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  • The unity of mathematics: a casebook comprising practical geometry number theory and linear algebra
    We give a sustained example, drawn largely from earlier publications, of how we may freely pursue a line of mathematical enquiry if we are not constrained, unnaturally, to confine ourselves to a single mathematical subdiscipline; and we draw conclusions from the study of this example which are relevant at many levels of mathematical instruction.
    We also include the statement and proof of a new result (Theorem 4.1) in linear algebra which is obviously fundamental to the geometrical investigation which constitutes the leit-motif of the paper.
  • Application of computer algebra systems in automatic assessment of math skills
    Mathematics is one of those areas of education, where the student's progress is measured almost solely by testing his or her ability of problem solving. It has been two years now that the authors develop and use Web-based math courses where the assessment of student's progress is fully automatic. More than 150 types of problems in linear algebra and calculus have been implemented in the form of Java-driven tests. Those tests that involve symbolic computations are linked with Mathematica computational kernel through the Jlink mechanism. An individual test features random generation of an unlimited number of problems of a given type with difficulty level being controlled flat design time. Each test incorporates the evaluation of the student's solution. Various methods of grading can be set at design time, depending on the particular purpose that a test is used for (self-assessment or administrative exam). Each test is equipped with the correct solution presentation on demand. In those problems that involve a considerable amount of computational effort (e.g. Gauss elimination), additional special tools are offered in a test window so that the student can concentrate on the method of solution rather than on arithmetic computations. (Another obvious benefit is that the student is thus protected from the risk of frustrating computational errors). Individual tests can be combined into comprehensive exams whose parameters can be set up at design time (e.g., number of problems, difficulty level, grading system, time allowed for solution). The results of an exam can be automatically stored in a database with all authentication and security requirements satisfied.
  • Some problems of solving linear equation with fractions
    The aim of this paper is to offer some possible ways of solving linear equations, using manipulative tools, in which the "−" sign is found in front of an algebraic fraction which has a binomial as a numerator. It is used at 8th grade.
  • On four-dimensional crystallographic groups
    In his paper [12] S. S. Ryshkov gave the group of integral automorphisms of some quadratic forms (according to Dade [6]). These groups can be considered as maximal point groups of some four-dimensional translation lattices in E^4. The maximal reflection group of each point group, its fundamental domain, then the reflection group in the whole symmetry group of the lattice and its fundamental domain will be discussed. This program will be carried out first on group T. G. Maxwell [9] raised the question whether group T was a reflection group. He conjectured that it was not. We proved that he had been right. We shall answer this question for other groups as well. Finally we shall give the location of the considered groups in the tables of monograph [4]. We hope that our elementary method will be useful in studying linear algebra and analytic geometry. Futhermore, 4-dimensional geometry with some visualisation helps in better understanding important concepts in higher-dimensional mathematics, in general.