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  • Talent management in education: the war for talent

    The study analyses how J. Harsányi College became inoperable. J. Harsányi College is an organization that supports young talent at the Economics faculty of J. Selye University. The main object of the research is to help the relaunch of the organization and to raise the interest of the students in work and in the activity of the College. The research ask questions concerning studying, and how to improve the motivation and awareness of students. The author describes the theoretical background of talent management in the first part of the study, and then introduces her proposals on the basis of primary research.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: A29, M12

  • Is the strategic thinking characteristic of SMEs in the North Hungarian Region? – experiences of a survey

    Regional differences can be observed in the economic importance of small and medium sized enterprises. The research covers the small and medium enterprises within the North Hungarian Region, based on a questionnaire carried out in the autumn of 2011. We examine the existence of a conscious strategic vision of the future and their innovative capability. The low economic activity, the low proportion of industrial enterprises, which is below the national average, and low professional skills are typical of the region. Those managers who have a conscious strategy reported above average profitability. We revealed a correlation between the depth of strategy knowledge and the existence of a formalized strategy, paying attention to the role of education and skills. The knowledge and the acceptance of innovational cooperation opportunities (innovational nets) are at a low-level in the region. Besides strategic thinking, one key element for strengthening the sector is continuous renewal, innovation, observing best practice, and imitating it.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: D220

  • Business Ethics and Ethics Education in American Business Programs

    This essay presents an overview of what American business programs cover in their curricula regarding ethics and the reasons behind teaching ethics-related material to business students. Topics for the paper
    include; requirements for having ethics in the curricula, broad perspectives of what constitutes ethical business practices, and the difference between professional ethics and business ethics.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: M14, A20

  • The Comparative Analysis of the Cultural Financing Models of France and Hungary

    Both France and Hungary use the so called coordinated cultural financing model, in which the active role of the state is decisive. However, instead of producing a similar model, the level of the cultural sector value added to GDP in the two countries is different. The article’s aim is to answer this puzzle. The focus is on the role of institutions and state subsidy. The analysis tries to understand whether direct state subsidy plays a decisive role in the economic performance of the cultural sector. The analysis also shows whether the harmony of formal and informal institutions have a positive effect on the economic growth of the cultural sector. The assumption is that the size of direct government subsidy cannot increase economic growth. If the formal and informal institutions are in harmony, and if there is a long-run cultural policy strategy in a country, the cultural sector value added to GDP is higher.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: Z10, Z11

  • The Consistency of Charitable Behaviour and Its Fund Raising Implications

    This paper tries to take an initial step toward a deeper understanding of the differences and similarities between corporate, individual and 1% philanthropy. Though both corporate and individual giving have
    a huge international literature (e.g. Adam 2004; Archambault & Boumendi 1998; Burlingame 1997, 2001; Halfpenny 1999; Schervish & Haven, 1997; Wang & Graddy 2008; Zamagni,1995) and 1% philanthropy is also discussed by several, mainly Eastern European authors (e.g. Bódi 2001; Chano 2008; Gerencsér & Oprics 2007; Török & Moss 2004; Vajda & Kuti 2002), the connections between these different kinds of philanthropic activities have not yet been scrutinized. Correspondingly, very little attention has been paid to the issues of how third sector organizations could develop an efficient ‘fund raising mix’; how they should combine their efforts to solicit contributions from different kinds of donors. In order to answer these questions, the author takes an interdisciplinary approach; she uses several different types of analytical and statistical methods. The statistical analysis of the donors’ motivation is based on the results of three empirical surveys of individual giving, 1% philanthropy and corporate donations which were carried out in Hungary over the last couple of years. The third sector organizations’ fund raising behaviour is analyzed using both official statistical data (KSH 1998–2008) and information gathered through interviews (Laki & Szalai 2004; T. Puskás 2006) and case studies (Kotler & Lee 2007; Török 2005b).

