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    . The University of Nagyszombat, established in 1635, is Hungary's first, continously operating university. It's successors are the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. A significant part of the university's archival resources were destroyed in a fire at the Hungarian National Archives during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Therefore it is extremely difficult to  compile a list of the students who studied at the first Hungarian university. Recently, in Esztergom, new, previously unknown sources emerged about the students of the university. In this article we summarise the findings that can be drawn from the new documents regarding the students that studied at the Faculty of Arts and Theology of the University. The article analyses the university's geographical area, the evolution of the number of students and the social stratification of the student population and nationality, the proportion of foreign and national students.

  • 30 éves a debreceni angol nyelvű orvosképzés
    173 - 183
    The 30th anniversary of the English Program at the Facult y Of Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Debrecen celebrated the 30th anniversary of the English Program in medical education in 2017. The program was initiated in 1986 with a one-year premedical course and this training has been upheld with great successes up to now. In the 1987/88 academic year 52 students from 15 countries started their studies on the General Medicine course and eight of them graduated as medical doctor (MD) at the end of the six year training period in 1992. During the 30 years the number of the admitted and then the graduated students had increased yearly. Thus, 307 students started on the first year and 180 sixth year students received MD diploma in 2017 implying the significant development and a continuous interest in medical education in English in Debrecen. From the very beginning, the curriculum of English language programs is identical with that of the Hungarian one. Students apply for admission directly or via recruiting agents while entrance exams are conducted exclusively by the staff members of the University. The English language medical education in Debrecen has been accredited in many countries including some states in the USA. From 2000 to date other medical and health related programs such as Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Public Health, Molecular Biology and Complex Rehabilitation have been started and in the last year altogether 264 students graduated in these courses including also General Medicine. Parallel to the extension of the above programs from 2007 the other faculties also started education in English. By 2017 more than 5000 foreign students from 109 countries study at the University of Debrecen. Now the Coordinating Center for International Education organizes the English programs and its duties, among many other responsibilities, include contracting with recruiting agents, organizing entrance examinations, caring for the incoming students with respect to visa, health control and insurance. The income from the tuition fees has increased during the years and now represent a significant portion of the University budget, therefore it allows the renovation and also the establishment of new facilities at the University to the benefit of students. Although the students of the English Programs have different cultural, political and religious background, they establish good relation with each other and with the students studying in Hungarian. In summary, as a result of the high standards in education in English the University of Debrecen became a well-known and important institution on the educational map of the world and our intention is to uphold and further develop this acquired status in the future.

  • The Last School Year of the Hungarian University of Transylvania (1918/19)

    The last School Year of the Hungarian University of Transylvania (1918/19). At the beginning of the 1918–1919 academic year, the use of university buildings for military hospitals, the military service of many young instructors, and the large number of students returning from war caused serious difficulties. On October 1, 2226 enrolled students entered the school year. At the end of October, as a result of the revolutionary news in Budapest, new youth associations were organized by the students, and they became involved in the task of the town guard. As a result of the truce negotiations, the revolutionary government of Budapest resigned completely from the Transylvanian territories and left the University of Cluj (Kolozsvár). On December 24, the Romanian army invaded Cluj. After that, the occupying Romanian army introduced strict press and post censorship, regularly harassed house searches, punishment, internships, and imposed a severe military attack on the Hungarians. It was difficult for students to travel and stay in touch with their parents. Mail and bank transfers have been canceled. The professors and the students were trying to get rid of
    it. Only the large-scale donations of the population of Cluj-Napoca saved students from starvation and frost. From January 1919, the Romanian authorities demanded loyalty from the officials. All university professors refused to accept loyalty, since Transylvania was still an occupied area, and the peace-closing war only fixed the attachment of Transylvania to Romania on 4 June 1920. The Romanian army occupied the university buildings, and the professors were deported to Hungary. Professors and students who had been forcibly removed were continuing their work in Budapest first and then in Szeged in 1921. Therefore, the University of Szeged and the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca are the heirs of the same University of Cluj.

