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  • Health Consciousness. Health Education as a Special Case of Social Responsibility

    Aim: In 2017, the infant death was .0039 and 0.3% of them was caused by cot death. The only chance for these infants to survive is early recognition and immediate intervention by laymen. Consequently, parents and carers are to be trained. Our research examined the efficiency of education into this emergency situation. Our aim was to highlight the key role of education which can promote health consciousness.
    Methods: Efficiency was examined in two target groups. Traditional education was provided for one of the groups, while phantom simulators were used in the other one. Questionnaires and interviews revealed the respondents’ experience (n=421). The results were analysed with statistical methods.
    Results: Teaching with simulation proved to be more efficient and popular than traditional education.
    Conclusion: Our results reflect that simulation based education is highly needed. Education on prevention, which teaches the basics of health education, paves the way to health consciousness and health behaviour.

  • Practice oriented training from the business sphere’s aspect

    The aim of our article is to analyse the relation between higher education and the labour market with special regards to a newly developed way of education: dual education. In order to serve the changing needs of the labour market, higher educational institutions need to pay more attention to how their programs can better meet the expectations of future employers. The development of practice based skills in higher education is not only an expectation from the future employers but from future students as well. With the help of a questionnaire we mapped the opinion and assessed the needs of different companies in connection with their employed labour force. We analysed their experience gained in dual education, and we also investigated whether they were opened to play a role in dual training by providing employment for students doing their practice. By providing places for practical training, a growing number of employers could join the operation of higher education.

  • The trial of digital education among cumulatively disadvantageous students

    This study has done research into the success of joining to the digital extracurricular education among cumulatively disadvantageous elementary and secondary school students in the North-Great Plain of Hungary. The characteristics of Hungarian education is inequality and selectivity, which phenomena have also been observable during digital education. The questionnaire that has been carried out concerning 216 students explored the students’ perspective of the characteristics of digital education, the methods of learning, the ways of contact, assistance and evaluation and the advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned to the knowledge of students, the effect of these to their digital competencies, the fulfillment of infrastructural conditions, the applied digital platforms. The results of the research show how these cumulatively disadvantageous students could take part in this new form of education less effectively.

  • Oktatás – ruralitás – társadalmi környezet

    The study examines the question of what factors shape attitudes towards education in Szeklerland (Romania) and what role the rural character of the rural Hungarian regional society plays in shaping attitudes towards school and learning. Due to the specific situation of Szeklerland, four factors frame Hungarian education in the region: the official state institutional system, the minority situation, the regional identity-building process and the way the regional rural society functions. The study summarises the research results of WAC - Center for Regional and Anthropological Research in Miercurea-Ciuc and discusses the ways in which the lifestyle, values and norms of local or micro-regional communities frame the everyday attitude of families and parents towards education. The authors emphasise that the relationship between education and local or micro-communities, which has developed over the past decades and is still relevant today, is characterised by a parallelism in which both distance and interconnectedness are constantly present.

  • Discovering factors influencing study success of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in an interview study

    The focus of our research is on students with disabilities defined by the current National Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of the topic is that after the millennium, due to the expansion of higher education, the above-mentioned students appeared at universities, but regulations dealing with their presence in Hungary were laid down as late as 2007. Earlier researches have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and in Hungary, but only little attention has been paid to these students’ chances of acquisition and retention to higher education. Equal opportunities in higher education appear to be an important supporting factor in our research however, the overall social context of the individual has a great influence on successful entry and graduation. A further research opportunity, a deeper, more extensive quantitative study of the institutional presence of students with disabilities and the factors contributing to their learning success is emerging.

  • The responsibility of higher education

    In our present work – based on Gabriella Pusztai, Veronika Bocsi, Tímea Ceglédi (2016, eds.): A felsőoktatás (hozzáadott) értéke [The value (added) in higher education] – we focus on the individual and institutional differences of effectiveness, and on the scope of efficiency of the institutions.
    The volume published within the framework of the Higher education & Society book series of Center for Higher Education Research & Development (University of Debrecen, Hungary) focuses primarily on the comparative approach, complex approach, and methodological challenges of institutional impact, as well as the eclectic nature of the topic from a student and institutional perspective.

