
Diophantine equations concerning various means of binomial coefficients


Copyright (c) 2014 Richárd Rakamazi

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Rakamazi, R. (2014). Diophantine equations concerning various means of binomial coefficients. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 12(1), 71-79.
The main goal of this paper is to show by elementary methods, that there are infinitely many different pairs of binomial coefficients of the form (n C 2) such that also their arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, resp. have the same form. We give all solutions for the arithmetic mean. We also give infinitely many non-trivial solutions for the arithmetic mean of three binomial coefficients satisfying some special conditions. The proofs require the solution of some other interesting Diophantine equations, too. Since the author is also a secondary school teacher, we use elementary methods that mostly can be discussed in secondary school, mainly within the framework of group study sessions. This explains why the means are generally analysed for two terms and for binomial coefficients with "lower" value 2, since further generalizations require substantially deeper mathematical methods which are beyond the frames of this paper.