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  • Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo

    Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most prominent architects of the first half of the twentieth century. Wright's architecture was given a name organic, also known as organic architecture, which means the effort to harmonize the buildings and the surrounding natural environment. During his life he designed a lot of buildings, but perhaps one of the most important buildings which received the biggest negative and positive response is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

  • Properties of Cellulose Sheets Modified with Potassium-Humate and Copper (II)-Sulfate

    Throughout our research we have made potassium-humate from brown coal of Dudar. With potassiumhumate and copper(II)-sulfate we made test sheets of linter cellulose fibers. The surface energy, surface wettability, CIE Lab color-coordinates changing, bending resistance and tensile strength of the produced test sheets has been examined. There was no big difference in the different samples during surface energy and wettability testing. Examination of mechanical properties suggests that potassium-humate content increases bending resistance of the test sheets. The bending resistance of samples increased by 32%, 100% and 336% compared to the control test sheets while adding potassium-humate.

  • Analysis of Disinfection Technologies that can Increase the Efficiency of Indoor Logistics Processes, which has been Reduced due to the COVID Pandemic

    As a result of the Coronavirus, both supply chain and internal logistics processes at factories have changed a lot. In many areas, the effectiveness of the logistics processes has declined because of the restrictions implemented against the virus. The study lists some adverse effects where logistics processes had to be modified due to the changing and protection measures against or negative effects of the virus. The authors also argue that these restrictions decreased the efficiency of logistics processes and workers' productivity. One option to increase the logistics sector's efficiency is to use air purification technologies, like the ones studied in this paper: UV-C, Bioxygen® or plasma-ion decontamination technologies. These disinfection processes can create a safe indoor environment. The authors analyse the examined technologies with SWOT analysis. The analysis results demonstrate which disinfection application is the most beneficial to help in improving indoor air quality for logistics processes.

  • Controlling a Wind Instrument with the Help of PROFINET Industrial Protocol

    Nowadays, the industrial communication networks are the one of the most important research area in advance control systems. It is necessary to think about controlling tasks at system level instead of local solutions. There are different types of protocols developed for communication between industrial controlling devices.

  • Use of IoT Tools to Support the Decision-making Process

    Nowadays sensor networks and other systems, based on the IoT concept demonstrate the benefits of their usage, which includes the support of the decision-making process, therefore achieving an optimal result in the context of more and more fields. In this experiment, an additional sensor network has been developed based on a modular system derived from a previous development by means of a target-specific modification of the required modules to measure environmental data in a drying chamber used in food industry. The main objectives include the development of the device, the verification of the measurements of the factory-built device, providing an interface, which is able access the measurement data and after gathering experience from the usage, further developing the system and extending the functionality of the web application. The built-in data acquisition and control system stores the data of the measurements in the form of text files, while our additional data acquisition and control system uses a unified measurement database to store the data. According to the structure, a task-specific application has been developed in order to unify the two sources. Analysis of collected data was performed after running the ETL (extract, transform, load) algorithm converting the transaction-oriented database. The experiment shows so far the benefits of the multi-point measurements by a significant difference between the measured values, so we certainly consider further developments.

  • International Experiences of Introducing Dual Training Based on Examples from Some Countries

    In Hungary, dual training was introduced in 2015.  Dual training is a response to the needs of the labour market and has become increasingly popular since its introduction. Dual training is also playing an increasingly important role in higher educationin many countries, helping to modernise education, the knowledge transferred and fostering stronger links between companies and universities. The aim of this article is to present the dual training system and the international experience gained over time, drawing on the literature available on the subject.

  • Changes in the Financial Condition of Families in Hungary between 2000 and 2019

    The financial condition of families living on wages is function of many factors. It is determined, among other things, by the development of wages, social benefits, tax rates and the amount of allowances that can be granted. The part of the tax system that affects the largest segment of individuals changes every year, and even during the year, reducing predictability. In recent years, discussions over the taxes have shown that the rate of personal income tax cannot be evaluated separately from the social security contribution rate. Gross average earnings - on the grounds of raising the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage - have more than four-times in nearly 20 years. However the rate of growth is higher in the average net earnings due to changes in the tax system. Compulsory determined wages increased to almost six-times over the years under investigated. But in 20 years, how much has the income situation of an average family living on a salary become more favourable or more unfavourable? In our study we are looking for an answer to how the increase in the minimum wage and the changes in the law how to have affected the livelihood.

  • Management Practices from Christian Point of View

    Globalisation is a complex and worldwide process overarching historical times and continents. However the phenomenon brought efficiency and new opportunities to companies, providing practically free access to raw materials, labour and knowledge, it also caused negative effects like the degradation of the biosphere, greater social and economic inequality especially in the developing countries. There are some companies operating worldwide which have acquired great economic power and influence. and governments have only limited possibilities (if any) to regulate their operation. The expenses of profit maximisation are high, which are often ‘paid’ by the socialnatural environment (as externalities) and/or by humans. The aim of our study is to overview how current business relations could be formed to be more „human friendly”. The research is done from a Christian philosophy point of view, focusing on the employees as the major stakeholder group of the comanies. As part of the study some practical examples and Hungarian organisations related to this topic are introduced in order to highlight the relevance of the topic.

