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  • CAS as a didactical challenge
    The paper starts with the discussion of a concept of general mathematics education (mathematics education for everyone). This concept views the focus of teaching mathematics in the reduction of the demands in the field of operative knowledge and skills as well as in an increase of the demands in the fields of basic knowledge and reflection. The consequences of this concept are didactically challenging for the use of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in the teaching of mathematics. By reducing the operative work we reduce exactly that field in which the original potential of CAS lies. It is shown that in such maths classes the main focus of CAS is on their use as a pedagogical tool, namely as support for the development of basic knowledge and reflection as well as a model of communication with mathematical experts.
  • Probabilistic thinking, characteristic features
    This paper is the first step in a series of a general research project on possible development in probability approach. Our goal is to check with quantitative methods how correct our presumptions formulated during our teaching experience were. In order to get an answer to this question, we conducted a survey among third-year students at our college about their general and scientific concepts as well as about the way they typically think.
  • The application of modelling tasks in the classroom – why and how? with reflections on an EU teacher training course
    The aim of the article is to present the concept of mathematical modelling in the classroom. LEMA (Learning and Education in and through Modelling and Applications) was an EU Comenius funded project in which mathematics educators from six countries worked to produce materials to support teachers' professional development. A group of voluntary Hungarian mathematics teachers were taught modelling for a year and we were and still are given feedback continously. The article leads us from the general concept of mathematical modelling to its practice in the classroom. It presents difficulties that teachers have to face when doing modelling lessons and their students' reactions are also mentioned. We present sample tasks from the material of the teacher training course as well as tasks that were created by the participants.
  • General key concepts in informatics: data
    "The system of key concepts contains the most important key concepts related to the development tasks of knowledge areas and their vertical hierarchy as well as the links of basic key concepts of different knowledge areas. When you try to identify the key concepts of a field of knowledge, you should ask the following questions: Which are the concepts that are the nodes of the concept net and can be related to many other concepts? Which are the concepts that necessarily keep re-appearing in different contexts when interpreting what you have learnt before? Which are the concepts that arrange specific facts in structures, which contribute to interpreting and apprehending new information and experience? Which are the concepts that – if you are unfamiliar with and unaware of – inhibits you in systematizing various items of knowledge or sensibly utilizing them?" [9] One of the most important of these concepts is the data.
  • Learning and Knowledge: The results, lessons and consequences of a development experiment on establishing the concept of length and perimeter
    In the paper the four main stages of an experiment are described focusing on the question as to how much measuring the length and perimeter of various objects such as fences, buildings by old Hungarian units of measurements and standards contribute to the establishment of the concept of perimeter.
    It has also been examined in what ways and to what extent the various forms of teaching such as frontal, group and pair and individual work contribute to the general knowledge, thinking, creativity and co-operation in this area.
    It will also be shown to what extent folk tales, various activities and games have proved to be efficient in the teaching of the particular topic.
    Every stage of the experiment was started and closed with a test in order to find out whether the development was successful and children managed to gain lasting knowledge in this particular area.
  • On a special class of generalized conics with infinitely many focal points
    Let a continuous, piecewise smooth curve in the Euclidean space be given. We are going to investigate the surfaces formed by the vertices of generalized cones with such a curve as the common directrix and the same area. The basic geometric idea in the background is when the curve runs through the sides of a non-void triangle ABC. Then the sum of the areas of some triangles is constant for any point of such a surface. By the help of a growth condition we prove that these are convex compact surfaces in the space provided that the points A, B and C are not collinear. The next step is to introduce the general concept of awnings spanned by a curve. As an important example awnings spanned by a circle will be considered. Estimations for the volume of the convex hull will be also given.