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  • Floristic data from Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (SW Hungary)

    This paper presents occurrence data of 169 taxa from the Lengyel–Hőgyész Natura 2000 site (HUDD20026) which is on the southern part of Tolna Hills, SW Hungary. Data were collected during three years (2015, 2016, 2017), on different sites annually. The presented data contribute to the distribution dataset of Atlas florae Hungariae. Regionally rare or sporadic species (e.g. Asplenium scolopendrium, Asplenium trichomanes, Polystichum setiferum, Doronicum hungaricum, Paris quadrifolia, Scilla vindobonensis) are enumerated. Presence of Epipactis leptochila subsp. neglecta and Platanthera chlorantha were not registered from this site before. Subspecies of Carex divulsa are also studied on this site – distribution of these infraspecific taxa have not been mapped recently in Hungary.

  • The flora of Bolondvár (Central Hungary, Colocense)

    A 0.26 km2 sized Natura 2000 area called Bolondvár, located in Central Hungary, near the village Mezőfalva was studied. It is used regularly as a meadow or sometimes as a pasture. Floristic data were collected between 2010 and 2013. The total number of taxa recorded was 362. The species diversity was high compared to other places of Hungary. There were 11 protected (e.g. Ajuga laxmannii, Astragalus asper, Cirsium boujartii, Inula germanica) and numerous locally rare species (e.g. Hieracium densiflorum, Lavatera thuringiaca, Orobanche lutea, Veronica austriaca).

  • Contributions to the flora of Budapest and its surroundings II.

    New and recently confirmed localities of 52 rare taxa (including 26 orchids) are presented from the vicinity of Budapest. Epipactis peitzii is a new species for the Hungarian flora; it has been recorded in the Buda and Pilis Mts. This species and its closest relatives (E. leptochila group) are briefly discussed. Other records are new for the flora of particular regions, specifically: Buda Mts: Corydalis intermediaEpipactis leptochilaEpipactis muelleri; Pilis Mts: Anacamptis coriophoraEpipactis neglectaE. tallosiiValerianella pumila; Visegrád Mts: Epipactis futakiiE. leptochilaE. muelleriE. neglectaOphrys apiferaO. holubyana.

  • Results of the Vincetoxicum pannonicum population survey (2001–2019)

    The Pannonian swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum pannonicum (Borhidi) Holub) is endemic to the Pannonian biogeographical region, occurring only in the Buda and Villány Mts in Hungary. Current distribution and population size of this rare plant species is surveyed. The species is recorded from the following localities: Budajenő: Községi erdő, Budaörs: Szekrényes, Kő-hegy, Odvas-hegy, Szállás-hegy, Út-hegy, Páty: Fekete-hegyek; Nagyharsány: Szársomlyó. According to our research, the total number of individuals is around 3550. The largest populations were found at Községi erdő (Budajenő), Szállás-hegy (Budaörs) and Fekete-hegyek (Páty). In the Villány Hills (Mt Szársomlyó) ca 50 specimens were counted. The peak flowering period of Vincetoxicum pannonicum was observed between 20th and 29th of May.

  • Epipactis exilis in the Börzsöny Mts (C Hungary)

    Seven specimens of Epipactis exilis has been found in the Börzsöny Mts, in a beech forest along the creek Szén-patak on the 21st August 2020. This strictly protected species is very rare in Hungary, the present observation is its fifth occurrence in the country. It is new to the Börzsöny Mts flora.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary III.

    We report the occurrence data of 44 vascular plant taxa collected at various localities in Hungary (mainly the Danube–Tisza Interfluve and South Transdanubia) during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys between 2016 and 2018. Of the species in the present article, 27 are protected or strictly protected. In the paper we focused on plants that are rare regionally (e.g. Botrychium lunaria, Polystichum aculeatum) or in the whole country (e.g. Ophrys oestrifera, Ranunculus psilostachys), as well as on plants that occurred in unusual habitats (e.g. Corydalis solida). We also included new localities of weedy species, some of which (e.g. Opuntia humifusaSporobolus cryptandrus) may present nature conservation threats.

