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  • Implementation of the European Small Claims Procedure in the Member States of the European Union

    It has been seven years since the european Small Claims Procedure was introduced as a sui generis european procedure and an alternative to existing national civil procedures. However, it works in close interaction with national laws, as the regulation leaves many aspects of the procedure to national legislation. The article analyzes the legal instruments that serve the implementation of regulation 861/2007/ EC in member states, particularly the issues of mutual recognition and enforcement of ESC judgments, communication between the court and the parties, review and appeal of the judgment, and other specific issues. It concludes that knowledge of national procedural law is often vital to succeed in an ESC procedure in a foreign country. Smooth and efficient functioning of the procedure requires cooperation mechanisms not only among member states, but also among judges, lawyers, and enforcement officers.

  • Groundwater protection in the light of a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary

    In the study the author analyses a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary, in which a progressive judicial interpretation is included concerning the obligation of fact-finding in connection with the protection of groundwaters. Before this, the author presents the legal doctrine regarding groundwater regulation. The regulation is not only drawn up on the national level, but also on the level of European Union. After the detailed presentation of the case, the author makes some conclusions.

  • The new Civil Procedure Code – from order for Payment Perspective

    The study aims to assess the basis of the features of the new Civil Procedure Code, it is a general background of the non-litigious procedures. The research seeks to answer two questions: whether the new Civil Procedure Code satisfies the requirements of the non-litigation requirements; and whether it leads to a change in the regulation of non-litigation procedures. The study whittled down the scope of the investigation to the order for payment procedure. Based on the primary research, the sections of the draft of the new Civil Procedure Code, which are referred to by the order for payment procedure, are two ways to present: content unchanged, and content changed. The study examines the impact of the latter, and draws conclusions based on the changes in content on the relationship of the order for payment procedure and the new Civil Procedure Code.

  • The Value of Personal Data in the Competition Law Assessment of the Facebook–WhatsApp Merger Case

    The European Commission fined Facebook 110 million euros for giving misleading information within the merger procedure on acquiring the messaging service WhatsApp in 2014. The case reached a crossroad of competition law, data protection and consumer law. This was the first time the Commission imposed a fine on a company for inaccurate information since the merger regulation rules were established in 2004. Some authors criticized not only the Commission’s decision from 2017 which imposed the fine, but also the decision from 2014 in which the Commission had decided not to oppose the transaction. Some authors oppose tackling data collection issues through competition law, but some authors raise the question: is competition law enough to consider the case when personal data are involved, too? The controversial part of the decision is not about data protection law, but about the value of personal data from the perspective of competition law.

  • Recent Developments in Labour Law Liability

    This article is about the new labour law regulation (Act 2012/1.) in the field of liability for damages.

  • Is This the Way Labour Law Should Protect the Employee? Review of György Kiss’s New Book

    Our review is about György Kiss's book, its title being Employment Flexibility and the Protection of Employee Status (A Possible Approach to Examining the Content of the Employment Relationship). The work raises the question of the future of labour law regulation, using the results and findings of the past. After describing the roots of Roman law, we can learn about the development of the current form of labour law through the development of the Germanic, Francophone and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. In addition to the historical view, the dogmatic foundations are also outlined in the work, so the content processing of the employment contract takes place on several levels before the author discusses the labour law applicability of the relational contract theory he raises. The description of all these bases makes the work suitable for those interested in labour law to better understand the contractual theories of different legal systems. We want to give an insight into this in the review, so that in addition to presenting the work, our own personal views and opinions will also appear.

  • Additional Remarks on the Question of Civil Service Law as a Branch of Law

    The study focuses on the relationship between civil service law and labour law. In Hungary, there have been significant changes in the last decade regarding the regulation of civil service law. The types of the civil service legal relationships have increased, the forums and procedural rules for adjudicating civil service law related disputes have changed, and the number of public employees providing public services has rapidly decreased. This is of particular importance because the existence of these branches of the law is determined by legislation as well. The study concludes that the ability of civil service law to become an independent branch of law will be determined not by 'internal' developments but by legislative ambitions.

