Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021)

Published June 26, 2021



  • Editorial Preface

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor. In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.


  • The Effect of the Nagoya Protocol in the Fight Against Biopiracy: Results and Challenges

    The Nagoya Protocol, which aims to enable the countries of origin to benefit from the utilization of their genetic resources they make available, entered into force in 2014. The present study examines the extent to which the Protocol has since proven to be an effective tool in curbing biopiracy, the most common problems that arise in this regard, and the conditions for more effective application.

  • Sustainability in Copyright Law

    The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the pathfinding process of the copyright law, and of the European and Hungarian endeavors in favour of the sustainability of the copyright law via the copyright specific aspects of sustainability. It then aims to summarize the achievements of the harmonization process and draw attention to the goals to be achieved. The topic is approached from a cultural economic perspective. The main topic is described via historical and current aspects of the balance search of copyright law. the paper reviews the background of the development and current situation of copyright law from the point of view of philosophy and fundamental rights. With the analysis of the dynamism of economic and moral rights the paper outlines the necessity of parallelism of the two parts of copyright law. The examination of competitiveness of copyright law tends to highlight the inseparability of competitiveness and sustainability and emphasizes their development as being interlinked.

  • Certain Data Protection Issues of Innovations Affecting the Insurance Business in the Light of the GDPR

    Technological innovations affect many sectors of the economy, including the insurance business. Among these innovations, IoT-based (Internet of Things) solutions can be highlighted, the main feature of which is that real-time and continuous data collection is performed using the Internet, thus optimizing the risk management of the insurer. Given that a significant part of the data thus collected constitutes personal data, so the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) should apply. The data protection examination of the technologies affecting the insurance institution raises several issues which, in my view, significantly impede the application of these technological achievements. The study aims to explore these problems and make an attempt to make proposals to solve them.

  • Some Legal Challenges of Digital Inheritance with Special Regard to Privacy

    Digital inheritance, because of its complexity, cannot be considered uniformly. The elements of digital inheritance which can be considered as property are regulated by the law of succession. The personal elements of the digital inheritance are regulated by the right in memoriam and data protection laws. In the current Hungarian legal system the amendment of Act no. CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination put the post-mortem privacy principle into regulatory form, in addition to the right to respect for the deceased which provides legal protection against violation of the memory of a deceased person.

  • Determining the Period of Criminal Legal Limitation

    In my essay I examine the statutes of limitation in criminal law. Firstly, I give a general description of limitation, of its position in the Criminal Code and of its legal theory. Secondly, I review the legal history of limitation demonstrating the system of limitation in our first criminal code. After that, I outline the regulations concerning the period of limitation and then describe the way limitation is enforced in the statute of criminal procedure. Finally, I draw the conclusions of my essay in the form of a proposition de lege ferenda.

Legal Practice

  • Imposing Punishments in Practice: The Practice of Imposing Sentences on Drink Driving Based on File Research

    I researched the practice of imposing punishments on drink driving in the area of authority of the Court of Debrecen, as a major part of a comprehensive study of the imposition of sentences. The main aim of the research was to collect data about the imposition practice regarding offences which are committed en masse, and result in uncomplicated judgements. Another aim was to study how detailed was the exploration of the factors concerning the personality of the offender, and to what extent the judge could take into account such information during the individualised imposition process. This study describes the results of the file research, primarily focusing on the observations regarding the imposition of certain types of sanctions.

Law & Politics

  • Higher Level Prevention as Public Value in Competition Law

    The problem-solving mechanism developed by Sparrow in the field of social regulation could also be implemented in competition law in order to prevent the recurrence of competition problems in a given industry. Competition authorities’ (like protection-type agencies) aim is the creation of public value. This is measured in terms of their ability to solve social problems by preventing or controlling harms. In the case of competition authorities, the public value is achieved by ensuring a competitive market environment through the curtailment of market power and the removal of barriers to entry. The public value of prevention is especially important when markets tend to become concentrated. In order to achieve the maximum preventive effect, all prevention tools must be operated effectively. This includes imposing structural remedies or switching to ex-ante prevention (regulation) when ex-post enforcement proves ineffective.

  • Legal Theory Bases and the Place of Corporate Tax in Tax Policy

    Corporate tax is basically aimed at taxing the income from the business activities of companies (and other enterprises, legal entities). The general characteristics of this type of tax, legal theories of its application, political and economic approaches, as well as the main legislative and enforcement problems can be examined. Each country has different regulations and approaches, but the main features are the same. Accordingly, the study discusses the place, role and general characteristics of corporate tax in tax policy, primarily from a legal point of view, also addressing some economic issues and the relationship between dividend tax and corporate tax.

  • Social Dumping in the Face of Cross-border Collective Agreements and Actions: A Dilemma of the European Legal Practice on the Edge of Law and Economy in the Light of the Framework of International Standards

    In this paper I outline the objectives of the ILO, the conventions relevant to collective bargaining and action, and furthermore the pronouncements of the ILO supervisory bodies. After describing social dumping I examine the jurisprudence of the European Union regarding the collision of fundamental freedoms and collective labour rights in the light of international labour standards. My observation is that the hierarchical relationship between fundamental freedoms and labour rights in favour of the former cannot be maintained even based on EU law.

Reviews & Reports

  • Is This the Way Labour Law Should Protect the Employee? Review of György Kiss’s New Book

    Our review is about György Kiss's book, its title being Employment Flexibility and the Protection of Employee Status (A Possible Approach to Examining the Content of the Employment Relationship). The work raises the question of the future of labour law regulation, using the results and findings of the past. After describing the roots of Roman law, we can learn about the development of the current form of labour law through the development of the Germanic, Francophone and Anglo-Saxon legal systems. In addition to the historical view, the dogmatic foundations are also outlined in the work, so the content processing of the employment contract takes place on several levels before the author discusses the labour law applicability of the relational contract theory he raises. The description of all these bases makes the work suitable for those interested in labour law to better understand the contractual theories of different legal systems. We want to give an insight into this in the review, so that in addition to presenting the work, our own personal views and opinions will also appear.

  • Book Review: Ződi, Zsolt: Platforms, Robots and the Law. New Regulatory Challenges in the Information Society

    Zsolt Ződi’s second book was published in 2018 by Gondolat Kiadó under the title Platforms, Robots and the Law and the subtitle New Regulatory Challenges in the Information Society. At first glance, the reader could expect that the book will be dealing with a variety of topics not closely associated with one another, however, we experience the exact opposite when delving into the book. Similarly to Zsolt Ződi’s first book, he dissects a very relevant subject, guiding the reader through a maze of concepts and problems that did not even exist before the 21st century. He does so in such a way that it remains comprehensible and perceptible.