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Evolution of Lean Management and the Organizational Learning
251-259Views:643In industry, service and public sector lean approach is gaining ground. However, there is a significant difference between the organizations applying lean concept in case of their lean transformation maturity level as well as their lessons learned. There is a huge variety of methods and techniques which can be used but there are two conditions in case of every organization regardless their sector or their lean maturity level which determine the success of their lean development: lean approach leader and learning organization. Lean leadership is not based on a particular sector or method and a ready-made lean organization is not needed either. The concept of the top management has a huge effect on the characteristics of theorganization but whether the will of the management is enough for the complete transformation or not is the question. Is the target the lean organization itself or how a unit of an organization or the whole organization can react to the change of the environment? The attitudes and behaviors of lean approach leadership can be applied every day, everywhere and support the aim of creating a real lean organization.
Implementation of Lean management Practices in Azerbaijan (on the Example of a Private Company)
30-40Views:115Organizations are facing crucial modifications as global market and conditions change day after day. To keep up with fast changing realities, it’s important to apply innovation decisions to the current stage of organizations. Lean management consolidates tools and techniques to revert from traditional way of operating to the new human oriented one. In the carried-out research its outlined, human resources management plays a big role in spreading and supporting lean initiatives. It was suggested that, Lean and Human resources management are compatible and should work together to obtain sustainable success by implementation of an innovation approach such as Lean. Both lean management and human resource management focus on the same goals with different methods in terms of control of businesses. All positivist approaches and practices are included in these approaches and practices, which are developed with a focus on the interests of the community, in order for the process to be concluded positively. The employee-centred management approach of human resources management is crucial to lead and maintain good environment in the teams. For this reason, in the lean management philosophy, it is aware that the corporate structure has responsibilities in terms of training the employees, eliminating their problems and supporting them in struggling with the responsibilities they undertake. This paper is quantitative, online survey has been conducted with employees of a private company in Azerbaijan and results were analysed in statistical analysis software SPSS and relevant suggestions and recommendation were given for reorganization to enable lean friendly environment on a sample of the given company.
Szervezeti életciklusok és a Lean transzformáció
646-656Views:326A wide range of literature has been published regarding the features of lean transformation. The main focus of these researches has been the examination of the hurdles and stimulants of a lean transformation as well as the analysis of lean leaders’ qualities and behaviours. However, most of these literatures do not deal with either the connection between lean transformation and organization lifecycles or the examination of the role of a full-time lean facilitator / a lean group. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the importance of these connections and stimulate further research on the matter.
Six Sigma in preconstruction: case study on improving of reinforcement steel processing
49-60Views:129Lean process improvements are crucial for enhancing production efficiency. In my research, I examine the application of the DMAIC methodology to develop the MEP facility within the framework of lean Six Sigma. Highlighting the challenges of precast concrete production, my study details how lean management aids in efficient process design and measurement. Introducing lean Six Sigma methodology involves standardizing processes and ensuring their effective development, contributing to the facility's efficiency
Optimization of Automotive Industry’s Manufacturing Process with Lean Tools
81-89Views:394Lean plays i mportant role in industrial environment. Automotive industries use lean tools in order to reduce cost and i mprove productivity. To achieve the company's objectives and so lve the detected problems I also used lean tools. By using lean tools we want to decrease total process cost (TPC). In order to achieve this target, the three-shift production has to reduce in two-shift production, which result decrease in the human resource costs and production costs. In order to reduce shifts we have to increase overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and eliminate minimum 50% of wastes by implementing 5s methodology, using Poka-yoke and scheduled maintenance.
Implementing Lean Leadership in Garment Industries
348-354Views:392Garment industries are one of the most competitive industries nowadays, that was the main reason why implementing lean tools became conventional between big brands, although, lean tools alone are not enough for successful lean implementation in any organization, that’s why creating lean leaders and defining what lean leadership exactly means became a necessity, in this study, we will try to draw a path in which garment manufacturers can pursue to become lean organizations taking a (Manufacturer for NIKE) as an example for the study as a heavy lean implementer closing by suggesting a 9 steps method that lean can be implemented successfully in garment industry factory.
