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  • Instead of loneliness: intergenerational home-sharing

    A solution has existed for decades, which addresses two pressing problems: the exclusion of the younger generation from affordable housing and the loneliness and isolation of a rapidly ageing population. An innovative housing programme is helping organisations match older people with students in a scheme called homeshare.

  • A magyar lakosok egészségi állapota, egészségmagatartása 2020-as SHARE Corona Survey (Covid-19) adatainak tükrében – Hagyományos statisztikai és rough set alapú elemzés

    Pályázati támogatás:
    HEAlthy Life ALLiance for Health Tourism Education Development and Reorganisation – HEAL-ALL. Erasmus+ pályázat száma: 2020-1-HU01-KA203-078799

    A SHARE (Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe) felmérés egy olyan európai szintű projekt, amely egy panel-adatbázist fejleszt és gondoz az ötvenéves vagy annál idősebb egyének egészségére, társadalmi-gazdasági helyzetére, valamint szociális és családi hálózataira vonatkozó adatok vonatkozásában. A SHARE adatbázis kialakítása 2004-ben indult, tizenegy ország bevonásával. A kezdeményezés a népesség elöregedésével járó növekvő kihívásokra keresi a megalapozott válaszokat. A felmérések során a szervezők eddig nyolc adatgyűjtési hullámot hajtottak végre, amelyek lefedik az Unió összes kontinentális országát, valamint Svájcot és Izraelt. A 8. adatgyűjtési hullám végrehajtásának közepén kezdődött a COVID-19 járvány - a várható interjúk körülbelül 70 százaléka készült el 2020 márciusára - a terepmunkát ekkor az összes résztvevő országban fel kellett függeszteni. A szervezők elhatározták a felmérések folytatását; telefonos interjúk (CATI) elkészítésével. Jelentősen lerövidítették az eredeti kérdőívet és kiegészítették a kérdéslistát a COVID-19 élethelyzetre vonatkozó kérdésekkel.

    Az előadás célja a SHARE COVID-19 adatbázisának feldolgozásával kapott eredmények bemutatása – fókuszálva a magyar válaszadók egészségi állapotának helyzetére, egészségmagatartására a felmért országok polgáraihoz viszonyítva.

    Anyag és módszer
    A 2020-as nyolcadik SHARE felmérésben 28 ország vett részt. A válaszadók és kérdezőbiztosok egészségvédelmének okán a telefonos interjúk (CATI) alkalmazása volt az elsődleges ajánlott mintavételi alternatíva a korábbi személyes interjúkkal szemben. A válaszadók száma a módosított kérdőívre 54.567 fő volt. A magyar válaszadók 1053-an voltan – a teljes minta 1,9%-a. A kérdések csoportjai a következő öt fő területet érintettek:

    Egészség és egészségmagatartás. Általános egészségi állapot a COVID-19 járvány kitörése előtt és után, biztonsági intézkedések betartása (pl. szociális távolságtartás, maszk viselése, higiénés „viselkedés”).

    Mentális egészség. Szorongás, depresszió, alvási problémák és magány a COVID-19 járvány előtt és után.

    Fertőzések és egészségügyi ellátás. A COVID-19-hez kapcsolódó tünetek előfordulása, a tesztelés és kórházi kezelés tapasztalatai, orvosi kezelés elmaradása, a kezelésekkel való elégedettség.

    A munka és a gazdasági helyzet változásai. Munkanélküliség, üzletek bezárása, otthoni munkavégzés, munkaidő- és jövedelemváltozások, anyagi támogatás viszonyai a megkérdezettek között.

    Közösségi hálózatok. A családdal és a barátokkal való személyes kapcsolattartás változásai a járvány hatására; segítségnyújtás, személyes gondoskodás – az adott és kapott segítségek.

    Az elemzések során hagyományos statisztikai leíró és elemző módszerek, valamint a rough set analízis egyes elemzési módszerei kerültek alkalmazásra. A minta súlyozására a számítások során nem került sor. Alkalmazott programcsomagok: SPSS V22, Excel 2007.