  • Bruchia flexuosa (Schwägr.) Müll. Hal. a true peculiarity in the Hungarian bryoflora

    The fifth European occurrence of the moss species Bruchia flexuosa possessing a holarctic distribution range with a North American centre was encountered in Hungary. Outside of the North American continent only two Asian (both from Japan) and four European occurrences from four different countries (Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia) have hitherto been reported. Apart from the recent Japan findings and the Croatian record observed in 1987, all other European records date back to the 19th century. Our paper reports the circumstances of the Hungarian occurrence along with a short descriptions and photographic illustrations of both the species and its habitat.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae III.

    The current paper is the third one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 558 vascular plant taxa from 186 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are presented. New records are indicated from different regions of Hungary; however, most occurrences are located in the North Hungarian Mts. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (e.g. Marsilea quadrifoliaSalicornia prostrataStellaria palustrisPotentilla patulaAlthaea cannabinaLythrum tribracteatumAjuga laxmanniiPlantago schwarzenbergianaAlisma gramineumGagea bohemicaG. szovitsii), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenellaThladiantha dubiaSenecio vernalis) as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Scleranthus annuusVicia hirsutaV. lathyroides) are also enumerated. In case of the most common species we provided the CEU codes only.

  • Contributions to the flora of the Heves–Borsod and Uppony Hills and adjacent territories

    Results of nearly two decades of floristic research in the territory of Heves–Borsod Hills (Tar­na-vidék) and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts are presented in this paper (altogether 4421 re­cords; BÁ: 1665, SJ: 2752). Several old literature records – partly supported by vouchers – are confirmed, e.g. Hypericum elegans and Lappula heteracantha from the Uppony Gorge, as well as Cephalaria tran­s­syl­va­ni­caCypripedium calceolusDiplotaxis erucoides and Plantago indica from the Heves–Borsod Hills and the nort­hern foreground of the Bükk Mts. Other former literature records (partly from the authors) are re­vi­sed. These revisions are mainly due to changes in taxonomic concepts of some genera in new keys (Carex, Cha­maecytisus, Epipactis, Molinia, Sorbus). Old literature and herbarium records of other significant taxa (Onos­ma visanii, Scutellaria columnae, Sorbus sp., Utricularia bremii/minor) are revised too. The new occurrence of Ferula sadleriana in the Uppony Gorge is probably the result of intentional seed dispersal. Of the many rare plants listed in our paper some are new for the flora of the region under study: Ag­ri­mo­nia procera, Alchemilla micans, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Astragalus austriacus, A. exscapus, Blysmus compressus, Carex appropinquata, C. cespitosa, Catabrosa aquatica, Centarea indurata, Dactylorhiza × as­cher­soniana, Epipactis voethii, Epipogium aphyllum, Equisetum hyemale, Festuca drymeja, Gagea bohemica, Gly­ceria nemoralis, Hesperis sylvestris, Myosotis caespitosa, Phegopteris connectilis, Platanthera chlorantha, P. × hybrida, Rosa gizellae, Scilla kladnii, Senecio doria, Solanum villosum, Taraxacum palustre, Triglochin pa­lustre. Two phytocoenological relevés representing the habitats of Myosotis caespitosa and Spiraea me­dia are presented. Currently known local distribution of some montane and forest-steppe elements are shown on maps.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VI.

    The current paper is the sixth one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Current occurrence data of 389 vascular plant taxa from 117 flora mapping quadrates (CEU) are provided. New records are indicated from different regions of Hungary; however, most occurrences are located in the North Hungarian Mts and from the city of Szolnok and Western Hungary. Occurrence data of rare native taxa (including data of Equisetum fluviatile, Galium rivale, Gladiolus imbricatus, Hypericum maculatum, Persicaria bistorta, Potentilla inclinata, Ranunculus lingua, Rhinanthus rumelicus, Trifolium fragiferum subsp. bonannii, Viola pumila), rare or data-deficient alien taxa (e.g. Amaranthus blitum subsp. blitum, Cymbalaria muralis, Elymus elongatus, Euphorbia peplus, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Impatiens balfourii, Lepidium densiflorum, Rhus typhina, Telekia speciosa), as well as frequent but more or less underrepresented taxa (e.g. Carex otrubae, Chenopodium polyspermum, Crepis tectorum, Filipendula vulgaris, Petrorhagia prolifera, Poa palustris) are also enumerated. In case of the most common species we provided the CEU codes only.

