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  • Fejlődésértelmezések: a latin-amerikai és kelet-ázsiai fejlődés államközpontú értelmezése

    A tanulmány a huszadik század második felének latin-amerikai és kelet-ázsiai gazdaságfejlődését elemezve felhívja a figyelmet az állami szerepvállalás jelentőségére a gazdasági fejlődés előmozdításában.
    A fejlesztő államon alapuló kelet-ázsiai modell sikere és a latin-amerikai fejlődés kudarcai egyaránt arra utalnak, hogy a világgazdasági felzárkózás egyik legfontosabb feltétele egy megfelelő bürokratikus képességekkel és integritással rendelkező államapparátus jelenléte. Ugyanakkor a fejlesztő állam által alkalmazott intervencionista gazdaságpolitikára ma már nem csak a külső adottságok megváltozása miatt nincs mód, hanem a fejlődés sajátos dinamikája miatt sem: az egyik leglátványosabb fejlesztéspolitikai sikert elérő Dél-Koreában az önálló világpiaci szereplővé vált óriásvállalatok függetlenedési törekvései és a liberális demokrácia növekvő társadalmi támogatottsága egyaránt hozzájárultak a fejlesztő állam hagyományos intézményrendszerének lebomlásához. A gazdasági fejlődés előmozdításában azonban – különösen a technológiai fejlődés, a foglalkoztatásbővítés és az esélykiegyenlítés területén – ma is nélkülözhetetlen szerepet játszik az állami gazdaságkoordináció.

    JEL-kód: B14, B15, E61, F02, H11

  • Classical liberalism, democracy, and economic growth: a hypothesis about the Lipset hypothesis

    Does economic growth create democracy, as suggested by the proposition known as the Lipset hypothesis? According to this paper, for the Lipset hypothesis to be valid, it is sufficient for an ideological and a technological condition to be fulfilled. The ideological condition is that the political agenda-setting ideology should be classical liberalism, which can be characterised as combining an aversion towards democracy with a positive assessment of economic and civil liberties. The technological condition is that the country in question should be advanced enough in the technological sense, because in such a country there is no economic growth without innovation maintained by a free market for ideas. Logit regressions run with panel data show that in the period up until the early 20th century a higher per capita income increases the probability of a democratic regime change, but afterwards it does not. The explanation is that before the early 20th century the two conditions were met, but they were not met in those countries that were about to become democratic after the first two decades of the 20th century.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: D70, O11, O43

  • From mud-hut to microprocessors: The unified growth theory

    The Unified Growth Theory attempts to explain economic growth in the long run within a single framework. Accordingly, it is expected that a successful unified theory is capable of modeling the transition among different economic regimes. In this study, after identifying the main features of the three growth regimes (Mathusian, post-Malthusian and sustained economic growth), we review two typical unified growth theories. While the Hansen-Prescott model seeks to explain how the transition occurred, the Galor-Weil model focuses on the causes and interrelatedness of the observed phenomena.

    JEL classification: N10, O41

  • Ecological marketing strategy and futurology

    For both branches of futurology - prognostics and the creation of a picture of the future - the natural environment is an important element. Both economics and environmental economics try to influence the actions of economic actors by painting alarming or attractive pictures of future developments. The concept of sustainable development attempts to achieve the realization of those concepts which harmonize present and future economic, environmental and social interests. To this end a preventive environmental policy is necessary, as is the introduction of a value system in which in the course of economic decisions, environmental interests are accorded at least equal status with economic interests. Among the various concepts, eco-marketing is an appropriate method of harmonizing the often contradictory goals and interests of companies. The first part of the study deals with the relationship between research into the future and the environment, the second introduces the concept of eco-marketing, and systematizes ecological marketing strategies.

  • Political leadership and economic growth: Do the leaders matter? A vezető személye számít?

    The paper analyses the role political leadership plays in economic growth by reviewing the literature that argues for, or presents evidence on, the proposition that leadership and the leader him/herself are crucial factors in economic growth. The article considers institutional economics as a starting point, a field which, so far, has paid little attention to the role of individuals and only focuses on the significance of institutions. The institutional theory of economic development has been criticized for using endogenous indicators and for only emphasising political output. However, political leaders are also able to make good and efficient economic policies. That is the reason leaders do matter

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification: B3, O4, P48

  • Empirical analysis in the context of economic, technological and institutional development: the distinction between innovator and imitator countries

    The driving force of economic growth is technological progress, which can be realized in two ways at the aggregate level. On the one hand, it can be a result of independent research and development, i.e. it can be realized in an innovation-driven manner. Alternatively, it can be the result of an adaptation from other countries, i.e. through imitation, which is a strategy that many countries employ successfully today. In both cases, it is the institutions, including both their formal and informal elements, which create the opportunity for technological progress. The aim of this study is to differentiate between the innovator and the imitator countries in order to highlight the differences in their institutions. The classification is done by a cluster analysis of countries, which is performed with the help of a technological and institutional environment index constructed by a principal-component analysis. The analysis confirms that economic, technological and institutional development are closely linked in the countries studied.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: O31, O33, O43

  • The Complexity of Technological Progress: Empirical evidence in the European Union

    The author examines the role of institutions in technological change on the basis of an understanding of the macroeconomic context of technological progress. The empirical study aims to demonstrate the macroeconomic relationship between economic growth, technological progress and institutions, using data from the member states of the European Union. This paper constructs a statistical model which accommodates the complexity of technological progress and contributes to the analysis of its different aspects. It concludes that the elements of the technological environment and an emphasis on the protection of property rights play an essential role in understanding the effects of technological progress on economic growth.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: O11, O34, O43

