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  • Determinants influenceing the mental health of older people (60 years +) in Botswana
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    Ageing society is a reality for many people in developing countries than in the past. Governments are facing major challenges in safeguarding the mental health of older people and health care systems to deal with this demographic shift. The mental health of older people is an important indicator of the level of their health-related quality of life.  The situation of older people in Africa, concerning their mental health and well-being, is a matter of growing attention among researchers and policymakers alike. There is a common perception in connection with the aged population reporting poor mental health status and a greater need for healthcare. However, there is few research on the disparities of older people relating to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Botswana. There is a tendence of ever-increasing number and population proportions of older people representing both opportunities and challenges. Some of these challenges include the prevention and management of anxiety, depression, and somatization, which are the most common mental disorders in primary health care the world over. Previous research has shown that the three disorders are highly comorbid because of the need for prevention and mitigation of all three.

  • Challenges to Mental Health Security and Safety of Older Adults in the U.S.
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    Although rates of Covid-19 infection are lower for older adults, the mortality rates are higher than all other ages. While the health challenges are evident, the mental health effects of the pandemic are less evident. The term “compassionate ageism” has been used to describe protection of all older adults as vulnerable groups, however it overlooks individual factors that may mitigate risk and enhance mental health aspects of coping with the realities of the pandemic. Isolation and separation from families and once enjoyed activities, whether residing in their own homes or long-term care facilities, has taken an immeasurable physical and mental health toll on older adults. Safety and security for mental health as well as physical health must be considered in any strategy to try mitigate the effects on the quality of life of older adults during this critical time in our history.

  • Hogyan segítheti az idősek magányosságának és izolációjának csökkentését a telementálhigiéné?
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    A tanulmányban a szakirodalom áttekintése alapján ismerteti a szerző a telementálhigiéné fogalmát, illetve azt, hogy a telementálhigiéné hogyan járulhat hozzá az idősek magányosságának és izolációjának csökkentéséhez. Kitér a magyarországi idősellátásban az IKT használatának tapasztalataira, illetve röviden bemutatja azt is, hogy a koronavírus járványhelyzetben hogyan járult hozzá a digitális technológia alkalmazása az idősek szociális és mentálhigiénés ellátásához, milyen változások történtek. A tanulmány a szociális munkások IKT használatára és az időseknek szóló telementálhigiénés szolgáltatások fejlesztésére vonatkozó ajánlások megfogalmazásával zárul.

  • COVID-19, lockdown, elderly. Experiences of the follow up research among active older adults 2020-2021.
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    Introduction, aims:
    The COVID-19 pandemic caused invaluable harms on the World during last two years. Among all economic and societal consequences the negative effects for elderly people was also apparent. Researches - among others - focused on the age related inequalities for accessing and using services, economic disadvantages, the decline of psychical, physical and mental conditions, reduced quality of life, increased level of loneliness, stress and depression, such as the increase and new faces of ageism.
    This research focused on the individual and organizational consequences of COVID – 19 pandemic and the effects of the state interventions followed by. The target group were identified as active seniors who have leading positions in different local and regional senior’s associations. These people were affected individually as a member of the age group and as an experts with organizational responsibilities as well.

    Research method:
    We chose a qualitative follow up (longitudinal) research method that was committed by semi structured phone interviews, recorded and anonymised. The time of the two data record focused and followed the main Hungarian waves of the pandemic: May – June in 2020 and June – July in 2021. Sample were collected from all districts of Hungary (n=42).

    Main research topics were:
    - The situation of the older adults (experiences about the local older people, daily life, problems, issues, social connections)
    - The life in the organization (activities, new initiatives, problems, issues)
    - Individual experiences (fears, daily life, social connections, shopping habits, use of ICT, vaccination).

