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  • The option value of education

    Within the theoretical frameworks of standard human capital theory countless analyses have been carried out into investment decisions, in which the examination of the uncertainty of the costs and benefits of education were mostly disregarded and an assessment of the option opportunities was often omitted. In this essay we tried to review one of the extension opportunities of the theory of standard human capital and the option approach of human capital investment. We looked for an answer to the question of what kind of models have been developed for the interpretation of education as an option and for the determination of the option value of the investment. In the study we have highlighted the fact that a decrease in uncertainty in human capital investment is as good an incentive for investing in more education as the public subsidization of education.

    JEL classification: C6, D8, I2, J2

  • Oktatási jelzés és szűrés a munkaerőpiacon – az empirikus vizsgálatok tanulságai

    Az oktatás jelző/szűrő hipotézise szerint az oktatási intézmények munkaerő-piaci funkciója nem csupán a tanulóik, hallgatóik munkavégző képességének (termelékenységének) növelése lehet, de mérhetik és jelezhetik is azt a munkaadók felé. A közgazdaságtan empirikus irodalmában az 1970-es évek óta
    születnek újabb és újabb kísérletek ezen információs funkció igazolására, mérésére, mindeddig érdemi eredmény nélkül. Jelen tanulmány az oktatás, képzés munkaerő-piaci jelző/szűrő modelljeit és ezek empirikus irodalmát elemzi, mely során arra keresi a választ milyen okok állhatnak a tesztelési kísérletek
    sorozatos kudarcai mögött. Legfőbb megállapítása szerint a méréseknek vissza kell térniük az elméleti modellekhez, mert túlzottan elszakadtak azoktól és az oktatás vállalati hasznosulásának vizsgálatára kell koncentrálniuk.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: I21, J21

  • Az oktatás költségei és finanszírozása

    A tanulmány az oktatás-gazdaságtan néhány alapfogalom – az oktatás gazdaságosságának, eredményességének és hatékonyságának – definiálása után áttekinti a legfontosabb aktorok motivációit az oktatás
    finanszírozását illetően, azaz, hogy miért fizeti az oktatást az egyén, a munkaadó, az állam, és a fenntartók. Ezt követően bemutatja az oktatási kiadások forrásszerkezetét és néhány jellemzőjét nemzetközi
    összehasonlításban. Az írás fő része az oktatás finanszírozás módszereinek áttekintése után a hazai oktatási rendszer legfontosabb alrendszereinek, a közoktatásnak, a felsőoktatásnak és a felnőttképzésnek a finanszírozási jellemzőit mutatja be.

  • Methodological challanges of digitalization in business education: Digitalization in business education

    University education has to persevere in the 21st century in a changing environment. The knowledge that is to be obtained seems to increase with the advancement of technology. The development of science and the changing needs of the job market demand continuous development and more efficient university curricula. This article investigates the effect of technology on education efficiency; it describes and evaluates several teaching approaches. The conclusions tend to turn towards the direction that although obtaining information became considerably easier than even ten years ago, knowledge still has to be learned the same way as before. The neurobiological process of learning is the same as a hundred years ago.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A20, A22, A23

  • Quality in education

    The aim of this paper is to study the basic questions of the quality of education from the perspective of the economics of education. In the introduction we review the fundamental concepts of quality; then we analyze the quality level of hungarian education through the results reported in international comparative studies such as PISA and IALS. We try to find the reasons for the weak performance of domestic education in these studies. After this we review the quality rating and other quality indicators of educational institutes, which are widely available to the public. And finally we try to discover the employers' quality requirements of the higher education system through an empirical study.

  • Eastern-European education and economy

    The main reason for the inability of the Eastern-European region to catch up economically is thought by many to be the fact that for a decisive period the state curtailed the incentive power of private property. The harmful effect of this was aggravated by the arms race. Contrary to this, this paper claims that the main reason is the underdevelopmnet of the population's knowledge base. The direct factor in this is the mistaken education policy, which because of the emphasis on quaility in schooling, imparted a low and weak knowledge base to the growing generation. The author claims that without a general and radical reform of education the eastern European region and Hungary as well, will lag behind in international competition.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL): I21, I28, O15

  • Is the strategic thinking characteristic of SMEs in the North Hungarian Region? – experiences of a survey

    Regional differences can be observed in the economic importance of small and medium sized enterprises. The research covers the small and medium enterprises within the North Hungarian Region, based on a questionnaire carried out in the autumn of 2011. We examine the existence of a conscious strategic vision of the future and their innovative capability. The low economic activity, the low proportion of industrial enterprises, which is below the national average, and low professional skills are typical of the region. Those managers who have a conscious strategy reported above average profitability. We revealed a correlation between the depth of strategy knowledge and the existence of a formalized strategy, paying attention to the role of education and skills. The knowledge and the acceptance of innovational cooperation opportunities (innovational nets) are at a low-level in the region. Besides strategic thinking, one key element for strengthening the sector is continuous renewal, innovation, observing best practice, and imitating it.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D220

  • Talent management in education: the war for talent

    The study analyses how J. Harsányi College became inoperable. J. Harsányi College is an organization that supports young talent at the Economics faculty of J. Selye University. The main object of the research is to help the relaunch of the organization and to raise the interest of the students in work and in the activity of the College. The research ask questions concerning studying, and how to improve the motivation and awareness of students. The author describes the theoretical background of talent management in the first part of the study, and then introduces her proposals on the basis of primary research.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: A29, M12