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  • The Client and Authority Proceedings in the Digital Era

    The study examines the digital transformation of Hungarian administrative procedure and the advance of automation. Based on statistical data, the study highlights that in connection with digital public administration procedures, the importance of customer-focused services appears as the standard of digital public administration. Digitalization is dominated by electronic contact options, online information and submission of electronic requests, rather than complete automation of administrative procedures. The study focuses on digital authority procedures from the point of view of how this manifests itself primarily for the client: how to satisfy the need for information, how to contact the authorities and how to initiate the procedure. In addition to the legal bases, this part primarily focuses on the possibilities. After that, the consequences of digital solutions (automation) for making substantive decisions from the customer's point of view are discussed; this part of the study therefore concentrates more on the normative side of the processes and finally analyzes this. As a result, it states that automatic decision-making is mainly used in case of registrative acts based on official records and decisions embodied in decision-type documents, but there are already examples of the automation of the decision-making mechanism in connection with the production of facts. Although more complex automation is just spreading its wings, in connection with the rapid technical development and innovations of recent years, the legal system must keep up with digitalization and not give in to it.

  • Right to a Healthy Environment in the Theory

    To protect the environment with the help of human rights is one possible way among others to fight against environmental degradation. Yet, does this idea fit into the system of human rights, taking into consideration the fact that the upmost goal of human rights is the protection of human dignity? Is the connection between the environment and the human dignity strong enough to protect the environment by human rights? The following conceptual paper searches for reasonable answers to these questions by analyzing the so-called right to a healthy environment. By doing so the links between human and environmental rights and the specialties of human rights will be examined in order to show why the right to a healthy environment could in theory fit into the system of human rights protection.

  • Environmental Tax Harmonisation and Market-Oriented Legal Regulation in the Light of the CJEU Practice

    The subject of the present paper is the explanation and justification of environmental taxes in general terms and, in particular, the assessment of the recent european trends as well as the examination of the practice of the EU Court of Justice followed in this field. The paper considers ecotaxes as the means of fiscal policy that can be put into the service of green growth. For the time being, the enforcement of ecological policy is restricted in many aspects within the EU framework, being unilaterally subordinated to the requirement of free competition. For this reason, the EU law mechanisms of adjustment may get stuck in cases where intervention is not necessary in order to have more but, on the contrary, to have less freedom of market. Since it can be considered as obvious from the perspective of thermodynamic restraints that market imperfections cannot be precluded, the possible aim of intervention is certainly not the reconstruction of free trade, but the suspension of the laws of market. The political and legal basis for this is still missing in the European Union both in theory and practice what can be seen as a serious problem.

  • Comparison of Enforcement Systems for the Violation of Fundamental Rights of Detainees Stemming from the Condition of Detention in Penitentiaries and the Right to a Fair and Public Hearing within a Reasonable Time

    The violation of fundamental rights of detainees stemming from the conditions of detention in penitentiaries and the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time raise complex concerns, because in such cases the applicants have to submit a procedure under the Hungarian Prison Act or a lawsuit concerning the violation of certain rights relating to personality under the Hungarian Code of Civil Procedure or the Civil Code. The legal protection is uncertain, because the rules relating to prison conditions meet with rules of civil procedure and civil code rules. Court decisions do not help to find the way out of this incoherency. The questions mentioned in the present article raise serious dogmatic debates, casting doubt on the efficiency of the remedies.

  • Possessing Special Expertise: Review of the Book “Current Challenges of Expert Evidence”

    The book titled "Current Challenges of Expert Evidence” by Mónika Nogel published in 2020 is reviewed in the present article. The review focuses mainly on the author’s thesis which restores confidence in forensic expert reports by constructing the definition of credibility and its criteria.

  • Freedom of Speech and Inclusive Society

    This article deal with the most actual theme of the limitation of the freedom of speech the hate speech.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • An example to Follow: What makes a good Cyberbullying Handbook

    Review of the book Bullying Beyond Schoolyard. (HinduJa, Sameer–PatcHin, justin W.: Bullying Beyond Schoolyard – Preventing and Responding to Cyberbul- lying. Corwin, California, 2015.)

  • The Intergenerational justice at the Constitutional Level

    The debates about the rights of the future generations have risen significantly in the last decade. The more attention we give to the question, the larger the number of new issues which emerge. As an example, the right to a healthy environment or the rights of the unborn can be mentioned. The aim of the study is to examine this question in connection with constitutions. The constitutional level could significantly affect the possibilities of the future generations. The theory of intergenerational justice is examined in relation to the main topic. The analysis of the population pyramid of the Brexit voters is mentioned as an example of a possible intergenerational injustice.

