Vol. 4 No. 4 (2017)
The Role of the Gerontological Knowledge in the Training Programmes for Social Work
Views:215The author gives a view of the „Introduction to Gerontology”, which is elaborated for the teaching of social work students in the Social Work BA curricula. The main focus in this teaching material is on the basic knowledge in gerontology connected to the practical field work with older people including topics in biogerontology, gerontological psychology, and socialgerontology. This teaching material play an important role in the preparation of the „Social Work with Older People” subject, and in the form of the knowledge and view about the aging of the social workers on the different social work fields.
PDF (Hungarian)981
Módszertan – Hazai Pálya
Az egyénközpontú megközelítés története, módszertana, és alkalmazhatósága Magyarországon
Views:90This article is about the history and methodology of person-centered planning related social work with people with disabilites. My goal is to present the underlying values and princples of the person-centered theory together with practice. I would like to give some example to the practice from international experiences and articles since we don’t use person-centered planning in Hungary (yet). Furthermore I analyze what kind of difficulties we have to consider when we think of using this method in our country, and if it would be possible to apply it during the course of deinstitualization.
PDF (Hungarian)304