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  • An e-learning environment for elementary analysis: combining computer algebra, graphics and automated reasoning
    CreaComp is a project at the University of Linz, which aims at producing computer-supported interactive learning units for several mathematical topics at introductory university level. The units are available as Mathematica notebooks. For student experimentation we provide computational, graphical and reasoning tools as well. This paper focuses on the elementary analysis units.
    The computational and graphical tools of the CreaComp learning environment facilitate the exploration of new mathematical objects and their properties (e.g., boundedness, continuity, limits of real valued functions). Using the provided tools students should be able to collect empirical data systematically and come up with conjectures. A CreaComp component allows the formulation of precise conjectures and the investigatation of their validity. The Theorema system, which has been integrated into the CreaComp learning environment, provides full predicate logic with a user-friendly twodimensional syntax and a couple of automated reasoners that produce proofs in an easy-to-read and natural presentation. We demonstrate the learning situations and the provided tools through several examples.
  • Analysis of the affective factors of learning mathematics among teacher trainees
    The Hungarian National Core Curricula gives primacy to the development of abilities and the practical application of knowledge. The task of the training programme is primarily to prepare teacher trainees for the teaching and educating profession. As teachers, they are going to plan, organize, help, guide, control and evaluate the learning of mathematics of individuals and groups of students from the age of 6 to 10 (12), and cultivate their mathematical skills, thinking and positive attitude towards any mathematical activities. In order to train educators who are able to meet the above requirements on high standard, it is necessary to update the teacher training programme based on the trainees' preliminary knowledge and motivation level.
    The key to learn about the child's mind and achieve conscious development is the systematization of factual knowledge and methodological awareness. The modern, flexible approach to subject pedagogy, based on pedagogy, psychology and epistemology, qualifies trainees to educate learners who understand and like mathematics. Therefore, it is essential to develop the trainees' positive approach to mathematics and arouse their demand for continuous professional improvement. (Programme of the four-year primary school teacher training, 1995.)
    In our research we are looking for ways of ascertaining the starting parameters which have influence on the planning of the studies of mathematics and subject pedagogy. In this article we introduce a questionnaire by the means of which we collected information on the trainees' attitude and its changing towards mathematics. With the help of the analysis of the answers we paint a picture of the ELTE TÓFK (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teacher's Training) third year students' attitude to the subject, and we compare it to the tendencies noticed in the mass education. The energy invested in learning is influenced by the assumption of the relevance and importance of the subjects. Therefore we considered it also our task to reveal. Besides the students' attitude toward mathematics and their assumption about their own competence we have collected data also on their performance in the subject. Summarising the research results we show the advantages of the questionnaire, and summarise the observations which would indicate need for methodological changes in the mathematics teacher training.
  • Proof step analysis for proof tutoring - a learning approach to granularity
    We present a proof step diagnosis module based on the mathematical assistant system Ωmega. The task of this module is to evaluate proof steps as typically uttered by students in tutoring sessions on mathematical proofs. In particular, we categorise the step size of proof steps performed by the student, in order to recognise if they are appropriate with respect to the student model. We propose an approach which builds on reconstructions of the proof in question via automated proof search using a cognitively motivated proof calculus. Our approach employs learning techniques and incorporates a student model, and our diagnosis module can be adjusted to different domains and users. We present a first evaluation based on empirical data.
  • Connections between discovery learning through the Pósa Method and the secondary school leaving examination in three Hungarian mathematics classrooms

    The Pósa Method is a guided discovery learning method that has been used in Hungarian education in the form of extracurricular activities for "gifted" mathematics students. A four-year experiment implemented the method in three more "average" classrooms. This article reports on the relationship between the Pósa Method and the standardized secondary school leaving mathematics exam (Matura Exam in short) in Hungary. Data consists of students' survey responses, teacher interviews, and exam results from the three Hungarian classrooms who took part in the four-year experiment. We identify aspects of the Pósa Method that can benefit and hinder exam performance. In addition, we find that learning through the Pósa Method for the four years of high school has adequately prepared students for the exam.

    Subject Classification: 97D44, 97D54, 97D64