Research paper

Research on the distribution of woolly cup grass (Eriochloa villosa) in the northern part of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary

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Virók, V., Farkas, T., & Krajnyák, C. (2020). Research on the distribution of woolly cup grass (Eriochloa villosa) in the northern part of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Hungary. Kitaibelia, 25(1), 27–32.

Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth was recorded for the first time in Hungary in 2007. Since then, the species spread intensively in the area and appeared at some other parts of Hungary. We car­ri­ed out a research at the current distribution range of the species in the northern part of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. We asked how big is the infested area surrounding the place of the first occurrence and whether other occurrences could be found in other parts of the investigated area. This article also gives a review on its known localities in Hungary and neighbouring areas. During the field research, 58 locations of the species were identified, it occurred mainly in ploughed and unploughed agricultural fi­elds, and at some places in disturbed grasslands, too. It has spread on a large scale around the ne­igh­bo­uring areas of the first location found in 2007. Other locations were also found even at more distant pla­ces such as in the valley of the Sajó and Bódva rivers and in the Cserehát region. This means that further spread of Eriochloa villosa can be expected, especially in areas with an intensive agricultural activity, in disturbed grasslands, and a threat of its appearance is also suspected in open natural habitats.

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  18. MBFSZ térképszerver
  20. Magyarország genetikus talajtérképe
  22. EPPO Földközi-tenger Melléki Növényvédelmi Szervezet (EPPO) vészjelzési (Alert) és megfigyelési (Observation) listái