    A mintanagyság szerint Magyarország a 20. helyet foglalja el (1053 fő 1,9%). A legnagyobb minta Észtországban került felmérésre (4670 fő, 8,6%); a legkisebb elemszámú részminta a holland minta volt (803 fő, 1,5%). A teljes mintában az átlagéletkor 70,42 év volt (95% CI: 70,34-70,50; medián: 70,00; SD: 9,3977; min: 31, max: 104). A magyar részmintában 70,69 év (95% CI: 70,22-71,15; medián: 70,00; SD: 7,6825; min: 38, max: 95). A férfiak aránya a teljes mintában 42,29%; a nők aránya 57,71%; a magyar minta arányai: 39,98% és 60,02%.

    Az elemzések statisztikailag szignifikáns különbségeket mutattak ki számos elemzett változó esetében, a különböző országok polgárai között:
    a) a járvány előtti egészségi állapot (ön)megítélése;
    b) egészségváltozás megítélése a járvány előtti állapothoz képest;
    c) jelenlegi megbetegedések (akut, krónikus);
    d) gyógyszerszedés;
    e) védekező intézkedések betartása a gyakorlatban: maszkviselés; szociális távolságtartás kézmosás; fertőtlenítési lehetőségek alkalmazása.

    Az országok összehasonlítása számos változó esetében statisztikailag kimutatható különbséget mutatott. A nagy elemszám okán igen kis eltéréseket is lényegesként jeleznek a statisztikai elemző módszerek. A különbségek tényleges elfogadását a szakmai validálás folyamata teszi érvényessé. Ennek a kutatási szakasznak a teljes lezárása még nem történt meg – az előadás az aktuális eredmények bemutatásával és értékelésével zárul.

    Börsch-Supan, A. (2021). Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Wave 8. COVID-19 Survey 1. Release version: 1.0.0. SHARE-ERIC. Data set. DOI: 10.6103/SHARE.w8ca.100

  • GreenerAge: Empowering Sustainable Transitions through Adult Education for 55+ people

    The ageing of the global population is fast-moving. In Europe, the projections are that individuals aged 55 and older rise from approximately 35% in 2022 to around 40% of the total population by 2050 (Eurostat, 2020). Climate and sustainable actions should consider their participation and engagement. With accumulated life experiences, maturity, time, and knowledge, older adults can play a pivotal role in advancing a greener future, both at the individual and community levels.

  • Smart against ageism: an overview of age discrimination in Portugal

    Negative stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination on the ground of age, known as “ageism” have been shown to cause cardiovascular stress, lowered levels of self-efficacy and decreased productivity[1]. Across the EU, policies and practices still reflect ageist prejudices and deprioritise, disregard, or even exclude older adults in different ways.

  • A Review of the AGE Barometer 2023: EU Good Practices and Barriers in the Empowerment of Elderly in the Labour Market - The Case of Hungary

