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  • Study on Learning Motivation of Master's Students in Management and Leadership at the University of Debrecen

    The aim of our study is to present the topic of adult learning. To do this, we first define the definitions and importance of learning in a person’s life. We then turn to the historical background and evolution of adult learning. The motivation of adult learning as a function of different motivational theories is presented. In the second half of the study, an initial research focusing on the motivation of adult learning is presented. The subjects of our research are young adults who are pursuing their master's degree in management and organization at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. We want answers to the extent to which different factors motivate young adults in studying. With the results, we want to give an idea of ​​how the learning motivation of the students can be characterized by both lecturers and human resource professionals working in the private sector. We intend to expand the research to a larger sample in the future.

  • LSI with Support Vector Machine for Text Categorization – a practical example with Python

    Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool of modernity science, there is even a science consensus about how our society is turning to a data-driven society. Machine learning is a branch of Artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn from data and understand its behavers. Python programming language aiming the challenges of this new era is becoming one of the most popular languages for general programming and scientific computing. Keeping all this new era circumstances in mind, this article has as a goal to show one example of how to use one supervised machine learning method, Support Vector Machine, and to predict movie’s genre according to its description using the programming language of the moment, python. Firstly, Omdb official API was used to gather data about movies, then tuned Support Vector Machine model for Latent semantic indexing capable of predicting movies genres according to its plot was coded. The performance of the model occurred to be satisfactory considering the small dataset used and the occurrence of movies with hybrid genres. Testing the model with larger dataset and using multi-label classification models were purposed to improve the model.

  • Explore Adult Learning Motivations of Various Training Levels

    Continuous learning is part of everyday life. It may be formal, non-formal or informal nature. The formal learning that takes place at school, is the basis of expertise. Why someone sitting to school? There can be given many answers to this question. The motivation for learning develops due to both internal and external factors. And even age groups and training as equally different. With regard to adult learning motivation was examining several surveys. The study is a summary of the test results. There was three target group: high school seniors, correspondence master's students and participants accredited training. The surveys set out to discover Why learn the various forms of training. The questions in each test were different but comparable. For participants accredited training habitual motivation is crucial. Their joy and pride of the family is less important to them. , Correspondence master's students were considered the most important things income, learning, and knowledge. Although the perception of other age groups, both the habitual and the actual motivation appears in every group. While high school students based on the results we can say that the more motivation to achieve a goal, such as employment, income acquire. so prominent the habitual motivation. In their case it emphasized that a distinction was made between friendship and relationship network. Namely, the friendships are not identified with the mere knowledge that may be necessary in order to achieve future goals.

  • Manufacturing Process Optimization and Tool Condition Monitoring in Mechanical Engineering

    The optimization of manufacturing and production processes with various computer software is essential these days. Solutions on the market allow us to optimize and improve our manufacturing and production processes; one of the most popular software is called Tecnomatrix, which is described in this paper. Tool condition monitoring is a vital part of the manufacturing process in the industry. It requires continuous measurement of the wear of the cutting tool edges to improve the surface quality of the work piece and maintain productivity. Multiple methods are available for the determination of the actual condition of the cutting tool. Vibration diagnostics and acoustic methods are included in this paper. These methods are simple, it requires only high sensitive sensors, microphones, and data acquisition unit to gather the vibration signal and make signal improvement. Extended Taylor equation is applied for tool edge wear ratio. Labview and Matlab software are applied for the measurement and the digital signal processing. Machine learning method with artificial neural network is for the detection and prediction of the edge wear to estimate the remaining useful lifetime (RUL) of the tool.

  • Current Issues of Career Choice for Debrecen Vocational School Students

    The aim of the article is to share information about the learning characteristics of the Z-generation based on literature review. In the same way based on secondary research we are showing the characteristics of the lifelong learning processes with special regards to the informal and non formal learning processes. On other hand we are publishing the outcomes of our research based on a survey done in three secondary schools of Debrecen. In the survey we investigated the learning plans of the vocational program students studying in the three secondary schools and their labour market perspectives.