  • Az infokommunikációs hullám sajátosságai

    A közgazdaságtudományban időről időre fellángolnak a gazdasági ciklusok természetéről és okairól szóló viták. Egyesek szerint a ciklusok innovációs hullámoknak tekinthetők.A technikai fejlődés revolúciós szakaszai "rendszerváltást" idéznek elő, kisugárzó hatásuk átalakítja a gazdaság és  a társadalom számos fontos összetevőjét. A cikk modern információs technológia fejlődését vizsgálja a technikai innovációra épülő cikluselmélet tükrében. Arra a kérdésre keres választ, hogy mennyire felel meg az információs csúcstechnológia eddigi története a technikai innovációt középpontba helyező ciklusmodellnek, megtalálhatók-e benne a jellegzetes fejlődési szakaszok, mennyiben hasonlít az IT ciklus a korábbi hullámokra, előidézett-e a fenti értelemben vett "rendszerváltást". A kérdés vizsgálatánál a szerző megkülönböztetett figyelmet szentel a vállalatvezetésnek. Legfontosabb megállapítása az, hogy az információs technológia fejlődése valóban hullámot gerjesztett a gazdaságban és a társadalomban, ami sok tekintettben hasonlít a korábbiakra, de egyes pontokon el is tér azoktól. Kitér arra is, hogy ha valóban beszélhetünk informatikai ciklusról, akkor hol tartunk benne most, és milyenek a kilátások.


  • Competitive adavntages: Theory and corporate practice

    The competitive advantage achieved by a company basically influences its profitability and market position. The article shows that in addition to this the evaluation has many other criteria, and the management must consider these when defining competitive adavantage. The study explains that as a result of the acceleration of technological and economic development, the globalization of economic processes, and the evaluation of networks of interdepedence, the management have to face new types of competitive advantage. To choose between these the management has to consider competitive vulnerability. Following this the article attempts to summarize the basic law of the theory of competitive advantage, before introducing the most important management techniques for the selection of competitive advantage. Finally, the study emphasizes that the key factor in  achieving a competitive edge and the success of different management techniques is the CEO, and through the model of the "CEO's personality pyramid" it explains the requirements that the manager has to meet.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: O30, O32

  • Exploring the awareness of platform-based, demand-driven businesses in Hungary and Romania

    Platform-based, demand-driven business models, known as the sharing economy, emerged in the United States in 2008. Their emergence has been made possible by digital development, and their impact can be seen in both economic and social life, in the globalised nature of cooperation models. Since 2016, the European Commission has conducted three surveys on using the sharing economy in the EU Member States. Based on the 2018 survey, this study analyses Hungary's and Romania's relationship with the sharing economy. The survey results show that awareness of the SE is increasing, especially on the consumer side. However, a decreasing trend is observed on the service side. Demographic factors (age, gender, employment status) significantly influence the willingness to provide and use services. Respondents in the two countries are not homogeneous and have different perceptions of the opportunities and threats of the sharing economy.

  • Tegnap, ma, holnap: a vállalati tevékenységek kiszervezésének trendjei

    A tevékenységek kiszervezése, illetve annak nemzetközi változata, az úgynevezett offshore outsourcing napjaink gazdaságának egyik legfontosabb jelensége. A termelés kihelyezése olcsó országokba már évtizedekkel ezelőtt megindult. Az infokommunikácós technológia fejlődésének köszönhetően a múlt század kilencvenes éveiben az egyéb, többnyire szolgáltatás jellegű vállalati tevékenységek is sorra kerültek. A near-shoring és az off-shoring hatalmas, dinamikusan fejlődő iparággá vált, ami különleges lehetőségeket biztosít számos feltörekvő országnak. A szektorban élénk verseny bontakozott ki, aminek részese hazánk is. Ebben a küzdelemben sajátos ország- és vállalati stratégiák figyelhetők meg. A fejlődés számos gazdasági, politikai és társadalmi problémát vet fel, amelyekre megoldást kell keresniük mindazoknak, akik élni kívánnak a lehetőségekkel.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: L24.

  • The Effect of Globalization on the Transmission of Monetary Policy

    Investigating how globalization and the new technological environment which drives and supports the integration process affect the monetary transmission mechanism, I find that the transmission mechanism is affected at every step, in a way which makes this complex linkage between economy and monetary policy even more unpredictable, strengthening the interest rate and wealth affects but weakening the credit channel and the exchange rate channel, if foreign exchange rate loans or carry trades are significant.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Code: E44, E52, F42

  • The formation and development of employment law in the context of socio-economic processes

    The study explores the formation and development of the institutional system of employment law, in connection with socio-economic demands and economic, technical and technological developments. It demonstrates what factors play a role in the fact that the vast majority of companies, and the paternalistic working relationships that form within them, have been replaced by the patterns of big business and big business hierarchical culture. The study shows how the characteristic employment law framework of classical capitalism, which was emplyer-friendly and placed anti-social pressure on the interests of the employee, gave way to the philosophy of the social market and was influenced by the employee-friendly concepts of the welfare state. The article further analyses those social factors which in today's employment law system have once again started to subordinate the interests of the employee to those of the employer.

  • A kulturális és kreatív iparágak a világ legfrekventáltabb régióiban

    This study touches on and organises the definition of the creative industry, creativity and the differences in terminologies used within the creative economy. These help to form and idea of which areas different countries or regions consider dominant from the developmet point of view. Beyond this, the study describes the attempts to map out the conceptual system of the creative economy and its statistical measurement. It therefore examines the statistical, economical and social characteristics of the creative industries, in accordance with the Europe 2020 Strategy and other professional documents. It aims to provide a comparative analysis of different regions' creative industries. Lastly, regarding to Hungary, it defines future tasks.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: Z1