how the European Union contributes not only to the economic and social development of the country, but also helps to change the European Union's citizens’ personal life and attitudes.

  • Skills related to EU Projects

    Our country with its accesion to the European Union in 2004 became eligble to use EU funds for its national developments. More than 7,8 billion Ft had already arrived in Hungary during 2007- 2013. The allocation and the use of EU funds represent a unique and never returning oppurtunity but also a great responsability for Hungary. While infrastructural projects (e.g roads, urban rehabilitation, fulfillment of derogation obligations) has dominated the 2004-2006 and 2007-2013 periods, the Széchenyi 2020 National Development Programme focuses mainly on economical development, 60% of the 8 200 billion Ft allocated EU funds will serve the cause of reviving and boosting the economic growth. Besides this, environmental protection, employement, innovation and the knowledge economy will represent also main focuses for the use of EU funds in Hungary. Where ever we look we see the the multitude of results of EU funded infrastructural, human, and research projects. In the 2014-2020 period even young professionals graduating from Szolnok College will be able to become potencial applicants for EU funds. During the course „Projects, from application to materialization” iniciated within the Bethlen István Specialized College
    students were able to get acquainted with the basics of project writing, project terminology and project management.

  • Incorporating Blended Learning in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

    As a result of the prevalent use of the Internet, teaching foreign languages can get a new perspective. This paper presents how teachers can incorporate the Internet in teaching English for specific purposes. First, a brief historical background of language learning methods is given, and then the focus shifts to a new
    language learning project applying blended learning at the University of Debrecen. The paper also shows how traditional classroom activities can be combined with online methods to make language learning more enjoyable.

  • Foreign language competencies and the job market: Employers' expectations and the (self-)assessment of language teaching and learning by students of the College of Szolnok

    Two of the most important objectives of the project "Improving foreign language training programmes at the College of Szolnok" are increasing the chances of newly graduated students on the job market through improved language teaching methods and achieving a better fulfilment of human resources needs of the multicultural job market brought about by national and international companies operating in the region. This study contrasts the results of research
    carried out among employers with regards to their foreign language expectations for graduates with surveys done among students of the College of Szolnok. In these surveys students evaluated their own foreign language knowledge as well as the standard of language teaching at the college and gave an insight into their experiences as far as language learning and their use of foreign languages are concerned.

  • Thoughts about the environmental flow – in terms of Dráva

    The importance of sustainability in today’s water management is unquestionable. Therefore, it is also recommended to apply the principle of sustainability in river management, such as it is the aim of the ongoing Ancient Dráva project. The term, environmental flow, intends to comprise a complex methodology not only from biophysical but also from a social angle; considering the different aspects of each method. Our target is to determine a possible holistic method which could be applied to the Dráva and its hungarian floodplain in oder to find a possible solution to the reconnection of the oxbow lakes into river mechanism. Our research is mainly based on hydrological data (Qmin, Qmax, Hmin, Hmax), but we will consider the special needs of the ecological environment, too.



    In the European Union, the population uses 26% of the energy. Due to the strategic goal of achieving climate neutrality and the crises of recent years, investment in the use of renewable energies has accelerated. In order to support this process, the Circular Economy Analysis Center of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) started the development of a so-called multidisciplinary smart map, which shows the possibilities of renewable energy sources that can be used locally, and the selection of the optimal energy production mix based on the location of residential buildings and buildings. The purpose of this article is to present the selection of test sites necessary for the development of the map, highlighting their geographical, meteorological, economic, and social characteristics. Based on the applied multi-criteria system, the selection of testing locations and tasks is a complex task. The investigations are summarized in five chapters. The first one describes the introductory thoughts related to the initiation and development of the project. The second deals with Hungarian residential energy consumption in the light of international data. The third presents the principles of smart map development and defines the criteria for testing locations. And the fourth one analyzes and presents the principles and possibilities of selecting locations. The fifth part summarizes the location selection process, describes the methodology of the applied analyzes and describes the results of the location selection. The described procedure can guide the examination of these factors in other international projects.

  • An economic study of a solar collector investment project with specific aspects of energy saving

    The energy saving properi es of an exisi ng solar collector investment has been assessed based on factual data and stai si cal methods. The seasonality of electricity, water and gas consumpi on has been determined. The number of guest nights, the electricity and gas consumpi on showed a strong and a moderate correlai on. The costs saved did not live up to the expectai ons, which makes the return indicators signifi cantly worse. The discrepancy may be due to the system being designed to be bigger than reasonable or the great energy loss as well. The lat er may be because of the distance between the collectors and the hot water containers. The system may have calibrai on problems as well. The whole area brings about saving an amount of energy that equals to HUF 851000, which translates into 8788 m3 of natural gas. The decrease of CO2 emission should come to 16.26 t. on an annual average.

  • Aviai on Safety Issues of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applicai on - Presentai on for the Results of Research Area

    Nowadays numbers of internai onal aviai onal- and flight safety organizaton and national authority conducts research concerning regulai ons of UAV operai ons, whose role is rising irreversibly, and concerning more safety operai ons of intelligent devices. The group of Hungarian aviai on professionals has been conduci ng research on this area, fi nanced by the funds European Union. In the ari cle the authors present the risks of aerial robots, and present the New Széchenyi
    Plan “Crii cal Infrastructure Proteci on Research TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0001”, and as a part of research the project for the regulai onal background of UAV applicai ons. Detailing the goals of research, theirs accoplishments and expected results for the future.


    Territorial determination of the tourism development areas is crucial for professionals responsible for destination management. The direct motives are (1) the available financial development funds, (2) the expansion of tourism supra- and infrastructure, (3) the evolvement of destination image, however induced factors can be (1) the involvement of ancillary services or (2) using single communication. Main concern of the tourism supply is to provide sufficient information to the potential travellers, although the question arises how demand is able to follow the iterative changing in determinations. The fact that a narrower area is periodically associated with a different tourism development area and thus has different communication generates a degree of uncertainty in the tourists’ travel decision. Current article introduces a section of a research project for the assessment of the awareness of current tourism development areas by tourists. After the clarification of concepts paper details the results of pilot testing which makes foundation for a large-sample market research. Findings are instructive not just in terms of measurement correction, but for further considerations.