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Search Results

  • The Young People's Health from the Aspect of the Quality of Life and Consumer Behaviour

    The examination of the quality of life on societal and individual level is emphasized increasingly in the social researches. The quality of life has subjective and objective components as well and we can get the complete view of the consumers’ perceived wellbeing by the measurement of these components. The objective of this article is to explore how the young people have the evaluation mechanism to their perceived quality of life and how they evaluate their health. According to the aim of this research, first we gain insight into the literature of the topic and after then we analyse the results of the empirical research. Unfortunately in respect of the evaluation to health our hypotheses were justifiable. The health does not have of high priority value for the members of 14-18 years old pupils. According to our research results we conclude that health and healthy lifestyle as an approach can be strengthened within the public and higher educational sectors. But it must become clear, that dissemination of knowledge, information is not sufficient, as without actively involving those of concerned, the problem can not be solved.

  • The Qualification of the Pálinka in the XXI. Century

    The issue of food quality came to prominence in the last decade. If we talk about sensory evaluation most of people mean the scoring method by that when in fact several evaluation methods are known. The amendment of the Excise tax in 2010 introduced the notion of the previously unknown distillate. The article clarify the difference between pálinka and distillate. The terms of pálinka tasing and the award criteria will be intoduced. How does the non-professional customer know that he buys a high quality product? The Pálinka trademark which was introduced in the autumn of 2012 and the brochure called Pálinkas of excellence can be a stronghold for them. For the pálinka strict quality requirements are in place in which the instrumental analysis can help. The article presented the pálinka-faults aroma wheel made by the author.

    JEL code: D12

  • Main Characteristics of Craftsman Sweets Consumption in Hajdú-Bihar Country

    Nowadays consumer trends in chocolate consumption are changing continuously. There is an increasing role of handmade ingredients, higher cocoa content, as well as chocolate is free from preservatives, additives and plant based oils. Therefore, chocolate products are healthier. The present study focuses on the consumption of craftsman chocolate in Hajdú-Bihar county. During our studies we have done primary and secondary research data and information collection. Our research is based primarily on online questionnaires and personal interviews. During the interviews we recieved 348 evaluating questionnaires. The research results show that 58.4% of the people who live in Hajdú Bihar county consume craftsman chocolate regularly. These consumers are mainly influenced by the taste and quality in their purchase. The county’s population is receptive to new ideas and is willing to spend more money on high quality products. The respondents regularly purchase and consume craftsman chocolate.

  • The Role of Sweet Corn Quality in a Healthy Diet

    The importance of sweet corn as a healthy food is constantly increasing worldwide. The research and comparative analysis of super sweet sweet corn hybrids suitable for fresh consumption and canning is of particular importance in the food industry. In our studies, we compared the carotenoid content of three supersweet sweet corn hybrids to collect data for its healthy conditions. A novel result in our tests that sweet corn contains the highest amount of lutein and contains zeaxanthin. We found that the amount of zeaxanthin and lutein is determined by its genotype. We found that carotenoids are influenced by the environmental conditions. The concentration of lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, β-carotene did not decrease with the growth of the crop, which confirms the importance of sweet corn hybrid selection for healthy nutrition. In our studies, the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin was higher than the amount of beta cryptoxanthin and beta carotene. Carotene consumption has many positive effects on the human body, it can reduce the incidence of cancer, vascular diseases, or wolf blindness resulting from a lack of vitamin A.

    JEL Codes: I1, L15

  • Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Handling of Complaints in out of Home Eating Sector

    The contribution of the eating-out-of-home sector to the overall food spending of Hungarian households is very low, especially when compared to other, well developed countries. In order to increase this market – besides the improvement of the elements of macro- and micro-environment – a significant task is to strengthen and improve the consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction is a complex system whose key element is complaint handling. The research team conducted a questionnaire survey in the spring of 2014 in Hungary (Central Hungary and Northern Great Plain regions) with a sample of 1063 respondents of the age group 15+ years. In the survey, the research models and findings of former international research projects were taken into consideration. Our research results are in compliance with the international research results and trends, although differences may be found in the numbers and extent of the Hungarian results. In the Hungarian eating-out-of-home sector, the desired service quality of the consumers exceeds the detected quality of services particularly in the key areas. Despite the frequent consumer dissatisfaction, the documented forms of dissatisfaction, which could be recognized directly by the management (e.g. direct complaints towards the staff, registered opinion on the claims book), are very low. Guests prefer to use the indirect channels of complaint (for example choosing other restaurant, negative word of mouth, or reducing tips), which will result in that the specific reasons of complaints could not be recognized by management of the restaurant. The exploration and registration of the original problems are the main prerequisites of the successful improvement of consumer satisfaction, therefore establishing an active complaint management system should be a key task for the restaurants.

