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  • Role of the organizational factors in the success of Hungarian SMEs

    This paper analyses the success of the Hungarian SME sector from the aspect of competitiveness, innovation, organizational background and the role of the leader/owner. The author summarizes the organizational innovation specialties of the SMEs based on four empirical researches and own case-study. The conclusion is the organizational innovation characteristically fades into the background of SME operation, development purposes and strategy. The role of the firm owner-leader is essential in these topics. Meanwhile the inflexibility of the organization, loyalty of the employees, labor market disadvantages, the knowledge level and competency of the human resources, its effect on the efficiency are often limit the expansion. These factors have significant influence on the success and competitiveness of the company. Therefore, the paper analyses the organizational innovation and background according to the company success, and the leader-based decision-making procedures, and processes, and evaluates the results of secondary research based on these. The novelty of the empirical research method is the search for GAPs between the leader and the organization and their correlation with success and attitude towards innovation.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: M14

  • The development of companies producing alternative protein end-products

    Excessive consumption of animal-based protein has led to a significant negative impact on the environment and human health. Companies producing alternative protein end-products aim to produce substitute products that are similar to conventional animal-based products with less environmental impact. In this research, 955 alternative protein companies were analyzed using descriptive methods. The results revealed a significant increase in the number of companies after 2015, indicating high industry potential and an increasing global focus on sustainability. Plant-based products dominated the production structure because they were more appealing to consumers and may reach price parity sooner. Current food systems are unsustainable. Thus, although some factors still hinder the market uptake of alternative proteins, a shift towards a more sustainable food system is inevitable in the future.

  • A modern osztrák közgazdaságtan „modernitása” : (Peter. J. Boettke – Christopher J. Coyne: The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 816 oldal)

    Peter J. Boettke és egykori tanítványa, Christopher J. Coyne a kortárs modern osztrák közgazdaságtan legmeghatározóbb kutatói közé tartoznak. Az általuk szerkesztett kötet, a The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics nagyon impresszív vállalkozás, amely a kézikönyvek szokásos terjedelmét felülről feszítve gyűjti egybe a kortárs modern osztrák közgazdaságtan „témáit”. A szerzők nyilvánvaló célja ugyanis a modern osztrák közgazdaságtan által kutatott problémakörök tematikai felvonultatása.

  • The institutional background of factoring

    The article examines the Hungarian financial institution system from the point of view of factoring. In the interest of clarifying concepts, the article compares the judicial and economic use of the concept, introduces the intermediary system, the banking system, and the financial institution system. It outlines the contradictions in institutional regulations relating to factoring and the history of the development of regulation in the financial sector in Hungary from the 1970 to the present. Besides presenting the deficiences in the regulatory system, the article suggests several alternative modifications to the Law, thus highlighting the significance of factoring. In this analysis the author deals with both international and national practices, which can both be used as a basis for future legal regulations, providing answres to the questions raised in the article concerning the institutional structure.

  • Interculturalism and economy

    A piaci stratégia és a kultúra összehangolása a vállalat hosszú távú stabilitásának egyik legfontosabb humánpolitikai eszköze. Különösen fontos a kultúra szerepe az olyan nagy jelentőségű szervezeti változások időszakában, mint a piaci stratégiaváltás, az üzleti folyamatok átszervezése, multinacionális cégek helyi vezetési és működési gyakorlatának kialakítása, vállalatok összeolvadása, felvásárlása. A cikk azt mutatja
    be, hogy a vállalkozás kezdeti, kritikus korszakában a vállalati kultúra ellentétes lehet a környezet igényeivel és a befogadó országokból származó tagok értékrendjével és normáival. A kialakuló vállalati kultúra
    inkább tükrözi a nemzetközi vállalat komplexitását, mint a befogadó környezetet: a kultúrák ütközése komoly akadályt gördíthet egy-egy vállalat fejlődésének útjába.

  • Regulatory Coherence and Economic Growth

    The paper is aimed at examining differences in market regulation across countries. Its starting point is the puzzle that poor countries apply more regulatory measures than rich ones do, although it has been empirically shown that those countries that regulate less grow faster. To explain this contradiction, the paper introduces the concept of regulatory coherence, and tries to explain the differences in this concept, together with the differences in the general level of regulation. The main argument is that regulatory coherence as well as the general level of regulation is dependent on the external, broad institutional system, because this affects the incentives of the regulators. The paper tries to support this theiretical argument empirically by a cluster analysis.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: B53, M13, L51

  • The Marketing Concept, Market Orientation and Marketing Competencies: How are they Adopted in Small and Medium-sized Firms?

    The aim of this paper is to review the literature dealing with the marketing concept, its implementation, i.e., market orientation, marketing competencies and their effects on performance with special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). A large number of studies have shown that, on the one hand, the lack of a conceptual marketing approach is one of the most serious problems owner-managers face in business operations and, on the other hand, marketing is recognised as one of the most important business activities essential to the survival and growth of the enterprise. According to the literature,
    the adoption of the marketing concept/market orientation in SME-s is limited, due to limited resources in finance, time and marketing competencies.

    JEL classification: L26, M14, M31

  • The Success and Motivation of Academic Entrepreneurs in Hungary

    This paper presents the results of an empirical study of 80 academic entrepreneurs in Hungary. It aims at analysing the relationship between the motivations for starting a firm and entrepreneurial success. The motivations studied are the prospects of higher income, the need for achievement, the need for independence and the benefits related to research. Success is examined from both objective and subjective perspectives. The indicators of objective success are the firm’s revenue, the change in the revenue, the number of employees and firm age. Subjective success refers to the academic entrepreneur’s self-evaluation. According to the findings, the strongest motivation for starting a spin-off firm is financial necessity, i.e. a dissatisfaction with the university salary. Except for financial need, all the motivations included in the study have a significant relationship with subjective success, but a weaker or no relationship with objective success. Research-related benefits, such as moving the research towards development, is a key entrepreneurial motive in the academic sector, as it is positively associated with subjective success, the revenue of the spin-off venture and its growth.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classifications: L26, I23, O32