  • Botanical comparison of man-made landforms in the Nagykunság and Nagy-Sárrét regions (E Hungary)

    Loess grasslands are among the most important vegetation types of the Great Hungarian Plain. This paper compares the composition of vegetation situated on three types of man-made landforms (burial mounds, Devil’s dykes and river dikes) which were built in different historical times. I studied the similarities and differences in their vegetation, focusing on the rare species and plant associations. I studied six burial mounds, two Devil’s dykes and four river dikes. All of the studied landforms were covered by loess steppes, loess cliffs or Artemisia salt steppes. Devil’s dykes had the most valuable vegetation and they preserve a very diverse flora in the landscape.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae XII.

    In this work, we report data supplementing the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary. Altogether 1325 data of 460 vascular plant taxa are reported as contributions to 149 quadrants in the Central European Flora Mapping grid system. The new stands of Phegopteris connectilis (NW foothills of the Vértes Hills), Sternbergia colchiciflora and Corydalis solida (Danube–Tisza Interfluve), Euphorbia angulata and Potentilla alba (Nyírség) are particularly noteworthy. In addition, new stands of numerous rare or scattered species are also listed: Allium paniculatum, A. sphaerocephalon, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Botrychium lunaria, Bulbocodium vernum, Clematis recta, Colchicum arenarium, Cyclamen purpurascens, Dianthus barbatus, Dictamnus albus, Doronicum hungaricum, Epipactis atrorubens, E. microphylla, E. tallosii, Equisetum hyemale, Hepatica nobilis, Hesperis sylvestris, Hordelymus europaeus, Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica, I. arenaria, I. sibirica, I. spuria, I. variegata, Jurinea mollis, Lilium martagon, Linaria biebersteinii, Linum flavum, Listera ovata, Lunaria rediviva, Lychnis coronaria, Melica altissima, Menyanthes trifoliata, Monotropa hypopithis, Muscari botryoides, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Orchis militaris, O. morio, O. purpurea, Ornithogalum brevistylum, Ornithogalum sphaerocarpum, Phlomis tuberosa, Primula veris, P. vulgaris, Pseudolysimachion incanum, Pulsatilla flavescens, Pyrola rotundifolia, Scilla vindobonensis, Scrophularia vernalis, Sedum urvillei subsp. hillebrandtii, Spiranthes spiralis, Stipa borysthenica, Stratiotes aloides, Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, Trollius europaeus, Veratrum album, Vinca herbacea, Vitis sylvestris, Wolffia arrhiza etc.


  • Contributions to the flora of the Danube River in Komárom-Esztergom and Fejér counties (Hungary)

    The present paper focuses on the aquatic and Nanocyperion vegetation of the Danube flood­plain. Most of the data show the results of the surveys in 2019 at low water levels. The Nanocyperion and aquatic vegetation of the Komárom-Esztergom County section is relatively well researched com­pared to the Fejér County section which was previously poorly known. In the last decade, two rare spe­cies – Hippuris vulgaris and Hydrocharis morsus-ranae – have disappeared between Gönyű and Neszmély (Komárom-Esztergom County). In contrast, several new invasive plants have appeared: Salvinia molesta, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Limnobium laevigatum, and Crassula helmsii (first record from Hungary). Vallisneria spiralis and Elodea canadensis were detected again after several decades. Elodea nuttallii and Azolla sp. have become more widespread and abundant than previously. New and uncommon Nanocyperion species were the native and protected Lindernia procumbens and the inva­sive Lindernia dubia. New invasive plants in the studied Danube sections were: Cyperus esculentus, Euphorbia maculata, and Eleusine indica. The native Veronica catenata and Schoenoplectus triqueter have become more wide­spread than before. Polygonum graminifolium was an interesting find of open pebble surfaces in several parts of the examined area, which has no recent records in Hungary from before 2015 (published here).