    We found significant differences on the personal life situation and the perception of pandemic and related interventions during the two waves. Pandemic situation may influenced these results. The age related “stay at home campaign” made more difficulties for the older people during the first wave, meanwhile related interventions weren’t so strict during the second wave by introducing shopping timeline for older people and night curfew for all in the late nights. Even first wave did not cause such harm like the second one in Hungary.
    During the first wave we found older people as a rule following citizens. They followed all the restrictions and regulations strictly. Life situations mainly were determined by the living conditions, that is means the ones who lived in the countryside mainly a house with garden experienced less negative effects than those, who lived in the housing estate area (first wave mainly fall on March – May).
    Older people reported increased importance of the local authorities. With the lack of central supporting interventions, local authorities played main role for local support, care and security. If the local government took care of older people they felt safety. Less interventions and coordination made older people insecured.
    The second wave made new situations for people. Older adults became one of the first target groups in vaccination and people started to cope with the pandemic.
    Older adults became more critical with governmental interventions.
    Critics focussed on the
    - pandemic related communication, the vaccination (older people mainly got Shinofarm vaccine that was not accepted in the EU at that time),
    - difficulties with the availability of health services, and
    - they experienced increased economic problems.
    The life in the organization: during the first wave we found frozen life of the seniors organization, cancelled and delayed programmes. Some initiatives were also reported. People preferred to keep contact via phone instead of using another ICT tools. Some of the answerer worried about the community life, how they can restart after the pandemic, others preferred the forthcoming chance for personal meetings.
    Seniors organisations may play an important role of the senior’s life by organizing free time and social activities, advocacy, and many other aspects of active ageing. As we made a first extract of this research further analyse will focus more on the good examples and new initiatives on the social, community and organizational levels.

  • Mental health of older adults living in nursing homes in Slovakia – Results of a preliminary study
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    Loneliness is a serious public health problem of an ageing population. The prevalence of loneliness in elderly population was estimated to rise from 10% to 45%. In elderly population, loneliness is considered as a risk factor for mental health disorders, especially depression. Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders worldwide and their prevalence is increasing, especially among seniors who are hospitalised and living in nursing homes.

  • How can telemental health help reduce the loneliness and isolation of the elderly?
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    The goal of the paper is to draw attention to the importance of telemental health and how it can contribute to reducing the loneliness and isolation of the elderly, by reviewing the literature. The author briefly presents how the use of digital technology has contributed to the social and mental health care of the elderly during the coronavirus epidemic, and what changes have taken place. The study concludes with recommendations for the use of ICT by social workers and the development of telemental health services for the elderly.

  • Staff Training and Stress in Long Term Care Facilities Special Care Units for Alzheimer's Elders
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    Special Care Units (SCU) in long term care health facilities are named to indicate "unique to diagnosis" or a level of care. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions among caregivers and licensed nurses in selected nursing homes in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York, as they pertained to the differences in care to Alzheimer's elders in SCUs. It examined the education and experience of staff and the satisfaction of this staff as it pertained to stress and wages.

    Long-term caregivers often experience stress, resulting in "burn-out" as a consequence of limited training, levels of care required, cognitive decline of elders and family expectations. The caregivers, on SCUs, environmentally designed for the elders with cognitive decline, need specialized training in the physical and mental dimensions of the various forms of dementia, Alzheimer's type.

    The study used a qualitative research design with a survey questionnaire and one-on-one interviews with administrators and human resource directors. A pilot study of SCUs in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York was initiated. The population was the employees of these SCU. The levels of employees questioned included: Executive director/Administrator, nurses, nurse aides, housekeepers and activities staff, laundry and social service workers. The procedure was standardized to enhance the reliability of the data. The respondents were notified in advance of the specific application of their answers and were afforded the opportunity to receive a monetary donation to the SCU of their respective facilities.
    An Eden Alternative Home, with a program of goals and missions characterizing enhancement of an elder's life, a home-like environment and family-centered staff and care, in a very rural area of Pennsylvania, was also engaged to contrast and compare the hypotheses of the study.

    On the SCU, less than 5 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. On the SCU, less than 18 percent were satisfied with the quality and quantity of specialized and extensive training. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff was satisfied with their specific training. On the SCU, using a Leiken scale, more than 55 percent felt that they should receive higher wages. In the Eden home, the results were the same. However, the longevity of the employees was 13.5 years as opposed to only 3.25 years in the SCU in other homes.

    These findings suggest there is a need to examine, expand and intensify the training of all caregivers on a special unit for the elders afflicted with dementia, Alzheimer's type.

