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  • The Analysis of the Introducti on of Flavored Beers’ by Channel Management Tools

    Although in recent years there has been an innovati ve development in the market of fl avored beers Radlers are new products. That is why I have chosen this topic; there are only few studies on this subject. I would like to get to know the diff erent channel strategies and tools that are used in practi ce. In my research I interviewed a manager of one of the biggest companies and used quanti tati ve methodology to fi nd out the opinion of area managers.

  • Application of bioeffector soil inoculation method development in a pot experinment with tomato

    Fertilizers, pesticides, soil disinfectants and other agrochemicals enormously have increased the agricultural productivity recently. Beside the well-accepted positive yield-effects, however, the structural soil-degradation, acidification, decrease of soil life and soil health is also known. Alternative technologies are urgently needed to develop for the sustainable agri-, horti-, viti- and silvicultural productions. The beneficial microorganisms, used as biofertilizers, biopesticides and/or soil-vitality products can reduce those disorders; therefore their use is increasing simultaneously. Bioeffector (BE) products, containing vital strains of the beneficial microorganisms might improve the qualitative and quantitative properties of the plants. The effects of BE1 - Trichoderma harzianum T-22; BE2 - Pseudomonas sp.; BE3 - Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Rhizovital 42 F1 were tested in large-pot experiment of using tomato (var. Mobil) in 4 replicates. The BE-s were applied according to the instructions of the producers, in 1 step with the sewing. Before the emergence of the tomato seedlings the BE products was enhancing primarily the growth of the weeds, which is known to develop much faster, than the host. Among the tested bioeffectors, the BE 3, known to enhance P-uptake proved to be the most efficient, both as single and as combined inoculums. Result was comparable with the fertilizer (triple-superphosphate) addition. Study has shown, that the application of BE products might be accompanied more seriously with the used agricultural technology and the physiological properties of the living biofertilizer strains. A second inoculation after the seed emergence and/or the plantation could be highly suggested mainly with BE 3, which might mobilize the hardly available phosphorous in the soil.


    In every field of the economy, like housing, state regulations play an important role. The role of state regulations is shown by the Family Housing Allowance (CSOK) as a governmental influential tool, which means development for several families with a faster administration and with favourable terms. We used primary and secondary research as well to present our findings in this article. Our questionnaire-based survey primarily focuses on the examination of the acquaintance level of the CSOK among the Hungarian residents, the motivationial level to participate in the programme and the effects and the results of the CSOK.



    A jelenlegi koronavírus világjárvány bebizonyította, hogy mennyire sérülékeny az emberi populáció a fertőző betegségekkel szemben. Az emberiség történetében az egyik legrégebben jelenlévő, számos nagy járványért felelős vírus az influenza. Alapbetegségként is, illetve a hozzá társuló másodlagos fertőzések okán is az egyik legnagyobb fertőzésveszély-forrás, amely hosszú története során több millió ember haláláért felelős. Korábbi kutatásaim során sikerült bizonyítanom a beadott influenza elleni védőoltások és az influenza megbetegedések előfordulása közötti összefüggéseket. Jelen tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy a Magyarországon alkalmazott influenza elleni védőoltások milyen kapcsolatban vannak, illetve milyen hatást gyakorolnak az egészségügy egyéb területeire és ezáltal hogyan hatnak az életminőség alakulására. A felhasznált adatok egzakt statisztikai forrásokból származnak, a felhasználásukkal elvégzett számításokból levont következtetések pedig bizonyítják, hogy az influenza elleni átoltottság mértéke kimutathatóan pozitívan befolyásolja a különböző betegségtípusok előfordulásának gyakoriságát, illetve lefolyásának súlyosságát. Ezen kívül szignifikáns hatással bír a várható élettartam alakulására is.


    The current coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of the human population to infectious diseases. Influenza is one of the oldest viruses responsible for many major epidemics in human history. It is one of the greatest sources of risk of infection, both as a basic disease and as a result of secondary infections, which has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people throughout its long history. In my previous research, I have been able to demonstrate correlations between administered influenza vaccines and the incidence of influenza. The aim of the present study is to present the relationship between influenza vaccines used in Hungary and their impact on other areas of health care and thus on the development of quality of life. The data used are from exact statistical sources, and the conclusions drawn from the calculations performed using them prove that the degree of influenza vaccination has a demonstrably positive effect on the frequency and severity of different types of disease. It also has a significant effect on life expectancy.