  • About Gamification & What Do We Use for Nowadays

    By the widespread increase of new technologies, Internet has become an essential element for generation Z, however, this is not particularly surprising given the fact that over recent years different IoT solutions have become widely available, well-known and increasingly cheaper. Thus the grown up of Net Generation brings innovative solutions to the fore by which motivation is not forced to students anymore but there will be a real internal demand from their side in accordance with the age of Motivation 3.0. If this will be the case, the social issue of Homo Ludens will be also appeared in parallel to gamification [1]. Gamification nowadays is a method that become more widely used depending on field of use, thus it may meet needs of businesses and also educational institutions. The term of gamification is understood to mean those technics and methods when game elements are used in non-gaming environments [2]. Since we do not concentrate on learning during games, students will find learning a pleasure rather than an imposition and it means many could improve their skills or receive information without realizing they are actually studying. Moreover, despite the traditional learning method, the knowledge acquired this way can be used for a long time during seminars and later on labour market. Gamification plays an increasingly important role in business and also in education [3]. Students may learn more effectively and with a lower effort using gamification. As a result, this innovative approach of learning has been becoming more and more popular internationally, furthermore, motivation shortage problems also could be solved by this method [4].

  • Menedzsment módszerek az Ipar 4.0 tükrében

    The fourth industrial revolution poses major challenges for organisations in terms of technological aspects and from a management point of view, too. Good (effective) management is vital as it can help overcome the difficulties arising from shortages of skilled labour and from cost-cutting pressures, and it can help improve efficiency of resources. Innovations require management methods that support the introduction of industry 4.0. In my review of the literature, I aim to find out how the current level of sophistication in this new field can help managers of SME to better embrace change. Based on the reviewed literature, from management point of view, organisational structure, leadership style and HR practices are key to creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and innovation. In terms of structure, researchers do not suggest one thing to apply, but emphasise that industry 4.0 is characterised by an unstable, changing environment, so it is worth developing a structure that is characterised by decentralisation, few rules, horizontal communication and collaborative teamwork, i.e. much more organic than mechanical. In terms of different leadership styles, it is the transformational leadership that is the most often mentioned, however, in case of industry 4.0, we need even more because it can have various limitations. Even before industry 4.0, literature has highlighted that the recommended leadership style can be defined as the combination of transformational and transactional leadership; research in industry 4.0 in recent years also emphasises that it is the expanded construction of a knowledge-driven leadership style that blends the two, which can best facilitate innovation and learning. Managers can develop employee skills and improve their learning abilities through a variety of HR practices. So the right structure, leadership style and HR prepare the organisation for industry 4.0 by facilitating learning, improving skills and innovation.

  • Vocational Teacher Training – Selection of Teaching Aids

    Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools. Students require adequate educational tools they can get in order to improve their learning. They support interaction and give students an impulsive learning environment. This article deals with the prospective vocational teachers, selection and use of teaching aids after their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools.

  • The Impact of Optical Character Recognition Artificial Intelligence on the Labour Market

    Because of present day information technology, there is neither need to plant complicated computers for more millions price if we would like to process and store big amounts of data, nor modelling them. The microprocessors and CPUs produced nowadays by that kind of technology and calculating capacity could not have been imagined 10 years before. We can store, process and display more and more data. In addition to this level of data processing capacity, programs and applications using machine learning are also gaining ground. During machine learning, biologically inspired simulations are performed by using artificial neural networks to able to solve any kind of problems that can be solved by computers. The development of information technology is causing rapid and radical changes in technology, which require not only the digital adaptation of users, but also the adaptation of certain employment policy and labour market solutions. Artificial intelligence can fundamentally question individual labour law relations: in addition to reducing the living workforce, it forces new employee competencies. This is also indicated by the Supiot report published in 1998, the basic assumption of which was that the social and economic regulatory model on which labour law is based is in crisis.

  • Learning Curve Based Sigma Level Determination in Interrupted Non-Production Processes

    The philosophy and methods of six sigma process development have been applied successfully since mid1980s, and the application of the six sigma concept in non-production processes has increased significantly in the last decade. In this paper processes that can be characterized by learning curves are modeled. The quality of such processes can be analyzed on the basis of the six sigma concept. In this paper two back office processes are analyzed. The processes are built up of simple repeated steps and incorporate some interruptions. The application of the model allows the calculation of the maximally permitted number of interruptions in the process if the preliminary determined norm is to be kept.

  • PDCA – How does the Organization Learn?

    An organisation (whether it is in the private or in the public sector)knows where it is headed, it has a vision. To achieve this vision the organisation can have a strategy beforehand or the vision can be the result of a continuously improving strategy.The strategy can be developed according to the earlier routines or in a totally new way. Many times failures help to find a solution better than the chain of successes. The lessons learned should inevitably be part of the following cycles otherwise the same issues rise again and again which finally ends in exasperation and giving up. When we create a learning process it is easier to focus on avoiding the obstacles than motivation. PDCA is a well-known method for it but what prevents us from applying it the proper way? What are the obstacles that prevent the organisation from developing through its learning processes?