    The 2023 edition of the AGE Barometer was released by the Age Platform Europe, aimed at consolidating data from European statistics and national-level sources and enriched by feedback from 19 European countries, including Hungary. The publication aimed at empowering older people in the labour market and promoting sustainable and high-quality working lives for them. The Barometer revealed that the European Union (EU) is far from reaching its 78% employment target for adults aged 20 to 64 with its current state of just 62.3%. This could be due to various barriers to the integration of older people in the labour market, which include inadequate supportive policies, ageism, and unfavourable workplace conditions. Conversely, these are broadly stated in the context of the EU; hence, a deeper analysis of these results, with a special focus on the case of a single country, such as Hungary, is relevant to establish a clearer understanding of the national and local framework of these findings and in determining facilitating policies and programmes as well as gaps in promoting elderly inclusion in the labour sector. Using various methods such as critical analysis, desk and literature review, and thematic analysis, this article examined the Barometer report and other relevant publications. The Barometer 2023 effectively provided general issues and actionable areas in supporting older people in the labour market, combating ageism, and ensuring an age-friendly work environment in the EU landscape. Moreover, it revealed that Hungary performed better in employing older persons compared to the EU average, likely associated with a favourable environment for older workers through its legal protection systems, financial incentives, equal treatment policy, and initiatives such as pensioner cooperatives and information technology education. However, this still falls below the target, and based on the analysis and review of existing relevant publications, this could be associated with some unfavourable policies, gender disparities, a continuous rise in the ageing population, an increased number of migrant workers, technology challenges, ageism, political mayhems, cultural and traditional constraints, and other challenges that continue to threaten the marketability of older people, thereby resulting in consequences for their financial, physical, social, psychological, and environmental wellbeing. Moreover, the report also stated few good practices in promoting elderly employment in the county, contrary to numerous efforts implemented by both the Hungarian government, non-government organisations, and other institutions, which remained unrecognised, perhaps due to limited data availability and gaps in the reporting schemes. Finally, the Barometer 2023 report was realized to be included and used as a part of the technical working papers of the European Economic and Social Committee, being the EU advisory body that deals on the issues and opinions regarding this matter. The latest edition of the Barometer has the potential to spark positive changes among policymakers and decision-makers in acknowledging the economic potential of the elderly and in eliminating barriers that hinder elderly integration in the labour market. In the case of Hungary, substantial policies, programmes, and welfare services exist that facilitate elderly employment; however, challenges were also identified, hence the precise recommendations provided in the Barometer report must transform into reality, taking into consideration the unique national, local, and cultural peculiarities of Hungary and its local communities. It is also suggested that systematic data collection and good practice documentation must be facilitated in Hungary, and feedback from the other 18 countries in the Barometer report must be thoroughly reviewed or benchmarked for possible inspiration and replication. Lastly, the potentials of the Barometer 2023 to be used at all levels of decision-making must be maximized.

  • Mental health of older adults living in nursing homes in Slovakia – Results of a preliminary study

    Loneliness is a serious public health problem of an ageing population. The prevalence of loneliness in elderly population was estimated to rise from 10% to 45%. In elderly population, loneliness is considered as a risk factor for mental health disorders, especially depression. Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders worldwide and their prevalence is increasing, especially among seniors who are hospitalised and living in nursing homes.

  • Active Ageing Good Practices Promoting Intergenerational Communication and Understanding

    Persistent negative stereotypes on the aging process and the older person are noticeable within the current youth-orientated culture. Older persons may also hold negative stereotypes about the younger generation. These undesirable typecasts co-exist because younger and older persons often have limited contact with each other. Indeed, the younger generation, only gets to engage in communication with the older person within the family unit, rarely outside their own familial structures. Similarly, older persons, residents of long-term care have limited opportunities of interacting with the younger generation.

  • Meaning for the years – thoughts about the social and human science gerontology

    The study consists of a theoretical and a practical part. Relying on the relevant literature and
    the practice of the world’s developed countries, the theoretical part outlines the social
    problems arising as a result of the increasing life expectancy. At the same time it seeks to find
    possibilities of solutions to these problems. It clarifies the notions of ageing and retirement
    age, Life Long Learning, and within this, the beneficial health effects of language learning. In
    addition, this part of the study introduces useful forms of activities that make sense and have
    meaning late in life. The empirical part describes the results of a survey made in Miskolc
    before the conference of gerontology in November 2017.

  • Bölcs öregedés az életút alkonyán

    The study highlights what impression the quality of our life history has on our elderly ourselves. With this complex presentation of the aging process, a more nuanced diagnosis could be made about the versatility of ageing, thus more effective prevention and care programs could be carried out. The recognition and application of the positive philosophy of life outlined in the study contribute to maintaining good mental health of the elderly.

    Practical relevance. The results of the research can be primarily utilzed in care institutions, nursing homes and retirement clubs. It can effectively help the physical, spiritual and mental care of elderly people and help them accept their problematic life situation. The study might be utilized in practice on elementary and intermediate andragogy trainings and on vocational courses (social worker, specialist nurse, therapist).