Incentive Methods of Traditional and Lean Production
1-12Views:451Many research deals with the lean management, but mainly related to the topic of operational management. The target of the author to investigate the lean production can be found there any incentives that could be support of the changed labour market. After the labor market outlook, which may help us to understand the actualities of the topic, grouping the incentive methods based on the model of Hay Group's happening, which is collected on the basis of literature lean processing methods. An identifiable differences in the grouping of lean and related traditional production incentives, which are sometimes more supportive of employees' commitment to the company.
Relationship between the Lean and Agricultural Companies
370-381Views:192Eliminating losses is a daily challenge for both: companies and individuals in society. Whether through the production or office work, we are wasting the most important human needs: time and energy with useless things and processes. Both are an integral part of our daily lives and are particularly important for agricultural companies. In our study, we look at the relationship between Lean and agricultural companies. We outline the risks associated with these seven Lean Losses at these companies, and how these problems can be corrected and eliminated using current methods. Our research sheds light on how technological innovations affect and influence the position of companies in the market and in financial and human resources. We examine the benefits and drawbacks of the innovations applied and the Lean processes used, and how they affect the environment around them.
The Manageable Development is a Lean Basis for a Small Organization
188-203Views:181The lean approach is based on the buyer, while eliminating losses, in addition to value creation and efficiency gains, it determines the direction of developments in the process. To successfully build and maintain lean, engagement and development is indispensable, but it is not as simple as changing past behaviors and attitudes. The company also realized that changes were needed, as the increased number of employees in the company, and the increase in production and the profits associated with it, made it clear that organizational development is needed. The organization development was started by SWOT analysis, and along with Ishikawa's assay, I discovered whether LEAN was necessary for the company. With Gemba, I took a look at the problems and then categorized them to designate development points.
Introducing a Task Management Tool into the Operation of a Management Consulting Firm
122-135Views:337Lean and agile methods are now widely used in various fields. Seeing their success, management consultancy firms also want to take advantage of using them. In this case study, the company selects the appropriate task management tool for their operation, the kanban board, and implements it. The implementation process is supported by quantitative analysis. In order to track the introduction progress of the kanban board, a key performance index is defined: the board activity, which is the number of operations performed on the board in a given time period. Based on the evaluation of over 26 weeks’ data, board activity proved to be an appropriate indicator of the kanban board’s reception, operation, and stability. The individual indicators examined, however, were not found to be suitable for performance appraisal.
Business Strategy in the Model of Linear Activity Analysis of Production
1-14Views:189It was analyzed how the methodology of linear activity analysis of production model supports the implementation of different business strategies at a company level. Aspects of analysis are focusing on openness for markets, lean management and environmental protection strategies. The study reveals that the linear activity analysis of production – mainly due to its efficient process optimization problem solving ability – is capable supporting lean management decisions and implementing additional objectives in business strategies. Such objectives can be sustaining specific production patterns for further development or following strategies for limiting market competition. It will be shown how to quantify the costs of strategic objectives in linear activity analyzing model.
Role of Lean and Agile Supply Chain Models for Pellet Fuel Technologies
119-130Views:163Business organisations constantly strive to improve their processes, both internal and external. Within the supply chain of a product, different strategies can be applied. This paper aims to answer the basic questions like what is the core of lean and agile SCM strategies, what are the differences of the two models, and how can they be combined. This paper examines further, which of these SCM models and what elements of them can be applied for wood pellet supply chains, also examining the possibility of their combination. The result of these examinations is, that even though fuel pellets can be considered as simple commodity and not a very innovative product, diversity in input characteristics, optimization of fuel pellet technology process variables and changes in output market qualities and quantities need sometimes agile, flexible answer from pellet fuel SCM. The basically lean character of pellet fuel technologies and SCM can further enhanced by implementing agile SCM model elements, as is the increased integration of suppliers into the supply chain.
Implementing 5S in a Hungarian Company
161-173Views:312The methods and tools used by Lean management can be used for any activity that is specifically introduced to the company. On this basis, the objective of this paper is the implementation of a Lean office with a 5S system transformation into the traditional office environment of a private business. During the workflow, it is also planned to create new habits in this narrow space that will incorporate the organizational culture into the everyday life of the business making the administration more effective. The 5S concept is new and helps the company to operation on a larger scale with fewer inputs than before. Figures are made for better understanding and a Red Tag is created which is the first step of the process. Red Tag tells the employees about the history and the process which will be needed on it. The basic of lean thinking is the contunious improvement in the quality of the product while minimaxing the wastes created during the process. The Next Broker Consultancy Ltd adopted this new way of management and made sure that all the necessary measurement are taken to insure smooth flow of the process.
