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  • Contributions to the algal flora of a recently-formed peat moss bog near Kőszeg (W Hungary)

    The Alsó-erdő peat bog near Kőszeg has undergone a significant transformation since its first mention in the literature. In addition to the original single patch, a smaller one appeared a few decades later. The process did not stop and a third unit, discussed here, was formed. The succession of its macrovegetation towards the typical peat moss association started slowly but surely, due to balanced water regime and other optimal environmental conditions. The process is more advanced for the algal vegetation, which shows the characteristics of peat bogs already. The high species diversity found makes the habitat highly valuable itself. Although a special, unique algal species has not been found in previous studies, 27 Desmidiales taxa listed as endangered occur sometimes with high density and make the habitat even more valuable. Based on our results, the area deserves special attention both from the habitat conservation and research point of view. At the same time, its further monitoring can provide crucial information for exploring and understanding the succession of similar habitats, and thereby for their more efficient protection.

  • Rare vascular plants and fungi of Zalaegerszeg-Botfa (W Hungary)

    The present study reports the occurrence data of 3 macrofungi and 47 vascular plant taxa, collected in Zalaegerszeg-Botfa between 2006 and 2017. These new data provide valuable additional information to the distribution map of the studied species. The spatial and abundance information of both protected and non-protected species can contribute to the future biodiversity monitoring activities in order to asses and mitigate the human impact upon natural plant communities and semi-natural habitats.

  • Data to the distribution and nature conservation of Sorbus bakonyensis

    Sorbus bakonyensis (Jáv.) Jáv. (syn. S. majeri Barabits) is an apomictic species with a very narrow distribution range in the Bakony Mts (Hungary). Its previous occurrence data were published only from Kopasz Mt. (~Kápolna Hill, Csordás valley) above the village Márkó. It was possible to slightly expand the known area of the species to the East and to the West (Kis-Bükk Mt) of Kopasz Mt. with a detailed mapping. Due to the number of known individuals (six mature trees and a variable number of seedlings) and its small distribution range (~2 km2) the species is critically endangered. Regarding its small population, the high number of big game (wild boar, red deer) and the more and more frequent drought periods are significant risk factors. In situ preservation of the species is still a realistic goal, but ex situ propagation in tree nurseries and reintroduction to the suitable habitats of the mapped area (clearings, forest edges) are also justified.

  • Floristical data from abandoned vineyards of Cserhát Hills

    The results of floristic researches in abandoned vineyards of Cserhát Hills (Northeastern Hungary) between 2007 and 2014 are presented along with an account of relevant floristic literature and specimens of the Herbarium Carpato–Pannonicum Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Data of protected species and locally or generally rare ones are presented. Occurrences of Equisetum × moorei, Hesperis sylvestris, Gentiana cruciata, Scabiosa canescens, Campanula macrostachya, Carlina acaulis, Centaurea indurata, C. stenolepis, Epipactis atrorubens and Orchis ustulata subsp. aestivalis are especially significant. Some new localities of the following species are also emphasized: Pulsatilla grandis, Sorbus domestica, Centaurea scabiosa subsp. sadleriana, Orchis militaris, O. × hybrida, Ranunculus arvensis, Rapistrum perenne, Chamaecytisus virescens, Ch. austriacus, Hippocrepis comosa, Euphorbia salicifolia, Thymelaea passerina, Senecio erucifolius.

  • Reseda inodora Rchb. in the Tiszántúl region (East Hungary)

    On 14 August 2012 a small population of Reseda inodora was found in Hegyes-halom kurgan within the administrative boundaries of the town of Mindszent (Csongrád County, CEU: 9487.3). The approximately 50–100-stem-large population of the species lived on the edge of the kurgan, on the sparsely vegetated, weedy fieldmargin. On 19 July 2014 this species has turned up again in this area. In this case it was the biggest amount with some hundred stems and was located on the edge of the mound, which is in the verge of the neighbouring corn field. The Reseda inodora is a new recent protected vascular plant species within the operation area of the Körös–Maros National Park. We propose this species to be included in the regional red list in the category of „CR” (Critically endangered). Other rare weed or pioneer species (Caucalis platycarpos subsp. muricata and subsp. platycarposErodium ciconiumLappula squarrosaMelica transsilvanicaPapaver hybridum) have already been found in Hegyes-halom kurgan in the last few years. The results show the importance of kurgans not only in the conservation of natural steppe, loess wall vegetation and steppe shrub species, but in the survival of some endangered weed species as well (e.g. some rare archaeophytes).

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VII.