  • New routes, new tools for the legal regulation of the labour market? Comments on the monograph of Attila Kun

    Book review on Attila Kun's book, the title is "A munkajogi megfelelés ösztönzésének újszerű jogi eszközei" Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2014.)

  • Back-Door Electronic Monitoring in Hungary: Theory and Practice of Reintegrative Surveillance

    With the development of technology many new legal institutions were regulated in the criminal justice systems. Electronic monitoring is one of those, which from the Hungarian perspective first appeared in the form of home detention in criminal procedure law. Later on, in 2015 the technology of electronic monitoring was implemented in prison law as the institution of reintegrative surveillance. The regulation is basically appropriate and according to the experiences could be seen as effective. However, there are some related theoretical questions which need to be answered. For example, the question of widening the potential application of reintegrative surveillance, or the relation between reintegrative surveillance and imprisonment or conditional release. Answering these questions is important as presumably the technological development won’t stop on this level, thus we can expect the widening of electronic monitoring in Hungary as well.

  • European Public Administration of Consular Protection

    The organizational issues of European public administration are especially apparent when the cooperation between the EU and its Member States is considered. The regulation of administrative institutions and bodies is fundamentally a subject of national competence. The European public administration for consular protection is based on the cooperation of the organs and authorities on both levels of European public administration. It is regulated as a framework which leaves a wide range of freedom for Member States to settle the missing details and also leaves too much room for voluntarism. All this makes the system unpredictable and despite the application of the principle of loyal cooperation and solidarity, the European administrative structure of consular protection is incompatible with the rule of law and the principle of good administration, and even with the principle of loyal cooperation and solidarity.

  • Censorship as a Tool Against State Disinformation: Media Freedom Implications of the Russian-Ukrainian War

    Disinformation campaigns originating from Russia have been frequently debated in recent years. Disinformation also plays a major role in the Russian–Ukrainian war that started in February 2022. The issue has been on the agenda in the European Union in recent years, so it is not surprising that among the many sanctions the EU introduced against Russia, action against disinformation was also added. This paper sets out to describe the previously unprecedented ban on Russian media service providers, including the problems the provision creates for freedom of expression. In particular, it will examine the content of the Decision and the Regulation, which prohibited the distribution of the Russian media outlets concerned and the consequences of the EU legislation. It will then go on to critically analyse the provisions from the perspective of freedom of expression, and finally, the relevant judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

  • The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) from an Environmental Law Perspective

    This paper will focus on the 2012/27/EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). Since the EED is a rather new legal act, its assessment from an environmental law perspective has been neglected in academic literature. Therefore, the next question automatically arises: does the new directive take steps to improve the EU regulations concerning energy efficiency? The EED undoubtedly took a step forward by providing legally binding frameworks for the reduction of energy consumption (instead of the previous political and non-binding energy efficiency goals) and has done this in an absolute way, which is the most important requirement from an ecological point of view. Beyond the special targets of the EED, there are several specific requirements that may play a significant role in the realisation of the EED’s targets. Among these, for instance the following is highlighted in this paper: establishing energy efficiency obligation schemes or adopting alternative policy measures; the 3% commitment of renovation regarding central government buildings; the obligation of energy audits regarding enterprises that are not small or medium-sized, etc. This paper concludes that, despite a few provisions of the directive meeting the ecological requirements, in reality, the regulation misses theoretical ground.

  • Human Rights as Fundamental Sources of Patients’ Rights in Light of the Development of Hungarian and German Laws

    Medical practice affects human life and health, which are not just some of the key social values, but actually express the existence of a human being. Therefore, it is a requirement to set the legal standards to guarantee the preservation and respect of human rights during medical treatment. Patients’ rights provide specific types of human rights in the area of patient care. The German legal system grants the preservation of these rights in a contractual framework that cannot be breached. In Hungary, patients’ rights are listed in the Public Health Act. Despite the diverse methods in regulating patients’ rights, the underlying public policy considerations are the same in both systems. The goal of this study is to provide a comparative analysis on the development of the German and the Hungarian regulation of patients’ rights focusing on the consideration of human rights.

