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  • Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Robots

    In our study, we provided a comparison of four robot arms used in industry to determine  the most suitable model to adopt in university education. We investigated robot arms from the following manufacturers: ABB, Kuka, Universal Robots, and Techman Robot. The multi-criteria system was grounded on the important factor and experience. Following this, each aspect was ranked using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In addition, the order among the four alternatives was established by using the Kesselring method. The present study describes a selection method for industrial robots in the academic area.

  • Analysing the Conditions of SMEs Regarding Quality Assurance in Hungary and the European Union

    Nowadays, small and medium sized enterprises (SME) have a relatively large task and expectation caused by the appearing of populated large foreign-owned enterprises in our country. In order that they will be able to cooperate with them and be able to join and integrate into the value chain they supply they must meet the high quality of standards. Obtaining then preserving quality certificates is essential for this. It can be fulfilled exclusively with thorough screening and problem identification.

    This situation is exacerbated continuously by globalization in which each sector is involved. It means that they must remain competitive globally. Although in our country most of the small and medium sized enterprises bears the specific characteristics of family businesses innovation may not be avoided if they intend to stay competitive. To fulfil this quality assurance is one of its integral part.

  • Vehicle Modelling and Simulation in Simulink

    In this paper a vehicle dynamics model is presented, which is an example that contains all the necessary aspects of making a decent vehicle model. Several examples show the use of such a model: basic vehicle dynamics phenomena can be recognized with the simulation of a detailed vehicle model. We are dealing with the connection between downforce and under/oversteer in this paper. In addition, the use of numerical simulations in the field of control systems is pointed out by an example of simulating an ABS control for the vehicle.

  • Simulation modelling in the sizing of city logistics systems – a study for concentrated delivery points

    Nowadays, urban freight traffic is causing significant noise and air pollution, so it is in the focus of green logistics developments, both in technology and system organization. Based on experiences within city logistics, significant problems are caused by the so-called concentrated sets of delivery points, where there are several delivery points with heavy freight traffic in a relatively small area. Since the summer of 2015, we collected lots of data about stores of these delivery points to support the modelling and the simulation of the new green solutions for the examined city logistics systems. Based on our results we can say, there are significant savings in these systems, so it is worth to deal with developing new, gateway-concept-based and consolidation-based solutions.

  • Classification of Economic Activities in Colombia According to Workplace Accident and Disease Rates Using a Data Clustering Algorithm

    In 2002 the Colombian Government issued a classification of economic activities according to their level of occupational risk, taking into account the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC). Since 2008, the federation of Colombian insurance companies (FASECOLDA) has gathered data related to workplace accident and occupational disease rates reported by companies with employees affiliated to the legal labour system. In this study, economic activities have been categorized according to the average rates of workplace accident and occupational disease presented between 2008 and 2016, using some techniques of the Data Clustering Algorithm. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the current classification system, and propose recommendations for a new approach, taking into account the analysis of historic data available.

  • Entrepreneurial Climate – Management of Women's Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship, which people can have without formal economic education, is a tendency acquired through upbringing in the family, competition in school, implies risk and constant self-affirmation through the acquisition of profits and losses, so that it represents the sum of successes and failures, victory and defeat. In the last thirty years, female entrepreneurship has been developing more and more, especially in less developed countries, the reason for such growth is primarily reflected in the promotion of equality between men and women, the right to education, and the development of democracy. Female entrepreneurship is a significant factor in economic development, so the national economy becomes richer. The subject of this research are the entrepreneurial climate in the Balkans compared to the world in terms of female entrepreneurship, what is the role of the family in starting a small business, as well as its survival and growth. In the study the results of previous research in this area. The research method is based on a comparative analysis of studies dealing with this problem from the territory of Balkans. It can be concluded that in the Balkans, female entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, it is about a very small percentage of female entrepreneurs, although according to research, it is evident that there has been no major progress in the last 15 years. Recommendation In the countries of the Balkans, there is a good entrepreneurial climate for the development of female entrepreneurship, especially because women can work from home, and in the future it is necessary to go in this direction.

  • Food Security and Economic Growth: An Income Level Comparison

    Food security is a fundamental but often neglected aspect of economic growth and sustainable development. This paper examines the effect of food security on productivity (GDP/capita) over time, while taking the income level of various countries into account. Dynamic panel regression analyses suggest that food security is positively related to productivity, but this effect is stronger in more developed countries. The study highlights the complexity of the economic problems faced by the least developed countries, where increasing the consumption and supply of food is insufficient for significantly increasing economic performance.