  • Evolution of Lean Management and the Organizational Learning

    In industry, service and public sector lean approach is gaining ground. However, there is a significant difference between the organizations applying lean concept in case of their lean transformation maturity level as well as their lessons learned. There is a huge variety of methods and techniques which can be used but there are two conditions in case of every organization regardless their sector or their lean maturity level which determine the success of their lean development: lean approach leader and learning organization. Lean leadership is not based on a particular sector or method and a ready-made lean organization is not needed either. The concept of the top management has a huge effect on the characteristics of theorganization but whether the will of the management is enough for the complete transformation or not is the question. Is the target the lean organization itself or how a unit of an organization or the whole organization can react to the change of the environment? The attitudes and behaviors of lean approach leadership can be applied every day, everywhere and support the aim of creating a real lean organization.

  • Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok

    Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.

  • Globalization in Higher education, Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Education

    This article was prepared with the support of PADME (Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti). E-learning has many advantages and disadvantages. Among these, I would like to highlight some of the more important ones, as well as present the results of my surveys in which I assessed university students' modeling, abstraction and lexical knowledge before and after online education.

  • Online self-learning

    In this paper four short sessions are reviewed in the theme of introductory programming. The sessions were performed in four different student groups from the age twelve to seventeen in two different schools. The paper summarizes important input and output properties of the groups, like the preliminary studies of Informatics and the grades in both Informatics and Mathematics – if available – also the results of the learning process during the sessions. The focus is on the skills of programming and self-learning, and the differences of it in respect to the age, the gender and the preliminary studies.

  • Opinions of Higher Education Students about Internships and Working while Studying

    The importance of working while studying in higher education has a globally growing tendency, and Hungary is not an exception. The demand for the opportunities of student employment has been recognized not only by the students but also by the policy makers of higher education, leading to the introduction of solutions like the obligatory internship semesters or the dual training programs. The current study contributes to the better understanding of this field through the analysis of a database from a questionnaire survey conducted among bachelor students from seven majors of the University of Debrecen during the Fall semester in 2015 (N = 589). The main findings suggest that the students mostly consider the internships as an investment into their future career while the short term compensation and the personal interests have a lower importance for them. About 75% of the students would be willing to work not more than 20 hours a week, and most of them would look for ‘official’ studentwork. For working, they would sacrifice the time connected to the following activity-areas (relative to the other activities in the list, and in descending order): time for leisure (this is the most likely to be sacrificed), for sport, for friends, for family, and for learning (this is the less likely to be traded in for working hours). Willingness to work (measured in daily working hours) seems to be connected to the following factors: major, year of study, how important the activity areas are considered compared to working (learning, family, friends, sports, leisure), and the importance of finding a personally interesting internship.

  • Examination of Z Generation’s Motivation and Expectations on Higher Education

    Today’s students at secondary schools, the so-called Z generation will be the customers in higher education in the near future. Members of the generation 'Z' were born between the early 1990’s and at the end of the 2000’s and significantly differ from the previous generation Y. They are called as Sharing Generation and Digital Generation as well. They have special learning habits and special expectations about learning, teaching and theories. These facts bring up a question about suitability and efficiency of traditional and actual methods in higher education in connection with their teaching and personal development. In this research expectations of students in year 11 will be examined about the higher education in general and with special regard to the business higher education.

  • Engineering Spatial Ability and Spatial Geometry – Research Experiences 1.

    Spatial visualization skills have an important role in teaching and learning of engineering studies. Many studies have shown that there are correlations between various measures of spatial skills and performance in particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Many engineering students have problems with imagining a spatial figure and therefore to solve the spatial geometry exercises, so development of spatial ability is very important. We have developed special tools and worksheets for development of spatial abilities

  • Study on Mathematical Competence and Attitude of Engineering Students

    Efficiency of the learning process is in the focus of studies dealing with the Hungarian higher education, including engineering education. The efficiency can be evaluated if the required competences are declared and systematically controlled. In this paper the results of a graduate student survey is presented. Students taking part in the survey have got a bachelor's degree in engineering and are first semester students presently in different engineering master programs. Mathematical thinking ability and creativity, as important competences in studying mathematics were measured with the questionnaire, rather than formulas and complicated calculation methods. Students’ experience in studying and applying Mathematics were asked in the first part of the questionnaire.