  • P-AGE Tudatos Öregedés Program

    A P-AGE Tudatos Öregedés Program egy nemzetközi stratégiai partnerségi együttműködés keretében alakult 2022-ben, alapítói Knyihár Éva és Török Bettina. A P-AGE Tudatos Öregedés Program víziója és hosszútávú célja helyi szintű Tudatos Öregedés Ökoszisztéma létrehozása, fenntartható, helyi tudatos öregedő közösségek fejlesztése mellett a hazai Tudatos Öregedés Hálózat építése, a tudatos öregedés szemlélet tudományos térbe emelése, szoros együttműködésben az európai/nemzetközi ökoszisztémával.

  • Association between Personal Well-being, Functional Status, Anxiety, Depression, Social Support and Spiritual Experience of Older Adults living in nursing Homes in Slovakia

    Satisfaction with life is one of the most important pillars of successful ageing. Assessing the cognitive aspect of subjective well-being (which can be related to life satisfaction) is considered a useful complementary indicator for monitoring and comparing quality of life across countries.

  • Insights into the lived experience of Long-Term Care and End of Life Transitions in Malta

    In this keynote presentation, I explore the profound implications of the global demographic shift towards an ageing population. I delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by this shift, using Malta as a unique case study with 25% of its citizens aged 60 and older. The dense population poses challenges for infrastructure, healthcare access, and the overall well-being of older individuals.

  • About the questions of consumer protection of elderly people: Kerekasztal beszámoló
    Round table discussion on elderly consumer protection issues.
  • Primary aspects of the elderly and information communication technologies

    In this article, we will briefly review information and communication technology (ICT), the most typical characteristics of the elderly age group, and finally, we will look at how and in which areas the elderly can connect to ICT solutions. It is not easy to navigate in a world of rapidly evolving technology even for those who do not have to think about how to learn using ICT. In a rapidly evolving world of technology, it is not easy for those who does not need to think about how to learn how to use ICT to adapt. Those who have not been in touch with ICT for a third or half of their lives start from a serious disadvantage, and this disadvantage can increase in old age. Today it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the online and offline worlds, and this is unlikely to become easier in the future. Welfare states are characterized by an aging society, and the resulting problems have long been present in all areas, from health to economy. In our study we will examine and bring together relevant literature closely related to this topic, covering quality of life, overcoming loneliness, social inclusion and the health of the individual. Our aim is to explore the potential of ICT for quality ageing of older people, the factors that motivate them to use the tools, the difficulties that hinder their use and learning, and the future prospects. Our study covered the English and Hungarian language literature, publications published in Europe or research conducted in European countries, among people aged 65 and over, between 2011 and 2021.

  • Úton a tudatos öregedés felé - A tudatos öregedés folyamata, társadalmi, közösségi és egyéni feltételrendszere

    A jóléti társadalmakat jellemző demográfiai idősödés az európai államok között hazánkat is érinti. A szociokulturális és tudományos fejlődés hatására megváltozott életkörülmények az emberi életkor jelentős kitolódását eredményezték és nőtt az egészségben eltöltött életévek száma, de Magyarország számottevő lemaradásban van az európai országok többségétől. A fejlett nemzetek egészségügyi és szociális kihívása az öregedő népesség megbetegedési arányának csökkentése. A legtöbb funkcionális akadályozottság és egyéb megbetegedés az idősebb korosztályra koncentrálódik, és az életkor minden egyes évével növekszik. A népesség átlagéletkora növekszik, az egymást követő születési kohorszok egyre nagyobb hányada éli meg a 65. életévét vagy azt meghaladó életkort, és az egymást követő születési kohorszok mérete önmagában is növelni fogja a probléma nagyságát (Fries, 1997).

  • Association between leisure activities, anxiety, depression and well-being of older adults living in nursing homes in Slovakia

    Engaging in leisure activities (LA) is associated with physical, psychological and social benefits leading to feelings of happiness, life satisfaction and successful ageing in older adults.

