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Search Results

  • Asplenium ceterach s.str. and Polystichum aculeatum on the ruins of the copy of Eger Castle, in the Pilis Mts

    In the company of a single individual of Asplenium trichomanes L., several individuals of Asplenium ruta-muraria (L.) Hoffm. and a single individual of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, 15 individuals of Asplenium ceterach L. (s.str.), and a single individual of Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth were found on a NW facing mortared sandstone wall of the copy of Eger Castle in the Pilis Mts. Asplenium ceterach s.str. is new to the flora of the Pilis Mts. The source population of this stand is probably located in the Buda Mts (Remete gorge) and this fern may have appeared on this wall 5–10 years ago at the latest.

  • Leucanthemella serotina in the Dráva Plain (Hungary)

    New stands of Leucanthemella serotina (L.) Tzvelev were found on the Hungarian side of the Dráva Plain. This legally protected species has not been found in the region for about 150 years. In the text, we report the maximum plant height, and thousand seed weight of the species as well as the species composition of its preferred habitats.

  • Interesting moss and liverwort records from the Western Mecsek Mts (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    During an extensive field work in the acidophilous forests and fens of the Western Mecsek Mts. current localities of several species, which haven’t been recognised here for 50 years, were revealed (e.g. Bazzania trilobata, Diphyscium foliosum, Scapania nemorea). The authors also found some new stands of regionally and/or locally rare taxa (e.g. Buxbaumia aphylla, Dicranum tauricum, Jamesoniella autumnalis, Lepidozia reptans, Sphagnum squarrosum) as well as species new to the moss flora of the Mecsek Mts. (e.g. Aulacomnium androgynum, A. palustre, Calliergon cordifolium, Hedwigia stellata). Both investigated habitat types were found to be infected by invasive moss (Campylopus introflexus) and liverwort (Riccia rhenana) species. It is noteworthy that most of the species were found in winter or at the beginning of spring, when most vascular plants are inactive and their coverage is negligible. In this period moss and liverwort taxa are active, and are therefore easily noticeable. The authors raise the possibility that the expansion of Dicranum tauricum in Hungary is a consequence of former coniferous (especially Pinus spp.) plantations, since the old, dead trunks of pine species can serve as stepping stones to colonization for this taxon.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae X.

    This paper is the 10th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 686 plant species from 194 flora mapping units are published in this study, but all of them are listed in an electronic appendix. As a result of local surveys, more than 100 new species were found in a single flora mapping unit. Other “linear surveys” along the National Blue Trail revealed 142 new species in 10 flora mapping units in total. Among these, Carex strigosa is one of the most interesting taxa in the Bakony Mts. Previously published and new distribution data of this legally protected sedge species suggests that it is spreading from SW to NE within the Transdanubian Mts. Results from our survey shows that studying synanthropic habitats like frequently used hiking trails might provide a significant amount of new data points at the scale of Hungarian Flora mapping units. Moreover, similar studies might shed some light on the origins and migration routes (e.g. Illyrian and Dacian routes) of “native” species.

  • Spreading along the railways: morphology and invasion success of Vulpia ciliata in Hungary

    Vulpia ciliata Dumort, a widespread species in the Mediterranean region, has been introduced in several European countries in recent decades, mainly along railways. The species was first discovered in Hungary at Szolnok railway station in May 2016, then a few days later at Keleti railway station in Budapest. In 2020 the species was found in several Transdanubian railway stations. Apparently, V. ciliata has recently been established in numerous parts of the country, probably spreading by railway transport. Until now, the species has only been found in the vicinity of regularly used tracks (in a distance of 20 m at the most). Being an invasive alien species, V. ciliata can displace the native Vulpia myuros in ruderal vegetation along railway lines. The species can easily be distinguished from V. myuros by its hairy lemma. Moreover, it flowers earlier than the other two indigenous species in Hungary, often already in late April. Based on the characteristics examined (number of nodes in the upper 2 cm zone of the rachis, number of fruits per spikelet, rate of fertile and sterile florets within the spikelet, lower and upper glume length, lemma and awn length separately, rachis width in the upper 2 cm zone) we have concluded that V. bromoides and V. myuros are less different from each other than V. ciliata from these two species. In the case of V. ciliata subsp. ciliata, we observed that spikelets (detached from the inflorescens) function as dispersal units. Therefore we assume that the observed low fertility rate within the spikelets, as well as the presence of marginal cilia on lemmas promote the spreading success of V. ciliata (spreading in clusters, anemochory, zoochory, anthropochory). Its early maturation (in May) can also facilitate its spread along railways, because the populations survive the chemical weed control usually carried out in late spring. The other two Hungarian species usually ripen later (in June). For the time being, the spread of V. ciliata outside the Hungarian railway network may be hindered by climatic conditions, or by the lack of seasonal weed control outside that network, which otherwise offers a relative survival advantage for V. ciliata along railway tracks.