  • Application of Team Coaching Tools for University Education – Case Study

    In 2010 the innovative Finnish higher education system (Tiimiakatemia – Team Academy) was launched at University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business, which was also awarded by OECD and has been run at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyvaskyla since 1993. In this system, we create team entrepreneurs who have to work together in teams. In this research the authors would like to look at how we can use the team coaching tools as a part of this model in our team entrepreneur education system to build high performing teams. Tuckman named five stages of team formation: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. A new team cannot be expected to perform as an excellent team when it first comes together. It takes time forming a team, and they often go through recognizable stages as they change  from being a collection of strangers to a united group with common goals. You have to understand it at first, than you can help your team become effective more quickly. Authors of this study work as team coaches in Team Academy Debrecen. In the last 6 years we have worked with several teams and experienced how group dynamics present at the teams and change through the learning process. We have faced with great storming period at different teams and managed to build high performing entrepreneur teams as well. Our experiences are introduced as case studies, after analysing, consequences will be concluded. As in the EFQM model we can find that to survive in the global competitive markets companies need the best teams for the best results. 

  • The presence of stress and leisure sports in the life of today’s people

    Today's people are extremely busy with a lot of things, such as work, family, learning, so they try to spend their free time with activities that promote them in relaxation, reassurance, recreation. It can be said that the people of today's world are burdened, more stressed and nervous, trying to do the best they can to live properly. A lot of people have a hard time communicating, community life. There are a lot of people who are forced to work from home, as projects and weeks' deadlines don't wait. Besides, there are many things to be done, children need to be dealt with, you have to have fun, you have to pay attention to health, you have to run a household, etc., so there is little time for people to do what they really love. In my research, I assessed the leisure habits of the inhabitants of Romania and Hungary, but their attitude to active reclamation activities (N=273) was their activity in sport. The results show that passive leisure activities (watching TV, reading, listening to music, internet) are still the most popular among people, although most of us do sedentary work. People who play sports in their spare time felt more refreshed, and they had a better mood, more positive. The sports that people can play outdoors and in parks come to the fore.

  • Solid-Lattice Stem Optimization Design for Hip Implants

    The goal of this study is analyzed and design a methodology to reduce stem mass, through topology and lattice optimization of a Ti-6Al-4V hip implant, meeting yield stress requirements. Four optimization cases were studied: Topology optimization (1), Lattice design 100% (2), Lattice design 50% (3), Lattice design 25% (4). Five load cases from a study were applied for each optimization cases: Combined (LC1), standing-up (LC2), standing (LC3), going up stairs (LC4), jogging (LC5). The optimized cases design reduced stem mass approximately by 30% (1), 5% (2) ,8% (3) and 2% (4), compared with the total stem hip Ti-6Al-4V implant.

  • Statistical Evaluation of University Student’s Motivation and Personal Competency with Principal Component and Cluster Analysis

    The aim of the research is to do a statistical evaluation of agricultural and rural development engineer student’s motivation and personal competency. It sums up the late generation Y’s characteristics and challenges. To be a successful, graduated employee, not only the skill is needed but the personal competency as well. Altogether, 121 filled out questionnaires were collected from the students which were the prime source of the research. They had to evaluate influential factors to their motivation level and competence. The database was analyzed with descriptive statistic methods, principal component and cluster analysis. Studying the personal competency, five different factors were divided based on Belbin’s team roles and four clusters. The four clusters were established by the five factors. Analyzing the student’s educational motivation four different components were divided: the need of performance, social entertainment, the benefits of learning in the near future and the reach of the financial freedom. Based on the four components, generating clusters was not possible due to the significance level of the K-means cluster analysis because it was higher than 0,05 in every grouping variables.

  • Application of Heutagogical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education

    According to Kuit and Fell (2010) the educators’ task is to develop the learners’ lifelong learning skills to be able to apply their skills and competences in and efficient and creative way in new situations in a constantly changing environment. Kamenetz (2010) argues that neither the pedagogical nor the andragogical teaching methods are suitable for performing well in their job, but more and more a self-directed and self-determined approach is needed in which the learner reflects on what and how he learned, and the educator teaches the learner how to teach himself. The concept of heutagogy provides such principles and practices which can give an answer for the above-mentioned challenges in higher education. The authors examined how the heutagogical methods can be adapted at entrepreneurial courses and how the students evaluated these courses.

  • What is the function? – experiences of an occasion among the secondary school students

    In the frame of the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 „Debrecen Venture Catapult Program" it was held an occasion among secondary school students the aim of which was formation of that concept which is very important in the engineering area. In many cases in order to solve problems necessary that students have an "ideal" function concept image (the image is interrelated with the notion of the concept) and they can change between different representations of the function. In our paper we will show the experiences of the occasion in which was formed the function concept by investigation of several relationships from the everyday life and engineering area with the help of individual and cooperative learning method.

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