  • The Typical Features of the Regional Specialization in Poultry-Farming in Hungary Today

    The territorial location issues of livestock in the European Union and also in our country have got into the focus over the past few years. There are different animal structures in the regions of our country and different animal species have become dominant. The location and the development of certain animal types are affected by a number of socio-economic factors (the history of breeding, ownership, labour and capital assets, etc.). In the case of the spatially differentiated species-structure we have to reckon with a variable profitability, human resources, technical standards, different risk factors and market opportunities in the different regions. The topicality of the research theme is enhanced by the fact that nowadays the spatial structure of animal production has become a key issue. That is why more and more research is needed in Hungary, primarily research studying and analysing the structural changes and principals of animal production (poultry production) in order to ensure that each region would have a rational and efficient breed-structure. In addition, it is expected in modern market economies that the various regions should specialize in animal species, for which they have the most favourable breeding conditions. In order to follow the poultry stock changes (spatial and structural) in the last decade, it was important to consider the spatial specialization of different species over time.

  • The Present and Future of e-Language Learning as Reflected in, the multilingual website for the Slovak language
    86 is described as an example for an online, multifunctional, free website teaching a small language. The website is multilingual and includes a forum, a media library, additionally facts about Slovakia and the language. Several terms have been suggested to describe online language tuition and e-learning, which is testimony to the vibrant development of the field. The most general term is e-learning, which refers to learning helped by electronic tools, especially via the Internet. Online language tuition consists of lessons designed to help achieve a specific level of competence. Although nowadays many language-learning tools are available on the Internet, according to a survey I conducted only around half of the people asked are using or have used them before. Saving money and time is given as the main reasons for e-learning. Online tuition can be successful and efficient if it is offered for free or low-priced but in good quality.

  • HELP! What should i do? -the lack of financial knowledge in hungarian households

    Financial planning, the propensity to save and self-caring habits effect not only the households' financial management, but they effect the economical, political, social and cultural situation of the whole country. The intellectual skills of hungarians are undeveloped, which stems from the lack of financial literacy of individuals. More and more people realize the need for economic and financial knowledge since the 2008 economic crisis, and that the development of financial culture is essential. In our research we examined, how the financial awareness and the willingness to save of individuals and households can be influenced.

  • The Analysis of Four Star Wellness Hotels’ Websites in Gyula

    Nowadays people have been browsing the websites of accommodati ons before travelling to gather more informati on. A good website can be a good source of informati on and a good adverti sing tool if it is well-structured and easily understandable. That is the reason why resorts need to concentrate not only on their services but also on their own websites. My research study has two disti ncti ve parts. In the fi rst part I introduce the fi ndings of my questi onnaire-based survey focusing on the use of hotel websites by guests. Then in the second part I analyze and classify the websites of the four hotels in questi on. I also assess the
    structure and the content of hotel websites; and fi nd out possibiliti es for their development and improvement.

  • Credit papers in Hungary. An overview

    The study focuses on the credit paper market’s revival and its development after the change in the political system. The bond appeared as early as the beginning of the 80s in the years of socialism. Its basic mission was to rearrange the household savings, making them available for the corporate and municipal sphere. These investments were basically risk-free. The change in the political system reshaped this market fundamentally. The government papers became dominant and, in addition to bonds, treasury bills entered the market. Its main function, even today, is to finance the budget and pay the instalments and interests in relation with the already accumulated debts. In 2010 perhaps a new age started: two corporate bonds entered the market. Both of the two corporations have realised another issue since then and they seem to have followers as well. The economic slowdown and the low rate of bank crediting may help to boost this market.

  • The Labour Market Study of Women Participating in Adult Education in Miskolc

    In our study we would like to present the effect of adult education on the situation of women in the labour market in the subregion of Miskolc. During our research we developed several hypotheses that we proved by analysing the literature, by statistical data, and a questionnaire on this subject. Women over the age of 18, who are economically active and are living in the subregion of Miskolc were selected for the research. Altogether 200 people completed the questionnaire. We used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and Microsoft Excel 2007 software to examine the data. The aim of our research was to prove that regarding the inhabitants of the subregion of Miskolc adult education is not effective enough to change the situation of women in the labour market. The results of the questionnaire showed the interest in adult education, but supply does not meet demand, since the state either does not support the education or the unemployed or the job-seeker cannot find a suitable education that would match her qualifications. We would like to recommend solutions for the development of this area, for the decrease of unemployment, for the improvement of the situation of women in the labour market and for increasing the efficiency of adult education.


