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  • The Landscape of Civil Society Organizations in the Economy of Kosovo

    Civil society organizations (CSOs) in the scientific literature have been studied broadly from various aspects such as cultural, political, social and economic. But as far as the last one is concerned, there is still a research gap because there is a lack of study about their contribution to economies under development, such as Kosovo, and which must be filled because of its importance. This paper tends to analyze the present situation of CSOs in Kosovo and their potential contribution to economic activity. Highlighting the activities, the structure and the place of these organizations in the economy will be the approach, in the beginning, to pave the way for further study of specific areas related to them. The methodology established contains analyses of secondary sources that are done by using data from the Ministry of Public Administration of Kosovo, Kosovar Index of Civil Society which is a regular report of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF), and other supplementary data. However, this will proceed after the scientific conceptual issues of CSOs and their place within the economy. Finally, the results show that civil society in Kosovo is very diverse with organizations in different sectors, and the economic activity sector consists of mostly agricultural NGOs.   In transition countries, CSOs are seen as an alternative that improves a particular sector. Thus far, there are over 10,000 organizations established in Kosovo, but relative studies suggest only 1000 to be active. Furthermore, their activity and contribution to economic development is little known so far, while the main problem of the economy remains unemployment.

  • The Dynamic Effect of Trade Openness, Debt, and Foreign Investment in Ghana’s Economy: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach

    The impact of macroeconomic factors offers insight into the performance of an economy. This study investigates the dynamic short- and long-term effect of trade openness, external debt, and foreign direct investment (FDI) within Ghana's economy. Utilizing Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing and Granger causality analysis, the study examines data spanning from 1991 to 2022. The results of the ARDL cointegration test reveal a long-term relationship among the variables. However, in the short term, the findings present a mixed effect of FDI and trade openness, with both positive and negative impacts. In the long run, FDI and external debt exhibit a positive influence, whereas trade openness appears to impede economic growth. Furthermore, the Granger causality test identifies a unidirectional causality relationship between the variables and economic growth. The study suggests that the government implement investment-oriented and trade policies to stimulate economic growth. 

  • Elmélet és gyakorlat ellentmondásossága a mérnöki etikában

    Economy is the framework of the activities of technological managers. The function of an economy is substantially impact by behaviors of the persons are involved in the economy. Its function depends on how they follow rules of society and community. Reliability and order of an economy are created by right conducts of such participants of economy as technological managers. This paper analyses the complex relations of law, morality and economy.

  • The New Type of Employment: the Specificity of the Platform Economy and Platform Work

    The industry value of the global platform economy exceeded 7 trillion US dollars by the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The income generated by the platform economy in the European Union produced an almost five-fold increase in the period between 2016-2020, as its volume increased from 3 billion euros to 14 billion euros. Nevertheless, due to the lack of global consensus and precedent, the delimitation of the platform business model and work, its legal regulation and verifiability and compliance, due to its innovative nature, are unresolved at the world and European level. The objective of the article is to define the conditions, rules and practical application of the platform economy and platform work, relying on international (English-language, mostly European) secondary information, thereby revealing the problems and difficulties, as well as discussing its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Characteristics of Knowledge Economy in Respect of Hungary

    The examination of the economic role of information, knowledge, human capital and investment into the human capital has come into the limelight over the last decades. Analyses include the characterisation of knowledge economy and the relationship between knowledge economy and market challenges. In this paper we examine the definition and indicators of knowledge-based economy. We analyse the trend of the participation rate in formal and non-formal education as a knowledge input, furthermore we examine the gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP with particular attention to Hungary.

  • Potential Impact of Innovation on the Competitiveness of Sports

    Innovation and development activities related to sports and the tools created during the processes facilitate performance sports players (athlete, coach, sports manager) to achieve outstanding results in their field.

    The success of sport can have a major impact on the social image of sport and its economic potential, and thus on the future of the sport. In my paper, I undertake to introduce the innovation processes associated with competitive sport and the products that result from these innovative activities, and then examine how and to what extent these supplies influence the economic and professional performance of the sports under investigation.