  • Water Shortage in Jordan

    Water shortage in Jordan is considered to be one of the main challenges that face the country throughout the years. In this manuscript all aspects of this issue will be highlighted.  In this article, first, the water situation inputs, contests and outputs will be discussed. Secondly, there will be a detailed study about the ‘WADI AL-ARAB’ Project which is funded by the European Investment Bank and managed by the Yarmouk Water Company, its missions, assets and workflow. Finally, the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the water sector, project aims, framework, and the major findings expected as a result of these analysis will be highlighted. This document presents the essential elements of a work that required a long time, an enormous effort and a hard work to collect all the data from several sources such as the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and the European Commission (EU Official Website) and analyze them. Also, all the information listed about “WADI AL ARAB” Project was collected from multiple site visits.

  • Battery Measurement Methods and Artificial Intelligence Applied in Energy Management Systems

    Diagnostics of batteries using advanced methods have gained remarkable roles in the past few years. This study focuses on the type of measurements, tests and methods to reveal and classify them. During manufacturing and operation several faults could emerge in batteries including non-optimal operation conditions, operators without experience, and finally, random changes in batteries under physical and nonphysical conditions. Improper handling of batteries and battery cells man cause operation failures or, in the worst case, accidents. To reveal these problems several methods are applied in industry and in scientific laboratories. For a comprehensive analysis of battery management, artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 methods can be used very effectively. Big Data analysis in its standard form is not a new achievement, but other mathematical tools could be applied to control monitoring such as Fuzzy Logic or Support Vector Machine (SVM). They are efficient tools to analyse the deviation of batteries condition because it can detect sudden changes, parameter deviations and anomalies, and the user’s behaviour and habits. This article gives a description about the most important battery testing methods and the connection between Big Data and Operation Management with Artificial Intelligent (AI) methods.

  • PVC/LDPE Blends: Relationship Between Thermal/Mechanical Properties, Structure and Blend Behaviour

    In this paper the effect of LDPE content in PVC foams are examined on the structure of both the foam and the LDPE. We attempt to understand how LDPE content affects the structure of PVC in blends and how it changes the glass-transition (Tg). These parameters often provide important information related to the overall macromolecular structure of the polymer blend. Thermal analytical techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) often used to determine the structural transformation of samples. The effect of the miscibility and composition of the PVC/LDPE foam blends on the thermal stability were also investigated.

  • Examination of International Fisheries’ Agreements with Game Theoretic Approaches

    Nowadays, the application of game theoretic approaches is becoming more and more popular in different types of resource management problems. Overfishing is a growing problem worldwide and well known from literature. Unfortunately the tragedy of commons could be observed in several empirical studies in the case of international fisheries. In our paper, we focus on the examination of international agreements related the fisheries’ management (with special focus on the issues of overfishing) using game theoretic approaches. We review the history of fisheries’ agreements and the main game theoretic results, well known from literature. We highlight the main types of games applied in the previous research studies and summarize the main results related to the outcome and the stability of the game. To this topic better understood, certain empirical examples are introduced as well.

  • Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football

    My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.

  • Application of Topological Methods in the Development of Vehicle Components

    Many areas of the industry are characterized by continuous changes, which define new directions of development in product design. The development of computers and software, the spread of modern production tools and the development of material technology make it possible to expand traditional production technologies with modern processes. Integrated CAD systems have occupied their place in the product design and development process for decades, reforming classical design methods. Popular optimization procedures in integrated CAD systems, such as shape optimization, topological optimization and the new generative design process, provide effective solutions for design engineers in more and more industrial application areas. Experience shows that modern design methods can be used in many areas of industry. The appearance of metal powder printing and additive technology make it possible to test the designed prototypes or even to produce the final products. The following article aims to support the above with the help of a case study.

  • Innovation in Nonbusiness Organizations from a Conceptual Point of View

    The definitions of innovation have been transformed a lot over time since Schumpeter introduced his concept. Even recently one of the most prestigious innovation management references, the Oslo Manual have changed its concept. One rarely discussed aspect of the concept of innovation is that most of the definitions are referring to the business sector; only a few of them are referring to any kinds of organizations, including non-profit and governmental organizations. Any kind of organization must innovate sooner or later; therefore they have to learn how to manage innovation effectively and efficiently. That is why the broad type of definitions is recommended, involving not only for-profit organizations but non-profit and governmental organizations as well.

  • Tribological Behaviour Comparison of ABS Polymer Manufactured Using Turning and 3D Printing

    Additive and subtractive manufacturing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) were employed for fabricating samples. The Additive manufacturing was represented through 3D printing, whereas subtractive manufacturing carried out by Turning. Some developments have been applied for enhancing the performance of the 3D printer. Tribological measurements of the turned and 3D printed specimens have been achieved. Studying the difference between static and dynamic friction factors and the examination of wear values were included. A comparison of the tribological behaviour of the turned and 3D printed ABS polymer has been investigated.

