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Search Results

  • Transformation of the Decisional Leadership Role

    Leadership decision-making is important for the successful functioning of organizations, so it is necessary for leaders to understand the factors that impact their decisions. Decision-making is always the responsibility of the leader, but in a changing world, it becomes an even more crucial factor for success. Making good decisions requires time, experience, and thorough problem-solving skills. In my research, through the analysis of scholarly sources, I have identified several role factors that clearly influence the decision-making process and its implementation. Furthermore, I have developed a self-designed questionnaire to examine the decision-making role in modern organizations. I analyzed the data from 230 respondents using various statistical methods. Based on my findings, conflict management, risk-taking, and a thorough understanding of the problem strongly determine leadership decision-making processes. The ability of leaders to effectively manage conflicts significantly impacts their decisions. Risk-taking is also of key importance, as leaders need to recognize the risks associated with a given situation and make decisions accordingly.

  • Connection analysis of an x-zero-type helical gear pair

    We designed a helical gear pair, after we prepared the CAD models of the elements. Using of these models connection analysis will be done in case of the application of different torques. The established stress, strain and deformation values will be analysed on the connection tooth surfaces and the fillet radiuses in case of teeth connection.

  • A numerikus számítások szerepe a műszaki modellekben

    Application of numerical methods and stochastic approach should have a bigger role in the Mathematics programme of the secondary schools. Studying economic and engineering problems leads to better understanding of the significance of mathematical models in practice. In our mini-course we introduce several topics related to mathematical modelling of systems and processes to present the applicability of mathematical  calculation methods in the everyday life.

  • Quality Management System Requirements

    The quality management system requirements were changed in 2015. Organisations are granted a threeyear transition period after the revision has been published to migrate their quality management system to the new edition of the standard. The aim of this research is to analyze the differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 requirements, and to identify that part of system elements which are not neccesary to change.

  • Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services

    There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.

  • Examining the employees and sectors of the economy according to the digital competence in the EU memeber states

    In this study, the challenges of digital development and its sectoral effects were examined between 2015 and 2017 in the EU Member States, based on data of OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank. The connection between the countries' digital development and sector dominance was analyzed. I found - in line with international research - that in countries that belong to the developed group, the high value-added service sector is dominant. The statistics of developing countries’ supported the assumption, that industry is the engine of the economy. The analysis of the underdeveloped countries revealed that agriculture and industry are the most important sectors compared to other countries. Measuring the demand of developed countries for ICT professionals, I examined the relationship of individuals with different digital competencies to one kind of self-education. In line with international research, my database showed that digitally unskilled people are the least likely to take advantage of online courses. As a continuation of the research, it would be worthwhile to carry out this study in other economic areas as well. Especially in areas where salaries for high-digital occupations do not differ significantly between countries in the region.

  • The Role of Health Protective Effect in the Food Purchase of the Population

    In our homecountry just like in other developing countries, civilization diseases can be realized not only as individual costs but also through social security expenditures and from the expenditure side of the national economy. The main risk factors for the spread of civilization diseases include inadequate food consumption, lack of physical activity and genetic conditions. The topic of this research is the role of health food in daily nutrition and in buying food for the population, which addresses current issues and concerns as described above.

  • Labour Economics - From the Technological Development Perspective

    The impact of technological advancements on the labor market and innovation processes is a critically important research area. The aim of this study is to examine the emergence and frequency of technological innovations in scientific publications, with a particular focus on the Journal of Labour Economics from 2000 to 2020. The research employs content analysis methods, searching for eight different terms and expressions related to technological development (e.g., technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning) across 1405 articles. The study also analyzes the number of occurrences and annual publication trends of these terms. A total of 9469 instances were identified, indicating that in 64,7% of the cases, at least one technological term appeared. An analysis of annual trends reveals an increase in the usage of certain keywords (technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning). In a smaller subset of articles, only 1%, technological terms were mentioned at least 50 times. The results suggest that although the topic of technological development plays a significant role in labor market research, the frequency of its appearance and the depth of analysis vary considerably. The increase in the appearance of technological terms is predominantly observed in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These findings are specific to a single journal, indicating the need for further research involving other labor market journals to ensure representativeness.

  • Consumer Perception of Electric Cars in Hungary – Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results

    Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular in the automotive industry and among consumers; partly as a result of their environmentally friendly characteristics. The aim of the study is to compare the main characteristics of electric and conventional cars in the context of environmental protection. In the first half of the study, we present the life cycle of electric and conventional cars and we compare the overall environmental impact traditional an electric vehicles. We point out that although the operation of an electric car does not pollute the environment locally, the manufacture, charging and disposal of batteries required for operation raises several issues related to environmental pollution. In the second part, we examine the respondents' attitudes towards electric cars based on our own questionnaire research. On the basis of the answers, it can be said that consumers still consider electric cars expensive and are aware that electric cars address some pollution issues to a small extent.

