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  • Studies on Consumer Motivation Among Users Of Fitness Services

    The rate of inactivity experienced world-wide is the cause of numerous health problems. The sedentary lifestyle of the population represents a great burden to a nation’s economy. The health indicators of Hungary are below the European average, not only those concerning physical activity, but also with respect to  smoking, nutrition, and alcohol consumption [1]. In 2013, only 38% of the Hungarian population exercised regularly, while 62% rarely or never [2]. The diseases associated with inactivity represent a higher burden to the economy than the costs of raising the level of activity would be [3]. Based on previous studies, the motivating factors for leisure athletes in Hungary are the preservation of health, to increase physical strength, relaxation, recreation, the love of exercising, and stress management [4; 5]. The sports facilities available to a wide range of people, the fitness clubs offer the possibility to join regular sports activities, which is why it is necessary to examine the motivation behind the participation of athletes taking part in the trainings provided by fitness facilities. Many previous studies examined the goals of athletes and the motivational factors behind exercising, and came to the conclusion that trainings held in fitness rooms and at home are related to intrinsic motivational factors, while taking part in other sports activities are related to intrinsic motivational factors [6; 7]. The focus of my study are leisure athletes using the services provided by fitness clubs (753 people), of whom I evaluated the motivational factors behind taking part in trainings. The results show that the motivational factors driving consumers of fitness services show a ranking that is identical to those of other leisure athletes, with most of them taking part in fitness trainings in order to preserve their health, to improve physical strength, and for recreational purposes, while the improvement of physical appearance also plays an important role.

  • An Analysis of the Leisure Preference System of Students with Disabilities in the Light of a Study

    With the increase in the number of disabled people and people with disabilities, research on the target group of people with disabilities has gained momentum in recent decades. Research is very diverse, looking at the labor market situation of people with disabilities, their leisure-time habits, or the factors that support and inhibit their sport.

    In our questionnaire research, the leisure and sporting habits of children with disabilities aged 8-18 are described and analyzed (N = 639). Data were processed with spss software, where basic statistics and contextual analysis were performed. The results confirm that passive activities (TV, listening to music) dominate the leisure activities of children with disabilities. Sports consumption (active and passive) was more prevalent among male respondents and less prominent among girls. In the motivation of sports, besides improving the state of health, entertainment and company appeared.

  • Survey of the Service Offer of Fitness Clubs for Group Classes in Debrecen

    The economic and social importance of the fitness sector is steadily increasing. The range of services provided by fitness centers is expanding and the popularity of fitness clubs is constantly growing. Fitness workouts are easily accessible for everyone, and there are numerous types of fitness centers which can play an important role in everyday physical activity. There are many factors that can influence the choice of fitness consumers for the gym, also fitness professionals play a key role in this regard. It is essential for fitness clubs in order to remain competitive on the market, to employ fitness instructors with the optimal personality and expertise, but in many cases, there is a lack of verification of qualifications. In our study, we conducted interviews with 20 fitness instructors who work in a fitness center that offers group lessons to consumers. The questionnaire included questions about consumer preferences, fitness facilities, trainers qualifications, and activities. Our study was made among eleven fitness clubs in Debrecen. The number of fitness clubs is constantly changing, with each year closing, opening or rebuilding fitness centers, which vary widely in size and number of services offered. The majority of respondent trainers are women as are the participants women in group lessons. Most of the interviewed trainers have OKJ qualifications, but the results reflect that fitness providers have not checked their qualifications at all before applying them. Fitness professionals play an extremely important role in leisure sports, contributing in maintainance and development of the fitness consumers’s health. Their work has a particular responsibility, as they can influence the physical and mental health of others in both positive and negative ways. Not only to avoid the risk of injuries, but also to prevent long-term health damage, fitness professionals play an important role. Controlling the qualifications also be in the interest of fitness clubs, not only avoiding accidents, but also increasing attendance at group classes by employing reliable, excellent personal trainers.