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lagasca in Budapest (Hungary)

    2. Occurrence of Riccia glauca L. and Riccia sorocarpa Bisch. in town of Barcs

    3. Occurrence of Allium victorialis L. in Gorge Vargyas (Cheile Vârghişului, Central Romania)

    4. Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. on the plateau of Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary) and other floristic records

    5. Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Brid. in the Western Mecsek Mts. (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    6. Current occurrence of Echinops ruthenicus (Fisch.) M.Bieb. in Sződliget (northern central Hungary)

    7. The occurrence of Artemisia alba Turra in Kalotaszeg region (Cluj county) of Romania, and comments on Molnár et al. (2014)

  • Taxiphyllum densifolium (Taxiphyllaceae) and other rare bryophytes of the Mecsek valleys (SW Hungary)

    In this paper, we deal with threatened and/or legally protected bryophytes found in the shady, forested valleys of the Mecsek Mountains, which are rare in national and/or local terms. Taxip­hyllum den­sifolium, a rare moss in Europe has stable colonies with sporophytes in two valleys. This study is the first to describe the spore characteristics of this species. The previously considered unique and legally pro­tected Rhynchostegiella teneriffae is nowadays so widespread in the Mecsek that it can no longer be consi­dered a vulnerable species (VU) in Hungary. We present the first population of the legally pro­tected Nec­kera pennata in Tolna county, and we also report on the recent, unusual occurren­ce of the data-deficient (DD) Fossombronia wondraczekii. We also list new populations of three other endangered (EN) species, Blindiadelphus recurvatus, Palustriella commutata and Porella arboris-vitae. Several vulnerable (VU) taxa such as Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Porella cordaeana, Sciuro-hypnum flotowianum, Seligeria pusilla, as well as new occurrences of near threatened (NT) mosses such as Mic­roeurhynchium pumilum (with sporophytes), Phaeoceros carolinianus are documented. In addition, the data on Rhynchostegium rotundi­folium in Jakab Mountain, which has not been recorded for more than 50 years, is confirmed. The difficul­ties of differentiating Hygroamblystegium species are briefly discus­sed.

  • Botrychium lunaria in the Mecsek Mts

    A single individual of Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. was found in a shady dolomite rocky grassland above the city of Pécs in the Mecsek Mts., on 1 June 2020. The habitat of this fern, which is new to the flora of the Mecsek Mts., is presented by a phytosociological relevé.

  • Multiclavula mucida (Basidiomycota) and other cryptogamic taxa in the Hungarian flora

    The paper deals with the species found during cryptogamic flora mapping in 2023 that are remarkable from a floristic, taxonomic or conservational point of view. We present data from the Bükk Mts of two Trapeliopsis species which appear to be rare in Hungary. Multiclavula mucida, which is ap­parently a rare basidiomycete lichen species in Europe that prefers humid, montane habitats was dis­covered in the Mecsek Mts as a new species for the Hungarian flora. Of the knothole moss, Anacampto­don splachnoides, which is now thought to be entomophilic, we communicate the only extant popula­tion from Southern Transdanubia. We report the first occurrence of the atlantic-mediterranean Lepto­don smithii from the Hungarian side of the Great Hungarian Plain. Numerous data of the corticole Neck­era pennata indicate that in Hungary the distributional centre of this species is situated in the county of Baranya in the lowlands. New data from the Bükk Mts underline that in the Pannonian region Buxbaumia viridis is primarily a terricole species of acidophilous beech forests. We communicate the first occurrence from the lowlands of the alien lignicolous Sematophyllum adnatum which is danger­ous­ly spreading in Europe, at the same time one of the most vigorous populations in the Pannonian region. The third Hungarian occurrence of Callicladium haldanianum, a species that seems to spread in bogs, as well as the second occurrence of Racomitrium lanuginosum, growing abundantly on an ande­site boulder scree in Mátra Mts, are also reported here. Of Phegopteris connectilis we present in photo­graphic docu­mentation the first extant population from Southern Transdanubia, and we discuss whether the first publication from Mecsek Mts is correct or exact. In addition to listing the floristic data, we also briefly discuss the (mis)use of distribution data in the context of climate change, the difficulties of distinguish­ing the microtaxa of some pteridophytes, e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum agg. and Dryop­teris affinis agg., and we correct one of our previously published, erroneous Hedwigia stellata data. Some interest­ing data of other taxa (such as Leucobryum glaucum, Palustriella commutata, Tetraphis pellucida, Gym­nocarpium robertianum, Ophioglossum vulgatum) are also mentioned in the paper.

