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  • A Shelf Survey and a Customer Satisfaction Survey Related to the Products and the Packaging Technology of a Poultry Processing Plant in Bács-Kiskun County

    We conducted a shelf survey and a customer satisfaction survey with a questionnaire for a poultry processing plant in Bács-Kiskun County. It can be concluded from the shelf survey that the packaging processes of the rival companies and the packaging processes applied by the company examined are similar with the exception of the modified atmosphere packaging. The quality of the packing materials and their design seemed to be completely different. The rivals generally use packing materials of a better quality which include some graphic elements, too. After consulting with the full range of customers we have the following conclusions. Most of the respondents are “satisfied” and “fully satisfied” with the company’s products regarding colour (94.4%), taste (94.1%) and durability (94.4%). There is a high number of customers who need modified atmosphere packaging, that is 72.2% of the respondents. As a result, we suggested that the new tray sealing machine should work with this technology.

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey at a Meat Wholesale Company

    We conducted a customer satisfaction survey at a meat wholesale company. It can be concluded from the results of the survey that customers are mostly satisfied. The most important problem is unpunctuality, the unreliable fulfilment of orders which generally the producers should be blamed for. The company wants to extend its offer with frozen products. One part of the survey focused on the question whether the partners would buy products of this kind from the company. On the basis of the answer we suggest that they should extend their selection this way, too.

  • The improvement of speaking skills at pilot courses at the College of Szolnok in the light of the findings of our labour market survey

    The research conducted by the College of Szolnok in 2013 on the language requirements of the labour market revealed that what employers mostly find lacking in careerstarters is the confident and proficient use of foreign languages. On the basis of the research findings the subjects taught at the College have been developed in a practiceoriented direction. In our lecture we elaborate on the possibilities of improving the communicative competence at our pilot courses. We give a survey of the phases of the improvement of speaking skills, the most important condition of the communication process. We present the task types characterising the various phases of the development process, the strategies of teaching vocabulary using some German examples taken from some textbook series (Alltag, Beruf & Co.) used at the pilot courses.

  • A change in the organizational role of controllers – the Hungarian situation based on a questionnaire survey

    Based on the literature, the author presents the development of the corporate controlling function, its basic tasks, and the development of the role of the controller. Based on the results of the literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Hungarian controllers and managers. Based on the answers of the respondents, the author gives an idea of ​​the situation of the work of controller. According to the results of the descriptive, non-representative, guiding research, the respondents think about the ideal role of controlling similarly to those described in the literature, but it differs from those experienced during work. Controllers mainly take the role of reporters in the organizations of respondents, the roles of decision supporter navigators and advanced business partners are less frequent. Respondents tend to agree that the future may bring changes to controller tasks, and their role will be strengthened.


    Available information influences decisions; improperly selected, incomplete, distorted information might provide a misleading picture and lead to bad decisions. Businesses can obtain decision support information about their external market actors primarily through data obtained from their annual statement. Consequently, the notes to the financial statement, which is intended to ensure the sound and real financial and profitability position of the enterprise, is one of the main sources of information. The research goal was to assess the extent to which business managers and economic professionals are supported by information from the notes of their partner companies.


    The examination of the presence of learning in leisure activities and in tourism has become popular in the past 20 years. There are a lot of publications in this area but there are differences in the type of learning, the persons studied , and the methods of the s urvey. The aim of the present study is the further processing of the database of a questionnaire tested, in the course of which we reveal the correctness of the further classification of the sample beyond the exploration of
    learning applying the m ethod o f discriminant analysis.


    In our paper, we survey the changes of the last 10 years regarding the use of renewable energy in Hungary and the surrounding EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia). In 2015, the share of renewable energy in EU28 is 16.7% of final energy consumption, 28.8% of electricity, 18.6% of heating/cooling and 6.7% of transport. We present the renewable energy targets of Hungary and the surrounding member states and
    their fulfillment in 2015. We also look at the share of the gross domestic energy and renewable energy consumption.

  • Generation Y = self-confidence?

    It is assumed that certain personality traits, defined as key competencies by employers and providing competitive advantage on entering the labour market, may be developed in the process of teaching presentation techniques in the “Presentation and Writing Skills” college course. Our findings imply that these changes are not linked to the teacher’s personality or the language in which the subject is taught. As the term progresses, students are becoming increasingly creative, more and more self-reliant in problem-solving and confident in assessing both their own and their peers’ performance, which, in turn, raises their self- onfidence, supports assertiveness and gives energy exerting beneficial influence not just on further studies but on their future career, as well. Our paper briefly describes Generation ”Y”, our teaching methods and the results of our survey.