  • Roguelike Games: The Way We Play

    The spread of the gameable personal computers and game consoles resulted in the diversification of the video game genre, and from the 7th generation of the gaming consoles, the experience support of the games became largely enhanced. These games are now consumable owing to their resolution, the content, the plots are so fascinating so that they tie the gamer to the seat. Gamers seek experiences in the games. Still, such a special genre called roguelike was established, which is characterized by the constant termination of this world of experience in such a way that the gamer, as a results of the high level of difficulty, is obliged to start the game again and again. These new genre games are now leading titles of the new generation consoles, such as Demon’s Souls or the Returnal, gaining huge role in the introduction and sale of the new gaming console PS5. This study aims to reveal specifications of this genre, moreover, aims to describe through empirical research how gamers relate to it, and whether features of these games contribute to the devotion to them or lead to the disappointment from this world of experience. 

  • Változott-e az elsős mérnökhallgatók véleménye? (a szakmáról, a szakmai erkölcsről és a mérnöki etika tárgyról)

    A 2016-os tanév őszi félévében tettem először kísérletet arra, hogy információt szerezzek az első éves mérnökhallgatók elképzeléseiről: a mérnöki szakmáról, a helyes mérnöki magatartásról, és a saját alkalmasságukkal kapcsolatban. Az első felmérésem a félév első óráján készült. A feltett kérdéseim arra irányultak, hogy kiderítsem, tisztában vannak-e az érettségi után a műszaki felsőoktatásba bekerülő fiatalok azzal, hogy milyen szakmát választottak, milyen jellemvonások jellemzik a jó mérnököt, valamint hogyan látják önmagukat, megvannak-e bennük ezek a tulajdonságok. A második felmérés a féléves mérnöki etika tárgy oktatásának befejeződése után, tehát a félév végén készült. A kérdésekre adott válaszokból azt akartam megtudni, hogy mennyire segíti elő a mérnöki etika tárgy oktatása azt a nemes célt, hogy erkölcsös mérnökké váljanak a hallgatók. A következő évben egy új évfolyam esetén szintén hasznos mindezek tisztázása, ezért 2017 őszén újra elvégeztem ugyanezeket a felméréseket, és érdekes különbségekre bukkantam. Ebben a tanulmányban mutatom meg mindezt

  • Crisis of the 9th Generation Game Consoles-Focus on Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X

    By the end of the past centrury, specific computers optimized for gaming, that is meeting the needs of the computer gamers, the so-called game consoles were introduced to the market. At the end of the last year, after waiting for so long, new types of the 9th generation consoles came into the market, produced by the Microsoft and the Sony. Ovation of this appearance is familiar and usual in the profession, which soon became exchanged by the space of dissatisfaction, since now, after  the events of the past months we can declare that gaming on both platforms suffers from serious difficulties. This study, the methodological base of which is composed by case study, secondary analysis of available data, intends to highlight the facts which led to this situation, whether it is a temporary or a permanent situation, and  how the market and the gaming society react to it. Results show that it does not seems to be a temporary phenomenon, and as a result of complex problems market anomalies have appeared, which considerably influences our relationship to the market of the consoles.

  • Z Generation’s Expectations Against Leaders

    Expectations and ideas of labor market, workplace and leaders vary among different generations. In the current study we discuss the results of a word association survey which was conducted in 2015 among students in higher education. Students were asked to write down their first thoughts that they consider important against leaders. 391 students participated in the survey. The students formulated 20 different attribute-groups which can be classified into three main groups. Most of them defined sturdiness and empathy as their most important expectations against leaders. Attributes defined by 3-8% of respondents form the second group, while attributes defined by 1-2% are in the third group. The results show that sturdiness, confidence and authority are high above the most important skills for Generation Z.

  • Role of Grants for Tourism Purposes in Development of the Northern Great Plain Region

    Aim of the treatise is, based on main macroeconomic indicators, to present the development of the Northern Great Plain region and the amount of EU grants received, including the ones for tourism purposes, as well as to examine the effects of grants. Based on the data, it can be concluded the region received significant grants during the years 2007-2013; it is in last place in view of the economic development but has achieved better performance in several areas. It is difficult to examine the accommodation and food service national economic sector independently: in one respect, it develops by the combined impact of several other areas, on the other hand, the tourism-related developments become usable for other sectors as well, new enterprises and investments are launched, at the same time, not only the companies’ but the municipalities’ revenues from tourism are increasing. Based on the statistical data, attention will be drawn to the fact that the outcome of developments is just moderate in the area of catering and tourism in the region and has a different rate by county.