  • The Impact of a Coronavirus Epidemic on China’s Public Debt Ratio Growth

    Public opinion in the economic profession is strongly preoccupied with the expected negative economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic. Among the consequences, special attention is paid to the increase in the gross debt of the states. Indeed, based on conventional economic knowledge, it is clear to everyone that the economic downturn and the increase in government sector expenditure will directly lead to a sharp rise in government debt. The study aims to predict an increase in China’s government debt ratio using a macroeconomic model. The study will quantify the rate of increase in China’s public debt based on four theoretically possible scenarios for the course of the coronavirus epidemic. I am aware that it is difficult to apply conventional economic knowledge to China’s state-capitalist system. This is explained by the fact that the theories of the socialist economic model do not apply to China either. At the same time, the functioning of China's economy is closer to that of market-based economies, but the country's structure as a whole cannot be integrated into this framework either. But models describing the economic development of developing national economies cannot be applied to the country either. Nonetheless, I attempt to use conventional economic economics to attempt to quantify the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on China’s sovereign debt ratio. China’s public debt growth rates calculated under different outbreak scenarios are different, but none show an increase that would call into question the financing of China’s public debt.

  • An Exploratory Study on the Level of Trust Among Hungarian Food Manufacturer Companies

    The intensification of globalized economic competition is playing an increasingly important role in the lives of companies to determine their true position among their competitors. Food companies are of paramount importance because of their role and weight in the national economy. In Hungary, the food industry plays an important social and economic role and is a world leader in terms of employment and value added. Currently, there are nearly 1100 active food companies in Hungary, so it is worth examining the peculiarities of the role of trust between companies.

    There are often contradictory statements in the literature about the effects of Industry 4.0 technologies and the trust placed in IT tools. Therefore, it is a relevant research question to examine whether the characteristics of the role of trust - e.g. staff, suppliers, IT tools and technologies, etc. as confidence levels can have a direct positive impact on the efficiency, profits, liquidity, etc. of the companies in question. development.

    During the research, I analyzed the level of trust between the food trading companies, in which I discuss the trust within the industry within the company. My aim is to further enrich my previous research knowledge in this field.

  • Inbound and Outbound Tourism in China: A Perspective Article

    The tourism industry in China has undergone significant changes due to globalization, technology, and changing consumer preferences. This perspective article, based on a systematic literature review, examines examines trends, challenges, and opportunities in inbound and outbound tourism in China, focusing on the industry's dynamism. Both inbound and outbound tourism have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted new strategies and environmental adaptations. China has changed its priorities within the country to encourage domestic travel and support local firms. The rise in internationalisation and the growing middle class in China have led to an unprecedented rise in outbound travel. Chinese travellers are affecting travel habits and spending all around the world in the tourism sector. Language barriers, cultural differences, and safety concerns are some of the challenges that come with travelling abroad. To reach its full potential, China needs to adapt to the shifting global environment and take into account the specifications and preferences of both inbound and outgoing tourists. 

  • The Evaluation of the Employment of Migrants by Employees

    The exploration of specifications of the employee groups endangered in the labour market, and their social
    and labour market integration have always been a challenging task for the professionals. As a result of the
    domestically also appeared migrant wave, the actuality of the topic has even more increased. In this study -
    prepared in the framework of the research program „Human resource management challenges of the reception and labour market integration of the migrants” - we aimed to reveal the attitudes of employees about the labour market integration of the migrants. We have defined an objective to explore whether they are afraid of losing their current jobs, what factors influence the employment of the migrants and what kind of positive and negative effects they take on the society and economy. Based on the results of the survey we have found that employees are not afraid of migrants taking their jobs, still they are quite uncertain whether they would employ or work with a migrant person. Regarding the effect on the society and economy an unambiguous negative attitude was experienced.

  • The Past, Present and Future of a Hungarian Company

    The new strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises focuses on growth, the three pillars of which are the development of a knowledge-based and innovation-based economy, a resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy, and high employment and social and territorial cohesion. Based on the plans and forecasts, in the 2021-2028 cycle, however, it is not as much as today, but it is possible to calculate development resources closely linked to economic development in the form of non-refundable subsidies in many forms. In my present study, I wish to outline the life span of a Debrecen company, NEXT Broker Consulting Ltd. and its potential development prospects in the post-2020 cycle, which may be important because it deals with tender writing, so it can show a serious impression on the previous or current the direction and situation of the use of development resources, thus indirectly the realization of the goals of Hungarian economic policy.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • Examining the employees and sectors of the economy according to the digital competence in the EU memeber states