  • Az időskor jobb megélése tudatos döntéseinken múlik: A gerontológia társadalmi aspektusai a XXI. sz. 2. évtizedében Magyarországon
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    A szerző kiscsoportos testi- és - szükség esetén-lelki foglalkozásokkal segíti megmutatni az utat az időskor minél további jobb megéléséért, és az egészség fenntartásáért.

  • Supporting ageing with a positive psychological framework and tools
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    In the classical literature, but also in the everyday approach, ageing is mostly associated with decline, deterioration of various skills, abilities, capacities, mental dysfunction, increasing inactivity, shrinking relationships and similar, more negative characteristics. We think of ageing as if it were a necessarily negative, unavoidable and unavoidable deterioration - but one that we must accept passively, at the same time - at the physical, mental and psychological levels. The presentation will focus on the reinterpretation offered by a positive psychology approach, pointing out that the second half of life is not necessarily about decline, mental problems, dissatisfaction or bitterness, but can also be about fulfilment, happiness, discovering and exploiting new potentials and strengths, new goals and living a truly fulfilling life. What is at stake to make this happen? How can we support this with the tools of positive psychology? The presentation will not be about anti-ageing tips, but about how to promote mental health in later life so that we can live ourselves and our lives to the full in this period of life with a positive outlook. The focus will be on the how, so the knowledge and a possible toolkit of interventions will be presented.

  • The correlations of resilience of the geriatric population in Botswana: A cross sectional study
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    According to Botswana's Current statistics for 2021, people aged 60 and above would make up 8.9% of the population. As people age, they face a plethora of challenges; mental, legal, social, health, economic, environmental, and political, in addition to ageism and marginalization. Therefore, they need resilience to deal with these challenges that emanate from the aging process, the development of care needs, and the depletion of resources. However, in Africa, there is anecdotal evidence that some older people cannot cope with their lives, let alone carer responsibilities caused by HIV related death and other risk factors. For older people to flourish, they need resilience to achieve, endure, develop and sustain their health and well-being in the face of adversity. The degree of success and impact on their resilience is undocumented. The research will therefore determine the correlates with resilience and establish ways to curb the risk factors.

  • Burnout syndrome in healthcare profession
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    Burnout syndrome is a current topic. Helping professions are most at risk. We include the profession of nurse to these professions. The work is demanding, it requires mental endurance and physical fitness. Nursing profession is one of the most risky one in relation to burnout syndrome.

  • Gerontofitnesz – A rendszeres testmozgás jótékony hatása az idősödő emberek testi-lelki egészségére
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    Az egész életen át tartó fejlődésben rendkívül nagy szerepe van a testmozgásnak, így az időskorban is nagyon jelentős. Akik rendszeresen sportolnak jobb szív és érrendszeri állapotnak örvendenek, kielégítőbb állapotban marad a mozgató szervrendszerük, kevésbé panaszkodnak depresszióra, alvászavarokra, magabiztosabbak és önállóbbak még idősebb korban is.
    A rekreációs sportok kiterjednek a hétköznapi emberek széles körére, akik számára a mindennapi élet szempontjából szükséges fitnesz biztosítása a cél. Új fogalomként megjelenik a gerontofitnesz, mely az idősek által végzett sporttevékenységgel és azok jótékony hatásaival foglalkozik. Napjainkban elterjedtek az olyan programok, amelyekkel az idős embereket rendszeres testmozgásra sarkallják. Ugyanakkor ezek megvalósítása számos akadályba ütközik, hiszen az idősek fizikai aktivitását olyan kulturális tényezők, sztereotípiák, attitűdök és elvárások is befolyásolják, amelyek inkább az inaktivitás irányába hatnak.