  • Sportcivil szervezetek – számok a támogatások növekedése mögött

    A KSH adatgyűjtési tevékenységének köszönhetően a nonprofit szervezetekre vonatkozó átfogó adatok mind adatbázis, mind tájékoztató formájában elérhetőek. A gazdasági adatok között feltűnik az az évről-évre hasonló nagyságú, domináns támogatási részesedés. Különös tekintettel a klasszikus civil szervezetekre ez egyértelműen jelzi azt, hogy a szféra támogatáskitett és támogatásfüggő. Ezek a szervezetek ugyanis kimondottan alkalmasak támogatások fogadására. Tanulmányunkban szeretnénk másodelemzés révén rávilágítani arra, hogy a sporttal foglalkozó civil szervezetek/sportcivil szervezetek száma milyen összefüggésben van a támogatásokkal, különös tekintettel két specifikus támogatási formára, a NEA-ra és a TAO-ra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy van összefüggés a támogatások összegének növekedése és a sportcivil szervezetek számbeli növekedése között, és ez kifejezetten igaz az egyik legrégebbi és legújabb támogatási forma esetében is.

  • Healthcare Management Education - Forms and Contents

    Gaining autonomy of a subfield of a private discipline has become plural up to the XXI. century. The appearance of the management discipline at the beginning of the XX. century mostly dealt with the industrial sector, and it was in relationship with the maximalization of efficiency. For now management became on his own in the healthcare sector, certainly regarding the education forms, which is emphasized the numerous educational ways on international level. Educational forms have a binary feature on national level, offering one BA and one MA possibility to learn. The objective of this study is to reveal diversity of the international education forms, illustrating their more important specifications, comparing them with the domestic relationship, all of which may highlight the need for new or novel education forms.

  • Grants Rating Due to Operative Public Procurement Law and by Applicable Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new legal regulation public procurement procedures become significantly faster and transparency and competition is increasing. The law entered into force on the first of November in 2015, but has been modified several times since then. A year ago, the National Parliament adopted the law on State Program Evaluation cover. The legislation aims to make the European Union resources for projects in an objective, transparent and independent from the interests of the operators assessment system.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – a Qualitative Approach of Students’ Opinions About Rural Life

    Nowadays, the research of rural areas’ specific features is one of the most interesting part of sociology. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A pillar of these, that the youth from rural areas become sufficiently motivated to stay at or to return to their homeland and be able to redound development. We were looking for answers, that how university students, who participated in our current research are thinking about the hungarian countryside, in their opinion what are it’s advantages and disadvantages and it’s possible potentials. In addition, we examined those factors, which are contributing to that respondents who are studying in large cities want to stay there, but at the same time we wanted to explore the opposite factors, those that make tudents to return to the countryside. Last, but not least we investigated a very interesting topic, the relations between the respondents and the rural elite.

  • Online self-learning

    In this paper four short sessions are reviewed in the theme of introductory programming. The sessions were performed in four different student groups from the age twelve to seventeen in two different schools. The paper summarizes important input and output properties of the groups, like the preliminary studies of Informatics and the grades in both Informatics and Mathematics – if available – also the results of the learning process during the sessions. The focus is on the skills of programming and self-learning, and the differences of it in respect to the age, the gender and the preliminary studies.

  • Sports Civic Organizations-Conceptualization Issues and Trials

    Lately published statistics of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reveal such a phenomenon that in some years (between 2011 and 2015), that the number of sport related classic civic organizations has increased in the narrowing non-profit sphere. Inside, the role of sport has been intensified primarily among the sports associations, and not among the foundations. Considering the Central Statistical Office methodology, the questions arises and serves an issue that how can we conceptualize a sport civic organization. Regarding the same topic, we may face diverse databases, and it also seems that different conceptualization approaches exist, we do not have uniform regulation, and current data also raise further questions. Through a “from general to specific approach” we aim to reveal that in what way a civic organization can be considered to be a sports related civic organizations and also try to highlight the consequences of this plural approach.