„Forradalmi” változások a menedzsment területén
1-15Views:161Development of the Science and practical application of the results created big changes in the nontradicional areas too. The „Health industry” was developed. The results of the physics, chemistry, biology and mikroelektronics etc. helped to develop some new methods of diagnosis, operation etc. The „money industry” was developed too. Our opinion is, that the most important cause of the economic crisis is a non regulated well of the „money industry”. The „knowledge industry” was developed too. The „knowledge industry” contains all level of teaching and Research + Development + Innovation. Our analyze shows that the Innovation is the most important factor of the economic Development of Society. The new scientific results created big changes in area of the Management. The „Management Science” was developed as an independent area. Some management specialists developed some management methods (eg. Value Analysis, Risk Management, TRIZ, Lean methods etc.) for efficient allocation of sources.
The Role of Stocks in the Supply Chain
515-526Views:1153Az ellátási lánc teljesítményét nagymértékben befolyásolja a szereplők készleteinek összetétele, nagysága, rendelkezésre állása. A végső fogyasztókért vívott versenyben kiemelt szerepe van a kiszolgálási színvonalnak, hiszen az ellátási láncok ugyanazokért a fogyasztókért vívnak versenyt, és a fogyasztók döntése leginkább e két tényező, mint a készlet nagyága és a kiszolgálás minőségétől függ. A tanulmány a kkv-k logisztikai problémáit feltáró kutatás része, melynek célja rávilágítani a jellemző nehézségekre, és azokra a kihívásokra, amelyek legtöbbször elkerülik a logisztikai- vagy ellátási lánc vezetők figyelmét. A fejlődő kkv méretű vállalkozások versenyképessége - ami magába foglalja a költségek nagyságát is, kapcsolódva a K+F tevékenységhez vagy vállalat növekedéshez – a lekötött tőke mértékével arányosan változhat, melynek jelentős részét képezik a készletek. A kutatásban résztvevő vállalat, a Diego Kereskedelmi Kft. készletezési politikáján keresztül kerül elemzésre a készletek összetétele, illetve a velük kapcsolatos kockázatok, illetve félreértések. A tanulmány célja továbbá a helyes megoldások elősegítése, melyhez szorosan kapcsolódik (az itt tárgyalásra nem kerülő) Lean megoldások támogató szerepe.
Specialties of First SMED in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
1-11Views:219Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is considered as an effective lean management method increasingly used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. By reducing change-over times and costs, the successful implementation of the first SMEDs may bring a significant increase in terms of manufacturing flexibility. The purpose of this study is present the special factors that fundamentally determine SMEDs applied especially in the process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. By focusing on a well defined part of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, lasting from Weighing and Measuring to the end of Tablet Pressing, the study also aims to highlight the benefits of SMED itself. The findings of the research are based on the practical experiences of four SMEDs implemented in various sections of production. According to the experiences and considering industrial specialties, the implementation of SMED has to harmonise with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which are representing the golden quality standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Combustors with Low Emission Levels for Aero Gas Turbine Engines
503-514Views:411The aircrafts are responsible for emitting several types of pollutants, especially the pollutants in the form of NOX, CO2, CO, UHC, SOX and Particulate Matter PM (smoke/soot). The impact of aviation emissions on the global is well known, where these emissions modify the chemical and microphysical properties of the atmosphere resulting in changes of earth’s climate system, which can ultimate in critical changes in our planet fragile ecosystem, also the pollutants produced by aircraft engines cause many health problems. This is why the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is seriously seeking to control the emission levels by issuing new standards during the successive meetings of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection CAEP (CAEP/01 in 1986, CAEP/2, CAEP/4, CAEP/6, CAEP/8, etc). The new regulations include more stringent standards aimed to reduce emission levels, this led to increased interest in low emission technologies. In this paper, a comprehensive review of low emissions combustion technologies for modern aero gas turbines is represented. The current low emission technologies include the high Technologies Readiness Level (TRL) including RQL, TAPS, DAC and LDI. Also, there are advanced technologies at lower TRL including LPP, ASC and VGC.