  • Situational picture of the educational attainment of people living in settlements in Nyíregyháza

    In our study we examine the education of people living in two separate settlements in Nyíregyháza focussing on the type and level of completed school(s) and qualification, what they think of their future studies and getting a qualification so that similarities and differences between the two settlements can be compared. In the analysis, we present data gained in the Husar and Eastern settlements and alsocompare them with data on education from the Quality of Life Research 2018 in Nyíregyháza and the 2016 Micro Census Research by KSH. One-variable and two-variable methods were used to analyze data. Our results show that in terms of education people living in settlements lag far behind the town, county, regional and national data.

  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.

  • The skill-developing effects and potential implications of storytelling in the Hungarian higher education – initial domestic research results

    In the Hungarian higher education, innovative pedagogical methods are needed to prepare students for the challenges of employment. Storytelling offers a multi-faceted, learner-centred method. This paper aims to investigate which skills storytelling improves, and whether it can be used in the Hungarian higher education. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted and thematically analysed. Based on these results, two pedagogical experiments were conducted, observed, and analysed. Results include that storytelling can be realized in many ways, and the method can contribute to the improvement of skills which are currently needed in the labour market.

  • Educational situation picture of Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in North Great Plain Region

    In our study, we examine what kind of educational qualifications Roma residents living in shantytown conditions in a large city in Hungary have, what their motivation to learn is like and to what extent school dropout is typical among them. We can compare our research results with the national statistical data available only in a limited number, because the analysis of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s Microcensus 2016 data revealing ethnicity data is the last database on the subject under examination. The theoretical part of our paper covers the historical presentation of Roma participation in education, the background factors of school failure and dropout. We used univariate and multivariate analysis techniques to evaluate our research data. According to the analysis of the data, the proportion of Roma with vocational qualifications and certificate of baccalaureate among Roma living in the shantytown conditions examined is higher than in the 2016 national survey. Our data confirmed the sociological findings that the primary role of girls in Roma families is to contribute to family life, even at the detriment of learning, since fewer of the girls living in the shantytown continue their education than boys. According to our results, the respondents are aware that higher education is supposed to lead to find better jobs, but the responses reflect bad experiences and one third of the Roma in the shantytown believe that living in the shantytown is a disadvantage when trying to find a job.

  • A testnevelés infrastrukturális háttérfeltételeinek vizsgálata a szakiskolák körében

    Physical activity is important at all ages, especially in the case of adolescents, as the foundations of most adult habits are laid down in this age. With the introduction of everyday physical education in public education, great progress has been made in Hungary in achieving regular physical activity among young generations. However, to be able to ensure this, certain infrastructure conditions are also required. In our research, we were interested in how well Hungarian vocational schools are equipped with gyms. In Budapest and also in the counties of Hungary, we visited a total of 84 vocational schools. On the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that the number of available gyms is currently not sufficient for high quality physical education lessons.

  • The chance of digital education among students in a disadvantaged settlement

    The study has researched the adherence of full-times tudents’ into digital study in a disadvantaged region The 240 participants consisted of 165 elementary school students, 51 secondary school students and 24 college/university students. The publication shows that part of the questionnaire that deals with the condition of the adherence, infrastructural endowment and the reasons of absence. The study carries out the survey along factors that cause digital and social exclusion, seeking after significant correlations. The furtherresults of the survey – which deal with the methods of education, successfulness, advantages, disadvantages and the improvement of digital education - will be discussed in another publication.

  • A rurális közegben élő szülők IKT-attitűdjei, nevelési stílusai - Az olvasóvá nevelés digitális kihívásai

    The present paper is a continuation of a sociological study on reading - published in 2023 (Néma, 2023c) -, in which I present the results of my research in a rural setting in Transylvania (Parajd, Harghita County), focusing on the challenges of literacy education. The study, conducted in the autumn of 2022, aimed to gain narratives from graduate mothers, using a semi-structured interview method (10 interviews) to approach their children's literacy education in the context of increased digitalisation. In order to get a handle on parental digital literacy, I captured the perception of ICT tools along parenting styles. In parallel to identifying the spatial digitalisation context, I also subjected parents' ICT perceptions by content analysis. From the set of ICT-related statements (232 opinions) extracted from the narrative, I also identify a set of references reflecting on reading to explore the reasons for the passivity towards reading - as a research goal for my PhD dissertation research, too.