  • Industrialization of knowledge in the University of Miskolc

    Life of universities has transformed thanks to “massification”. The costs of education have increased and universities had to manage a higher number of people. The economic management has moved towards business-like operation. The university has been transformed into an entrepreneurial university, while science has become knowledge production. The scientific policy has started to serve the needs of industrial corporations. The article titled (Industrialization of knowledge) introduces the research, developments, and innovations of the University of Miskolc. The university participate in national and international projects and they use the benefits of the research in developments. As the participants of innovations, they help in the introduction of new technical developments and the preparation of new products. Their operational experience is important for everybody.

  • Functional Character of the Performance Management

    Performance management is a complex system, researching its modifying factors and elements, using the research results may significantly improve the success of the operation of organizations. Performance management functions are the followings: planning performance, developing measuring tools, communicating expectations, monitoring and quantifying performance, performance appraisal, feedback on performance, communicating personnel decisions, developments based on results. Along these task groups researches may be carried out separately or by aggregating several of them, in this way certain sub-fields of  performance management may be investigated in a more detailed way. In my research the characteristics of performance management systems operating in profit-oriented organizations were examined from the aspect of the management.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – The Retention Possibility of the Sport

    Nowadays, one of the most interesting parts of sociology is the research of the rural areas’ specific features. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A basic pillar of these, that the youth from these areas become sufficiently motivated to return to their rural homeland after finishing their studies and be able to redound the local social and economic development. Sadly, we experience the opposite of it. Young generations are fleeing to large cities and in medium or long term it leads to the decay of these involved settlements; in worst case scenario the results can be irreversible. In close relation with the aforementioned, we have to mention the specific behaviour of the local – rural – elite, which can be the source of further problems. In the course of our research, we wanted to investigate, that what is the reason that university students, who are studying in large cities don’t want to return or move to rural areas. Furthermore, we tried to give an inside view about their opinions of rural areas and the life in the countryside. 

  • Examination of the Informative Part of the Notes to the Financial Statement Amongst Hungarian Companies Engaged in Sports Activities

    Currently, the role of sports has intensified and changed; by now, it has become a separate area of interest from an originally civil, exercise-based, private leisure activity. In the case of sports-related economic research, both macro- and microeconomic research can be mentioned. Its economic significance, its contribution to employment, national economic income, and consumer spending is involved in macro-level research, while the examination of the functioning of sports services and organizations, and the characteristics of demand and supply are micro-level research activities. One of the reasons for the development of sports activities was the increase in their economic significance, which created a need for their economic analysis. The necessary information can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contribute to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other parts of the annual statement. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have sports activity (Hungarian NACE No. 931) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Implementation of the Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test in a Virtual Environment

    A virtual environment was developed for PC and Android to be used with a desktop display and the Gear VR, respectively. The goal with it is to measure and enhance the spatial skills of people, because the latter can be achieved by solving simple geometric problems. Originally, this virtual environment consisted only of three such tests, namely the Mental Rotation Test, Mental Cutting Test and Purdue Spatial Visualization Test. Measurements were done in the past with these tests, but now the Heinrich Spatial Visualization Test is also included in the virtual environment. In this paper, its implementation and future measurement plan are presented.

  • The Special Aspects of Leasing as Long-Term Asset Financing Method in Hungary

    Leasing has become widespread in the world in the 1970s, while in Hungary the first leasing firms appeared in the 1990s. The authors in this article introduce the most prevailing and most often used forms of leasing and their main characteristics in Hungary. Based on the statistical data of the 2008-2015 period the authors analyse the performance of investments, the volume of trade in the total leasing market and the course of the amount of capital assets and new capital investments on the level of the national economy. The conclusion of the current article is that the changes of the investment’s performance in the national economy and the EU development funds influence greatly the course of the Hungarian leasing market.

