Research paper

Sphaerocarpos michelii, a new liverwort species in Hungary

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Wolf, M., Németh, C., & Erzberger, P. (2023). Sphaerocarpos michelii, a new liverwort species in Hungary. Kitaibelia, 28(1), 19-25.

Until now, the genus Sphaerocarpos, which can be recognized at first glance due to its characteristic appearance, was represented in Hungary by S. europaeus only, for which a single old record exists. In January 2022 the other widely distributed European congener, S. michelii Bellardi, was discovered on an arable field of lucerne in Somogy county. We report the habitat characteristics of the single known population of S. michelii in Hungary, describe the morphology of the species and deal with the differentiation of the two Sphaerocarpos species. In order to facilitate species identification, we include light and electron micrographs showing essential details of the spore surface of S. michelii.