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  • Latest Trends and New Tools Being Used in Strategic Management

    In today’s rapidly changing world, there is an increased need for excellent strategic planning. A firm’s survival may indeed hinge on the firm’s planning process being exemplary. Various aspects of the strategic planning process are under review today as organizations wrestle to compete more effectively in an ever-changing world. This paper reveals and describes five new trends or tools being utilized today by firms to more effectively engage in strategic planning. Specifically, the new trends and tools to be discussed in this paper are as follows: increased need to follow a strategic planning model; increased need to develop quality vision and mission statements; a new improved method for incorporating SWOT analysis into practice. Utilizing two matrices one internal and one external to provide a less biased way to access the current strategy fit with conditions facing the firm. Explain the use of a decision matrix commonly called the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) for assessing the relative attractiveness of various strategies being considered for implementation. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize readers with basic new tools and techniques being used by organizations to effectively develop an improved strategic plan for the firm.

  • Practical Application of Methods in Strategy-Based Analyzes

    Increasing environmental volatility is a growing challenge for companies and businesses. The speed of economic events is changing, and the risk of uncertainty is increasing, requiring business to take a new approach to strategic planning. In the design and forming of their strategy, both the factors of the external and internal environment and the analysis of their competitors can be based on well-chosen methods. We consider the review of these methods, their application in planning and educational practice. The aim of our work, in which we present the methods that underpin the strategy applied in both domestic and international practice. The analysis of the external environment illustrates the construction and applicability of an external factor analysis matrix based on traditional PEST analysis and the Porter's five-factor model. In the case of internal factor analysis matrix, we focus on the approach of method choice, and on the applicable methods, the importance of the resource-based approach, the analysis of key factors and the Porter value chain analysis matrix. The third pillar of the analysis that underpins the strategy is the matrix-based assessment of competitors. The applicability of the methods depends on the form of the enterprise, the field of activity and the nature of its activities, which is complicated by the emergence of new economic spheres (e.g.: sharing) and transformed power relations.

  • Investigation of SCOR Model in Connection with Performance and Warehouses

    Business leaders can use several strategic tools to improve the organization, depending on what they consider to be important. The Supply Chain Operational Reference Model (SCOR) is one of these. Its importance is to link business processes, performance metrics, best practices, and technology together and to create a unified structure. It promotes communication between the stakeholders of the supply chain and improves supply chain management and the efficiency of the related supply chain improvement activities. The aim of this study is to find out how the SCOR model appears in the international literature related to warehousing and performance. What methods and tools do authors use to investigate their research questions and hypotheses? Description statistics and category selection were used to present the results of the study. The number of SCOR model researches related to warehouse performance measurments are very rare, it is rather used to describe different processes. In the future, it would be worthwhile to extend the SCOR model analyzes to further fields, especially to warehouse performance measurements.

  • Developing a Financial Sustainability Model of the Performance Indicators Applied by Jordan Water Company (Miyahuna)

    Jordan is now facing real challenges to satisfy the current population water needs due to limited resources. Moreover, unfortunately, as a result of the increased demand for water in developing countries, water resources become scarce, thus, the sustainable management of water resources is very important everywhere and especially in these areas. The Ministry of Water and Irrigation in Jordan is aiming to improve both its quality of service and financial sustainability, therefore, it started to apply the performance measurement system developed by the International Water Association (IWA) to monitor its performance towards achieving these goals. In this article, a model connecting a financial sustainability indicator (operating cost coverage ratio) with other performance indicators applied by the ministry is developed. To assess the performance indicators and to build the model secondary data are collected from the targeted company, the data are analyzed using SPSS and Excel computer programs. Non-revenue water (NRW), speed of repair of bursts, and training per employee are found to be the indicators that have a major impact on Miyahuna’s financial sustainability, the NRW is found to have a negative relationship with the financial sustainability, whereas the other two indicators have a positive relationship. As a conclusion, reducing the NRW and increasing both the speed of repair and training per employee are recommended, by applying some methods that continuously diagnose problems in the water systems and defining clear and strict policies to control the water theft. Furthermore, using Active Leakage Control (ALC) methods, providing the needed equipment, tools and resources, and adopting new methods for training.