  • Gamification in Programming - a Short Introductory Session in Programming with Online Games

    Nowadays computer science is a diversified discipline with a wide range of interdisciplinary applications. Because of that, teachers at primary or high schools unavoidably face the following problem: What are the most useful fields, topics and applications of computer science and programming, and how can we teach them to be motivating enough for a student from the Z generation. In this paper we give a possible answer for the question above by presenting a short introductory session in programming for students in primary and high school. Our primary aim with the above session is to motivate students to continue their studies in engineering higher education. We also present our experiences about two experimental classes here.

  • Civic Organizations, Sports Civic Organizations and the Control

    Control, az a managerial function cannot be considered as one of the most frequently preferred examinational topics, and it is also valid for the matter of civic organization. Nevertheless, we must not forget about the increasing number and intensive non-profit sphere after the change of the regime, where the civic sphere inside has become determinant. In 2017, 15,2% of the 61 151 nonprofit organizations had a sport profile, and this ratio is higher, 16,2% regarding the 53 613 classic civic organizations (including only associations and foundations).  The specialty of these organizations is the strong relationship with subsidies, and it seems that it has turned into subsidy dependence by now (2/3 of the incomes are subsidies), as a conclusion from the data of the Hungarian Statistical Office. This topic may also become sensible in a way, when an organization cannot account the received subsidies or cannot meet expectations of the judicial expectations, which all raises managerial control related concerns. It also highlights the relationship between civic organizations and control. In this study, we aim to cover some relevant specifications of the topic through the control, as a managerial function, and based on the results we may conclude that a higher ratio of organizations cannot really perform by the expectations.   

  • Investigating the Motivation of Adventure Park Visitors

    In the world of runaway, “homo-sitting” and mobile telephones, the quality of leisure time is gaining increasing importance, most of which is the experience gained and the characteristics of existing natural factors. A variety of thematic and adventure parks are reported every year, increasing travel and visitors' growth every year, the service offering of which broadly satisfies the needs of modern man and kind. In the focus of our research, we set the link between recreational habits and motivation of adventure park visiting. Use the survey questionnaire to calibrate consumer habits (n = 408). There were significant differences in the number of factors studied, such as those who seek more physical activities in their free time and prefer to respond to the challenge and extravagance motivating motivation in each of the adventure parks, or even for leisure-time enthusiasts. Our research reveals that service providers should consider targeting their leisure time habits, for example, they can benefit from a thorough consumer mapping from the point of view of electoral motivation.

  • Determination of the accumulation of heavy metals of river sediment by plants

    Danube is the main river of Hungary. Danube and its floodplains and oxbow lakes are operating as ecological corridors, although their industrial, logistic and touristic role is not negligible. It is well known, that from the source to the estuary of the river Danube there are many industrial facilities. This heavy industrial pollution had effected on the water quality. The most dangerous components of the sewage water of these facilities are heavy metals, which can be found in the water as well as in the sediment. These toxic elements can cause significant health risks, because they can accumulate in the food-chain. The main aim of our research is to investigate the accumulation rate of the heavy metal content of the river sediment in the different parts of the test plants. The main sampling place of our research was a sediment dump was created by excavation from the Open Beach of Dunaújváros in 2009. During our measurements we analysed the cadmium, nickel, lead, chromium, copper and zinc concentration of the sediment and the plants. The test plants, which are growing on this sampling place, were parella (Rumex patientia), perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne), sedge (Carex riparia), bistort (Persicaria maculosa). The extraction of the heavy metal content of the samples was made according to the MSZ Hungarian standard. The concentration of heavy metals were analysed with AAS (atom absorption spectrometer). According to our results we determined that parella could accumulate cadmium, nickel, chromium and zinc in its upper stem, on the other hand bistort could accumulate these elements mainly in its leaves. These information will be important in the case of the in-situ remediation of a polluted area in the future.

  • Liquidation of Public Procurement Due to Operative Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new lwgal regulation public procurement procedure sbecome significantly faster and transparency and competition are increasing. Hence forward the rules of procedures under Europian Union limit won’t be standard. Innational pro curement procedures the rules are differentiated from estimate value. Important change in connection with valuation base dont he lowest price is succeeded by the method of proportion price and value.

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