  • Sustainability, sustainable supply chain management

    With the rapid development of the world economy, the growing scarcity of natural resources and the degradation caused by pollution, environmental protection has become a major concern for countries and regions of the world. Sustainability is a common subject in many parts of the world and the various research areas among policy makers, journalists, scientists, universities and social debate. It is generally accepted, that companies also play an important role in addressing the challenges of sustainable development. In this role, making a key challenge to balance often conflicting pressures caused by sustainable development, that is, the level of corporate economic performance against environmental deterioration and social disruption. Effective integration of sustainability principles into companies requires action beyond the borders of organizations. The issue of sustainability is becoming more and more prominent in corporate governance. One of the most important area of supply chain management is for companies to gain a competitive edge in the market. This has a significant impact on the natural environment, and there is a growing need to integrate environmental thinking in supply chain management and processes, which is why companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable development, taking on more CSR initiatives and achieving a greener supply chain. Sustainable and green supply chain management practices have been developed over the past decades, trying to integrate environmental considerations into organizations by reducing unwanted negative consequences for the environment of production and consumption processes. In this article, I have examined the issues of sustainability and sustainable supply chain management, mainly based on descriptive secondary literature.

  • Technical Issues and Their Effect on the Financial and Time Scheduling of the Building Under Roof and/or Floor Upbuilding

    Building under roof and/or floor upbuilding raises technical issues different as one raise in the case of green investments. Primarily, depending of system of building constructions of the existing building there is a possibility to build under roof, and/or floor upbuilding. In the paper we review those technical issues, what decide, that in the case of given building there is or not possibility to build under roof, and/or floor upbuilding. We examine in general, that in the case of building under roof, and/or floor upbuilding what building process should be considered, and what kind of time and financial scheduling is advisable to prescribe. We will present a case study, that the inadequate processing of technical issues may require time and financial rescheduling.

  • A Campus Fesztivál gazdasági hatásmérése, eredményességének vizsgálata az elmúlt 10 esztendő alapján

    Évszázadok óta a különféle rendezvények, főként a fesztiválok fontos szerepet töltenek be a társadalom életében. Számos kutatás, tanulmány született már korábban, amelyek a magyarországi és külföldi fesztiválokat elemezték gazdasági, társadalmi és kulturális szempontból. A vizsgálatok elkészítésének alapvető problémája, hogy központilag nincsen vagy kevés adat áll rendelkezésre gazdasági hatásvizsgálatok elkészítéséhez. A kutatásom célja a meglévő adatok alapján egy átfogó gazdasági hatásmérés elkészítése a debreceni Campus Fesztiválról.

  • Explore Adult Learning Motivations of Various Training Levels

    Continuous learning is part of everyday life. It may be formal, non-formal or informal nature. The formal learning that takes place at school, is the basis of expertise. Why someone sitting to school? There can be given many answers to this question. The motivation for learning develops due to both internal and external factors. And even age groups and training as equally different. With regard to adult learning motivation was examining several surveys. The study is a summary of the test results. There was three target group: high school seniors, correspondence master's students and participants accredited training. The surveys set out to discover Why learn the various forms of training. The questions in each test were different but comparable. For participants accredited training habitual motivation is crucial. Their joy and pride of the family is less important to them. , Correspondence master's students were considered the most important things income, learning, and knowledge. Although the perception of other age groups, both the habitual and the actual motivation appears in every group. While high school students based on the results we can say that the more motivation to achieve a goal, such as employment, income acquire. so prominent the habitual motivation. In their case it emphasized that a distinction was made between friendship and relationship network. Namely, the friendships are not identified with the mere knowledge that may be necessary in order to achieve future goals.

  • Labor market effects of health promotion on human capital

    Today, workplace health promotion is increasingly present, both domestically and internationally. In my research, I used literature analysis to show how workplace health promotion programs, including physical activity, how affect employee earning capacity and productivity. Human capital is a significant factor in productivity. Human capital can be defined, that the human inner, inseparable features and characteristics of a person to which is invested and, as a result, increases the productivity of the individual. Investments can include health spending (health promotion programs), costs of extra-curricular lessons and time to find the ideal job.

    I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. In my research I have reviewed the source of literature on health promotion and physical activity primarily. After reviewing the literature, consequence of the research that investing in health, including investing in physical activity, it also contributes to improving health, as well as increasing life earnings and productivity at work.


