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  • Introductory Computer Programming Courses in Mathematics Curriculum

    We present the results of surveys and curricular research on introductory computer programming courses that are required or recommended for mathematics degrees at U.S. colleges and universities. Our target schools were those with populations between 5,000 and 20,000 undergraduate students. A key result is a synopsis of programming languages in use in these introductory courses with Java, Python and C + + holding the top three spots. We found that 85% of the 340 schools in our pool require or recommend an introductory programming course as a component of a mathematics degree. Furthermore, most of these introductory programming courses are taught by faculty outside of the mathematics department. These results indicate that mathematics faculty value computer programming and should be actively involved in setting learning outcomes, incorporating skills and concepts learned in introductory programming courses into subsequent mathematics courses, and determining programming languages in use.

    Subject Classification: 97D30, 97P20, 97P40

  • Expressiveness of programming languages and environments: a comparative study
    In written and oral communication tools, the support of the understanding of our message have an important role: we can increase the expressiveness and the level of understanding of our topic by approaching it in several ways, i.e. in written methods by highlighting the important parts; in oral by changing tone and other elements of non-verbal communication. In this paper programming languages and developing environments are compared with each other in terms of their methods and their level of support to the solution of programming tasks.
    There is a need to have these tools in programming and, of course, in teaching programming. What are the factors that define the distinctness and the legibility of a program? What are the basic principles which give an instrument in programmers' and students' hands in order to create a properly working program from already existing algorithms in the most efficient way? We search for the answers to these questions in this paper.
  • Teaching multiparadigm programming based on object-oriented experiences
    Multiparadigm programming is an emerging practice in computer technology. Co-existence of object-oriented, generic and functional techniques can better handle variability of projects. The present paper gives an overview of teaching multiparadigm programming approach through typical language concepts, tools in higher education. Students learning multiparadigm-oriented subjects would gain considerable expertise, which is highly needed by the industrial side in large-scale application development.
  • Software engineering education in cooperation with industrial partners
    This paper presents our experiences on teaching software engineering in teams which are organized around different R+D projects. These long-running, innovative projects are carried out in cooperation with industrial partners, and are supported by student exchange. While MSc and PhD students work together with faculty staff members on the projects in an industrial-like environment, the students develop skills that would be otherwise very hard for them to obtain. The methodological contributions of the paper are illustrated by, and substantiated with, the description of a concrete software engineering project.
  • Can a language be before “the first programming language”?
    I would like to present a potential new language which can be before "the first programming language". We can use this to write down the algorithms and source code can be generated from this. The keyword is XML. This can be used for describing algorithms, easy to check the syntax and the semantic. Source code can be transformed with XSLT. So the usage of this new language can help us to answer the question, which is the best first programming language?
  • Delusions in informatics education
    In the following article our intention is to try to introduce the negative ideas that exist today in Hungary regarding informatics education within the secondary education system. [Zs] As far as we know, these delusions are characteristic of not only Hungary, but we believe that we should look for our own mistakes, that is why we refer to Hungarian examples.
    We have examined the informatic knowledge taught in the first 10 years of secondary education, the possible curriculum of the general informatics subject.
    To reach our aim, first we have to deviate a bit from our original topic, because without this, it would be more difficult to understand the core subject of the article. In the deviation we will explain what is called informatics, what is called informatics subject. Then we will deal with the main topic and in the summary we will explain what we believe is the aim of general informatics education.
  • A didactic analysis of merge sort
    Due to technical difficulties, educators teaching merge sort often avoid the analysis of the cost in the general and average cases. Using basic discrete mathematics, elementary real analysis and mathematical induction, we propose a self-contained derivation of bounds αn log_2 n + βn + γ in all cases. Independent of any programming language or pseudo-code, supported by intuitive figures, it is suitable for informatics students interested in the analysis of algorithms. It is also a good exercise in showing that induction allows us to actually discover constants, instead of simply checking them a posteriori.
  • Teaching XML
    The author has been teaching XML at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen since the end of the nineties. This paper gives an overview of XML technology from an educators viewpoint that is based on the experience that the author has gained teaching XML over the years. A detailed description of the XML course is provided. Methodological issues are also discussed.
  • Aspects théoriques de la classification à base de treillis
    La classification est une notion cruciale dans les systémes orientés objets et se fait de plus en plus présente en représentation de connaissances. Elle permet principalement de trouver des regularités dans un grand tableau de nombres. Dans ce sens général, il s'agit donc d'une méthode qui joue un role important dans différents domaines scientifiques oú les connaissances sont á organiser selon certaines hiérarchies (biologie, chimie, etc.). En informatique nous parlons aussi de langages de classes sans mentionner es aspects mathématiques de la classification. Dans cet article l'auteur a pour but de proposer une introduction á la classification á travers la notion de treillis. Nous sommes persuadés que l'étude de la classification permet aux étudiants de familiariser leurs connaissances sur la modélisation et la programmation orientée objet.
    The classification is a crucial notion in the object oriented systems and more and more appears in the knowledge representation. It allows us to find the regularities in a huge table of numbers. In this general sense the classification plays an important role in various domains of science, where knowledge has to be organized into hierarchy (biology, chemistry, etc.) In the computer science the languages of classes are often studied without mathematical aspects of the classification. In this paper the author has the goal to propose an introduction to the classification through the notion of lattices.We are convinced that the study of classification allows students to enlarge their knowledge on the object oriented modelling and programming.
  • New style in teaching word processing
    Teaching word processing is confined to looking through some menus and showing some functions of a word processor program, although technology presents just a small part of forming layouts. This fact causes that people who are writing documents spend a lot of time by trying to form, e.g., title pages or inner pages.
    The present paper deals with a design of an online course on word processing that fits better the needs of many users. The online course is designed for teaching (LA)TEX by leading the students to the technical issues of the typesetting system through layout and grammar rules: demonstrates the most important basic recommendations of typography and grammar rules through samples, and shows how to program the currently displayed layout in the (LA)TEX programming languages. This methodology suits better the common working habit, and can be a useful help in word processing documents.
  • Facilitating class attendance to improve student achievements
    Many studies have revealed that attendance is strongly associated with students' achievements, and have proposed different strategies to improve students' attendance. However, there are few studies investigating how to efficiently take students' attendance – the key component to improve students' attendance. Taking attendance manually is inefficient since it will consume part of the limited class time. This paper describes the design and the implementation of an online attendance system that is currently used in classes at West Virginia University and California University of Pennsylvania. Examples of the system are provided online. Implementation codes of the system are shared, which can be used to teach computer science courses such as Web Programming or Client-Server Script Languages.