  • The New Type of Employment: the Specificity of the Platform Economy and Platform Work

    The industry value of the global platform economy exceeded 7 trillion US dollars by the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The income generated by the platform economy in the European Union produced an almost five-fold increase in the period between 2016-2020, as its volume increased from 3 billion euros to 14 billion euros. Nevertheless, due to the lack of global consensus and precedent, the delimitation of the platform business model and work, its legal regulation and verifiability and compliance, due to its innovative nature, are unresolved at the world and European level. The objective of the article is to define the conditions, rules and practical application of the platform economy and platform work, relying on international (English-language, mostly European) secondary information, thereby revealing the problems and difficulties, as well as discussing its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Business Strategy in the Model of Linear Activity Analysis of Production

    It was analyzed how the methodology of linear activity analysis of production model supports the implementation of different business strategies at a company level. Aspects of analysis are focusing on openness for markets, lean management and environmental protection strategies. The study reveals that the linear activity analysis of production – mainly due to its efficient process optimization problem solving ability – is capable supporting lean management decisions and implementing additional objectives in business strategies. Such objectives can be sustaining specific production patterns for further development or following strategies for limiting market competition. It will be shown how to quantify the costs of strategic objectives in linear activity analyzing model.

  • Business Students’ Attitude to Social Responsibility

    The companies’ most important goal is the satisfaction of consumers’ needs and the profitmaking. But nowadays the companies have to deal with the activity of corporate social responsibility, too. Therefore it can be interesting to research about the next questions: can ethics be taught? Do we have to teach ethics in the schools and especially in the business schools? What are the students’ attitudes toward the social responsibility? Are students sensitive and open-minded connection with this issues? The aims of the study were to examine responsible management attitudes among business students at the University of Debrecen (Faculty of Economics and Business). We draw their CSR pyramid (based on Carroll model) and present their opinion in reference to business education’s role in social issues.

  • The implementation of Balanced Scorecard System in social enterprises using the social-cooperatives – compliance with the needs of external organisations

    To discover the major economic problems of social cooperatives, we have made a survey. The analysis of this survey stated that the quality of available labour force and the finding of the proper target markets are the biggest concerns of social cooperatives. By this survey a Balanced Scorecard model (BSC) was implemented, which is an adaptation of Bull’s model (Bull, 2006). Present paper demonstrates the BSC modul to satisfy the needs of external partners and authorities. These needs and the tracing indicators were determined, furthermore the frequency of the indicator measurement was also proposed.

  • Szervezeti struktúra jellemzői spanyol labdarúgó kluboknál

    In Hungary the developement of sport sector needs to changes in structural scheme of sport organizations. The question is that, in the different sports areasthe association-based sports model, or the buisness-based sports model can operate effectively. Nowadays, in addition to professional successes in sporting activities, Hungarian sports entities and professional sports enterprises do consider options for the most effective operations possible, and gather good international practices in order to establish such business-based sports models in Hungary that are efficiently operable. The business side of sports is particularly apparent in professional football. On a global scale, this sport clearly demonstrates the process of structural transformation that is directed at the realization of the appropriate form of enterprise and structural setup. This article has been written to describe the Spanish model by example of organizational scheme of Real Madrid and Barcelona FC.

  • Why Public Sector Projects Fail or Succeed in Pakistan- A Model for Evaluating Impact of HR Management Practices on Project Success

    Employees are the most important assets of an organization. As quality human resources become scarce, companies need to pay more heed to the satisfaction and motivation of their employees. If employees are motivated towards work, then it is likely to yield better results. This study will examine the role of Human resource management (HRM) practices upon New product development (NPD). NPD involves technical, marketing, and financial risks organizations undertake for developing new products and services. Effective project planning and control are valuable for decision-making. The analysis of the impact of HRM practices on NPD, project success, and organizational benefit is based on data collected using a cross-sectional design via a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of items related to HR practices, New product development, Project Success, and Organizational benefits adapted from previous studies. Respondents working in 10 large-scale public sector projects executed by National Database & Registration Authority, Pakistan were selected for the study. Therefore, the results of the study can be generalized to similar projects executed by the public sector in Pakistan. From the findings of data analysis, it has been concluded that there is a significant association between HR practices and project success, but no significant relationship has been established between new product development and organizational benefit. Therefore, it can be concluded that HR management practices have a significant impact on public sector project success in the case of Pakistan.

  • The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok

    Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.

  • Adapting Open Innovation Model in Supplier Qualification Programs

    The development of innovative models fundamentally contribute to the changing the way of thinking in business context. Today, in this process, the impact of open innovation model is a kind of paradigm shift. The contents of this change has been mostly clear in the field of context of product-, innovation and technology, but not onm the field of organizational and management innovations. In this study, we sought to answer that in the case of knowledge transfer’s special field –the programs of suppliers - how to apply the principles of open innovation and how this may have positive effects. The motivation behind, was to look for commonly used models for the SME sector, that is fundamentally linked to large enterprises as suppliers, characterized by increasingly rapid technological development ecosystem to collaborate.