    In this study, the challenges of digital development and its sectoral effects were examined between 2015 and 2017 in the EU Member States, based on data of OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank. The connection between the countries' digital development and sector dominance was analyzed. I found - in line with international research - that in countries that belong to the developed group, the high value-added service sector is dominant. The statistics of developing countries’ supported the assumption, that industry is the engine of the economy. The analysis of the underdeveloped countries revealed that agriculture and industry are the most important sectors compared to other countries. Measuring the demand of developed countries for ICT professionals, I examined the relationship of individuals with different digital competencies to one kind of self-education. In line with international research, my database showed that digitally unskilled people are the least likely to take advantage of online courses. As a continuation of the research, it would be worthwhile to carry out this study in other economic areas as well. Especially in areas where salaries for high-digital occupations do not differ significantly between countries in the region.

  • Studies on Consumer Motivation Among Users Of Fitness Services

    The rate of inactivity experienced world-wide is the cause of numerous health problems. The sedentary lifestyle of the population represents a great burden to a nation’s economy. The health indicators of Hungary are below the European average, not only those concerning physical activity, but also with respect to  smoking, nutrition, and alcohol consumption [1]. In 2013, only 38% of the Hungarian population exercised regularly, while 62% rarely or never [2]. The diseases associated with inactivity represent a higher burden to the economy than the costs of raising the level of activity would be [3]. Based on previous studies, the motivating factors for leisure athletes in Hungary are the preservation of health, to increase physical strength, relaxation, recreation, the love of exercising, and stress management [4; 5]. The sports facilities available to a wide range of people, the fitness clubs offer the possibility to join regular sports activities, which is why it is necessary to examine the motivation behind the participation of athletes taking part in the trainings provided by fitness facilities. Many previous studies examined the goals of athletes and the motivational factors behind exercising, and came to the conclusion that trainings held in fitness rooms and at home are related to intrinsic motivational factors, while taking part in other sports activities are related to intrinsic motivational factors [6; 7]. The focus of my study are leisure athletes using the services provided by fitness clubs (753 people), of whom I evaluated the motivational factors behind taking part in trainings. The results show that the motivational factors driving consumers of fitness services show a ranking that is identical to those of other leisure athletes, with most of them taking part in fitness trainings in order to preserve their health, to improve physical strength, and for recreational purposes, while the improvement of physical appearance also plays an important role.

  • The Special Aspects of Leasing as Long-Term Asset Financing Method in Hungary

    Leasing has become widespread in the world in the 1970s, while in Hungary the first leasing firms appeared in the 1990s. The authors in this article introduce the most prevailing and most often used forms of leasing and their main characteristics in Hungary. Based on the statistical data of the 2008-2015 period the authors analyse the performance of investments, the volume of trade in the total leasing market and the course of the amount of capital assets and new capital investments on the level of the national economy. The conclusion of the current article is that the changes of the investment’s performance in the national economy and the EU development funds influence greatly the course of the Hungarian leasing market.

  • Cultural diversity, Intercultural Competence, Tolerance and the Economy: a Review

    Cultural diversity is generally a controversial topic in the literature. Whereas some studies proved that it has economic benefits, others denied that. However, it is possible to avoid the costs related to that through enhancing each of intercultural competence, on the level of firms, and social tolerance, on the level of economies. To investigate that, the study used literature review analysis. Based on the literature, cultural diversity plays important role in enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship which are necessary for economic development. However, it may result in different challenges such as a lack of trust and conflict. Therefore, it could be feasible to manage and benefit from cultural diversity in the companies through cross-cultural training as well as cultural diversity management. On the other hand, economies can avoid cultural diversity's costs by adopting the policies and institutions which are necessary for enhancing the level of social tolerance among people.

  • Surface Quality of Carbide Metal After Electrical Discharge Machining

    Recently, the requirements for machining shape-complex products made of hard-to-machine materials, including carbide, have been increasing significantly. However, their machining is rather problematic. Additionally, a high-quality standard of the machined surface is generally required, not only in terms of roughness but also in terms of the geometric accuracy of the machined surface. All this while maintaining a high level of economy in the machining process. However, meeting these demanding requirements in real technical practice is not always an easy task. Moreover, in combination with modern machining processes, only a limited number of production technologies can meet this requirement. Therefore, due to the high demands placed on today's modern production and the required high standard of the machined surface, progressive EDM technology is increasingly finding its application. And it is through this progressive technology that it is possible to achieve relatively good success in carbide machining. The aim of this paper was therefore to describe in detail the results of an experimental investigation aimed at identifying the quality of the machined surface achieved in terms of the roughness parameters of the machined surface in the electrical discharge machining of selected types of carbides using a wire tool electrode.