  • Krakkótól Wittenbergig Magyarországi hallgatók a krakkói, bécsi és wittenbergi egyetemeken a 16. században

    From Krakow to Wittenberg. Students from the Hungarian Kingdom at the Universities of Krakow, Vienna and Wittenberg in the 16th Century. This paper aims at collecting the students from the Hungarian Kingdom at the universities of Krakow, Vienna and Wittenberg in the 16th century. According to the medieval traditions, the majority of the students attended the university of Vienna and Krakow (90%) in the first quarter of the 16th century. After the battle of Mohács (1526), the situation changed
    basically, and in the second period up to 1550, the University of Wittenberg started to rise, however, the total number of the peregrinating students decreased significantly. After 1550 the peregrination from the Hungarian Kingdom started to increase, however, its magnitude reached the level of the beginning of the 16th century again only in the 17th century. The heyday of the University of Wittenberg dates back to the second part of the 16th century, when the university of Krakow was hardly attended by any students of the Hungarian Kingdom. Whereas the universities of Vienna and Krakow attracted the students originated from the institutions’ neighbourhood, the university of Wittenberg was attended by the Saxons and it was also popular with the burghers of Debrecen. All the three universities had an organization for the students who came from the Hungarian Kingdom. However, the one of Vienna (Natio Hungarica) was not a national college in its modern sense; the one of Krakow (Bursa Hungarorum) was considereda national community in the first half of the 20th century. On the other hand, it seems more acceptable, that those students were its members, who originated far from Krakow. The college of Wittenberg (Coetus Ungaricus) was considered a national community, but its students must have chosen it because of their religious convictions, since many of them were engaged in the new ideas of the Reformation. Meanwhile, the most-known reformers from the 16th century attended these three universities, mainly   Wittenberg. Both the first Hungarian Calvinist bishop, Márton Sánta Kálmáncsehi (Krakow 1523) and ‘the Hungarian Luther’, Mátyás Bíró Dévai (Krakow 1523, Wittenberg, 1528), moreover Ferenc Dávid (Wittenberg 1545), the founder and the first bishop of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania appeared at these universities.

  • To the Critical Period of the History of the University of Pozsony 1914–1923

    Elizabeth University of Arts and Sciences that was founded in 1912 started functioning with opening the Faculty of Law in the autumn of 1914. The first lectures were held only at the beginning of 1918 at the Faculty of Arts and at the autumn of 1918 at the Medical Faculty. On 1st of January in 1919 the Czech Legion marched in Pozsony (later Bratislava), and from this point on the possibility of the further operation of the university was uncertain. In the September of 1919 the Czechoslovak State occupied all real estates of the university, consequently, education at the Faculty of Arts and at Medical Faculty of the Elizabeth University was  finished. The university teachers and students of these faculties fled to Hungary. Education at the Faculty of Law was going on until the summer of 1921, and then this faculty was also closed. The university as displaced educational institution together with the similarly displaced University of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) continued her activity in Budapest. In 1923, the University gained her final place in Pécs.

  • Vándorévek külföldön – A Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem hallgatóinak és tanárainak tanulmányútjai 1899 és 1914 között

    The study-tours of students and teachers from the Technical University of Budapest 1899–1914. The Technical University of Budapest was a young institution by the end of the 19th century. It was officially founded in 1871, even though it had appeared in some forms from the 1840s. The Hungarian technical schools looked to copy the German model. To accomplish this they needed information about this type of higher education. Through studying the historical records it is possible to detect several forms of  informationcollection, which can be seen as forms of communication. The Technical University of Budapest used to ask the German Technical Colleges and Universities about different matters in letter-form. Another form of this communication was the  arranging of excursions to the partner-universities. Next, we can mention the doctor „honoris causa” awards, and furthermore the membership of Hungarian professors in German scientific academies or societies. And lastly are the study tours of students and teachers to mention. The visits by Hungarian students and professors from the Technical University of Budapest to European destinations were analysed, the purpose of which was to gather experience. It was a good period for such visits: the Hungarian government supported the studies, the part-time studies and the study-tours of Hungarian students and professors abroad. These studies usually involved the visit of factories, public institutions and scientific institutes. The students of the Technical University showed active participation in these projects. The main destination of these tours was Germany, sometimes as part of a complex Central-European journey. The participants applied for a scholarship, granted usually by the Ministry for Education and Religion.
    It is worth seeing the method of applying for scholarships, the rules for the finances and the final reports on record. In the study these parts of the procedure are shown and the aim of these efforts is also highlighted: to benefit the Hungarian industry and transportation.

