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Teaching geometry using computer visualizations
259-277Views:25In this work we study the development of students' creativity using computer-aided-teaching during IT classroom. Teaching geometry in Bolyai Grammar School specialized natural science classes is not an easy task. Here is introduced a new didactic means of teaching geometry which nevertheless requires the same effort to understand the material, but uses a different more active method to familiarize students with the topics. Traditional methods, and the use of compasses and rulers are not omitted either, as they develop the students' motor skills. -
Teaching XML
317-335Views:39The author has been teaching XML at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen since the end of the nineties. This paper gives an overview of XML technology from an educators viewpoint that is based on the experience that the author has gained teaching XML over the years. A detailed description of the XML course is provided. Methodological issues are also discussed. -
Forming the concept of congruence II.
1-12Views:45This paper is a continuation of the article Forming the concept of congruence I., where I gave theoretical background to the topic, description of the traditional method of representing the isometries of the plane with its effect on the evolution of congruence concept.
In this paper I describe a new method of representing the isometries of the plane. This method is closer to the abstract idea of 3-dimensional motion. The planar isometries are considered as restrictions of 3-dimensional motions and these are represented with free translocations given by flags.
About the terminology: I use some important concepts connected to teaching of congruence, which have to be distinguished. My goal is to analyse different teaching methods of the 2-dimensional congruencies. I use the term 3-dimensional motion for the orientation preserving (direct) 3-dimensional isometry (which is also called rigid motion or rigid body move). When referring the concrete manipulative representation of the planar congruencies I will use the term translocation. -
Forming the concept of congruence I.
181-192Views:17Teaching isometries of the plane plays a major role in the formation of the congruence-concept in the Hungarian curricula.
In the present paper I investigate the way the isometries of the plane are traditionally introduced in most of the textbooks, especially the influence of the representations on the congruence concept, created in the teaching process.
I am going to publish a second part on this topic about a non-traditional approach (Forming the concept of congruence II). The main idea is to introduce the isometries of the two dimensional plane with the help of concrete, enactive experiences in the three dimensional space, using transparent paper as a legitimate enactive tool for building the concept of geometric motion. I will show that this is both in strict analogy with the axioms of 3-dimensional motion and at the same time close to the children's intuitive concept of congruence.
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