  • A városi zöldterületek szerepe a demenciával élők és gondozók jóllétének megőrzésében
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    Empirikus kutatásunk célja annak feltérképezése volt, hogy a városi lakókörnyezet zöldterületein tett séta hogyan járul hozzá a demenciával élő betegek és az őket gondozó családtagjaik jóllétének megőrzéséhez. A vizsgálatban 3 gondozó-gondozott diád vett részt, a gondozók a rendszeres közös sétákról egy hónapon keresztül (2021 április-májusban) készítettek naplóbejegyzéseket. A naplóírás mellett egy kvantitatív kérdőív kitöltése is a gondozók kutatótársi feladatának részét képezte, amelyben a gondozók értékelték saját és demenciával élő hozzátartozójuk mentális és hangulati állapotát, valamint a kettejük együttműködését a séta előtt, alatt és után. A 39 sétáról beérkezett kérdőívek értékelései alapján a gondozottak és a gondozók esetében is az eredmények szignifikáns javulást mutattak a mentális állapot és hangulat tekintetében, illetve a kettejük együttműködésének alakulásában is a séta hatására. Ezt a tendenciát a naplóbejegyzések szöveges tartalmai is alátámasztották, magyarázták. Kis mintás kutatásunkban sikerült tehát igazolni, hogy az általunk vizsgált gondozó-gondozott diádok esetén a városi zöld környezetben tett séta mindkét fél hangulati és mentális állapotára, valamint kettejük együttműködésére is kedvező hatású volt. Eredményünk jelentősége abban áll, hogy hazai mintán is alátámasztja a városi zöldterületek egészségmegőrzésben betöltött szerepét krónikus betegek és gondozó családtagjaik körében: a séta a természetben ily módon egy alacsony költségű, általánosan pozitív hatású és relatíve könnyen és sokak számára elérhető, mégis nagy hatású intervenciónak tekinthető.

  • Bölcs öregedés az életút alkonyán
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    A tanulmány rávilágít arra, hogy a megtett életút minősége, milyen lenyomatot képez időskori énünkben. Az öregedés folyamatának komplex bemutatásával árnyaltabb diagnózist lehet felállítani az időskor sokarcúságáról, ezáltal hatékonyabb prevenciós-, és gondozó tevékenységet lehet folytatni. A tanulmányban vázolt pozitív életfilozófia alkotóelemeinek megismerése és gyakorlatban való alkalmazása, hozzájárul az időskori mentális egyensúly fenntartásához.

    Gyakorlati relevanciák: A kutatás eredményei elsősorban gondozóintézetekben idősotthonokban és nyugdíjas klubokban hasznosíthatók. Hatékonyan segíthetik az idős emberek testi - lelki - szellemi gondozását és problémás élethelyzetük elfogadását. A tanulmány felhasználható az alap és középfokú andragógiai képzéseken és szaktanfolyamokon (szociális munkás, szakápoló, terapeuta).

  • COVID -19 pandemic, surveys on elderly about vaccination. National and European perspectives
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    A summary of Symposium titled COVID-19 pandemic, surveys on elderly about vaccination reserved in this abstract.
    The severe cases of COVID-19 in Europe. A comparative analysis using SHARE data base
    The paper focuses on the severe cases of COVID-19 in Europe and the predictors of these cases. The author used the secondary analysis of a large data base (SHARE) of persons aged 50 or more from the EU countries and the Switzerland. The data have been collected in the summer of 2020. In the first part the focus is on the theoretical starting point of the analysis. In the second part the main outputs are presented.
    How to convince the undecided - communication with the elderly and attitudes towards vaccination COVID-19 in Poland
    The pandemic has had its toll on the socio-economic life of most people. Governments and international organizations face new challenges in a situation of uncertainty. Social campaigns are designed to encourage as many people as possible to join the vaccination plan. Achieving population resilience requires a significant commitment of organizational, financial and communication resources.
    Older people constitute a priority group in the vaccination system in Poland. However, despite the measures taken, there remains a significant share of seniors who remain reluctant to vaccination. The government is taking further pro-turnout measures targeted at the elderly. The shortcomings of the existing strategies should be eliminated for the benefit of society.
    The aim is to summarize the research conducted in the field of the needs and possibilities of communication with the elderly, attitudes towards vaccinations and sources of influence on making purchasing decisions of seniors.
    Vaccination attitudes – international project in Central and Eastern Europe
    The beginnings of the project date back to 2020. The uncertainty that became commonplace in the times of the pandemic indicated new areas of previously unknown dependencies. Stress, uncertainty, attitudes towards the threat, protective behaviour, and soon also attitudes towards vaccination seemed the most important at that time. Examining the existing dependencies would allow a better understanding of the phenomenon of social responses to the pandemic and would support governmental and non-governmental, national and international actions that would be an important tool in the fight against the negative consequences of a spreading COVID-19.
    Scientists from Central and Eastern European countries representing different disciplines (sociology, economics, communication, statistics, psychology and psychiatry) joined forces in a common international project investigating the relationship between attitudes towards vaccines and the level of perceived mental health, uncertainty, socio-demographic variables and the level of religiosity. Core aims of the project were to analyse the model of predictors concerning demographic, psychological, and social factors influencing the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19 and to provide the information to prepare and implement more effective and efficient health messaging strategies and campaigns targeting groups reluctant to COVID-19 vaccination in Eastern and Central European countries.
    The project involved the development of a common research tool - a questionnaire, parallel research in four countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary), more than 2000 respondents (unvaccined adults) and joint development of the results of the analysis, using the potential of all involved partners.
    The project is still developed to next stages of investigation. Results will be published in high quality journals in years 2022 and 2023.