  • Impact Assessment of Environmental Legislation and Strategic Environmental Assessment in Practice

    The study deals with the system of the impact assessment of environmental legislation in Hungary. The system can be divided into three parts, these are the environmental aspects of general impact assessment, the environmental impact assessment of legislation and the strategic environmental assessment. The aim of the study is to evaluate these tools and to draw up the possible ways of legal interpretation and development. The study offers an evaluation of the theoretical basis with consideration to a practice-oriented approach.

  • The Practice of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights concerning the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, with special regard to the Ogoni Case

    The aim of the current article is to analyse the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights offered by the African human rights mechanism by introducing its institutional framework and jurisprudence. The author has the opinion that the African mechanism has followed in the footsteps of the Inter-American system and has interpreted the already existing substantial norms in an evolutive manner; thus achieving tremendous results in the acknowledgement and protection of indigenous rights. They did so with such success that now the “master” – namely the Inter-American Commission on Human rights – is quoting the student. It follows from the above mentioned lines that – according to the firm opinion of the author – the African mechanism worth the attention both present time, both in the future, due to the simple fact that new trends regarding indigenous rights may arise from the practice of the African Commission.

  • The Criminal Provisions of the DDoS Attacks in the United States, Eu- rope and Hungary

    The Internet offers an opportunity to launch y wide range of cyberattacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which exploits the vulnerabilities of the system network without access. DDoS attacks continue to grow in intensity and complexity. Due to the Crime-as-a-Service business model and online criminal markets DDoS attacks have become accessible to anyone willing to pay for such services. It can be launched easily, although it may cause serious social and economic damage. The aim of this paper to present the criminal provisions of the DDoS attack in the United States, Europe and Hungary.

  • Limits of Environmental Liability: Summary of the Guest Editor

    This summary is an attempt to demonstrate that despite all the differences in how limits of environmental liability are perceived by the authors of this special issue due to different approaches to environmental liability, a common framework can nevertheless be drawn encompassing them all. Each article of the special issue elaborates some of the aspects of the concept of environmental liability. Despite the differences in the evaluation and assessment by the authors of the role of stakeholders and of the facts having an impact on the concept of environmental liability, it is shown that all of them are analysing the very same subject. The apparent differences are due to the different contexts in which environmental liability is examined and evaluated. Thus, the summary underlines that there is a need for system thinking related to environmental liability.

  • The Public Prosecution Service of the Slovak Republic – Constitutional and Legal Background

    A szlovákiai ügyészség alkotmányos jogállása és törvényi szabályozása hosszú ideje vita tárgya. Az érdeklődés egyik oka kétségkívül az, hogy az ügyészség tevékenységének, hatáskörének szabályozása a szakmai és a laikus nyilvánosságot is érinti. A figyelem elsősorban az ügyészség alkotmányos helyzetére, az ügyészség egyes szintjei, továbbá az ügyészség és a közhatalom más szervei közötti viszonyokra, valamint a büntetőügyek területén érvényesülő, s azokon kívüli hatáskörre irányul. Ez a tanulmány is e viszonyok tisztázására, a Szlovák Köztársaság ügyészségére vonatkozó régi és újabb közjogi rendelkezések bemutatására vállalkozik.

  • Disclosure of the Data of State-owned Companies in Hungary and Germany: Similarities and Differences

    The article analyses in a comparative manner the way the publication of data works in Hungary and Germany in the case of state-owned companies. The subject of the analysis is furthermore how the transparency of public property is compatible with the functioning of the market and the protection of trade and business secrets. The article devotes special attention to the issue of the relationship between the request for data in the public interest and trade secrets, and, whether the disclosure of such data may be refused on the basis of avoiding potential business damage. Given that the disclosure of data with public interest and its accessibility are inseparable from the freedom of information, the relevant laws in the countries subject to analysis are also presented. The article highlights the exemplary solutions of the German legal system and, finally, compares the similarities and differences in the regulatory concepts of the two legal systems.

  • Groundwater protection in the light of a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary

    In the study the author analyses a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary, in which a progressive judicial interpretation is included concerning the obligation of fact-finding in connection with the protection of groundwaters. Before this, the author presents the legal doctrine regarding groundwater regulation. The regulation is not only drawn up on the national level, but also on the level of European Union. After the detailed presentation of the case, the author makes some conclusions.