  • Trends in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Influence on the Industries’ Progress

    This research aims to investigate the critical role of the Internet of Things in the future of industries’ progress. For this purpose, a survey of 250 top managers across 13 industries has conducted. The objective was to find their view of point about what short and mega trends, in which sector will have the most considerable influence in the five years as well as 30 years ahead. Moreover, various technologies are also identified that will have the most importance in the future according to the majority of the respondents, such as Internet of things, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, and, on the other hand, the segments that capital expenditure is currently being directed towards, such as Energy Efficiency and Personalisation of Services.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • Vocational Teacher Training – Self-Evaluation of Prospective Teachers

    Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools.  At the end the training the students wrote self-evaluation about their most significant experiences. The article deals with the self-evaluation of prospective vocational teachers’ progress after their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools. The students reported on their progress in their various skills. According to the results the students believe that practical pedagogical training makes an essential contribution to their education and future profession.

  • Analysis of the Situation and Structure of Passenger Transport in Hungary

    Traffic and transportation are important segments, as they contribute to the economy's functioning, to mobility, trade and job creation. Transport per capita spending in recent years exceeded 10% of the total spending of the population. In the first part of my article, I review the characteristics and importance of passenger transport. In the subsequent chapters, I will show how significant are the trends and differences that can be discovered when analysing population spending on transport, car purchases and maintenance and passenger transport by age group and educational attainment.

  • Employment Practice of Persons with Disabilities and a Reduced Work Capacity in the Open Labour Market

    Based on the labour market situation of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity as an employee group we can claim that it is an employee group struggling with significant disadvantages. Their economic activity is behind thereof the population without disabilities and a reduced work capacity. According to the latest statistical data the employment level of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity is only around 18 per cent. The governments in power try to increase the economic activity of the affected employee group with both positive and negative incentive system laying stress on the field of primary open labour market. However, it is all unimaginable without changing the approach of the society and the business sphere, which can succeed through the legal regulation of equal opportunities, equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination. By means of professional interviews carried out with company directors and HR directors of 3 examined companies operating in the Northern Great Plain region as well as case studies the article aims at exploring the attitude of market participants towards the employee group of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity, legal changes of recent years, the extent this group is employed and the obstacles that make their further employment more difficult.

  • Teaching the Analysis of Newton’s Cooling Model to Engineering Students

    To apply mathematical methods to physical or other real life problem, we have to formulate the problem in mathematical terms. It means that, we have to construct the mathematical model for the problem. Many physical problems shows the relationships between changing quantities. The rates of change are represented mathematically by derivatives. In this case the mathematical models involve equations relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivatives. These equations are the differential equations. In this article, teaching the analysis of Newton's cooling model to engineering students is presented as one of the applications of separable differential equations.

  • Classical and applied mathematics in secondary school

    In a secondary school I wrote a test with similar abilites student. In one class students had to solved applied mathematics exercises, in other class there were pure mathematics exercises. I anayzed the results.

  • A vállalati vagyon és a finanszírozás összefüggései a vagyonértékelés szempontrendszere szerint

    The availability for financial sources can be the key factor of competitiveness of enterprises. Under favourable conditions it can result in not only economic growth and conjunctural effects but indirectly it also has a positive influence on social level as well. In the first part of the article we make an overview on enterprise financing in both social and economic context and try to give an overall concept. In the second part we analyse the framework of financing, discuss the national and international specifications of financing, and finally, in the third part we analyse the background of enterprise financing based on the principles of asset appraisal.

  • The Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Energy Production and Use

    The role of renewable energies in energy management is growing both in the European Union and in Hungary. The use of renewable energy sources is already quite large (transport, heating, lighting, etc.) and it is advisable to deal with these energy sources in the year 2020. The use of energy from renewable sources can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependency on the continuously problematic oil and gas market. A review of energy data over the last 10 years shows that renewable energy sources are playing an increasingly important role in the European Union. I support this finding by the fact that the share of energy from renewable sources in gross energy consumption has almost doubled in the last few years.

  • Grounds of changemanagement

    Organisations of the 21st century exist in a permanent change. Change management in business management deals with the analysis of directed and planned changes. However, it does not consider spontaneous changes.Change has been addressed in social science since the 1970s and is of growing importance. As in many cases adapting to the change is crucial for the organisations to survive. With the changeThese spontaneous changes are chaotic processes that are carried out without control. In this paper I present the evolution of changemanagement, and the most important questions of changes.

  • International Experiences of Introducing Dual Training Based on Examples from Some Countries

    In Hungary, dual training was introduced in 2015.  Dual training is a response to the needs of the labour market and has become increasingly popular since its introduction. Dual training is also playing an increasingly important role in higher educationin many countries, helping to modernise education, the knowledge transferred and fostering stronger links between companies and universities. The aim of this article is to present the dual training system and the international experience gained over time, drawing on the literature available on the subject.

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