  • Application of Team Coaching Tools for University Education – Case Study

    In 2010 the innovative Finnish higher education system (Tiimiakatemia – Team Academy) was launched at University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business, which was also awarded by OECD and has been run at JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyvaskyla since 1993. In this system, we create team entrepreneurs who have to work together in teams. In this research the authors would like to look at how we can use the team coaching tools as a part of this model in our team entrepreneur education system to build high performing teams. Tuckman named five stages of team formation: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. A new team cannot be expected to perform as an excellent team when it first comes together. It takes time forming a team, and they often go through recognizable stages as they change  from being a collection of strangers to a united group with common goals. You have to understand it at first, than you can help your team become effective more quickly. Authors of this study work as team coaches in Team Academy Debrecen. In the last 6 years we have worked with several teams and experienced how group dynamics present at the teams and change through the learning process. We have faced with great storming period at different teams and managed to build high performing entrepreneur teams as well. Our experiences are introduced as case studies, after analysing, consequences will be concluded. As in the EFQM model we can find that to survive in the global competitive markets companies need the best teams for the best results. 

  • Changeable requirements & Answers With a dynamic system in order to continual improvement of the environmental performance of a rubber industrial big company

    The topic of this article is the analysis of the changeable environmental requirements for the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) of the companies. The strengthened environmental criteria of the 21st century creates new challenges for the participants of the business sphere. In order to satisfy the criteria of the stakeholders, it is necessary to build out a - by the top management - preferred and proactive EMS that can contain also a life cycle thinking method. This logic is supported by the new ISO14001:2015 standard, too. In the first part of the article the stakeholder conception and the new standard model is presented based on literature analysis. The second part of the article presents an environmental management tool developed by a multinational, tyre company. The model combines the stakeholder conception, the requirements and the life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to respond to the new environmental management challenges. The last part of the article closes with the new development possibilities of the presented environmental management tool worked out by the author.

  • Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels

    In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.

  • Sport Consumption, Fan Engagement, Sport Statistics – Post-specific Passing Characteristics in Football

    Digitalization and the explosive development of technology have led to significant changes in football. Due to the increasing amount of data available through various sensors and other data collections, we can observe the rise of data-centric, analytical and statistically oriented thinking in football, which is also of interest to fans. Digitalisation is also closely linked to sports consumption, which is why we have seen significant changes in this area in recent years. The pandemic has further amplified the speed of digital transformation in the sports industry. One of the most important contents for sports organizations and their fans is the in-depth sports statistics and analysis that enhances the consumer experience. In our study, we examined the most common performance indicator in football, passing. Our goal was to examine the position-specific pass characteristics in detail, therefore we also examined different pass properties in our research. As a model for our analysis, I chose the premier league, which has the highest UEFA coefficient. The three rounds (rounds 30-32) of the championship season 2019/2020 have been recorded and analyzed in terms of passes. there was a significant difference between the average number of passes per game between defensive and offensive players (t=7,988, p<0.05). There is also a gradual decrease in the number of passes attempted per match and the accuracy of the pass in the examination of the middle positions when examining the positions in the depth of the pitch. For both pass accuracy and average pass count, the decreasing ranking corresponds to the position of positions on the pitch (order: 1, central defender 2, defensive midfielder 3, inside midfielder 4, attacking midfielder 5, striker). In the value indicator of the position for passes, offensive positions performed more effectively than defensive positions. The extreme positions also stand out among the attacking positions, where in the case of the position value per pass number, 23.3% of the total test was completed and 14% of the amount of the established position value indicators was provided by these posts. Overall, our study points to post-specific pass characteristics and, knowing this, we can state that the comparison of players' passing performance is relevant if the players are in the same or related positions.

  • Analysis of Activity Times in the Process of a Wooden Box Manufacturing

    The main target of companies is to earn money and achieve profit. In order to fulfil these needs, companies have to reduce their costs. Cost reduction is often associated with bad quality products, but it could be done in a different way. Sometimes it is enough to examine only their own processes and then benefit from the process optimization, process improvement or process scheduling. In this article a case study is presented, in which the differences in a production scheduling are evaluated with the application of Monte-Carlo simulation and descriptive statistics. At the end of the paper the most efficient material sequence is selected at the manufacturing company by using weighted sum model

  • Role of Lean and Agile Supply Chain Models for Pellet Fuel Technologies

    Business organisations constantly strive to improve their processes, both internal and external. Within the supply chain of a product, different strategies can be applied. This paper aims to answer the basic questions like what is the core of lean and agile SCM strategies, what are the differences of the two models, and how can they be combined. This paper examines further, which of these SCM models and what elements of them can be applied for wood pellet supply chains, also examining the possibility of their combination. The result of these examinations is, that even though fuel pellets can be considered as simple commodity and not a very innovative product, diversity in input characteristics, optimization of fuel pellet technology process variables and changes in output market qualities and quantities need sometimes agile, flexible answer from pellet fuel SCM. The basically lean character of pellet fuel technologies and SCM can further enhanced by implementing agile SCM model elements, as is the increased integration of suppliers into the supply chain.

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