
Trends and Tendencies in the Development of HR Departments in Hungarian State Universities

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Poor, J., Bencsik, A., Fekete, I., Majo, Z., & Laszlo, G. (2008). Trends and Tendencies in the Development of HR Departments in Hungarian State Universities. Competitio, 7(2), 115-146.

In the last couple years it has been fully accepted that human resource management plays an increasing role in the success of organizations, and also in the development and sustainability of national and international competitiveness (Gordon- Whitchurch, 2007). In the developed industrial countries – mostly the Anglo-Saxon pioneers – public institutions (including higher education) abandoned the normative and bureaucratic-controlled Taylor system (Karoliny et al, 2003). Beginning in the 70’s representatives of the New Public Management model, based exclusively on the effectiveness of business solutions, gained more ground. The early 80’s brought the widespread implementation of reform programs. These efforts have created models and experience that were applicable in the converging countries of Europe – including Hungary. After reviewing the latest professional literature and analyzing practices of eleven Hungarian universities we will assess the conversion of Human Resource Management and consider possibilities for modernization.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: I21; H19; M52;M53;M54

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