  • Corporate Performance Measurement in the E-Commerce

    Performance of the domestic online commerce showed a dynamic increase in recent years and, based on the expected forecasts, this trend will be realized in the future as well. In Hungary, the number of electronic commerce undertakings is estimated to be within a range of between 5 000 and 6 000 pieces and this number is steadily increasing. Today, the opportunities offered by the internet play an increasingly significant role in every segment of the economy. In the increasing market competition, it is no longer sufficient to serve the local population. Driver of the internet commerce is a marketing activity therefore the performance measurement is a priority. The excellent result and success essentially and principally depend on the performance, in addition to luck. Performance is understood as the measurable results or, in the broad sense, the successful efforts which are made to achieve the organizational objectives. The performance measurement is a measurement process of the efficiency and economy of an activity. Its aim is to support the decisions and actions related to the operation of the undertaking. The performance measurement is not only a decision support tool but also an element influencing every level of the decision-making system; it has an effect on the actions of stakeholders. Its danger and importance are simultaneously the fact that its improper operation (application of incorrect yardstick) can result in a functioning contrary to the corporate objectives. My aim is to survey the corporate performance measurement practice, to assess the connection between the financial and operational performance as well as to analyse the connection between the performance measurement practice and the performance achieved.

  • The Relationship Between Renewable Energy Consumption, Net Energy Import, Greenhouse Gas Emission and Human Cap

    The measures to improve energy efficiency and increase of renewable energy production and consumption should be encouraged in the interest of sustainable development. Many factors can influence the use of renewable energy such as the level of economic development of an economy, nationals’ and the main  economic actors’ environmental awareness, energy import dependency, ratio of the urban population, and government subsidization intensity among the others. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the share of renewable energy in the total energy consumption and net energy import as a percentage of energy use less production, greenhouse gas emission per capita and human capital using by OECD countries data from 1990 to 2014. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship between net energy import and renewable energy consumption, and also negative relationship can be shown between the amount of greenhouse gas emission per capita and renewable energy consumption. However, we identified a positive relationship between human capital and renewable energy consumption for energy importer countries above a certain level of human capital.

  • The Efficiency of Intellectual Capital as a Crucial Factor of Innovation

    In today's global economy, there is a substantial shift from manufacturing to services, which challenges both economic policymakers, business stakeholders, owners, suppliers, competitors, and ordinary people: restructuring will encourage all economic players to learn how to adapt to new trends. That is why our research focuses on innovation and the ability of companies to create value. The IT sector is currently one of the fastest-growing and most innovative sectors within the service industry. The success of IT companies is greatly determined by their ability, how to make effective use of their intangible assets at their disposal, including intellectual capital, which is defined as a non-financial asset. So the question may arise: how is it possible to quantify and in monetary terms the intellectual capital of the companies to be examined? That is why, we calculated for the most successful Hungarian IT companies the widely recognized index, the VAICTM index, for which domestic calculations are not yet available. Indeed, this indicator eliminates the lack of information stemming from reporting standards by the methodology relying on publicly available financial reporting data. The indicator itself is a top indicator whose two main sub-indicators quantify the effectiveness of intellectual capital and physical capital.

  • Operating a Webshop in Rural Areas

    The importance of e-commerce in Hungary is unquestionable. 66% of the population is regular internet users (I3), every fourth person uses it on a daily basis. Online sales have increased from 137 billion HUF in 2010 to 427 billion HUF in 2016, while offline sales were not able to reach this growth (I1). Undoubtedly, online sale has become a very valuable market. The age group really valuable as consumers spends about 6 hours a day online, out of which 3 hours are active usage (I2). The Internet is also the most important source of information and keeping in contact, as 41% of the population uses it method. The availability of the Internet in Hungary is literally independent of the geographic location, thanks to the Digital Renewal Action Plan in Hungary's current strategy, as one of its main chapters is "Enhanced and Secure Infrastructure for All." (Botos 2013) plan. There are many unfavorable processes in Hungary's rural areas. Of these, emigration and the abandonment of the local economy are outstanding. To stop these processes, the "National Rural Strategy" (2012-2020) was created. Its most important areas are employment growth, balanced and diverse land and forest management, production structure, restoration of local food production and food markets, local energy production, strengthening the local communities, improvement of population patterns and conservation of natural systems and the biodiversity. The integration of rural economies into the on-line marketplace and their linkage to different DBEs not only vertically but horizontally can be one of the keys to their survival and development. The situation of businesses on the on-line marketplace in the countryside is very special. On the one hand, they are more favourable in many aspects of their operation, but in some cases they have disadvantages that fundamentally threaten their survival. The purpose of this article is to get to know this environment, map its benefits and drawbacks. For this, we use the results of in-depth interviews conducted with businesses operating on an on-line market in rural settlements.