  • The Legal Position of the Mine Officials in Hungary in the 18th Century

    In the 18th century the centralization efforts of the Habsburg rulers were intensified in the field of mining administration. Their aim was to be able to dispose over the mine revenues without the orders. For this purpose, by the circumstantial regulation of the position of the officials, they set up a new official staff which was independent of the orders. By studying of the legal position of the officials we can better understand the working mechanism of an absolutist system.

  • The Temporal Scope of the German Criminal Code

    The problem of temporal scope is also reflected in Germany’s criminal law. Its essence is the usage of the more lenient law in the case of the difference between the law of perpetration and the law of decision-making. The German Criminal Code has a 150 year history, with the original version being around 170 years old. It’s respectable age allows us to conclude that it has a stable character, however due to its countless modifications there has always been a significant problem – and there still is today – in relation to its interpretation. This study also provides a brief outlook on the regulation of the temporal scope in other German-speaking countries.

  • The Transformation of Labour Law Litigation

    From the outset of labor litigation, both theoreticians and practitioners have been preoccupied with the question of what specific regulation this area of law – which has essentially additional elements of private law – requires in order to ensure fair treatment and proceedings for all participants. The aim of the present study is to show how labor litigation is evolving today, outlining the phenomena that have arisen due to the new labor and civil procedure codes.

  • Trends, Directions, Legislative Efforts: the Abolition of the Civil Servant Status

    One of the most spectacular changes to the Hungarian employment system in recent years is that many former civil servants (‘közalkalmazott’) have lost their status and come under the scope of the Labour Code or have been subject to newly created status laws. As the Act on Civil Servants (‘Kjt.’) applies now only a few groups of civil servants,  having been emptied out by successive reforms, it is not surprising that the future existence of the Act and of the autonomous status of civil servants is being called into question. But what factors have led to the gradual, and in recent years accelerating, decline of the Kjt.? Is the 'disappearance' of civil servants the result of internal processes that rationally follow from the development of the law, or is it the result of independent economic and political considerations? What was the original role of the Kjt. in the system of employment relationships and how can its ‘emptying’ be understood in an international and historical context? The study argues that this process is not an inevitable consequence of legal doctrinal developments, but rather the result of legislative efforts to abolish the uniform legal status of human service providers. Hungarian legislation is no exception to the neoliberal and neo-Weberian trends, while the comparative advantages previously enjoyed by civil servants are eroding and the regulation is becoming highly fragmented.

  • The Financial Supervisory Agencies of the European Union and the Question of the European Administrative Procedure

    The agency-type organs have a history of several decades in the European Union. In the last few years there were two different tendencies leading towards the establishment of regulatory (or decentralised) agencies with strong powers, especially in the field of financial supervision. The first of these tendencies was the fall of the neoliberal dogma of the self-regulating market – as a consequence of the 2008 financial-economic crisis – which led to the priorities of the decision-makers being reset in favour of a stricter regulation than that of the New Public Management era. The other tendency was that the debate about a European administrative law started to live. The European Supervisory Authorities of the financial sector, which were established after the crisis, are regulatory agencies with strong powers. However, some of their competences are so strong, that it poses questions regarding the legal protection of the participants of the market. Moreover, the case-law related to their function seems to overwrite the accepted norms of delegation of competences within the institutional framework of the European Union.

  • Punishable Children

    In Hungary from the 1990s in line with the international tendencies a number of studies were published in the literature urging the reform of the criminal law dealing with juvenile crime. Simultaneously one can establish that among others due to the increasing criminal rate the reasoning for the reduction of the lower age limit of punishability to the age of 12 has started. During the codification process a number of arguments were given for and against the alteration of the age limit of punishability. However setting the lower age limit of punishability below fourteen can be found in the criminal law regulations of Hungary and also of other European countries. This paper examines the antecedents, reasons and possible amendments of the regulation of the new Criminal Code on the age of punishability.