    This paper lists supplementary data to the recently published Atlas Florae Hungariae, mostly from various parts of Transdanubia and the Great Plain. The list includes 73 plant species with at least one new occurrence previously not shown on their grid-based range map, as well as data confirming old records or correcting erroneous distribution data. The actual habitats where the plants occur are characterized by their corresponding ÁNÉR codes.

  • Distribution and flora of areas with alkaline and saline soils in the Mezőföld, Hungary

    Areas with  alkaline and saline (solonetz and solonchak) soils occupy substantial areas in the westernmost, Trans­danubian part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Mezőföld). To this date, the flora and vege­tation of only two localities have been studied in some detail, while the rest has remained largely unknown in this respect. In this paper, I provide brief descriptions of these little-known areas and present a list of halophytes with distribution data from the last 17 years. The names of the plants are followed by the name of the township and the geographical location where the plant was found, the code of the grid cell of the Central European Flora Survey grid that includes the location, and in selected species, the year when the species was first recorded. The list is arranged in alphabetical order irrespective of taxonomy. The occur­rence data indicate that the floras of these saline-alkaline areas represent only subsets of, but in combina­tion are almost identi­cal to the overall flora of similar habitats in the Sárvíz plain.

  • Lajos Felföldy: a prominent Hungarian botanist and hydrobiologist

    Lajos Felföldy (1920–2016) was one of the most versatile and open-minded Hungarian biologists. He began his scientific career as a student of Prof. Rezső Soó. Between 1938 and 1946 he participated in geobotanical studies in University of Debrecen and Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). He contributed with important achievements to the development of several biological disciplines. His pioneering study on the effects of air pollution on epiphytic lichens (1942) was among the firsts in the world. He described Hemitherophyte life-form as a discrete unit within Raunkiaer's plant life-form system (1942). He was a pioneer in the cytological (caryological) study of wild vascular plant species in Hungary (1947–1949). His results regarding to primary production of freshwater algae and algal culture (1958–1960) were in leading edge. In 1972 he founded and until 1990 edited the Hungarian series entitled ‘Vízűgyi Hidrobiológia’. Books of this series aimed to publish identification keys of freshwater taxa. These books were proved to be decisive and useful tools for Hungarian hydrobiologists in biological classification of brooks, streams, rivers and different types of stagnant waters. Between 1934 and 2009 he collected more than ten thousand herbarium sheets. After his retirement, he dealt with the revision of the herbarium material of Department of Botany in Hungarian Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden of Eötvös University (Budapest). He participated in the preparation of the New Hungarian Herbal. His scientific work was characterised by deep humility for nature, which was founded on strong theoretical and practical background.

  • Online distribution atlas of the Hungarian vascular flora (Atlas Florae Hungariae): Homepage structure and prospects of database building

    In December 2018 the online Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary (Atlas Florae Hun­gariae) was published. The database was built from more than 1 million data records. It mainly con­tains data from the Hungarian Flora Mapping Programme, but herbarium and literature data were also processed. Maps of species richness illustrate the taxonomic diversity of biogeographical areas and shows the differences of survey quality. After the Flora Mapping Programme ended, between 2016 and 2019, additional data from scientific articles were processed. 25% of new data originated from the ar­tic­le series “Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae” in the Kitaibelia journal, which significantly bro­adened the distribution of some species. Records of Mesophile forest species (e.g. Allium ursinum, Dry­opteris dilatata) increased, as well as records of weed species (e.g. Euphorbia maculata, Senecio ver­na­lis) which can be attributed to their natural spreading. The most important future tasks are to create a reviewed list of taxa and extend data records with an attribute table containing all additional in­for­ma­tion. Until now the database website is presented only in Hungarian ( Registration is ava­i­lab­le for anybody, after sending a request via e-mail ( There are different options (excel file by e-mail or online web form) on how to upload floristic data for registered users. Data is only accepted if required information (name of taxa, date, data publisher, settlement, CEU code) is filled out. Each record of uploaded data is revised by the website administrator and taxa spe­ci­alists. The English version of the webpage will be available in the near future.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae X.

    This paper is the 10th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 686 plant species from 194 flora mapping units are published in this study, but all of them are listed in an electronic appendix. As a result of local surveys, more than 100 new species were found in a single flora mapping unit. Other “linear surveys” along the National Blue Trail revealed 142 new species in 10 flora mapping units in total. Among these, Carex strigosa is one of the most interesting taxa in the Bakony Mts. Previously published and new distribution data of this legally protected sedge species suggests that it is spreading from SW to NE within the Transdanubian Mts. Results from our survey shows that studying synanthropic habitats like frequently used hiking trails might provide a significant amount of new data points at the scale of Hungarian Flora mapping units. Moreover, similar studies might shed some light on the origins and migration routes (e.g. Illyrian and Dacian routes) of “native” species.