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    One of the major problems in Hungary is the low level of productivity. This low level is particularly noticeable among small and medium-sized enterprises. In most regional and Western European countries, the average productivity level of enterprises of this size is higher than in Hungary. The current and expected shortage of labor in the near future poses a challenge to businesses. Creating wage growth that contributes to retaining the workforce can only be achieved in the long run by increasing productivity. If an organization is unable to achieve productivity gains, it will fall short of both domestic and international-global competition. The application of modern management and management systems, such as lean management, can be a key element in increasing the productivity and competitiveness of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises. Lean management is one of the most common and effective process organization methods and paradigms used in the secondary and tertiary sectors, so much so that the use of lean-based management methods has in many cases become a competitive criterion and fundamental.

    In our research, we prepare the value process mapping of a CNC metal cutting SME, including the value process of CNC milling and turning processes. This value process mapping method offers an opportunity to make losses in the industry become known and preventable. Through the preparation of the map, it is possible to illustrate the processes that produce mud and thus reduce the lead time and increase productivity. In the course of our study, we present the practical implementation of the method through the example of a company manufacturing metal parts machined with CNC technology.

  • Measuring intellectual capital through a company example

    Our research aims to examine the “invisible value” found at UPC Magyarország Kft. Since Vodafone Magyarország Nyrt. announced the acquisition of UPC Magyarország Kft. in 2020. Our research is aimed at using different methods to determine the invisible assets, intellectual capital, and added value, which cannot be determined directly from the financial statements of UPC Magyarország Kft. Since the financial statements prepared based on accounting principles follow the principle of prudence, many assets (mainly intangible assets) are not shown in the financial statements, so they only become visible after the moment of acquisition. Three different methods were used to measure intellectual capital, then the results were compared. The three methods use different points of view to measure intellectual capital and approach the concept of intellectual capital from other points of view. The CIV method shows us the lack of intellectual capital in relation to the industry or the surplus value; The EVA indicator explicitly shows us the intellectual capital size; and the VAIC method the efficiency of intellectual capital.

  • Application of mathematical and statistical paradoxes in tourism

    The paradox is a well-founded statement / method, derived from a specific area of science and the application possibilities worth to try a different area of the farm in their respective fields. The world of chances and its mathematics is abound of paradoxes. Mathematics and statistics are separate disciplines and related sciences of many areas at the same time. Application of advanced education and research is essential. The study presents analyzing evaluation options in
    the field of tourism based on two paradoxes (regression and maximum-likelihood) factor analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis.

  • Online facilities for German language learning

    Our fast-moving, globalised society is trying to use the achievements of scientific and technological developments in all fields of life in order to make people’s lives easier and provide them with more flexibility. This is why e-learning has also entered the teaching-learning process, foreign language teaching included. By using this method, students can manage their own time or even save money (no travelling costs, fixed times). The teacher’s presence is not absolutely
    necessary as students can check the exercises and tasks performed through the internet. This is the ideal method for lifelong learning. The seminar called ’Online facilities in German language learning’ started at Bethlen István College for Advanced Studies is aimed at improving the efficiency of language learning and making it more enjoyable for students. A summary of the teaching and research work related to the seminar is given below.

  • The appearance of the conditions of sustainable development in the values of the population of Nagykörű: The results of a Qmethodology research

    One of the aims of sustainable development is to keep the local communities, to ensure their local welfare, which is essential to eliminate or mitigate negative consequences. In our research, we looked for the answer, how the local population relate to sustainable development. What preferences do they have regarding the place of residence? Do they see any inherent risks, threats? How long horizon they think and what problem solving techniques do they see? How do they think about sustainability issues? The responses were looking for with Q-methodology for which we have defined 46 claims in eight topics: local attachment; local cooperation; willingness to act; management; horizon; threats; solutions The Q methodology handles the respondents into factors, according to which claims they prefer more or less. The results are very well suited to understand the attitudes to the sustainability problems.

  • The Development of Business in Various Regions with the Use of Marketing Tools

    In present day Slovakia, a huge emphasis is put on the development of business in individual regions, by which employment and economic expansion is guaranteed. One of the methods how businessmen from stagnant regions can improve their economics is marketing and the appropriate use of marketing tools. In the given paper we present possibilities for development and improvement businesses in less developed regions by the means of marketing activities. The research was realised in chosen enterprises from the field of gastronomy and it concentrated on the use of marketing tools. In the end we propose the results of the research, suggestions and references out of which we consider the effective use of marketing tools to be the most important, especially marketing communication and also information-communication technologies that should be used more by managers.

  • Incorporating Blended Learning in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

    As a result of the prevalent use of the Internet, teaching foreign languages can get a new perspective. This paper presents how teachers can incorporate the Internet in teaching English for specific purposes. First, a brief historical background of language learning methods is given, and then the focus shifts to a new
    language learning project applying blended learning at the University of Debrecen. The paper also shows how traditional classroom activities can be combined with online methods to make language learning more enjoyable.

  • Der Einsatz der Medien im Fremdsprachenunterricht im 21. Jahrhundert am Beispiel des Deutschlektorats an der Warsaw School of Econocmics

    Im Beitrag werden einige wichtige medienpädagogische und mediendidaktische Fragestellungen behandelt. Im ersten Teil werden die Definition der Medien und die Gliederung der Medienträger vorgenommen. Im zweiten Teil werden die Vor- und Nachteile des Medieneinsatzes im Fremdsprachenunterricht hervorgehoben und dabei einige praktische Beispiele zur Förderung der Präsentationskompetenz der Studierenden aufgeführt.

  • The examination of the maturnity of home-made composts

    In our study the stability and oxigen consumption were determined home made compost of different maturity.The results show that the oxigen consumption and the level of maturity of compost depend on the preparations, particle size of compost and the moisture content (wetting method). It is very important to adopt a standard policy in compost maturity determination. Standard EU directives are needed for the preparation and maturity determination.

  • Results of a participatory action research in Mezőcsát, in the Northern part of Hungary

    Participatory action research could be a tool for strengthening rural areas, it could help the process of integrated rural development based on endogenous resources. This is a good method for rethinking the local and the wider interests and relationships in a changing social and economic environment. As a result there could be a practical solution at the end. This research can generate new interaction between local people, thus ensuring better communication and more successful cooperation. After introducing the tools of participatory action research this paper presents the first steps and results of a participatory action research which has started in Mezőcsát in the Northern part of Hungary. The aim of the research is to find real solutions to real problems (eg. unemployment) defined by inhabitants. Outcomes of this research are a stronger community in Mezőcsát and mapping a possible enterprise built on local resources.