    JEL code: D12


  • Rising prices on today’s food market

    In the past few months, we have witnessed and been part of incredible economic changes. Inflation is taking on dimensions not seen in a long time, and we can feel the effects of the war raging nearby, both in prices and in the lack of products and disruptions in the supply chain. In addition, in the meantime, we also have to reckon with the rising energy prices, and we couldn't even say goodbye to the coronavirus. These changes are far from over, so the question arises, how do we react during our purchases, what do we change? The role of prices seems to be appreciated more than usual. The main goal of our research is to determine how food purchasing habits have changed as a result of rising prices and how consumers are trying to protect themselves from these higher prices. Therefore, in our research, we wanted to ask those who are actively involved in buying food. We continued the survey both online and offline. We reached 1608 respondents. Based on our results, it can be stated that most households are affected by rising prices. However, the rise in food prices does not always change purchasing and consumption habits. There are people who stick to their old habits and lifestyle despite the fact that they do not have outstanding material assets. Based on our research results, we see that a bargain-hunting, cheaper purchasing behavior is starting to develop, which allows them to maintain the food consumption quality and options they were used to before.

    JEL Codes: M11, M21, M31, M38, Q18

  • Investigating the Dietary Practice of Students at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays, the importance of food in the preservation and restoration of health has become more and more important, as the number of people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various food allergies is increasing. In many cases, there is a problem with what is the recommended range of foods, and what is (the meaning of) a healthy and health-conscious diet. The focus of our study is on the nutritional habits of young university students, as the health consciousness of this age group plays a prominent role at both domestic and international level. The primary purpose of the research is to map the daily dietary habits university students in Debrecen to the recommendations of the nutritional pyramid of dietary nutrition and good nutrition created by dietitians. The basis of our primary study was the observational procedure by creating a food diary and fill it with the randomly chosen students, during which we could observe the quality and quantity of food consumed by them during their daily meals. On the basis of the results, the dietitians expected and actual food consumption in the case of the target group were able to compared, on the basis of which it can be concluded that the eating habits of the university students of Debrecen fall short of the healthy eating recommendation.

    JEL Codes: A13, P56

  • The Role of GI Products in the Hungarian Food Discounters

    More than 25 years ago, the European Union (EU) has established a sui generis system of geographical indications (GIs) for identifying the products which quality, reputation or other characteristics are linked to their geographical origin. By the end of 2018 the official register of the European Commission (the DOOR database) included 1448 registered food products with GI label, but their number is continuously increasing. For several reasons, we examined the discounters operating in Hungary in order to estimate the market size and price premium of GI foods in Hungary. Firstly, discounters’ share in the Hungarian food retail sector is continuously growing and reaching the majority of the average Hungarian consumers. Secondly, their typical feature is that their supplies are almost constant and limited, discounters target the price sensitive consumers, so the minimum level of price premium can be defined here. In this study, we would like to estimate from below both the market size of Hungarian GI products and the price premium of GI products compared to their direct substitute products. To gather real life data, we have gone mystery shopping for a year every month (January-December 2018) to an Aldi, Lidl and Penny Market retail shop located in Budapest. We collected data of available GI products and their closest substitute products which were available in the shop and then we analysed the dataset consist of several hundreds of observations. Our results show that the number of GI products available in the Hungarian discounters is very limited, however, their supply is quite permanent. The majority of GI foods available in Hungarian discounters are Italian and the average price premium was around 43% with remarkable differences. Our results show that currently GI food products have limited importance in the Hungarian food market as they are rarely available. On the other hand, a real price premium for GI products exists in the Hungarian market and an even higher price premium might be expected in less low-price oriented food retailers.

    JEL Classification: M31, M37, O13, O34, Q13

  • Research of Risk Reductive Behaviours Related to Food Products

    This topic will always be actual, since most of the companies crave to understand the
    behaviour of their consumers in Hungary – what kind of patterns of behaviour they have, and how companies can influence consumer behaviour without high expenses, considering the most effective methods. As we know, consumer behaviour should be researched on the level of a specific product or service in the short term, or as a brand versus personal preference.
    Nowadays, the role of health-awareness and cost-consciousness is getting misrated, alongside with environmental protection and the awareness of hazardous substances. Based on our idea, the background of our research assumes awareness of the contents of food, and the investigation of labels or titles. The organic labels on food have a high priority role in Hungary. In our opinion, the trust contains the following factors: (1) There are control authorities who are reliable, and guarantee the high quality of products for the consumers (for example: Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection, or other food and chemical industrial laboratories). (2) Food processing facilities are accredited, recorded, and given a certificate (for example: certificate of organic production, etc.) (3) Purchasing is straight from the source. (4) Purchase is on the basis of information technology. These factors are the underlying cause of the change in behaviour resulting from risk reduction awareness. The article focuses on the food consumption behaviour analysis of Hungary’s population. The analyzed database was queried from IPSOS Ltd. (N=1 038 people) but we will select 883 people, based on inclusive criteria (aged between 18 and 70) and exclude people with extreme incomes (due to being outliers). In order to indroduce the topic, we will start our research with a short literary introspection. Before the analysis of the database, we presume consumers have a kind of set awareness that is shaped by buying their daily food and products. In this research, we will prove this assumption.

