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  • Legal–Sociological Analysis of a Scottish Judicial Decision

    In this essay I have attempted to show the Scottish tradition of criminal law and attitudes of legal profession and the whole Scottish society about the crimes trough one case. This criminal case was held before the Scottish criminal appeal court in 1989, where for the first time, a man could be guilty under the Scottish law of raping his wife while the couple lived together. This was a point that could show the flexibility of Scottish law while the english law was either unwilling or unable to make a change.

    This case shows us that the judges in Scotland claim to represent the social attitudes through legal devices but this representation is not almost uncountable because the courts attempt to operate within the basically conservative traditions. Parallel of the above mentioned the courts try to use the alternative histories of law and the voices of practical lawyers, legal doctrines through the conflicting interpretations in order to make right decisions.

  • Approaching Possibilities of Quasi-Judicial Functions

    This article is about the possibilities of Quasi-Judicial Functions. The author bound administrative jurisdiction from court law enforcement.

  • The Enforcement of Children’ s Rights in the Family Law Book of the new Civil Code

    In Hungary, the new Civil Code came into force on 15th March 2014.Tthe fourth book of which (the Family Law Book) contains the rules of family law. These rules of family law have changed in some areas compared to what they were previously. For example, developments have occurred in the field of children’s rights. In the current study the author examines the enforcement of children’s rights guaranteed by the Family Law Book. As a main conclusion of this indepth analysis, the author states that the new Civil Code ensures greater protection and better enforcement of children’s rights. Namely, the Family Law Book determines the children’s rights in more detail, particularly the right to freedom of opinion, the right to maintaining relationship, and the right to support. In addition, new paradigm changes can be noticed in the Family Law Book which are in connection with the change of parent-and-child relations and the greater consideration of children’s rights and interests.

  • Messages of German and Italian Identity Parades

    All criminal justice systems in rule-of-law states attempt to prevent justizmord cases. Unfortunately, this intention is not always successful. This statement is illustrated by both Hungarian and foreign examples.  Both Hungarian and international scientific research reveals that the identity parade (line-up) method plays a key role in the miscarriage of justice cases. So it is important (basic)/vital interest to prepare preventing methods in this field, or to reveal/disclose the causes of final serious mistakes. For this purpose, the author examines the identity practical method and legal (police) rules in Germany and Italy. At the end of the study, the author formulates the potential legal and criminalistic/forensic development possibilities, the lessons and his conclusions for the powerful/efficient and fair criminal procedure rules and for better law enforcement practice. 

  • Central Issues of the Application of EU Law in the Recent Case Law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court

    The present article examines the recent case law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court as regards the constitutional framework and the judicial practice of the application of EU law. After a short overview of the early precedents, the article focuses on the case law subsequent to the adoption of the new Fundamental Law in 2012. In the recent decisions the need for cooperation with the EU Court of Justice is of special importance so the article reflects on this issue as well. The first part scrutinizes the case law concerning the constitutional limitations and control measures of the application of EU law, including the landmark decision of 22/2016 (XII. 5.). The second part focuses on the decisions delivered in constitutional complaint proceedings, which determine the constitutional requirements of the preliminary rulings procedure and the judicial obligation to give a reasoned decision.

  • The Effects of Anthropological Concept of the Legislator on the Interpretation of Law – The Conclusions of a Hungarian Research

    The paper tries to answer the question whether the principle of ’presumption of innocence’ is applied appropriately and consistently in the practice of Hungarian judges. In 2010 we studied the judicial activity of a chosen number of Hungarian judges by analyzing the text of roughly 300 judgements of Hungarian courts and by carrying out an on-line survey among Hungarian judges. As a primary result we could identify some major deficiencies concerning the application of the principle. The other lesson we learnt from the research is that serious principles play their part only if the legislator at the drafting of the law takes the actual knowledge and skills of the law applier into account.

  • Specialities of Collective Labour Disputes

    We are currently living in a period when technological, economic and other changes fundamentally influence the nature of legal relationships. There is no difference in the labour law palette, as atypical employment is gaining ground in law enforcement circles. In our view, this development cannot be derived solely on substantive law, but should also be presented at the level of litigation and, where appropriate, ADR procedures. Perhaps it is somewhat ironic that it is precisely the collective labour dispute, which is not popular in Hungarian civil society litigation law, in which the emergence of innovative dispute resolution methods can be observed from time to time. Therefore, our work primarily examines the extrajudicial practice of collective dispute resolution, complemented by the solutions used in the legal systems of some countries less researched by the domestic labour law environment. Our aim is to highlight the potential of ADR methods in collective disputes and to explore new, unknown opportunities for domestic law enforcement.

  • Likeness of Police Officers: Freedom of the Press and the Right to Facial Likeness at the Crossroads of Civil and Fundamental Rights

    The Constitutional Court of Hungary, proceeding in its new competence regarding the „real” constitutional complaint obtained from 1 January 2012, is allowed to adjudicate the motions initiated against concrete judicial decisions which are deemed to be contrary to the Fundamental Law of Hungary. Within this procedure the Constitutional Court places the protection of the freedom of expression and freedom of the press above the protection of personality rights. The Court consistently annuls judicial decisions that declare infringement of personality rights on grounds that a press agency published recognizable facial likeness of police officers being on duty during demonstrations. The present paper analyses the course during which the Constitutional Court does enforce the constitutional requirements elaborated in its former practice and, thereby, repeals the ordinary courts’ decisions if those favour the personality rights of police officers over the freedom of the press.

  • The Interpretation of Tax Law in the Precedents of the United States of America

    The proper interpretation of the legal provisions in the field of tax law has high importance because it determines the opportunities of the taxpayers.  Taxpayers normally wish to pay as little tax as possible, in contrast, the tax authorities try to collect as much tax as, according to them, is still lawful. If a taxpayer makes an error in his legal interpretation, he has to face the legal consequences, that is why it is necessary to know the case law. In the English law and in the law of the United States, two fundamental approaches of the interpretation of tax law have emerged: according to the strict approach, the judicature has to scrutinize only the meaning of the words of the act and that is what determines the question of the tax burden. On the other hand, the other approach means that the purpose of the questionable transaction or the intention of the legislator shall be taken into consideration as well, but only in that case in which the application of the words would lead to an unreasonable result. This paper analyzes the relevant precedents of the United States, mentioning many examples and scrutinizes the theoretical bases and the application of the two approaches mentioned.