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  • Kompetenzstreben und Kompetenzerwerb: Funktionale didaktische Fördermöglichkeiten durch Differenzierung und Individualisierung
    As a first glimpse of specific research endeavours the most important components of competence motivation are discussed in relation to didactical questions of gaining competence by inner differentiation and individualization: self-efficacy, optimal challenge, intrinsic motivation, exploration needs, internal attribution, self-determination motivation, defense of self-worth, self-concept, and achievement motivation. In this sense "competence" means ever changing standards of self-regulation of an individual interacting with the various cognitive and emotional demands of his/her environment.
    In fulfilling these requirements a prototypical example of inner differentiation in mathematics instruction is given. This didactical elaboration is available as a selfinstructing unit in Hungarian and German language within the "Electronic periodical of the Department of Methodology of Mathematics" which can be reached under
  • Numerical mathematics with GeoGebra in high school
    We have prepared a suite of motivational examples which illustrate numerical methods for equation solving. Fixed point iteration, Newton's method, secant method and regula falsi method are implemented as GeoGebra tools. Our experience in teaching of numerical mathematics in "Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj" high school in Novi Sad is presented. We have tested pupil proficiency in numerical equation solving with and without use of a computer and the results are presented.
  • Experimentieren um einen Satz zu finden - vollständig separierbare Mosaike auf der Kugel und ihre Anwendungen
    This paper reports a case-study which took place within the project named "Inner differentiation and individualization by creating prototypes and analogies under consideration of motivational constraints (taking into account computer-based teaching and learning)" as a part of a pre-service teacher training at the University of Salzburg (Herber, H.-J. & Vásárhelyi, É.).
    The goal of the experiment was to help students to learn the fundamental concepts and basic constructions of spherical geometry using the Lénárt Sphere (a transparent plastic ball with construction-tools) and some self-made interactive worksheets with the Windows version of the dynamical geometry software Cabri.
  • Task reformulation as a practical tool for formation of electronic digest of tasks
    Creative thinking as well as thinking itself is being developed at active learning-cognitive activity of students. To make mathematic matter a subject of interest and work of students at classes, it is efficacious to submit it in a form of tasks. The tasks may be set up in a purposeful system of tasks by means of which reaching the teaching goals in the sense of quality and durability of gained knowledge may be more effective. A suitable means for presentation of tasks with their characteristics (as e.g. didactic function and cognitive level) as well as task systems themselves is an electronic digest of tasks as a database. The analysis of textbooks and digests of tasks commonly used at schools in Slovakia shows that they do not include all the types of tasks necessary for setting up complete (in the sense of didactic functions) task systems. One of the most important methods used for formation of the missing tasks is reformulation of tasks. The individual strategies of task reformulation are explained in details on examples in this article.
  • Examining continuity/discontinuity of a function by using GeoGebra
    The possibility to visualize the things with the help of today's dynamic software (GeoGebra being one of them), enables the students to see and explore mathematical relations and concepts that were difficult to be presented in the past, prior to the state-of-the-art technologies. In methodological sense, the contribution of this paper lies in the presentation of a set of visualizations designed to help students better understand and explore the basic calculus concepts such as continuity at a point, to examine discontinuity at a point, to display discontinuities and the relations between continuity and differentiability of single variable functions. In technical sense, this paper presents creative GeoGebra applets which offer new possibilities that could be of a vital importance for the future development of e-learning of College mathematics.
  • Comparative geometry on plane and sphere: didactical impressions
    Description of experiences in teaching comparative geometry for prospective teachers of primary schools. We focus on examples that refer to changes in our students' thinking, in their mathematical knowledge and their learning and teaching attitudes. At the beginning, we expected from our students familiarity with the basics of the geographic coordinate system, such as North and South Poles, Equator, latitudes and longitudes. Spherical trigonometry was not dealt with in the whole project.
  • Teaching model-based testing

    Different testing methodologies should play an important role in the education of informatics. In the model-based testing (MBT) approach, the specification of the system is described with a formal model. This model can be used to revise the correctness of the specification and as a starting point for automatic test generation. The main problem with MBT is however, that there is a huge gap between theory and practice and that this approach has a high learning curve. To cope with these problems, current paper shows, how the MBT approach can be introduced to students through a small scale example.

    Subject Classification: P50

  • "Upperview" algorithm design in teaching computer science in high schools
    In this paper we are going to present a teaching/learning method and suggest a syllabus that help the high school students look at the algorithm design strategies from a so called "upperview": greedy, backtracking, divide and conquer, dynamic programming. The goal of the suggested syllabus is, beyond the presentation of the techniques, to offer the students a view that reveals them the basic and even the slight principal differences and similarities between the strategies. In consensus with the Comenius principle this is essential, if we want to master this field of programming ("To teach means scarcely anything more than to show how things differ from one another in their different purposes, forms, and origins. ... Therefore, he who differentiates well teaches well.").
  • Mapping students’ motivation in a problem oriented mathematics classroom

    This research focuses on mapping students’ motivation by implementing problem-solving activities, namely how the problem-oriented approach affects the students’ commitment, motivation, and attitude to learning. As a practicing teacher, the author faced difficulties with motivation and sought to improve her practice in the form of action research as described in this paper. Based on the literature, the author describes sources of motivation as task interest, social environment, opportunity to discover, knowing why, using objects, and helping others. The author discusses the effect of problem-oriented teaching on the motivation of 7th-grade students. In this paper, the results of two lessons are presented.

    Subject Classification: 97C20, 97D40, 97D50, 97D60