  • Advancing Research and Training on Ageing, Place and Home

    HOMeAGE Doctoral Network Older Adult Reference Group Meeting
    Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks
    HOMeAGE (101073506)

  • How learning theories can be applied to support older adults’ acquisition of digital skills?

    Digitalization of public services affects daily life of older adults since adequate digital skills are required in using the digital devices and services. Many organizations have reacted to the growing need of older adults to receive support in using digital services by offering guidance in digital skills. The knowledge of how older adults learn help in successfully organizing digital skills guidance.

    In this presentation we will introduce the variety of concepts and theories concerning digital skills learning of older adults. We will also share results of peer guidance sessions of older adults from the viewpoints of three different learning theories.

     Data is collected from eight focus group interviews (N = 42, 62-79 years old). Data was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis.

    According to the results, peer tutors applied all three learning theoretical approaches in digital skills guidance. Furthermore, peer tutors paid attention to characteristics of ageing that affect learning. At best, peer tutoring sessions were constructed as shared learning practices of both tutors and tutees. Results provide new information about how to support older adults in peer tutoring sessions. Research results can be used in educating peer tutors and teachers of older adults as well as in developing support systems in implementation of digital public services. This research is a part of ACCESS project in which digital skills learning of older adults is investigated in four European countries.

    The ACCESS project is funded by EU Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) “More Years, Better Lives” The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change.

  • Determinants influenceing the mental health of older people (60 years +) in Botswana

    Ageing society is a reality for many people in developing countries than in the past. Governments are facing major challenges in safeguarding the mental health of older people and health care systems to deal with this demographic shift. The mental health of older people is an important indicator of the level of their health-related quality of life.  The situation of older people in Africa, concerning their mental health and well-being, is a matter of growing attention among researchers and policymakers alike. There is a common perception in connection with the aged population reporting poor mental health status and a greater need for healthcare. However, there is few research on the disparities of older people relating to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Botswana. There is a tendence of ever-increasing number and population proportions of older people representing both opportunities and challenges. Some of these challenges include the prevention and management of anxiety, depression, and somatization, which are the most common mental disorders in primary health care the world over. Previous research has shown that the three disorders are highly comorbid because of the need for prevention and mitigation of all three.

  • Genoderma lucidum for young skin? Effect of Genoderma lucidum bioactive components on skin ageing processes

    Recently, it has been a growing interest for the benefits of consuming or using commercially available medicinal mushrooms, i.e. macrofungi that have positive physiological effect in general, or particularly in relation to skin aging. The aim of our study is to summarize the results supporting that bioactive components of Ganoderma lucidum acts as anti-aging agent in the skin and contribute to keeping it young. Here we review the effects of mushroom extracts on the pigmentation of skin or skin cells, wound healing, and inflammation in in vitro cell cultures and in vivo animal experiments. We also examine case reports and clinical studies that confirm wide dermatological and cosmetic use of Ganoderma lucidum.

  • The role of active ageing in the consumer protection

    Worldwide recognized the high prevalence of deceit aimed at elderly individuals (Boush,
    Friestad és Wright, 2009; Valant, 2015). Following the active middle-age, aging individuals
    perceive several physiological and psychological changes. Naturally, these changes do show
    individual differences. The aging generation members’ typical communication related and
    social features are to blame for these deceptions, unethical abuse of the vulnerability. Elderly
    individuals are more susceptible to persuasion than younger adults (Visser és Krosnick,
    In the present study, we summarize features appeared in the literature which can establish
    older people’s vulnerability. Furthermore, we report an interview-based-study, in which the
    examinees shared their experiences on suspicious offers.

  • An overview of primary health care in geriatric and need of care intervention (A comparative study of Czech Republic, Sweden, and Canada)

    This researche is aiming to evaluate the care interventions and approaches for the ageing population in different countries and their perspective of geriatric care. Quality assurance and workforce development the monitoring supervision and evaluation of care progression is very demanding for the sustainable delivery of care and frequent trainings and education of healthcare professionals develop quality geriatric care.