  • The green methanol - playing a role in sustainable energy management

    Global energy demand is constantly increasing, so the energy sources we use, and the efficiency of energy use are of paramount importance for the future of humanity. Methanol can play a key role in the sustainable use of natural resources, in the efficient and smooth transition from a fossil oil-based energy system as well as in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Long-term thinking will result in an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, which will favour the spread of green methanol technology and thus the use of a carbon-neutral fuel. The raw materials for the production of green methanol may include municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide and the methanol has many uses, both as fuel and chemical feedstock. It also provides an opportunity to chemically store excess renewable energy from intermittent sources, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The price of electricity used for electrolysis is the main determinant of the economical production of green methanol, so the reduction of the cost of solar and wind energy greatly contributes to the competitiveness of carbon-based production.

  • The Operating and Financing Environmental of Local Public Transport

    In Hungary the financing of the local public transportation is becoming a great obligation for the public service providers. The institutional framework of the national segment is in line with the european standards, nevertheless based on the analysis of the revenues it is clear to see that the core problem is to be found in the hungarian compensation system. The free and reduced rate fares originating from the social fare subvention system need to be reviewed and the realistic adjustment of the price compensation is evitable, due to the fact that the volume of the state normative compensation is not able to reach the volume off loss in revenues in the local public transportation. The amount of compensation required by local governments is raising every year. Besides assuring the stable operation it is also important to maintain the high quality of services and improve the segment in order to raise the number of passangers.

  • The Electric Vehicle Penetration in Hungary

    During the past years I hear that the future of transport in the electric-powered vehicles. the Hungarian Goverment and the European Union is made more device is this form dissemination to the transport campaigners. EU tendering appeared in Electric Car Charging establishment, the number of multiplication of the expansion, faster recharging method of spreading. This is to depart from the common knowledge  recharge time Lenght of significant, the range of motor vehicles despite low rate of population inspired make such purhase of motor vehicles. If that were not enough, the demand side cash incentive device support is, take the numbers provided consumer vehicles 1.5 million HUF state support. This endeavor though the influence of narrow you wish to inspect the car market segment of the reactions, the growth rate of the past few years. Although this is a state-pumped artificially induced market impact.

  • Return of Ethics into Business Activities – From Utilitarianism to Conscious Consumers (review)

    According to the common understanding of economic science people following their own preferences looking for ractional decisions which might bring the biggest advantage available. General economic models take this pre-condition as an axiom, however while analysing real processes and motivation, human side, ethics and values cannot be ignored. Business ethics has always been part of economics though having a diminishing role occasionally. Current developing movements of conscious consumers reveal the importance of the topic, highlighting personal creed and moral principles. Analytical frameworks incorporating ethical considerations are albeit more complicated hence offer more realistic interpretation of economic activities and therefore practical benefits at the end. Our study is a general review on this phenomenon.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése

    It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.

  • Examination of macro- and micro elements in the artificial bathwater samples

    During our research, micro- and macro element content of synthetically produced bathwater was examined. Previous studies, which were conducted at the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen, proved that the quality of domestic greywater is greatly varied. This diversity can also be observed in the case of greywaters. The examination of bathwater samples covered the contentanalysis of Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Zn, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Li elements with the application of MP-AES method. The analysis of greywater’s micro and macro content is essential part in the control of irrigation systems, flushing as well as car washing, because its heavy metal content can have a significant effect on the environment. In this study, we would like to present the concentration values of micro and macro elements of the examined greywater samples. Furthermore, we would like to make a comparison among our result, previously examined greywater samples and drinking water samples, too.

  • Measurement of Friction Losses of Electro-Pneumatical Valves with Industrial Devices

    The pneumatic devices are frequently used in several fields of the industry but the losses and pressure
    drops of the pneumatic system are not really investigated. These losses can cause great property damages during long uptime because the compressed air is a quite expensive energy source. I designed a measuring system which is able to measure the friction losses of electro-pneumatic 5/2-way valves (monostable and bistable too). It is possible to choose between manual and automatic operation modes as well. In the automatic mode the system makes measurements in three different user-defined pressure levels. In the manual mode the measuring pressure can be set between 2-6 bars. An automatic evaluate program is also an important part of the created system. It gives the possibility of the fast evaluation of the saved data and it could be the base of a fast report generating application.

  • The Effects of Quenching and Tempering Treatment on the Hardness and Microstructures of a Cold Work Steel

    The X153CrMoV12 ledeburitic chromium steel characteristically has high abrasive wear resistance, due to their high carbon and high chromium contents with a large volume of carbides in the microstructure. This steel quality has high compression strength, excellent deep hardenability and toughness properties, dimensional stability during heat treatment, high resistance to softening at elevated temperatures. The higher hardness of cryogenic treated samples in comparison with conventional quenched samples mean lower quantity of retained austenite as at samples quenched to room temperature and tempered in similar condition. In the microstructure of samples were observed that the primary carbide did not dissolve at 1070°C and their net structure have not been changed during to heat treatment. During to tempering at high temperature the primary carbides have become more and more rounded. After low tempering temperature in martensite were observed some small rounded carbides also, increasing the tempering temperature the quantity of finely dispersed carbides increased, which result higher hardness. The important issues in heat treatment of this steels are the reduction or elimination of retained austenite due to cryogenic treatment.

  • Security and Risk management of Intelligent Integrated Institutes

    The intelligent households are getting more and more popular beside the intelligent technologies. With all the advantages that this can provide, it brings the security risk of the information technology as well. We must deal with those dangers. We have to determine the risks so that we can make proper precautions. This article gives an effective guideline to achieve safety.

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