    Partners involved represent: University of Gdańsk (Poland), University of Oradea (Romania), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Debrecen (Hungary).
    More information:
    Survey on unvaccinated Hungarian elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic
    During the pandemic, we performed a comparative study of the Hungarian unvaccinated people, focusing on psychological and demographic aspects in our questionnaire. The survey data collection lasted from 27 August to 13 October 2021. Participants were over 18 years of age who have not yet received any vaccination against the COVID-19 virus.
    The method used is an on-line questionnaire survey.
    The survey is not for political but for scientific purposes, and we hope that its results will contribute to a more professional management of the COVID-19 epidemic. The survey of Hungarian team was conducted in collaboration with Polish, Slovenian and Romanian university researchers.
    The test dimensions are as follows:
    Well-being at the time of pandemic (happiness, health.)
    Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS21)
    Vaccination Attitudes Examination Scale (VAX)
    Sources of information about vaccination
    Religiosity level
    Demographics (metrics)
    The presentation focuses on the most important aspects of the first analysis of the Hungarian results. The study involved 478 people: 113 men, 363 women, and 2 people identified as “other”. It is worth highlighting from the first processing of the data that a large number of unvaccinated people do not believe that they are at risk of getting the COVID-19 virus. In our sample 42% of the unvaccinated are very sure that the vaccine will not work, and 30.6% are afraid that they will become infected because of the vaccine. They do not usually feel safe after vaccinations, they are afraid of the undiscovered consequences, and they trust more in their natural immunity. 61.8% definitely do not want a vaccine for themselves, nor in the future. 67.3% want to wait to see how vaccines work in other people. During processing, we could identify the ones with a definite anti-vaccination attitude. They were also analyzed on the basis of their political affiliation, religiosity, and place of residence. Regarding the DASS-21 depression subscale, the young age group scored significantly higher than the elderly. According to the DASS-21 stress subscale, the value belonging to young people is significantly higher than that of older people. On the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) Scale’s concerns about financial profiteering subscale, seniors scored significantly higher. Interpreting our results in the context of parallel international studies is also part of our objectives. Our results provide an opportunity to serve important aspects for the communication strategies with unvaccinated elderly.

  • Idősgondozás az ellátórendszeren kívül: A családi gondozók kihívásai
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    A tartós gondozási rendszer túlterheltsége miatt egyre fontosabb a családi gondozók szerepe az idősellátásban. A gondozás felvállalása azonban jelentős megterheltséggel jár, melynek számos negatív következménye lehet a családi gondozók családi élete, munkavállalása, testi-lelki egészsége tekintetében. A jelenlegi hazai ellátórendszer kizárólag a gondozottak szükségleteire fókuszál, a családi gondozók támogatására még nincsenek szolgáltatások. Tanulmányunkban 10, családi gondozóval készített mélyinterjú tükrében ismertetjük legfontosabb nehézségeiket.