  • Examining the Functioning of Organizations from the Aspects of Organizational Culture and Leadership

    Organizational culture and Leadership both have been under research for a long time, as they play a vital role in the performance of an organization. The organizational culture is the set of rules or acts as a guidebook of an organization for achieving the objectives while leadership defines these rules and implements them as well. Organizational culture is dependent to a great extent on the norms and values of the society or the country where it is located. Important for achieving the objectives of an organization, this factor plays a vital role while setting the organizational culture. Incorporating organizational culture and then sustaining it is done by the leaders. Leadership if does not play an effective role in regards to implementation of the organizational culture, can collapse the organizational structure. Leaders are required to develop the qualities according to the organizational culture and should be responsible to come forward to transform if necessary and implement the system. The organizational culture should fulfill the needs of the organization’s goals and the norms of the society. Both leadership and organizational culture are co-dependent on each other and should be understood together.

  • International Coffee Trade Network Analysis

    Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It is the second largest traded commodity after petroleum. It is crucial for the economy and politics of many developing countries, as its cultivation, processing, trade, transportation and distribution create jobs for millions of people. The analysis of network connections and structures became popular in the field of sociology, whereby the term Social Network Analysis (SNA) is derived. The method is well suited for the complex examination and modelling of composite social structures. The social network is defined as a finite set of social actors and the relationships between them. Modelling of complex networks now apply in countless locations, from social media through the pharmaceutical industry to economic and commercial processes. Our study examines changes in international coffee trade through a network analysis. Introducing the complex networks investigate by our, highlighting major changes in international coffee trade.

  • Food Industry 4.0 Readiness in Hungary

    In terms of production value, the food industry is the third-largest in Hungary, the first in Hungary in terms of the number of employees, and the first in Europe in the processing industry, as well as a significant user of resources. The research examined the state of art of digitalization readiness, focusing on I4.0 technologies, which supports the management to operate more efficiently the enterprise and to make better decisions. So the focus was on integrated enterprise information systems, management support systems, business intelligence systems, industry 4.0 technologies, and issues related to their application. The analysis based on an online questionnaire survey the request sent to 4.600 enterprises, the response rate was 5% which was representative of the branches of production, covered the Hungarian food and beverage manufacturing sectors in 2019. The companies were asked the most critical technologies in development, going towards Industry 4.0. The research tools were LimeSurvey, Mailing List Server, Excel, Power BI (Desktop, Publishing Server to distribute the results). The used analysing methods were making calculations, pivot tables, models, dasboards. We found that a significant portion of businesses, 78 %, use mobile devices in the manufacturing process. The three most relevant digital technologies are geolocating (GPS, GNSS), cloud computing, and sensor technology. The current level of digitalization and integration cannot be said to be high, but respondents are very optimistic about expectations. Improvements are expected in all areas in the next 2-3 years in terms of digitalisation and integration. Vertical integration involves, first and foremost, cooperation with partners in the supply chain. Horizontal integration means close, real-time connectivity and collaboration within the company. Unfortunately, between 6% and 15% of SMEs (approximately 9% on average) and large enterprises, 36% have a digital strategy. According to the survey, the sector needs significant improvement and creating a digitalization strategy.

  • Evaluating the Entrepreneurial Performance in South America. Case of Chile

    The research objective is to explore Chile's entrepreneurial landscape by assessing individual characteristics and institutional factors through a 'pillars' framework and compare it against Colombia, and Brazil; to identify socio-economic, individual, and institutional differences using the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI); to apply bottleneck approach to highlight areas requiring policy intervention. GEI features individual and institutional stage variables in a method where every variable collaboratively interacts, incorporating 14 foundational elements and three sub-indexes: attitudes, abilities, and aspirations. Ranking 18th on the GEI globally and the best in Latin America, Chile excels in key entrepreneurial pillars, showcasing strengths in innovation and a robust entrepreneurial culture. Brazil closely rivals Chile in competition and networking, emphasizing political and economic influence. Colombia surpasses Chile in internationalization and growth-stimulating policies but faces challenges like historical conflicts and wealth distribution. This study identified areas where immediate policy intervention may be necessary by examining Chiles's entrepreneurial ecosystem. The Penalty for Bottleneck (PFB) technique identified the weakest pillars highlighting process innovation, competition, and internationalization. The primary component identified as a bottleneck for resource allocation is Process Innovation, accounting for 73% of the allocation, followed by Competition at 23%. The findings show that allocating more resources to process innovation may improve greatly the overall GEI score. 