    There is an old advertising slogan: ‘Insurance is security’. This is a watertight establishment both from an economic-philosophical and an insurance-theoretical view. Those who strive for security, insure themselves. The mountaineer acts this way if he or she takes a security rope with himself or herself or the acrobat who has a security net stretched under himself or herself before his or her ‘death leap’. The businessman does the same who insures not only his dangerous deals but also his seemingly safe transactions to the necessary degree. He strives for security, he is fully aware that he has to manage risk; his civilization in this field leads him to the culture of insurance and security, so much so that nowadays the need for security has been associated with every success-oriented economic and financial transaction. The study gives a historical account of the development of insurance and security and the culture of security from ancient times to the present complemented with the corporate circle, with the central problems of health insurance.


    In recent years, the number of investigations related to healthy lifestyles, health and behavioral aspects of the listed topics are continuously growing. These research activities also analyze the links and the impacts of these topics on the everyday life. This article seeks to answer the very broad question of how to increase prosperity and living standards in rural areas. Placing the topic in the rural aspect is of special social significance, as the rural area represents a significant share not only in the EU, but also in Hungary.

  • The improvement of speaking skills at pilot courses at the College of Szolnok in the light of the findings of our labour market survey

    The research conducted by the College of Szolnok in 2013 on the language requirements of the labour market revealed that what employers mostly find lacking in careerstarters is the confident and proficient use of foreign languages. On the basis of the research findings the subjects taught at the College have been developed in a practiceoriented direction. In our lecture we elaborate on the possibilities of improving the communicative competence at our pilot courses. We give a survey of the phases of the improvement of speaking skills, the most important condition of the communication process. We present the task types characterising the various phases of the development process, the strategies of teaching vocabulary using some German examples taken from some textbook series (Alltag, Beruf & Co.) used at the pilot courses.


    Technical and economic professionals have to expect serious challenges if they want to take the insurance of the sustainable development of the natural environment into co nsideration. Apart from the professional difficulties they especially have to prepare for the fact that mainly the proponents of ecology make their work difficult. They have to hold their ground in the field of force where the politicians of green organiza tions and the environmental science are dead set
    against each other. Further on we do not intend to get entangled in this incoherent system of relations. We would rather look into its ethical connections and the history of its origin.

  • Determination of three small streams’ chemical water quality in Budapest

    The location and development of cities has been influenced basically by various environmental factors. However, the relationship is bilateral, because not only the environment can affect the city, but the city can affect the environment in different ways, depending on recovery. This is especially true in the case of large cities such as Budapest where the different geological, geomorphological, hydrological, soil and bio-geographical conditions can be changed in very small areas, which implies that land use can be also modified as well. The aim of our study was to determine the chemical water quality of three small streams in Budapest which have same water flow and compare the field and the laboratory test results. Between many natural characteristics of these streams similarity is evident, however, several differences were found between the watersheds in terms of human land use. Statistical data analysis was performed as well, which was the aim to explore the relationship between the parameters. Overall, according to our study it can be concluded, the small streams have similar water chemical properties, but some parameters need special attention in the future, because the investigated small streams can be categorized into polluted and sometimes heavily polluted category.

  • SWOT analysis on management information system of University of Debrecen

    In 2009, an SAP-based management information system (MIS) has been implemented at University of Debrecen (UD). After the introduction of the system, in 2014, MIS Centre – the organisation responsible for operation – has been established. The MIS of UD operates functionally, however, it has wider range of uses and the opportunities offered by the system have not yet been fully exploited. In our paper, SWOT analysis was used to present the currently unused functions of MIS and based on the results, we propose suggestion for development.