  • Early recognition of dementia within the family
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    The awareness of communities with dementia in Western Europe has moved closer to recognizing priority issues such as the environment or climate change. Dementia-friendly communities how have a history of 30 years and have achieved significant results through their work, both for those affected by the disease and those not directly affected. It probably affects many families, the topic is also getting into the spotlight in Hungary.

    Without specific and detailed statistics and databases, dementia currently exists in the latent zone. The vast majority of the literature defines dementia as a diesease for which there is no treatment or cure. The effect of dementia is considered primarily as problems in the brain that negatively affect clear thinking, memory processes and result in additional emotional turbulence. Dementia is known as an age-related condition.

    In general, dementia is identified as senility, incorrectly. Dementia can occur in different areas and at different levels in individual patients. As a result, families affected by the disease often face serious difficulties in identifying the disease. Without proper and detailed knowledge of the diagnosis, many families struggle with the situation of self care solutions at home. This personal involvement not only imposes a significant financial and emotional burden on the family but also often leads to separation and isolation, which can have additional negative effects on the disease itself and even on the mental health of the patient’s family members.

    The global extent of dementia is generally known only to experts in the field, and to this day there is still a lack of adequate representation in the wider social dialogue. There is a unique and innovative incentive in Gyöngyös where Matralab’s integrated care centers offer day-care activities and solutions to support and provide experts advice to families with dementia. The project is implemented at the regional level, where 25 municipalities start monitoring the conditions and impacts of dementia in the region. As dementia is a prevalent and identifiable condition, affected families need help and support at the widest possible level.

  • Tevékeny időskor, aktív és sikeres idősödés
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    Háttér és célkitűzések: Kutatásunk célja az idős emberek idősödéshez való viszonyának, a rendelkezésre álló és ebből megvalósított aktivitásának, közösségi bevonódásának, valamint a sikeres idősödésről alkotott laikus véleményének a kvalitatív vizsgálata volt.
    Módszer: A kutatás során félig strukturált interjúk felvételére került sor, az interjúkat tartalomelemzéssel értékeltük.
    Eredmények és következtetések: Az idősek szerint a sikeres idősödéshez főként testi vagy mentális egészség, az aktivitás megőrzése, tevékeny életmód, pozitív életszemlélet, jó családi környezet, társas kapcsolatok, anyagi biztonság, célok, motiváció, sikerélmények, előre tervezés, társas támasz megléte szükséges.

  • Hetvenes - Disztrópia a magyar társadalomról
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    Bevezetés: Az elöregedő társadalom jelensége egyre aktuálisabb kérdésként jelenik meg mind a köznapi, mind a tudományos gondolkodásban. Nem találunk sok példát olyan műalkotásokra, melyek a filmek világában jelenítik meg kritikájukat a témával kapcsolatban. A Hetvenes című film 2014-ben debütált Magyarországon. Sajátossága, hogy a magyarországi idősekhez való disztópikus hozzáállást helyezte a fókuszba.
    Cél: A tanulmány célja, hogy az ál-dokumentumfilm disztópikus jellegét feltárva, a mű narratíváinak segítségével képet mutasson a magyar társadalom lehetséges diszfunkcióiról.
    Módszertan: A tanulmányban szociálpszichológiai megközelítést veszek figyelembe, amelyben a filmjelenetek affektív jellemzésének folyamatát tartalomelemzés alapján elemzem.
    Elméleti háttér: Az elemzésben két fő szempontot tartok szem előtt: a kognitív sémaelméletet és a disztópikus tartalom jellegét, mint az értelmezési keret szűrőjét. A kognitív sémaelméletet a jelenetek észlelésére és megismerésére, a kanonikus beállításokra és az értelmezési kontextusokra alkalmazom. Az elemzésben az emlékezeti tárgyak, a mentális modellek és a kognitív mezők állnak a középpontban.
    Következtetések: A filmélmény magában foglalja az észlelt jelenetek tudatosítását, így a valós világ elválasztható a képzelettől. Valójában a szubjektivitás és a valóságunk alakítási folyamata az egyes szempontok igényeit szolgálja, ezért a film értékes kiindulópontjának tekinthető a magyar társadalom jövőjéről szóló vitának, kiemelve az idősek helyzetét.