  • Construction Solutions for Reducing the Effect of the Rear-end Collision

    Analysing the accident statistics, we can detact that, the improvement of the transport safety is one of the most important engineering task. The number of the vehicles in the trasport gets significantly higher from year-to year, and the infrastructure of the cities frequently can not coordinate already it. Therefore the increasing of the vehicles’s number naturally involves the upgrowth of the accidents occasions too. The aim of the improvement of the vehicle-construction to reduce the personal injured and death resulted accidents number in contrast with the increasing traffic performance. This study analyses the construction options for reducing the effect of the rear-end collision whiches are concentrated for the passive vehicles and its passengers firtsly.  Among the actual car manufacturers applied solutions, foward-looking possibilities and suggestions are described in this publication. The development can not be concentrated for only the safety improvement, the mass-optimalization must be completed simultenously. These apparent contrary requirements can be completed with application of new materials. Therefore the study addresses the more optimal utilization of the meatl foam in the vehicles crushbox. In addition, an optimized break-assist solution is described based on the Mercedes developed Pre Safe Plus® system to increas the abrorbtion of the impact energy.

  • Evaluating the Efficiency of Polyhedral Mesh Elements in Solving the Problem of the Flow around Ship’s Rudder

    Meshing is one of the crucial key features to the success of CFD based simulations, this study is evaluating the efficiency of polyhedral elements in solving the problem of the flow around ship rudder, using a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence model (SST k-ω), and compares it to a tetrahedral based mesh, considering that polyhedral elements were neglected in the past due to difficulties in implementing them, this was solved by introducing a tool by ANSYS that converges tetrahedral elements to polyhedral element, and integrating it into FLUENT software, the model was validated by comparing it with previously validated model which used the full version of ANSYS, this study was concluded using the academic version, but still it was able to produce satisfying results in predicting the lift and the drag coefficient, the pressure around the rudder surface, the velocity and the turbulent kinetic energy, finally the mesh quality was evaluated using the orthogonal quality criteria, the results showed the supremacy of the polyhedral elements in saving time and computational resources and improving mesh quality, and keeping high level of accuracy in predicting the results.

  • Investigation of the Resistance Force Acting on a Sailing Craft in the Case of a Change of Draft Caused by a Change of Powertrain Using Numerical CFD Simulations

    Nowdays In the case of recreational craft, interfering with motor drive solutions is a common workflow due to increasingly strict rules for environmental reasons. When switching from an internal combustion engine to an electric engine, the change in draft varies from boat to boat, but it can be said in all cases that as the mass changes, so does the draft. Because of this, the magnitude of the resistance force acting on the ship also varies. In this paper, we examine, through a specific example, the benefits of a change in dive caused by weight gain at different travel speeds.

  • Review of Modern Vehicle Powertrains and Their Modelling and Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink

    Thanks to technological advances and environmental standards, as well as changing usage patterns, road vehicles are constantly developing. Electric and hybrid vehicles are playing an increasingly important role in today’s road transport. The most significant changes are probably in the powertrain of vehicles. The efficiency of internal combustion engines increases while their emissions continue to decline. In addition, high performance electric motors, batteries and even fuel cells play an increasingly important role in hybrid and electric vehicles. In this publication, we review the drive systems of current modern vehicles and the types and characteristics of their major components. We also review the available models and computer programs for their simulation, focusing mainly on MATLAB/Simulink applications. Based on this, we can develop our own models and simulation programs which will help us to perform different driving dynamics simulations and to compare the performance, dynamic and energetic characteristics of these powertrains and their components to each other.

  • Testing of Micro Switches for Garden Tools

    The aim of this paper is to introduce the design of testing method for the prediction of the life and acceleration methods of the micro switches applied in different type of garden tools. These products will be tested for complex stressing, for example higher temperature, humidity, current load and so on. Therefore, the most important information and multi-factor acceleration models are summarized, the Weibull, the lognormal and the exponential distributions which are suitable for performing and evaluating tests.

  • Impression Management Strategies Used by Foreign Students

    In this paper, we examined a general human behaviour, the impression management among university students. People are interested in how others think about them. At the organizational level, they can also benefit from being positively judged by others. Effort to create this positive image is Impression Management, which has several measurement options. In this paper, we conducted research on the impressions strategies used by first year international students of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Administration and Management programme. In our analysis we used the questionnaire consisting of 22 questions developed by Bolino and Turnley. We analysed what strategies are typical for the examined student group and to what extent? Are there differences in the strategies employed by men and women and depending on their cultural background.

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