  • Szakszerűség, tudományosság, kritikusság – a politikai aktivitás kezdetei az egyetemi ifjúság körében kétszáz éve
    43 - 58

    Comp etence, Erudition and Critical Thinking. The Beginnings of Political Act ivity among University Students in the Early 19th Century. The first decade of the 19th century was a period of significant change in terms of the political activity of European university students. They had come forward before in hope of achieving interest- or value-based goals, and in such cases, they exhibited a considerable ability to promote their own interests. However, their involvement and political role was entirely different in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. From the 1810s on, the opinion and activity of university student as political actors independent from both the university and the professors were taken into account – and often even feared – by the political elite in power. The transformation of university students’ political role was the result of several, almost simultaneous changes accumulating. Due to the branching off of professional degrees and the increasing expertise of their scientific base, expectations of civic engagement based on critical thinking, and a new kind of uncertainty deriving from various sources made university students especially responsive to problems of their times. Several factors played a vital role in this growing responsiveness: the (cameralist) teachings of the Enlightenment; the strengthening of academies of science, which were the primary competitors of universities; as well as a concomitant separation of disciplines and the disappearance of the shared theological-philosophical-philological language used before. These factors were intensified by career starter graduates’ recurring fears of unemployment – triggered by processes of professionalization – which further increased university students’ interest in public affairs and their political activity.

  • Német egyetemi filozófiai hatások Schneller István morálpedagógiai rendszerében

    German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves. German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves.


    A significant part of the Hungarian scholars at the University of Vienna between 1365/1377–1450 considered as poor students. From the nearly 3200 students almost 800 didn’t pay anything or could promise to be pay, however further 560 young people paid less than the prescribed taxes. In total 42,5% of them can be placed in different stages of poverty, but there were significant differences among them. This poverty although does not indicate their actual financial situation, only their financial condition in the time they were enrolled. The noteworthy political, military, or natural conflicts and phenomenon not necessarily affected them in their peregrination, only those which had influence on their financial situation. They can be divided into three groups. In the first can be found the non-paying students (pauper, nihil dedit). The second contains students with a little advantageous situation, namely who promised to pay the taxes (promisit, tenetur), or only asked a delay for fulfilling their obligation or an exemption from the regulated cloth-wearing. The third group concluded those who paid reduced taxes. Knowing their financial situation, the first two can be considered as pauperes, and the last is non bene habentes. Most of them came from the largest cities and towns (53%), however considerable the number of those who had a rural background (18%). Though their geographical origins do not shape a specific pattern, but their social background does.

  • Az egyetemi testnevelés kialakulása és fejlődése Debrecenben a két világháború között

    The Formation and Development of Physical Education at the University of Debrecen Between the Two World Wars. This study offers an overview of the beginnings, formation, as well as the production of the institutional and human resources of university-level physical education. The reader is provided with information pertaining to the difficulties relating to the introduction of mandatory university-level physical education and the role Debrecen—and Debrecen’s Gymnastics Association: DTE—played in securing
    accommodation for the gymnastics lessons. Thus, we can learn about the changes and shifts, from optional to obligatory, of the university physical education of female students. We can also receive information as to who the first physical education instructors at the university were and additional information concerning those university educators who were the chief supporters of the systematic exercise of students and of university-level sports. It was due to the dedication of these people that it was in Debrecen that a position for sports physician was first created. The duties of the sports physician included the health check-up of students who participated in the gymnastics exercises. In addition, the study also includes information pertaining to how the university sports centre was created and extended as well as how the interest of the student body in exercise was enhanced by the University Athletic Club of Debrecen (DEAC)


    Zoltán Varga, professor of history, had been the rector of Lajos Kossuth University in a quite controversial period. Although, the easing political tensions following Stalin’s death in the Soviet Union could be felt in Hungary as well, the Communist leadership’s insistence on power has prevented any substantial change. The reform-proposals of the university bodies remained ineffective against the political leadership. The lecturers and students thus assumed a leading role in the local events of the October 1956 revolution in Debrecen. University Rector Zoltán Varga - who was removed from his position by the revolutionary leadership – following the aftermath of the revolution, returned to his post and worked hard to save his colleagues and students from reprisals. However, due to his illness, he resigned from his post in the spring of 1957.


    Dezső Szabó was professor of history at the University of Debrecen for 35 years from 1924 to 1959. He graduated from the University of Budapest with a degree in History and Latin. It was at the instigation of his patron, Henrik Marczali, that he began his research on the Hungarian assemblies of the pre-Mohács period. He also wrote his doctoral dissertation on this topic. Thanks to his excellent academic achievements, he graduated from the university with a royal gold ring of honour (sub auspiciis regis). He taught for many years in secondary schools and in 1912 became a privatdocent at the Budapest University of Science. In February 1924, Governor Miklós Horthy appointed him full professor of medieval and modern (universal) history at the University of Debrecen. At that time, his research was already focused on the Urbarium of Maria Theresa. In 1931 he was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He published relatively little and concentrated his activities on secondary school teacher training. He was the dean of the Faculty of Humanities for four academic years. He made an invaluable contribution to the reorganisation of university education in 1944. Despite this, he was repeatedly persecuted under the new regime and was only able to retain his chair thanks to the intervention of his influential students. He retired at the age of 77. The second and third volumes of his work, A magyarországi úrbérrendezés története Mária Terézia korában, which is considered the major work of his life, are still awaiting publication.


