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  • Teaching multiparadigm programming based on object-oriented experiences
    Multiparadigm programming is an emerging practice in computer technology. Co-existence of object-oriented, generic and functional techniques can better handle variability of projects. The present paper gives an overview of teaching multiparadigm programming approach through typical language concepts, tools in higher education. Students learning multiparadigm-oriented subjects would gain considerable expertise, which is highly needed by the industrial side in large-scale application development.
  • Analogous programming with a template class library
    In this paper, a template class library and its usage can be read. The classes of the library contain the C++ code of the algorithm of programming theorems. This library supports the implementation of the programs that are planned by analogous programming but the primary aim of its usage is to introduce the object-oriented programming style to show how a reusable code can be written with inheritances, overriding virtual methods, composition of objectcs and template parameters.
  • Programming theorems on enumerator
    This paper deals with the examination of the programming patterns best known by programmers: the programming theorems. It is a significant issue that in what way these patterns can be formulated in order to solve a relatively broad spectrum of problems using a small number of patterns. In this paper, the well known programming theorems are applied to the processing of enumerators. To this end, the robustness of patterns gained this way will be presented, and it will be also pointed out how the programs thus constructed can be implemented in the modern object-oriented programming environments: in language C++, Java and C#.
  • Analysing the effects of OOP helper application
    Nowadays students of secondary schools are familiar with the usage of computer very soon, lot of them are even capable of handling user applications very cleverly. This is satisfying for most of them. Those who imagine their future in programming or system developing, need to have deeper knowledge about object oriented programming, however, students do have it at very low level or not at all. We want to make sure whether this suppose is true, so different examinations have recently been made at Slovakian secondary schools with Hungarian teaching language. We have reached a conclusion that the students' knowledge of object oriented programming is deficient. We could achieve better results by using proper applications as a visual aid. In this paper we examine the efficiency of an application made by us.
  • Decision based examination of object-oriented programming and Design Patterns
    On the basis of our examination experience of Design Patterns the existing interpretations and descriptions of Design Patterns do not realise a clear and understandable answer for their aims. The reason for this is that the existing interpretation of the object-oriented paradigms is used for their description and formulation. In order that clear answers could be found for the aims of using Design Patterns, a new conception of their interpretation has to be established. In order to create a new conception, we have to analyze object-oriented paradigms.
    According to our new conception the object-oriented methodology is based on the elimination of decision repetition, thus sorting the decisions to class hierarchy, with the help of which the data structure and methodology of decision options can be determined by the subclasses of the given class. Sorting the decisions and decision options to a class and its subclasses only the first decision case will be executed, which will be archived and enclosed by instantiation of one of the subclasses. For the following decision cases the archived decision result can be used without knowledge of which decision option was used, so to say which subclass was instantiated, because it is enclosed by using the type of the parent class.
    The aim of the object-oriented technology is the elimination of decision repetition, which can be realized by sorting the decisions. The derivations are the abstract definitions of decisions, so the derivations can be interpreted as decision abstractions. The Design Patterns offer recipes for sorting the decisions. With the help of the decision concept the aim of Design Patterns can be cleared and a more natural classification of Design Patterns can be realized.
  • Teaching Java programming using case studies
    The paper deals with the technical background and the pedagogical issues of a specific implementation for the collection, assessment and archiving of the students' assignments written in Java. The implemented system automatically applies object-oriented metrics on the collected works in order to measure the characteristic features of the assignments. Tutors use these results for the detection of plagiarisms and for the selection of outstanding works. The paper interprets the measured values within a real Java course held in the 3rd term of the Informatics bachelor study programme at the technical university. Students have several case studies devoted to the simulation of the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) at disposal. We conclude that the access to the analyzed pool of case studies, blended with the Sun Learning Connection license from the Sun Microsystems, Inc., is an effective way of teaching programming in Java.
  • Aspects théoriques de la classification à base de treillis
    La classification est une notion cruciale dans les systémes orientés objets et se fait de plus en plus présente en représentation de connaissances. Elle permet principalement de trouver des regularités dans un grand tableau de nombres. Dans ce sens général, il s'agit donc d'une méthode qui joue un role important dans différents domaines scientifiques oú les connaissances sont á organiser selon certaines hiérarchies (biologie, chimie, etc.). En informatique nous parlons aussi de langages de classes sans mentionner es aspects mathématiques de la classification. Dans cet article l'auteur a pour but de proposer une introduction á la classification á travers la notion de treillis. Nous sommes persuadés que l'étude de la classification permet aux étudiants de familiariser leurs connaissances sur la modélisation et la programmation orientée objet.
    The classification is a crucial notion in the object oriented systems and more and more appears in the knowledge representation. It allows us to find the regularities in a huge table of numbers. In this general sense the classification plays an important role in various domains of science, where knowledge has to be organized into hierarchy (biology, chemistry, etc.) In the computer science the languages of classes are often studied without mathematical aspects of the classification. In this paper the author has the goal to propose an introduction to the classification through the notion of lattices.We are convinced that the study of classification allows students to enlarge their knowledge on the object oriented modelling and programming.