  • Opportunities and preconditions of foreign language-taught study programs With a special focus on small Hungarian colleges

    In many countries of the world and also in Hungary many higher education institutions develop international – mainly English-taught – study programmes. Such programmes offer many benefits for the institutions and their management, their faculty, their students and their administrative staff. One is a stable and increasing income that improves the HEI’s financial stability, the stability of the institution itself and the security of jobs. Many of the benefits origin from
    internationalisation. Standards and requirements are high on the international education market, the HIEs have to develop a premium education. This requires an adequate organisational framework, high-quality infrastructure and all participants must be trained. Meeting the challenge offers development opportunities and ensures high quality for all participants. Small countryside colleges in Hungary cannot increase the number of their students domestically, the only way out is international education. 


    In this paper I look back to the main stations of Pál Makó’s life, born in Jászapáti in the century before the Bolyais, and I recognize his achievements on the 295th anniversary of his birth. The years spent in the Theresianum in Vienna, where mathematics and experimental physics were ordinary and as an extraordinary teacher of mechanics, are an outstanding stage in his work. He has written numerous European-level textbooks in mathematics, logic, physics, philosophy, and other disciplines. His European-level textbooks have founded that the development of natural sciences in Hungary in the second half of the 18th century could
    catch up with more developed regions of Europe. 

  • Memory techniques in language teaching

    The goal of the present study is to explore the types and development potentials of memory techniques in the group of direct learning strategies, based on Oxford’s taxonomy. The actuality of the research topic is underlined by two various background studies on whether students use learning strategies; if yes, what kind. The first study was carried out at the Medical Faculty of Debrecen, while the other one at the Agricultural and Food Sciences one, and the findings were
    compared. Our results suggest that students use very few strategies, especially hardly any direct ones to learn words. This fact draws our attention to the  significance of memory techniques in language learning to make the process easier and more enjoyable.


    The revenue-generating capacity of spectator team sports, especially European football, has developed significantly in recent decades. Europe's top teams, more than 700 clubs from 55 countries, have managed to generate annual revenues of more than €20 billion over the last 4 years. A significant part of European club football revenues comes from the Big 5 leagues. Of the 98 teams in the English, Spanish, German, Italian and French leagues, the top 20 clubs play a dominant role in generating revenues, accounting for 40% of total European revenues. Looking at the revenue structures, the most important sources of revenue are broadcast revenues and commercial and sponsorship revenues. Total revenues for European club football increased significantly in the pre-COVID period, averaging over 7% per year, but have slowed down significantly following the impact of COVID. The Polish league has experienced a significant decline, while the Hungarian league has seen a significant improvement in the period under review between 2017-2020, both in terms of aggregate revenues and average revenues per team. In my research, I present the development and distribution of the revenues of the Big 5, Hungarian and Polish leagues for the period 2017-2020.

  • The Features of the Development of Rural Tourism in Russia

    Rural tourism in Russia is determined by established traditions, the peculiarities of the agricultural sector and share of rural population in total population.
    The National Association of rural tourism organizations has been created in Russia. Rural tourism clusters have also been created as a basis for developing infrastructure. The government supports the projects of small and medium-sized businesses with subsidies and preferential loans with the creation of a tourism cluster. However, the problem of information security, the standardization of the service and the evaluation of service quality in rural tourism, transport accessibility, training of qualified personnel have not been solved yet.

  • The significane of environmental taxes used for mitigating the environment harmful impacts of road transportation

    Logistics is one of the most important economic sectors of the European Union, with nearly 1.134 million companies engaged in the field of transportation in the EU. The global logistics market is expected to show further expansion in the forthcoming years. On the other side stands global warning which is one of the greatest problems for the time being. The European Commission has announced a cross-sectoral investment programme worth more than 10 billion euros (nearly 3,200 billion Hungarian forints) for the planning, development and implementation of low carbon dioxide-emitting technologies to improve Europe’s global competitiveness. The common data base of OECD and the European Environment Agency (EEA) currently lists 375 environmental taxes and approximately 250 environmental fees or charges in the OECD countries. Among the EU member states, Sweden, for example, introduced a tax system which includes the essential elements of eco-tax more than 10 years ago. Hungary has several of such tax types, such as the excise tax on fuel, the energy tax, the energy suppliers’ income tax or the vehicle tax.


    The quickly increasing of economic and social inequalities are the most prominent territorial process. Economic disparities between the regions of the European Union are of constant concern both for policy and economic research. Romania is one of the European Union countries within regional inequality is high. The purpose of the study is to present the evolution of the economic and income disparities in the romanian regions by examining the period of 2014-2018.