  • Distribution of Campylopus introflexus (Hedw.) Brid. in Hungary

    Based on field work data collected in 2013–2014, the authors generated a map of the current distribution of Campylopus introflexus for Hungary. Besides the coordinates and geographic name of the localities, an estimated size of the population, the type of habitat and substrate, the co-occurring moss species and affected vegetation types were also recorded. Altogether, 18 stands were found in 8 geographical regions of Hungary, in some cases Campylopus introflexus was found to be a new species record for the moss flora of the respective region (e.g. Dunántúli-dombság, Nyugatmagyarországi peremvidék). In addition to the pine plantations from where it was detected formerly, the mixed deciduous-coniferous forests, the acidophilous oak woodlands and man-made habitats were found to be also proper habitats for this moss taxon. Earlier data mainly originated from pine deadwood, the recently discovered stands were found on acidic soil surfaces. The most important cooccurring moss species were the followings: Hypnum cupressiforme, Polytrichum piliferum, P. formosum, Pohlia nutans and Ceratodon purpureus. Campylopus introflexus had prominently high coverage in the acidophilous oak forests of the Mecsek Mts, where it occurs on acidic sandstone covered with a thin debris of the bedrock. This neophyte moss is widely distributed in Hungary, and has stable populations. Further expansion is expected in the subatlantic and submountain regions of the country, and in regions characterised by acidic soils and pine plantations.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae V.

    The current paper is the 5th one in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the distribution maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Several distribution data of 360 plant taxa from 66 flora mapping units are published in this study. Most of them are from the South Transdanubia. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 30 new species were found in 6 flora mapping quadrates. Most of the species are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are rare (e.g. Anchusa azureaCentunculus minimusEuphorbia strictaHypericum humifusumSagina apetala), and in some cases they are legally protected species in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrumDryopteris affinisFestuca dalmatica, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Urtica kioviensis).

  • Vulpia bromoides and Luzula multiflora in the Dráva Plain (S Hungary)

    Vital populations of Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray and Luzula multiflora Kirsch. were found between Vajszló and Páprád villages (S Hungary) in 25 May 2022. The populations grew in a mesic forest clearing in the territory of “Bükkhát forest”. These species are new for the flora of the Drava Plain. The habitat is demonstrated by a phytosociological relevé.

  • Contributions to the escaped, naturalised and potentially invasive species of the Hungarian adventive flora

    In this paper we compiled data on 157 Hungarian adventive plant species – of which 65 had not been reported from the country previously – from 47 settlements of Transdanubia and the Great Hungarian Plain. These taxa are rare, interesting or not included in the most recent list of the Hungarian neophyte species. The list includes data about many rare, occasionally escaping species (e.g. Lagurus ovatus, Salvia coccinea), taxa considered incapable of reproduction under the recent climatic conditions of the Pannonian Basin (e.g. Cupressus sempervirens, Punica granatum) or naturalised plants that may become invasive in the future (e.g. Celtis sinensis, Lonicera japonica). In the outlook we highlighted some special urban habitats (e.g. private and botanical gardens) and practices (e.g. public green space management) that endanger the native flora. We also describe their role in promoting the appearance and the expansion of alien plant species, and processes (e.g. laurophyllisation, spread of thermophile species) that will become increasingly common in the future as a result of climate change.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VIII.