  • Challenges and Future Developments of Criminalistics

    This study analysis the futuring theoretical and practical development possibilities of criminalistics – as universal factscience. It tries to sign the further tendencies of forensic sciences in the XXI. century as well. The author composes scientific fields where can be and need to real, intentional strengthening of recent criminalistical methods and writes about his future guessing, suggestions and challanges of criminalistics.

  • The Future Civil Procedure From a Bird’s-eye View

    The future Civil Procedure has been under recodification for three years now and the experts have made considerable effort to create a 21st century code. Now the draft of the Code was published by the Minister of Justice for social debate, and later on a Bill was introduced. This article offers several humble recommendations de lege ferenda, where the text of the code needs amendment and no interpretation may result in the desirable outcome. Several earlier remarks of the author have been accepted and are now reflected in the Bill, and these points shall be identified and evaluated.

  • A főszerkesztő előszava

    The twentieth issue of our journal is now in the hands of the esteemed Reader. Already at the start of the Pro Futuro, our editorial board set the goal of publishing issues in English from time to time. In 2019, we finally had the opportunity to do so.

  • Water Law – Current Challenges

    Book review on the Book of Szilágyi János Ede, the title is Vízjog: Aktuális kihívások a vizek jogi szabályozásában.

  • Victim protection or real probation? Reversed burden of proof in employment discrimination cases in the Hungarian legal practice

    This paper emphasizes one of the most important questions of equal treatment that is the reversed burden of proof and aspects of the special sharing of burden of proof. The hypothesis of the paper is the following: although the Hungarian regulation follows the relevant directives of the European Union properly, the legal practice does not focus on victim protection to the expected level. The legal practice of the Equal Treatment Authority and the Supreme Court (Curia) of Hungary are both analysed, therefore the different approaches can be confronted. The paper provides de lege ferenda proposals mainly in connection with the unification of the Hungarian judicial practice.

  • PPP as an umbrella term

    In this study the author examines the legal institution of PPP (Public Private Partnership) in Western legal cultures. As a result of the analysis, the author finds that PPP is a blanket term which includes all contracts concluded between public and non-public sectors where the subject of the contract is the implementation of a public task and the term of the contract is relatively long. The second part of the study collects and analyses the possible classifications of PPP contracts, including the short introduction of the most typical PPP contracts.

  • The classification of contracts and the franchise contract apropos the Codification Committee’s Proposal on the new Hungarian Civil Code

    The introductory part of the study presents the standing points related to the delimitation of typical and atypical contracts. The first part gives an overview of the debates on the integration of atypical contracts (e.g. leasing, factoring, franchise, etc.) into the Hungarian Civil Code with special regard to the fact that the proposal on the new Civil Code contains regulations on franchise contracts. The second part examines the rules on franchise contracts of the proposal which was elaborated by the Codification Committee and published in February 2012.

  • Book review: Csaba Fenyvesi–Csongor Herke–Flórián Tremmel (eds.): Forensic Science (’Kriminalisztika’)

    Although the prosecution of crimes dates back to the creation of the human society, the „science” of investigation in the modern sense, i.e. forensic science, appeared only in the 19th century, and the first comprehensive university textbook on forensic science was published in Hungary in 1965. In the 60 years since then, thanks to the explosion of scientific and technical knowledge, forensic science has undergone radical changes. Edited by Csaba Fenyvesi, Csongor Herke and Flórián Tremmel, the book on Forensic science provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of forensic science, the most important elements of criminal technique and criminal tactics. The book is a valuable contribution to the field of forensic science and provides a realistic picture of both the present and the possible future of forensic science. This book review discusses the importance of the book for forensic science, based on certain specific institutions of forensic science.

  • Personal and Organizational Framework for the Activities of the Defence Counsel in Hungary

    In the Hungarian system of criminal procedure, several participants of the proceeding may provide activities aiming at the defence of the defendant (e.g. the prosecutor or even the defendant himself). My dissertation, however, shall focus on the activities of the defender based on delegation or recorded Power of Attorneys given, in consideration of the fact that almost without exception this personal group act as advocates in criminal procedures, furthermore, solely lawyers have the expertise necessary for the defence, and the “equality of arms” principle may only succeed completely through them.