    JEL code: D12

  • Drivers of Local Food Product Consumption among Young Consumers

    Future trends in sustainable food consumption include, among others, the expansion of short food supply chains coupled with a shift in consumer behaviour, e.g., a growing interest in product information, increased appreciation of trust towards local producers and locally produced food. There is a growing body of literature on local or alternative food to address the problem of consumer behaviour called the buyer's "black box". This paper aims to identify the most prominent drivers for the segment of young consumers for purchasing healthy and quality products: curiosity, uniqueness, and experience. We conducted this study to direct the attention specifically to the buying behaviour of young consumers, as previous research found this segment the most open to sustainable food consumption. A quantitative study was conducted on a large-sample survey with respondents aged 18 – 45 in Hungary. The questionnaire focused on product features, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational elements, and demographic characteristics. The findings of this study can support managerial decision-making and serve as a basis for further academic research.

    JEL-Codes: A13, F64, M21, O13, P46

  • The Role of the Cognitive Component of Consumer Attitude in the Image of the Pálinka

    The research aim is to explore the potential role of consumer attitude components in image development related to a traditional Hungarian alcoholic beverage, the pálinka. This study focuses on the effect of the cognitive component of attitude on image of the pálinka. The relevance of this research is the expansion of the pálinka market in recent years and the changing of the regulatory environment about homemade spirits. Distillate made at home, which product improperly called homemade pálinka, is very popular in Hungary. Based on the qualitative studies, the most important characteristics in the consumer perception of alcoholic beverage are quality, price, prestige, fashion and origin. The importance of these attributes of the most popular alcoholic beverages in Hungary was assessed by the participants on Likert scales. Homemade spirit has the most favorable attitude and in-store pálinka has the most unfavorable attitude. To understand the effect of the cognitive component, we used two types of the multiattribute attitude model of Fishbein. By using a 7-point semantic differential scale, we could graphically illustrate the consumer belief about the homemade and in-store pálinka. Image profiles on the semantic differential scales show the differences in image of the analysed alcoholic beverages. The study confirmed the advantage of homemade spirit image over in-store pálinka, points out the importance of education and information in the case of the cognitive component of consumer attitude. The reconsidering of the marketing communication of the in-store pálinka producers is very important and urgent.

    JEL Classification: M31

  • Farmers' Markets on the University Campus

    Short food supply chains are increasingly studied areas of international studies. Many see their spread as the solution to sustainability in agriculture. One of its defining sales channels is farmers' markets, their number has grown dramatically in Hungary in recent years. Many studies analyse the consumers of farmers' markets worldwide, but only a few studies examine the relationship of university students with farmers' markets. However, there are examples of this in the USA; it is even typical that farmer's market is organized on university campuses. University students are not typical buyers of farmers' markets, but they will be the consumers of the future, so it is worth examining their habits and needs. With the help of a questionnaire filled out by 382 university students, we investigate whether there is a difference between the food shopping habits of the university students examined in previous studies and the ones analysed in the current study. Do they have clearly identifiable habits of purchasing on the farmer's market? Is there a demand to organize farmers' markets on university campuses in Hungary? The food shopping habits of university students studying in Hungary are largely the same as the habits of university students examined by previous research. For university students, the price, comfort, the selection, and quality aspects of the products dominate. 31% of the university students, who filled out the questionnaire, have never shopped at a farmer's market; while among those, who purchase there food, only 21% do this regularly. The main obstacle for non-regular shoppers is the distance from farmers' markets, which can be solved by organizing farmers' markets on university campuses. 95% of the sample is open to this, so it would be worthwhile to conduct separate research for each university and put the positive results into practice.

    JEL-Codes: O13, P46, Q13

  • Game-meat Consumption Behavior the Image and Market Positioning of Quality Venison

    The purpose of our research is to understand the wild game meat, and more specifically, venison consumption behavior of the Hungarian population. In order to examine the issue, we have conducted questionnaire surveys as well as focus group interviews. Only 36.6% of the respondents reported that they consume game-based foods with some frequency. The main reason for the low consumption rate is related to the price of wild game meat which consumers consider too high. Based on focus group interviews, we concluded that the main problem is that most people do not even consider trying game-meat as they do not know about possible preparation methods. The results of our questionnaire survey reveal that 22.4% of the population has consumed red deer, while fallow deer has only been consumed by 7.7%. The respondents primarily associate deer meat with men, as they consider hunting and the preparation of wild-game foods a masculine activity. In Hungary, deer meat is a lesser known product considered to be a luxury good, for which a new marketing communication and sales strategy is needed. Limiting factors include unfamiliarity, high price and that respondents consider wild-game a seasonal product.