  • A felsőfokú továbbtanulási döntés determináns összetevői. - Empirikus kutatás a végzős Hargita megyei középiskolás tanulók körében

    Another choice after finishing secondary school: university or work? Does the decision taken earlier - on the choice of secondary school - affect the decision to be taken four years later? Behind every (further education) decision there are manifest and latent variables. The target population of our research is the senior students in Harghita County. We use a multistage group sampling. In the first stage, all the Hungarian-language theoretical high schools (lyceums) in the Szekler county (Harghita) were included in the sampling frame, and pairs of vocational high schools were matched. We were interested to find out which factors and arguments induce students' decisions for or against further education. The family background effect is also present in students' post-secondary school decisions, since there is little discrepancy between investment risk and probability of success for children of higher-status parents, and the same applies to the gap between aspirations and actual achievement.

  • The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education

    The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education. The sociology of intellectuals offers us a special approach to the phenomenon of dropout. The rate of students with lower parental educational level (’non-traditional students’) has been changed during the process of the expansion. These students have deficiencies in several fields and these deficiencies can rise the chance of drop-out. In the frame of „Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education” project (led by Prof. Gabriella Pusztai, OTKA project, no. 123847) a database was created in 2018 (N=605). The respondents were earlier students after the drop-out process. We tried to identify the features of the sociocultural background, the main factors of the drop-out and compare the patterns of the first generation intellectuals and students with intellectual background. Our empirical findings have showed that in the case of lower parental level the elements of compulsion seems to be more typical and voluntary withdrawal seems to be more frequent in the other case.

  • Lifestyle and socio-economic inequalities in diabetes prevalence in Madadeni Township, South Africa

    Rapid urbanization, social inequalities, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits are contributing factors to the increasing prevalence of diabetes in South Africa. Data was collected from 99 residents in Madadeni, South Africa. The analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) V.29. The sample had a mean age of 67.4±9.4 years, with 73.74% females and 26.26% males. Majority had Grade 10 as their highest level of education (31.31%) and were retired (51.52%). The average number of household members was 6.35±2.57. The average estimated total income was R5681.82±R2585.73 per month, with 2.13±0.92 members contributing to household income. Majority (72.72%) had T2DM, while 27.27% had T1DM. The quantitative results highlight the importance of increasing awareness and providing health education to empower the affected population with self-management knowledge.

  • TDK részvétel motivációi a Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjában résztvevő hallgatók körében

    Recognition and support of outstanding students are among the most important tasks of higher education, as they can thereby be motivated to pursue a career in academia. In our study, we examined the willingness of members of the Talent Management Program (DETEP) at the University of Debrecen to participate and present at scientific student conferences. Our research was based on a questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of respondents who had previously participated in local TDK conferences (n=128). Based on our results, we can conclude that students who have participated three or more times in TDK events are considering a future career in academia. Respondents who have participated only once mainly participate for the purpose of the competition According to the results between achieving the ranking and the experience of participating in the TDK, participation is experienced as a positive experience if they manage to achieve a ranking at the local conference. Additionally, achieving a ranking also affects the feeling of gaining an advantage during studies and faculty recognition among the respondents.

  • Az inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igény lehetséges kontextusai egy nemzetközi kutatás tükrében

    Tanulmányunkban az iskolai inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igénye (a továbbiakban: SNI) összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk egy nemzetközi kutatás keretében. Az elméleti részben vázoljuk a szegregációtól az integráción át az inklúzióig tartó folyamatot, mely alapján vitatott az egyes fogalmak használata. Az iskolarendszerben az integráció a fogyatékossággal élő tanulók szegregált oktatásával szemben kialakult megközelítést és gyakorlatot jelenti, melynek célja az elkülönített oktatás felszámolása volt. Az SNI nem diagnosztikus, hanem iskoláztatási fogalom, és a gyógypedagógiai és a jogi fogalomhasználat sem esik egybe. Kutatásunkba ukrajnai (kárpátaljai, 280 fő), lengyel (271 fő) és magyarországi (552 fő) tanulók kerültek. Az iskolai befogadást és a társas támogatást az iskolai sikerek alakítják, növelik. A sikerek képesek a tanulási problémákkal küzdő tanulók önbecsülését is növelni, ami együtt jár a társas támogatás növekedésének és a kirekesztés csökkenésének a szubjektív észlelésével.