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) code: D64, M14, L31

  • Presentation of economic and socio-cultural impact analyses of the Opera festival of Miskolc

    The article presents research into the economic and socio-cultural impact of the Miskolc Opera festival. It explores how a cultural event – which was created thanks to conscious urban development – can operate in a city with an industrial past and a stagnant economic situation. After the methodology and desk research, the tourist facilities of the city are analyzed. In the following sections of the paper, the results of primary research are presented.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: Z130

  • The Evolution of Welfare Systems: Social Democratic and Social Autocratic Paths

    Students of global and regional political economy have produced a vast literature on divergent paths of capitalist evolution. The evolution of welfare systems, in general, and their different paths, in particular, have also widely been analysed in economic and social studies. The author, joining the discussions from a world system perspective, makes an attempt at presenting a global and regional political economic comparison of the seemingly similar welfare systems that have evolved in Northern and in Eastern Europe. The apparent convergence of the Sovietic type to the Nordic social democratic pattern is scrutinised, distinguishing it from the latter by the “social autocratic” label.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: I31, I38, P36, P38

  • The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Development Lifecycles, the Short-term Plans and the Strategy of the Actors in the Hungarian SME Sector

    This study was prepared in the third phase of a multi-year research project. The goal of the program was to analyse the growth trajectories and strategies of Hungarian SMEs. Research in the first phase was focused on the specific periods of typical company lifecycles, the second phase dealt with strategic thinking, methods of strategy formulation and the content elements of strategies. The findings and conclusions were published in the journal Competitio. The present study is a report on the findings of the third phase of the research program. It describes the consequences of the recent economic and financial crisis on SMEs. It describes how unexpected and radical changes in the business environment influenced the development of firms, how managers reacted, and how they considered short and long
    term factors in their decisions.

    JEL classification: L21, L26, M1

  • The role of the institutional system in the globalizing finance of culture

    The article focuses on how the connection between the institutional system of a country and the role of the state changes in the financing of the cultural sphere. To examine the changes, the author analysis the financing model of the USA and the Russian Federation, countries which use very different methods and techniques for the financing of the cultural sphere. The author assumes in his hypothesis that in those countries which have an underdeveloped institutional system, the possibility of direct state support and control for the financing of the cultural sphere is much greater. The results of the analyses are tested on the cultural economy of the Netherlands where the cultural financing system exhibits characteristics of both the American and the Russian models at the same time.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: P14, P39, Z10, Z11

  • Communitarisation in the cultural spheres of the member states of the European Union

    The intstitutions of the European Union encourage the liberalisation of the cultural sector wirh the reduction of the coercive power of the member states. The article assumes that communitarisation in the cultural sphere exists although there is no EU Treaty (acquis) on cultural policy and the member states use different cultural financing models. The author first analyses the government and household expenditure for culture of the OECD countries, then compares the productivity and profitability indicators of the post socialist countries with the same indicators' EU 25 average.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: Z10, Z11

  • The Success and Motivation of Academic Entrepreneurs in Hungary

    This paper presents the results of an empirical study of 80 academic entrepreneurs in Hungary. It aims at analysing the relationship between the motivations for starting a firm and entrepreneurial success. The motivations studied are the prospects of higher income, the need for achievement, the need for independence and the benefits related to research. Success is examined from both objective and subjective perspectives. The indicators of objective success are the firm’s revenue, the change in the revenue, the number of employees and firm age. Subjective success refers to the academic entrepreneur’s self-evaluation. According to the findings, the strongest motivation for starting a spin-off firm is financial necessity, i.e. a dissatisfaction with the university salary. Except for financial need, all the motivations included in the study have a significant relationship with subjective success, but a weaker or no relationship with objective success. Research-related benefits, such as moving the research towards development, is a key entrepreneurial motive in the academic sector, as it is positively associated with subjective success, the revenue of the spin-off venture and its growth.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classifications: L26, I23, O32