  • Collective Wage Bargaining and the Related Challenges of Labour Law and Labour Relations Regarding Public Services Operated by Publicly Owned Companies

    In the case of state- and municipality-owned companies providing public services, the 2021 salary increase was settled with a six-monthly delay, which was manifested in three-year, so-called “income policy” agreements. However, for the purposes of this paper, the process became relevant mainly due to the aspect of labor relations and it also became suitable for a legal science analysis. During the course of this, within the available space limits, I discuss the process of salary negotiations (with its labor law content and consequences), the theoretical bases of the different collective labor law regulations regarding public assets, and finally, the newly emerging practical issues related to the strike rights regulation of this sector. 

  • Fiscal Conditionality in EU Law

    This paper analyses the evolution, objectives, and instruments of fiscal conditionality legislation of the European Union. The author provides a detailed analysis of the relevant elements of the existing legislation, as well as the recent judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the subject. The paper demonstrates that the Financial Conditionality Regulation is not an instrument for protecting the rule of law in general, but its general purpose is to protect the EU budget by enforcing the fundamental requirements deriving from the rule of law.

  • Past, Present and Future – Where is the restraining order Heading?

    Le législateur hongrois voulait un moyen efficace contre la violence familiale. Ce moyen est devenu l’injonction d’éloignement qui existe dans la procédure pénale hongroise depuis 2006 comme une mesure coercitive du code de procédure pénale et depuis 2009, comme une ordonnance référé. Cette étude souhait résumer la régime de l’injonction d’éloignement en Hongrie aux propositions initiatives des exigences, qui sont montrées par l’Union Européenne. À partir de 2004, on doit accorder une grande attention aux préceptes européennes parce que les règles européennes font partie de notre vie. On doit mentionner la Directive 2011/99/UE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 13 décembre 2011 relative à la décision de protection européenne et le Réglement 606/2013 du Parlement Européen et du Conseil, parce qu’ils déterminent la protection européenne en matière pénale et civilie aussi. L’étude est fermée par les propositions, pour améliorer l’efficacité de l’injonction d’éloignement et assurer une protection de plus haut niveau pour les victimes de la violence familiale. On ne peut pas éviter l’actualité des propositions, en considérant la codification du code de procédure pénale.

  • The Ecclesiastical Percentage(s)

    Church financing is a multiple system. One of its elements, introduced in 1997, consists of taxpayers’ offer which is a determined part of their personal income tax. The study examines the regulation of tax management from the perspective of taxpayers and beneficiaries. This method of financing has an important budgetary consequence, i.e. the budget completes the sum of the allocation of personal income tax for Churches to a specified extent. The study examines several contradictions with respect to the application of this financing method.

  • Digitization at Work: Expanding Horizons with Loopholes

    The focus of the study is on the emergence and spread of digitization in employment. In this context, the study presents the forms of work that use digitization. On the other hand, it describes the labour market effects of digitalization. The study looks in detail at how COVID-19 has changed the role of teleworking and the home office in employment. This is followed by the presentation of the Hungarian labour law regulation, which deals exclusively with telework. The study makes two proposals to address the codification gap. On the one hand, in connection with application-based work, the introduction of the status of a person with a similar legal status to an employee, which was regulated in the draft of the Labour Code. On the other hand, to impose employer obligations (retraining, job offers) in connection with the spread of automation and robotics in order to prevent dismissal.

  • Environmental Tax Harmonisation and Market-Oriented Legal Regulation in the Light of the CJEU Practice

    The subject of the present paper is the explanation and justification of environmental taxes in general terms and, in particular, the assessment of the recent european trends as well as the examination of the practice of the EU Court of Justice followed in this field. The paper considers ecotaxes as the means of fiscal policy that can be put into the service of green growth. For the time being, the enforcement of ecological policy is restricted in many aspects within the EU framework, being unilaterally subordinated to the requirement of free competition. For this reason, the EU law mechanisms of adjustment may get stuck in cases where intervention is not necessary in order to have more but, on the contrary, to have less freedom of market. Since it can be considered as obvious from the perspective of thermodynamic restraints that market imperfections cannot be precluded, the possible aim of intervention is certainly not the reconstruction of free trade, but the suspension of the laws of market. The political and legal basis for this is still missing in the European Union both in theory and practice what can be seen as a serious problem.