  • The State of the Bulgarian Agricultural Sector in the First Period (2007-2013) of the EU Membership

    With Bulgaria joining the European Union in 2007, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has become a decisive factor for the Bulgarian agriculture. The introduction and implementation of the CAP is far from optimal; positive and negative effects are both present. The performance of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria is not living up to its potential. Despite the subsidies received by the sector (more than 4 billion BGN), and the increasing national contributions between 2007 and 2013, its efficiency and profitability indicators have declined, and it remained at a low level of competitiveness. The processes of land concentration have accelerated. The SAPS subsidies are disproportionate and they prevent the shift to market orientation. The SAPS system caused
    structural disharmony in the sector; the production of cereals and oilseeds has become predominant to livestock and fruit, and vegetable production. These problems can hardly be solved by the new CAP.


    In every field of the economy, like housing, state regulations play an important role. The role of state regulations is shown by the Family Housing Allowance (CSOK) as a governmental influential tool, which means development for several families with a faster administration and with favourable terms. We used primary and secondary research as well to present our findings in this article. Our questionnaire-based survey primarily focuses on the examination of the acquaintance level of the CSOK among the Hungarian residents, the motivationial level to participate in the programme and the effects and the results of the CSOK.

  • Ideas for Connecting Rural Communities

    People may feel alone, especially in the rural parts of modern countries. They may be unemployed or undereducated, or they can have a job and a family. One can find fewer entertainment or other cultural possibilities in a rural area. Connecting those who are disconnected can help them be better members of a community and of a church. The presenters represent two countries (USA and Hungary). It is evident that local USA communities have better internal connections than communities in Hungary. Helping people connect will help them feel important! Here is some useful advice and observations in order to improve the results of the rural communities: choose a logo or slogan (or both) for the community, survey local people, publish a local guidebook, promote local traditions, provide opportunities to participate and learn, provide „best practises”.


    The studies concerning with the increasing demand for sport events, in other words with passive sport consumption are becoming more popular nowadays, as we experience increasing demand in the market for sport events. In our research we are focusing on passive sport consumption. We use Survey method (N=518) with which we studied the motivational background of sport event visits from gender perspective.


    Nowadays, the protection of the local economy and society is strongly supported not only at the level of nations, but also at the global level. Our study was based on the CETSCALE model of Shimp and Sharma (1987), based on Sumner's (1906) concept of ethnocentrism. The consumer questionnaire survey was conducted in the fall of 2021 as part of an omnibus research on a representative sample (N=1000). The sample reflects the composition of the basic population in terms of gender, age, settlement type and regions. In the course of the research, in addition to descriptive statistical methods, factor and cluster analysis were performed in order to reveal the consumer segments formed along the lines of domestic ethnocentric values. Since in 2014 we already analyzed this set of statements in the framework of a representative large-scale study, we also had the opportunity to compare it with the results of seven years earlier. According to our expectations, the 2020 epidemic increased the commitment to Hungarian products. However, our preliminary assumption was not confirmed, during the analyzes it was revealed that there was no significant change compared to the previous state. Along the lines of the CETSCALE statements, it was possible to identify two factors and with their help to separate three segments, which were named Nationalist, Patriotic and Cosmopolitan based on their alignment with the value groups. It is in the fundamental interest of the actors of the domestic economy that the patriotic behavior is strengthened in the future, for which a strategy must be developed.