    The current paper is the 8th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published quite recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 539 plant taxa from 157 flora mapping units is presented in this study, most of them are located in the western half of the country. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 190 new species were found in a single flora mapping quadrat. In another survey along some asphalted roadsides Puccinellia distans was found as a new species for 68 flora mapping grid units. All these indicate the necessity of further systematic research and publication of floristic results in papers like the “Contributions…” series. Most of the enumerated taxa are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are sparse and scattered or rare in Hungary (e.g. Nigella arvensisVaccaria hispanica, Rumex pulcher, Urtica urens), and in some cases they are legally protected plants in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrumDryopteris affinisGymnocarpium dryopteris and Huperzia selago). We also listed some casual alien plants and naturalized species that were not mentioned in the last neophyte list of Hungary (e.g. Acer cissifoliumCyperus alternifoliusGaillardia aristataGalanthus elwesii). In the Outlook we pointed out the insufficient survey of some synanthropic (urban) habitat types in Hungary, like verges, gardens and flowerbeds that can be the hotbed of established species or can serve as stepping stones for potential invaders.

  • On the former occurrence of Calla palustris in Hungary

    The origin of a more than 150 years old herbarium specimen of Calla palustris L. stored in JPU is reconsidered in this study. According to the information on its label, the specimen was collected in 1856 at Lake Velence, close to Székesfehérvár city (central Hungary). Some Hungarian botanists are skeptical about the authenticity of this record. Based on the current occurrences of some remarkable swamp species (e.g. Carex pseudocyperus, Liparis loeselii, Sphagnum spp.) and habitat types (e.g. willow carrs and swamp forests) at the lake, as well as the habitat preference of bog arum, there is no reason to question the former occurrence of the species here or even in other Hungarian localities. The content and accuracy of the examined voucher meet the expectations of floristic data. However, in the absence of recent data the species can be considered extinct from Hungary.

  • Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid. in the Western Mecsek Mts. (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    During a field survey in 2014, new localities of Campylopus flexuosus, were found in humid acidophilous oak and beech forests in the Western part of the Mecsek Mts. As a new element of the Hungarian bryoflora, C. flexuosus was discovered in 2013 in the Bakony Mts by Peter Erzberger and Csaba Németh. The localities of the sometimes extensive stands are enumerated, the size of the populations is estimated and the associated bryophyte and higher plant species are listed. Some morphological differences between C. flexuosus and the similar moss Dicranum flagellare are described and illustrated. Some interesting results of a revision of D. flagellare specimens in BP are compared with the actual distribution of C. flexuosus and lead to the conclusion that this species can be treated as a potentially expansive moss in humid acidophilous forests of the Mecsek Mts.

  • Najas gracillima (A. Braun ex Engelmann) Magnus in Hungary

    Najas gracillima, an introduced species to Europe, naturally occurs in East-Asia and NorthAmerica. It was firstly discovered in Hungary in 2012 in our weed survey of rice fields in the vicinity of Szarvas, Gyomaendrőd and Mezőtúr. Although, it occurred in relatively high abundances in the rice fields along the Körös river its invasion is not expected into new habitats in the near future due to its special habitat preference and gregariousness.

  • The biases of floristic surveys I. Naive planters: “cuckoo” of the Medves (N Hungary)

    The aim of the planned thematic studies is to point out the main biases and/or errors of floristic surveys in Hungary. In this first article of the series we focus on those examples when native species were planted out of their original habitats and/or range by a non-professional naturalist. The sources of information are those letters that were posted by Ferenc Varga to the first author of this article in 2005. The circumstances of the transplantation of 10 phytogeographycally significant species of the investigated area and/or the Pannonicum (Adonis vernalisArum orientaleAsarum europaeumGenista germanicaPhragmites australisPulsatilla grandisP. nigricansSalvia aethiopisViola albaXeranthemum annuum) are detailed in the text and summarised in a table. The correspondence between the first author and Ferenc Varga provides insight how the ambition of a non-professional naturalist can influence the flora of an area. Most of the species were removed from South and transplanted to North, almost 10 km away from their original stands. With the exception of Adonis vernalis and Genista germanica at least one transplantation of the species was successful. In the case of Salvia aethiopis, the naturalized populations came 1.25 km close to Slovakia, where this species is a very rare and endangered (EN) taxon.