  • White willow riparian forests along the upper Tisza River, Hungary

    Forests of the Tisza floodplain in the northwestern part of Hungary include white willow riparian forests (Leucojo aestivi-Salicetum albae) that are phytosociologically little studied. This study summarizes the characteristics of this community based on 25 phytosociological relevés. These forests grow mostly on mud and raw alluvial soil in the low-lying parts of the lower terraces of the floodplain. They are easily separated by their species composition and underdeveloped shrub layer from white poplar gallery forests (Senecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae)., which grow on higher lying ground with rather light sandy soil and typically possess a pronounced shrub layer. The understory of their stands may often host plants  that are rare or completely absent in other parts of the country, such as Cardamine amara, Cardamine flexuosa, Cardaminopsis arenosa, Carex pseudocyperus, Carex remota, Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Leucanthemella serotina, Leucojum aestivum, Oenanthe banatica, Scrophularia scopolii, Telekia speciosa, Vitis sylvestris. This community is classified in the „Salicenion albae-fragilis Kevey 2008” suballiance.

  • Dr. Sándor Polgár was born 140 years ago

    Dr. Sándor Polgár was the most outstanding botanist of Győr county (NW Hungary). He provided important results in floristic studies, phytogeography, taxonomy and in the research of alien plants. „Győr megye flórája” („Flora of Győr county”), published in 1941, was one of the most important monography in his period. He is the author of the rare, hybridogenous species Ornithogalum ×degenianum, known only from HungaryHis private herbarium was one of the biggest in Hungary with more than 20,000 specimens. As a teacher he taught geography and nature studies in his home town Győr between 1900 and 1935. Because of his Jewish origin, he was a victim of the holocaust in 1944.

  • Bryophyte flora of the Arboretum of Szarvas (Hungary, Békés county)

    In this study we present the current moss and liverwort flora of the Arboretum of Szarvas. The observations were made in 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021. Altogether 95 bryophyte taxa (7 liverworts and 88 mosses) were identified. Most of them are considered to be common in Hungary, however some species are rare in the Great Hungarian Plain: Lophocolea coadunata, Climacium dendroides, Hylocomiadelphus triquetrus, Pleurozium schreberi, Polytrichum formosum, Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Ulota crispula, Zygodon rupestris. These results also confirm the conservational and scientific value of the arboretum.

  • Cardamine occulta Hornem. in Hungary, and other stowaways of the ornamental plant trade

    During the study of the weed flora of garden centers in Hungary (among 2017–2020), remarkable populations of Cardamine occulta Hornem., a new alien for the Hungarian flora were found. C. occulta was present altogether in 51 of the 53 visited sites. Dominantly the regularly irrigated and continuously moist microhabitats (pots, containers, muddy surfaces of geotextile-covered beds etc.) were colonized. During the revision of our recently collected specimens, deposited in JPU and DE herbaria as Cardamine hirsuta L., further individuals proved to identical with this till overlooked species. One of them (27.08.2004., Heves county: Eger [8088.3; 8188.1], coll. by A. Schmotzer, deposited in DE collection) proved to the third documented occurrence in Europe, comparing to the accessed literature data. Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. and Urtica membranacea Poir. are also new aliens for the Hungarian flora. Several introduced individuals of these taxa were found in containers of imported thermophilous woody ornamentals at 4 and 2 sites, respectively. Tens of individuals of Eclipta prostrata were also found in a sapling-bed at another site. New populations of scarce or rare Euphorbia prostrata Aiton, E. serpens Kunth and Veronica peregrina L. were also documented.

  • The occurrence of Pterygoneurum squamosum Segarra et Kürschner on a reclaimed waste storage near town Győr (NW Hungary)

    In the article a new locality, range map and habitat description of Pterygoneurum squamosum is provided from Hungary. Differently from up to the present known localities, the moss was found on anthropogenic habitat, eroded and clayey soil surface. Considering the climatic and soil conditions there, probably this rare Mediterranean species has wider ecological tolerance, so we come across it on further man-made habitats, as well as on loess walls.