Research paper

New occurrences of Ranunculus strigulosus in East Hungary

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Demeter, L. (2020). New occurrences of Ranunculus strigulosus in East Hungary. Kitaibelia, 25(1), 3–8.

The exact distribution of Ranunculus strigulosus Schur is poorly known in Hungary. Current occurrence data of the species mainly from Békés county and only one archive data from the Nyírség region, from the 1920s were known. This study presents eleven newly discovered occurrences in East Hungary. Populations were found in wet meadows, forest glades and poplar plantations. Nine of these populations are located at the southeastern edge of the Nyírség region and most of them are quite small. Three larger population were found in Nyírábrány, Álmosd and the Tócó Valley between Debrecen and Hajdúböszörmény. One of the newly discovered populations provides a new contribution to the flora of Bátorliget Marsh and Fen-wood NCA. Some morphological characters (hairs on the stem and the leaves, shape of the leaves developed before and after the mowing) are also discussed.

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