Vol. 15 No. 38 (2024) Current Issue

Published May 28, 2024



  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • A rurális közegben élő szülők IKT-attitűdjei, nevelési stílusai - Az olvasóvá nevelés digitális kihívásai

    The present paper is a continuation of a sociological study on reading - published in 2023 (Néma, 2023c) -, in which I present the results of my research in a rural setting in Transylvania (Parajd, Harghita County), focusing on the challenges of literacy education. The study, conducted in the autumn of 2022, aimed to gain narratives from graduate mothers, using a semi-structured interview method (10 interviews) to approach their children's literacy education in the context of increased digitalisation. In order to get a handle on parental digital literacy, I captured the perception of ICT tools along parenting styles. In parallel to identifying the spatial digitalisation context, I also subjected parents' ICT perceptions by content analysis. From the set of ICT-related statements (232 opinions) extracted from the narrative, I also identify a set of references reflecting on reading to explore the reasons for the passivity towards reading - as a research goal for my PhD dissertation research, too.

  • A technológiai fejlődés hatása a nemek közötti munkamegosztásra az egészségügyben, a robotasszisztált sebészet területén

    Technological progress has always played a key role in the development of the economy and society throughout human history. Their impact on society is multifaceted and constantly transforming our world. One aspect of social impact is the impact on the sexual division of labour. As a result of these processes, the labour market may undergo significant changes. The impact of technological development on the division of labour between sexes or genders is complex and multifaceted, therefore it can be examined from several aspects. Although technology offers opportunities for gender equality between women and men, the extent and direction of this depends on many factors, including cultural, social and economic circumstances. The present study focuses on an important sector of the economy, healthcare, which is significantly affected by technological development. Among the technological changes taking place in the sector, it examines the emergence of robotic surgery, with a particular focus on its impact on the gender division of labour within the surgical professions.

  • IBS-es betegek egészségmagatartása, megoldáskeresése és ennek hatása az IBS- ből való gyógyulásról alkotott véleményükre

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a much-researched functional gastrointestinal disease. The diagnosis and finding personalized therapy is a lengthy process. Our study aims to find out about the IBS patient’s search for solution: what specialists they turn to, what therapies they tried with what results, how strictly they follow specialists’ instructions, when do they start looking for a solution themselves, how much they trust the different specialists and what they think about their chances of recovery. We looked for volunteers with IBS disease on social platforms. From 45 volunteers, 27 submitted their responses to our survey. The results were evaluated with statistics done in Excel and SPSS: Pearson’s chi square, Fisher’s exact, standard deviation and distribution. Summary of results: there is a significant relationship between the onset of symptoms and the time when patients turn to a physician. With regards to the relationship between therapies applied and their efficacy on remediating symptoms, there was no significant relationship. Similarly, there was no significant relationship between strictly following the indications and their opinion about chances of recovery.

  • TDK részvétel motivációi a Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjában résztvevő hallgatók körében

    Recognition and support of outstanding students are among the most important tasks of higher education, as they can thereby be motivated to pursue a career in academia. In our study, we examined the willingness of members of the Talent Management Program (DETEP) at the University of Debrecen to participate and present at scientific student conferences. Our research was based on a questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of respondents who had previously participated in local TDK conferences (n=128). Based on our results, we can conclude that students who have participated three or more times in TDK events are considering a future career in academia. Respondents who have participated only once mainly participate for the purpose of the competition According to the results between achieving the ranking and the experience of participating in the TDK, participation is experienced as a positive experience if they manage to achieve a ranking at the local conference. Additionally, achieving a ranking also affects the feeling of gaining an advantage during studies and faculty recognition among the respondents.

  • Tanodás és nem tanodás gyerekek szociális kompetenciáinak összevetése kérdőíves, megfigyeléses és narratív módszertannal

    In school settings, there are often not enough opportunities to develop children's social competencies besides developing their cognitive abilities. But there is a need for this kind of support, especially in disadvantaged areas and for minority children. Study-hall programs function to compensate for this deficiency. We compared matched groups of primary school pupils in two municipalities in the Northern part of Hungary. One group participated in a study hall program, while the other did not. We measured social competencies. Impulsivity and aggression were measured with questionnaires, while communication and future vision were approached qualitatively. Children attending Study-hall programs like to go there, and most of them listed playing activities among the best programs. Our results show that children from the study hall program have better communication skills and a more realistic vision of the future, and based on their self-report, they feel more like they belong to the majority society than their peers from the school without a study hall program. We conclude that study halls can mitigate disadvantages coming from low socio-economic status.

  • The subsidy system of the National Cooperation Fund (Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap) and its predecessor - focussing on sports civic organizations

    Of the democratic political system, plural profile civic organizations are essential components. A special feature of the bottom up organized civic organizations, with increasing number after the change of regime in Hungary, is the strong correlation with/dependency from the subsidies. In 2003 a comprehensive, application based subsidy system was introduced (National Cooperation Fund (NCF) in English, Nemzeti Civil Alap, NCA,in Hungarian)), and this one now called Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap (NEA) provides support for approximately 10% of the organizations of the civic sphere by providing finance for operational and program-related costs. From the beginning the system has changed considerably, and currently, it provides even pre-financed subsidy for the prepared organizations. Through the available, related statistics our study aims to highlight some specialities of the subsidy system in a way which is different from the usual program calls. The essay revals that currently available data, sources can only be assessed with considerable cautiousness, and it also details that although reqirements of the access did not really change, still the year of 2024 without the compensation will have an impact on the predictability of this subsidy form.