  • Review - Sociology of Education: Theories, communities, contexts

    Gabriella Pusztai (Ed.) (2022): Sociology of education: Theories, communities, contexts. Debrecen University Press. Debrecen.

  • A sport, mint a depresszióval szembeni védőfaktor

    The study examines the relationship between sport and depression among athletes in leisure and competition. A total of 436 people completed a questionnaire measuring the factors examined (Beck-Depression Questionnaire Abbreviated Version), of which 139 responders were leisure time athletes and 297 professional athletes. The aim of my study was to map out whether sport appeared as a protective factor for young people engaged in leisure sports, and whether the protective effect of sport on competitive athletes could prevail over the various symptoms of depression. Furthermore, whether there is a correlation between gender, education, occupation and consumption of legal drugs and depression. From the results we can see that the depression value of athletes at competition level is higher than that of the athletes in leisure sports. In addition, I was able to experience a significantly higher depression value among the people aged between 18-20 than those aged 30 and over. I also found a significant difference in terms of gender in favour of women. People with a low level of education and those who do not have a full-time job have witnessed more depressive symptoms on themselves. By examining the consumption of legal drugs, I could show a correlation between alcohol and depression.

  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • Lemorzsolódás - Magyar tapasztalatok a szakiskolai képzés területén

    Az alacsony iskolai végzettséggel rendelkezők aránya továbbra is jelentős Magyarországon, ami nemcsak megnehezíti számukra a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacra való belépést, hanem hosszú távon tartósan kiszorulnak onnan. A növekedést kiváltó egyik leggyakoribb ok a lemorzsolódás. A megelőzés, mint meghatározó intézkedés választ adhat erre a problémára. A tanulmány a középiskolai lemorzsolódás kérdéskörére fókuszál kérdőíves felmérés és félig strukturált interjú módszereket alkalmazva. A tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a szakképzésből való lemorzsolódás körülményeit, valamint a kompenzációs intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eredményeket. A kutatás eredményei rámutatnak az iskola és a család jelentős hatására, beleértve a korábbi iskolai tapasztalatokat, a lakóhelyet és a munkaerő-piaci helyzetet. Az eredményekből levont következtetések gyakorlati módon foglalkoznak a témával, és lehetőséget adnak egy esetleges cselekvési terv kidolgozására a lemorzsolódás megelőzése érdekében.

  • Academic risks of students characterized by risk-behaviour

    The aim of our study is to reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of students with different health behaviors. We were curious about the differences between students with different health-care (risk, inactive and health-conscious) students in the studied dimensions of educational performance in Hungary in the Northern Great Plain region, as well as in the Transcarpathia, Highlands, Vojvodina, Par-tium and Transylvania (IESA 2015; N = 2017). In line with our preliminary assumptions, we can see that there are more students at risk who attend less than half of the lectures, one or two or even half of their exams have not been completed, and less than one hour per lesson, while the latter is the least characteristic of for health-conscious students. They are making great efforts to meet their serious study load, but there are more people who are unable to cope with these difficulties in the first round and have failed their examinations. In this way, health-conscious behavior does not constitute supporting factor in the effectiveness of the study.

  • Magyarországi egyetemek hallgatóinak sportolási szokásai. Áttekintő irodalmi elemzés

    Previous research has highlighted that the frequency of regular exercise decreases linearly with age. There is, therefore, a need for young people to develop healthy lifestyle habits for themselves. In the course of our research, a literature review of Matarka (Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database), MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliograhy), and publications in the archives of DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) was conducted to find those studies that examine the sports habits of Hungarian university students. A total of 22 studies were identified. The articles concerned 10 universities. The analysis found that although a significant proportion of university students engage in sports, the conscious integration of health education into students’ lives is recommended.