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  • Solution of an open reality based word-problem in two secondary schools

    This survey through an open reality based word problem is intended to assess - in two secondary schools in Komárom (Hungary) and in Komarno (Slovakia, Hungarian name: Révkomárom) in grade 10 - the ability of students to realize openness of a task. The comparison is justified by the fact that the language of teaching is Hungarian in both secondary schools, but with different curricula. This survey is related to the Content Pedagogy Research Program by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is preceded by several surveys with a word problem (Pocket Money) of the third author and led by her between 2012 and 2015, and within that project in 2017 within a large sample test, among about 1500 students and university students in Hungary (?, ?) (?, ?). In our research we wanted first to assess how openly work students in two schools of the two cities mentioned in solving the same task. The answer to this question was similar to the large sample test results, so most of the students worked in a closed way, when solving this word problem. So we went on and tried to explore how students thought about their own solution given to this task, through mixed-type interviews.

    Subject Classification: 97D70, 97F90, 97D50, 97M10

  • Word problems in different textbooks at the early stage of teaching mathematics comparative analysis

    In a previous research, Csíkos and Szitányi (2019) studied teachers’ views and pedagogical content knowledge on the teaching of mathematical word problems. While doing so, they reviewed and compared Eastern European textbooks of Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Croatia, and Hungary to see how world problem-solving strategies are presented in commonly used textbooks. Their results suggested that teachers, in general, agreed with the approach of the textbooks regarding the explicit solution strategies and the types of word problems used for teaching problem-solving. They also revealed that the majority of the participants agreed that a word problem-solving algorithm should be introduced to the students as early as in the first school year. These results have been presented at the Varga 100 Conference in November 2019. As the findings suggested a remarkable similarity between the Eastern European textbook approaches, in the current study we decided to conduct further research involving more textbooks from China, Finland, and the United States.

    Subject Classification: 97U20, 08A50

  • Methodological questions of digital teaching material development made in the subject of mathematics
    In the methodology of mathematics teaching, the selection and the manner of using applicable digital teaching materials appeared as a new element. As the number of digital teaching materials applicable in education is constantly increasing, their purposeful use is rarely discussed. In what areas digital teaching materials can be used in mathematics? What are the problems for which they could provide a solution? Shall we use them besides traditional solutions, or instead?
    The authors of this article have had the opportunity to participate in projects aiming to develop digital learning materials on various occasions. During the implementation of the projects, they needed to make methodological compromises at various points.
    In our article, we are seeking a more emphatic use of methodology belonging to digital teaching materials, drawing on the experiences of three implemented projects. Our aim is to draw the attention to the anomalies we found in the implementation of the projects, which must be taken into consideration in new developments already at the planning stage.
  • Probabilistic thinking, characteristic features
    This paper is the first step in a series of a general research project on possible development in probability approach. Our goal is to check with quantitative methods how correct our presumptions formulated during our teaching experience were. In order to get an answer to this question, we conducted a survey among third-year students at our college about their general and scientific concepts as well as about the way they typically think.