  • Tourism Competencies Development – Contradictious Perceptions of Stakeholders

    Tourism and hospitality sector has an important role in the national economy as it has high  labour intensity, generates foreign currency income and improves the local economy by multiplier effect. Tourism labour market employs a wide range of employees from non-qualified to highqualified people. Tourism tertiary educators in Hungary continue their operation by national-level legislation, and accreditation and students who complete tourism courses (should) be capable of professional occupation. The post-Bologna system offered more opportunities in tourism and hospitality education; two distinguished courses were available on the educational market to educate hospitality or tourism experts. After 2006, by launching Bologna system, institutions are allowed to commence just one, Tourism and Catering bachelor programme. A questionnairebased survey was conducted among graduating bachelor students with tourism and catering major, tutors teaching tourism and catering students and actors of tourism market, who going to be the employers of tourism graduates. The main aim of the research was to explore the personal or organizational expectations of stakeholders for professional competence development as a result of tourism and catering bachelor-level education. The bust majority of students stated that their primary aim is to gain professional competencies in tourism and hospitality to be able to fulfil managerial positions or to continue their studies on master-level. Although generic competences as communication skills in foreign languages, social sensitivity, problem solving or creativity have salient influence on job performance, students did not believe that they would be
    essential. However, these factors were thought to be the most crucial by tutors and tourism service providers despite the fact that generic skill development is not in focus in tourism and catering bachelor-level education in Hungary. Not just the educational institutions but tourism companies providing work placement for students were considered to be an appropriate basis for competencies development that raised the question of monitoring and assessment. The findings can be profitable for all stakeholder group or policy decision makers in bachelor-level curriculum development. 

  • Analysing of the health awareness of soft drinks among young adults using an eye camera test

    The megatrend of striving for healthy nutrition is a constant and indisputable reality. In our pilot research, we investigated an essential but often overlooked area of nutrition for consumers, focusing on the well-known players in the hydration field: soft drinks. Our study involved a group of 30 high school graduates aged 18-19, who represent a real purchasing power in the food market, and therefore the understanding of the mechanisms behind their purchasing decisions is a key issue. Our primary research was structured along two main pillars, the first was to understand the internal unconscious influences, which we investigated using a fixed eye camera. The second pillar consisted of a questionnaire survey, in which we asked participants about their background, their individual preferences and questions about what they saw during the eye-camera study. Monitoring gaze tracking enabled us to examine what participants were focusing on when they looked at the front or information side of a beverage package. Our research also included an eye-camera analysis of promotional posts on social media platforms. We compared the data collected using the eye camera with the subjective health awareness of the participants and created groups. For each group, aggregated heat maps were created, which provide a visual representation of the distribution of gaze in each image.

  • Tourism and leisure sport habits

    According to a survey among college students, there is – however on low level – positive connection between sport tourism consumers’ general health status (Cramer’s 0,089) and satisfaction of their life (Cramer’s 0,114). Aim of this study was to explore additional correlations. The questionnaire (N=360) permitted
    analysis not just of sport tourism but also general tourism habits. We have explored statistic data of general tourism, and inside of this physical activity habits and by additional statistic methods we could get results of further correlations such as leisure sport activities of tourists and effects of tourism sport activities for leisure activities at home.

  • The Analysis of Four Star Wellness Hotels’ Websites in Gyula

    Nowadays people have been browsing the websites of accommodati ons before travelling to gather more informati on. A good website can be a good source of informati on and a good adverti sing tool if it is well-structured and easily understandable. That is the reason why resorts need to concentrate not only on their services but also on their own websites. My research study has two disti ncti ve parts. In the fi rst part I introduce the fi ndings of my questi onnaire-based survey focusing on the use of hotel websites by guests. Then in the second part I analyze and classify the websites of the four hotels in questi on. I also assess the
    structure and the content of hotel websites; and fi nd out possibiliti es for their development and improvement.

  • Detailed analysis of the Szolnok Television reception opportunities and the habits of TV shows viewing

    The treatise deals with the the views and preferences after the changes of Szolnok Television reception opportunities. With the using of the survey’s results, it publish general result about the technical options of the Szolnok Television’s reception and about preferences and views of the visible programs by comparing the hungarian large commercial channels’ datas. Based on its own calculation methodology prepare a ranking of the discretion for the test channels and make
    statements the Szolnok Television connected further development opportunities. 

  • The Present and Future of e-Language Learning as Reflected in, the multilingual website for the Slovak language
    84 is described as an example for an online, multifunctional, free website teaching a small language. The website is multilingual and includes a forum, a media library, additionally facts about Slovakia and the language. Several terms have been suggested to describe online language tuition and e-learning, which is testimony to the vibrant development of the field. The most general term is e-learning, which refers to learning helped by electronic tools, especially via the Internet. Online language tuition consists of lessons designed to help achieve a specific level of competence. Although nowadays many language-learning tools are available on the Internet, according to a survey I conducted only around half of the people asked are using or have used them before. Saving money and time is given as the main reasons for e-learning. Online tuition can be successful and efficient if it is offered for free or low-priced but in good quality.