  • Servant, Ethical and Authentic Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles in the Light of the Challenges of the BANI World

    In a globalised and accelerated economy, managers are under increasing pressure to reconcile organisational goals that are independent from human being with the reality of human relationships. The human being, as a being with intellect and senses striving towards happiness, is the focus of positive leadership styles and is their major concern in the field of management theory. In this article, three such positive styles, authentic, servant and ethical leadership principles and their operating conditions are compared using international literature. The literature time span of about two decades shows that the evolution of the ethical leadership literature has slowed down, while the authentic and servant leadership literature has continued to evolve and is still evolving today. The comparative table that appears in this study highlights both commonalities and distinctions, in that, in addition to high moral and ethical standards, the authentic style focuses primarily on the person of the leader, the ethical leader on the ethical standards of the organisation, while the servant leader focuses on the development of the well-being of the subordinate, the other person, even through self-sacrifice.  We intend to use the results of this research to investigate measures of positive styles, preparing the scientific ground for future primary empirical field studies.

  • Exhaust System Muffler Volume Optimization of Light Commercial passenger Car Using Transfer Matrix Method

    Nowadays, the automotive industry is focused on weight and size reduction. Main advantage of this weight and size reduction are improving the fuel economy. The specific fuel consumption of a vehicle can be improved through e.g. downsizing area of heat loss, if we focus on vehicle with weight reduction. Weight reduction can be done by replacing material or by changing the size (dimensions) of components. In the present work we have focused on Audi A6 muffler, troubleshooting and optimizing the muffler by changing pipe length of inlet and outlet, also by replacing the original mesh plate to porous pipe. Based on optimization, prototype has been built with the help of 3D design tool CATIA V5 and the calculations of transmission loss (TL) have been performed by MATLAB. Plane wave-based models such as the transfer matrix method (TMM) can offer fast initial prototype solutions for muffler designers. The principles of TMM for predicting the transmission loss of a muffler was used. Result of this present study of an existing muffler has been analysed and then compared with vehicle level test observation data. Noise level have been optimized for new muffler design. Other literatures were played significant rule for validate our results.

  • R&D infield of “Waste-to-Energy”in Institute of Raw Materials Preparation and Environmental Processing, University of Miskolc

    The importance of research and development in the field of „Waste-to-Energy” is vital in our modern society trying to establish the circular economy. Such R&D activity has been carrying out at Institute of Raw Materials Preparation and Environmental Processing for decades in several directions. This paper deals with the main results of research on refuse derived fuel from MSW, biogas production, briquetting of biomass, as well as production of fluid fuels.

  • Sustainability, sustainable supply chain management

    With the rapid development of the world economy, the growing scarcity of natural resources and the degradation caused by pollution, environmental protection has become a major concern for countries and regions of the world. Sustainability is a common subject in many parts of the world and the various research areas among policy makers, journalists, scientists, universities and social debate. It is generally accepted, that companies also play an important role in addressing the challenges of sustainable development. In this role, making a key challenge to balance often conflicting pressures caused by sustainable development, that is, the level of corporate economic performance against environmental deterioration and social disruption. Effective integration of sustainability principles into companies requires action beyond the borders of organizations. The issue of sustainability is becoming more and more prominent in corporate governance. One of the most important area of supply chain management is for companies to gain a competitive edge in the market. This has a significant impact on the natural environment, and there is a growing need to integrate environmental thinking in supply chain management and processes, which is why companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable development, taking on more CSR initiatives and achieving a greener supply chain. Sustainable and green supply chain management practices have been developed over the past decades, trying to integrate environmental considerations into organizations by reducing unwanted negative consequences for the environment of production and consumption processes. In this article, I have examined the issues of sustainability and sustainable supply chain management, mainly based on descriptive secondary literature.

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