  • The Role of Food Labels in Consumer’s Food Choices

    One of the most important pillars of a healthy lifestyle is healthy nutritional value, in which FOP nutrition labels can support consumers in making the right decision. Nutrition-related diseases of civilization are a worldwide problem. A healthy diet is essential for overall well-being and the prevention of many chronic diseases. Special attention must be paid to the use of FOP nutrition values in order to prevention and healthy decision-making. It is important that people can interpret the nutritional quality of foods as simply as possible. The packaging has to provide realistic and accurate infromation about the product. This study describes four types of FOP nutrition labels used in the European Union: Nordic Keyhole, Nutri-Score, Traffic-Lights, NutrInform Battery.  

    JEL-Code: M31

  • Examination and Consumers’ Evaluation of New Pilot Products from Pseudocereals

    Nowadays the importance of the use of pseudocereals is increasing, especially in the diet of health conscious consumers and those who follow reform diet. In our research we produced pilot products with health-beneficial properties. The main ingredients were pseudocereals, such as buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa flour, and our aim was to get more information about their possible uses in nutrition. These grains have typical (buckwheat) or bitter taste (amaranth), therefore our second aim was to survey the consumers’ opinions, which help us to determine further direction of development. In our research we produced bakery pilot products from the previously defined mixtures of different gluten free flours and natural additives, taking into account the consumer’s demands, because more and more people are looking for the opportunity to reduce the gluten intake improving their health condition. Physical and chemical parameters of pilot products were determined. Finally, we evaluated the consumers’ opinions by a sensory test and questionnaire, therefore, we got results not only about the quality of products but the consumers’ preference orders too.

    JEL Code: I19

  • Main Characteristics of Confectionery Products Consumption in Hungary

    Present study focuses on the purchase and consumption craftsman confectionery products. Domestic confectionery has been subject to many changes in the recent decades, this sector suffers from internal problems and tries to reply to the changed consumer habbits. The specific Hungarian confectionery section – according to the professional literature – has not yet investigated earlier. Our objective is to analyse the changed consumer habbits and that’s influence factors. As the primary research method we used personal interviews and online inquiry. The personal interviews are in progress, therefore this study introduces only the results of the online inquiry (n=468). The majority of the respondents consume and purchase confectionery products. Most of people are looking for quality
    products, even they spend more money for this. The consumers mostly purchase products from confectioneries, they visit the pastry shops because of relaxation and unique, prime pastries. The products made from light and natural materials, are very popular due to the changed consumer habbits.

  • The Price of Health – The Consumption and Purchasing Patterns of Foods  with Special Attention to Price

    The economic events of recent years (war, the COVID epidemic) have had a significant impact on our daily life, including our consumer and shopping habits. The main aim of this research is to examine how food consumption and purchasing habits have changed in response to price changes, particularly for foods perceived to be healthy. Two focus group surveys were conducted to explore consumer habits on this topic. The period covered by the research was the consumer prices in April 2022 and April 2023. Our research explored general food purchasing habits and consumer motivations. We examined the extent to which products that participants perceived as healthy were purchased online, and the impact of price changes on the demand for health-conscious foods and on consumers' brand loyalty. We also looked at the online price monitoring system, where we mapped consumer adoption and the consumer benefits that the system provided. One of our key achievements is to identify a growing consumer awareness, with more and more people choosing quality, expertise and choice over convenience and price. The types of consumer responses identified in the EUROPA.EU research was in terms of products perceived as healthy in the wake of the price rise, although the proportions have shifted significantly; many are looking for alternatives, seeking substitutes for products; and fewer are the concern-averse, loyal consumers and the well-off but not engaged. Price sensitivity is increasing as a result of recent sustained price rises, with a small proportion of people who are not concerned. There is also a low proportion of emotional comfort seekers, a group largely confined to high-income consumers. For those who are not aware of the price of products, there is no change in brand loyalty and no brand abandonment, but for those who are price-aware, there is a tendency to switch between brands.

    JEL-CODES: I12, M31, M38

  • Analysis of the Health – Environment – Nutrition Nexus: A Review

    The fastest improvement of the wealth and quality of life was witnessed in last decades by the humanity globally. Economic and social development, however, influenced the state and processes of the natural environment at the same time significantly. Food supply is one of the major interfaces between the society and the natural resources, as we highlight in our literature review; approximately one-third of the resource use and pollution is originated in nutritional needs. Also, health effects of western diet are remarkable. Consequently, debate on ‘healthy diet’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ food supply chain became complementary and reinforcing topics recently, at least in the scientific communication.

    JEL Codes: F64, I12, O13, Q4, Q5