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  • Controlling Methods for SMEs’ Risk Reduction

    A substantial proportion of entrepreneurs strive to reduce the risk of their activity, which means they refer to a number of methods known, but rarely applied by them. Risk reduction activities can be totally interconnected with the ‘controlling’ approach and methods that are still not well known to a lot of company executives, but the introduction and application of those methods provide tangible results for business decision-makers within a relatively short period of time. The paper presents the size, activity, financial process characteristics, planning features, suppliers and buyers' evaluation practices of the investigated SMEs using correlation analysis methods. The study is a continuation of a research topic that has been going on for many years and is based on data collection from the years 2015 and 2016. We have evaluated the planning and management features of a total of 53 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by questionnaire processing.

  • Issues of social regeneration in hungarian small villages

    The problem depopulated settlements, which can be traced back to a lack of social reproduction, is not only a Central European phenomenon. Trends in the value and extent of consumer society are driving developing and developed societies, one of the indirect results of which is the aging population of villages and the depletion of endogenous resources in the affected settlements. With this, these settlements lose their most important competitiveness potential, their population retention power.  In many cases, the economic vacuum found in small-village areas and the declining population further strengthen the process, which has a restrictive effect on the range of public service tasks, thus further worsening the opportunities of those living in the area. The study examines the economic and social potential of small villages using descriptive and complex statistical methods.


    Eco Currently we witness the exciting period in life of the esports, which seems to have received considerable attention even among this extraordinary season caused by the COVID-19. Although referring to the status of games (way of sports), such as Fortnite, DOTA2, Overwatch, LOL, etc together with its competitions, competitors and its follow up became quite common, the profession so far seems to neglect dealing with the social and organizational background of that, also with the development possibilities. The methodology of this essay is, through secondary analysis made during the discussion of the professional literature, is empirical qualitative interview method, which was carried out among professional organizations, sportsmen, and by doing this we sought to answer the question: What is the current national state of this sport, what difficulties, prospects characterize even individuals and organizations in this sphere, also including social specifications. Results point out that numerous changes should be desirable equally from the organizational and social side.

  • Analysis of the ways of efficiency enhancement of transportation services in tourism

    Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing fi elds of the world economy. Owing to the relai vely low-cost capital investment necessary to set up and develop tourism business, high levels of payback rates, constantly rising magnitude of demand for tourist services, tourism business has recently been drawing the at eni on of not only its poteni al customers, but also of entrepreneurs. 

  • The Health Status of the Romani Population in the Context of Societal Crisis

    The Romani population in Central Europe is fighting with many societal problems. Societal crises appear in connection with employment, housing, demographic development and backwardness in education. All these factors have a negati ve impact on the health of the population: the health status of the Romani is worse than that of the non-Romani population living around them. The compensati on of these disadvantages does not solely depend on providing equal opportunities. The Romani people’s special diseases originating from their special genetic characteristics and their way of life distinguish them from the non-Romani population. A uniform treatment does not offer a solution. In their healthcare we should consider and give priority to the Romani specific
    diseases, such as founder mutati ons common in the Romani populati on as autosomal recessive disorders. Whereas the mutati ons frequently observed in the Romani groups are sporadicin other, non-Romani populati ons worldwide. Thus the founder mutati on analysis is important for predicting the incidence of certain rare diseases not readily thought about in non-Romani, yet possibly present in the local Romani populati ons, especially when diagnosti c problems appear. The research of these diseases is especially important in terms of populati on genetics, public health, and also economically due to the expansive existence of the Romani populati on. The identification of these diseases allows a rapid diagnosis and in some cases it also delays the onset of symptoms. It can have a great impact on public health intervention as it makes the planning and the implementation of targeted preventative measures possible.

  • Differential supply management by age in hotel tourism products

    In the development of hotel product strategies, the proportion of diversification and differentiation is a major decision that the hotel offers a wider range of services, which will help to find most suitable for guests, or narrows down its targeted segments and provides them with specific supply elements. One segmentation aspect could be the age of guests. The most prominent and identifiable age group in the supply is the senior, which has always been important for hotels. They have the off-season demand, predictable and well-known needs, their satisfaction is easily accessible. The research is looking for the answer to the question of whether the hotels have the opportunity of acquire the senior segment and what are the special features of the products recommended for them. Parts related to the topic of tourism marketing literature have been reduced to the accommodation services in the secondary information processing section of this paper. This is followed by the identification of the segment's booking and residence habits. Primary analysis of supply will be by observation of collecting and comparing the hotels' offerings to senior guests

  • Analysing of the health awareness of soft drinks among young adults using an eye camera test

    The megatrend of striving for healthy nutrition is a constant and indisputable reality. In our pilot research, we investigated an essential but often overlooked area of nutrition for consumers, focusing on the well-known players in the hydration field: soft drinks. Our study involved a group of 30 high school graduates aged 18-19, who represent a real purchasing power in the food market, and therefore the understanding of the mechanisms behind their purchasing decisions is a key issue. Our primary research was structured along two main pillars, the first was to understand the internal unconscious influences, which we investigated using a fixed eye camera. The second pillar consisted of a questionnaire survey, in which we asked participants about their background, their individual preferences and questions about what they saw during the eye-camera study. Monitoring gaze tracking enabled us to examine what participants were focusing on when they looked at the front or information side of a beverage package. Our research also included an eye-camera analysis of promotional posts on social media platforms. We compared the data collected using the eye camera with the subjective health awareness of the participants and created groups. For each group, aggregated heat maps were created, which provide a visual representation of the distribution of gaze in each image.

  • The Perspectives of Theological Thinking in Ecologically Driven Food Consumption Ethics

    Analysis of the complex environmental effects of food production and consumption points to the need of examining the ethical side of these issues. The study is is looking for possible answers to the questions 1.) what connections theology and theological ethics have to the current ecological crisis in a historic perspective, 2.) what emphasis eating, food production and consumption receive in ecotheological ethics, and 3.) whether contemporary theology is able to offer approaches which are acceptable and inspiring for audiences from a wider ecoethical background.


    How a retailer can manage in Tiszasas, in one of the villages of the most disadvantageous districts in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, among extremely unfavorable micro environmental factors where customers have especially low discretionary incomes. Our objective was to estimate how the improving stock management contributes to the growing turnover.

  • Educational Tourism: a Conceptual Framework

    Though educational tourism has already emerged in the early times in Europe, the theoretical analysis of educational tourism is relatively recent. The firts books on educational tourism were only published in 2003. In Hungary the weight of educational tourism is not hight - less then 1% of tourism arrivals and less than 4% of total tourism spending - but per capita spending is the highest among tourists arrivinh in Hungary with educational purposes. Surprisingly  tourists arriving for longer than one day with an educational purpose had more than 100% higher spendig during the last couple of years than tourists arriving for more than one day with business purposes. Because this high spending educational tourism is very important for the towns, where foreign students pursue their studies. Not only foreign student mobility can be regarded as educational tourism but internal student movement as well. Students who live other towns and who come to a town to entrol at a university have important contribution to the economy of this town - just like the non-educational, traditional tourists to do.