    In 1951 Lóránd Kesztyűs as dean became the first head of the University Medical School of Debrecen formed from the Faculty of Medicine of the Debrecen University, and then he was elected rector of the institution for two  periods (1959-1963, 1967-1973). He had determining roles in the infrastructural extension of departments and clincics, in modernisation of medical education with increased number of medical students, in enhancing productivity of scientific research, in developing clinical service with high regional and national reputation and in shaping a performance based, democratic leadership managament under restrictive conditions of a state party centralized political system. His internationally recognised research activity and national science policy achievements led to foundation of immunology and allergy research in Hungary. He was elected to member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Establishing the related department, with text book writing and creating his school of scientists, made him a momentous professor of pathophysiology. His friendly, direct and open persionality had an important role in realisation of a succesful leadership and organizational climate at the departmental and institutional level. Presentation of his achievements is based on a monograph of his past co-worker with reflections of three professors (two of them also served as rectors).                            


    There were two types of study costs in the universities between the two World Wars, one of them was the tution fee, and the other one was the additional fee. The tution fee had been part of the Hungarian educational system since the middle of the 19th century. Those university students whose parents were in low social status with low income could get tution fee discount or exemption because of their financial situation. But in the case of the different kind of additional fees, there were not any discount or excemption because these fees required for the maintenance of several university institution, like university canteen, patient care fund, or the provision fund of the University Council. The system of these additional fees was different in the Hungarian universities, some additional fees were the same, some not. There were difference in the amount of the additional fees too. In this study, we can see the changes of the additional fee system in Debrecen between the two World Wars. All of the additional fees will be presented, for example canteen fee, patient care fund, and the two type of maintenance surcharges which were made due to the influence of the great economic crisis.


    Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava) was a location of great importance in the Jesuit school network of the Kingdom of Hungary, which provided students with various levels of education, from primary to university studies. The country's premier Catholic school centre also played a very important role in the education of the noble and aristocratic families. The aim of this study is to outline and examine the high noble-born student body of the University and Gymnasium of Tyrnau, using the new school records available. In the paper I will try to reconstruct how the function of Tyrnau in the educational practices of the nobility changed over the decades and centuries, which families attended the institution, and through some case studies I will also discuss the role of the knowledge acquired in shaping later careers.


    Student organisations, clubs and associations are always a distinctive and often dominant feature of universities in Hungary and abroad. Their purpose, and sometimes their function, is to cater to students' needs and areas of professional activity not covered by regular education and/or not covered in an orthodox way. The structure of higher education in Hungary, and in particular medical education, is rigid, partly due to the rules of the discipline, with lectures, seminars and practicals organised within a strictly regulated framework, which many believe does not provide sufficient scope to fully meet the dynamically changing needs of students, and thus the latest professional trends and technologies, as well as societal issues. Furthermore, the pressures of a busy curriculum and lack of time often do not allow for immediate reflection, experience, and processing of the challenges of our rapidly changing world. The organizations promoting students’ participation in research and various student-initiated organizations serve to fill this apparent gap and to meet the needs of students and teachers. The most prominent of these, in our opinion, is the Sántha Kálmán Faculty College of Advanced Studies, which has existed at the University of Debrecen and its predecessors for 35 years in an ever-changing form, constantly reborn like a phoenix. In this reminiscence, we are summarising the history of the founding and activities of the Sántha Kálmán Faculty College of Advanced Studies, relying on our own memories and experiences, archived documents, and the detailed accounts of former and current members.

  • Tanulmányaikat megszakítani kényszerülő hallgatók hazánk egyetemein az 1930-as évek derekán

    Concerning University Students Forced to Interrupt Their Studies in Hungary in the Middle of the 1930S. This study explores the reasons why in the 1930s—despite the general intent of support, a continuously developing student welfare institutional network, as well as the evolving state student social policy—led to a situation in which part of the university student body, owing to welfare conditions, was compelled to discontinue their studies. Those university students who—despite various support programs and because of their social conditions, the financial situation of their parents, high tuition fees, and perhaps because of further expenses pertaining to their studies—were unable to continue their studies, thus they were obliged to interrupt their university student status. Among the further possible causes for the termination of university studies reasons pertaining to health and actual study are also included, with the latter primarily meaning the absence of required preparedness. Statistical data provide a graphic representation of the situation of the university student population in Hungary in the middle of the 1930s.

  • A kolozsvári példa dokumentumok a kolozsvári egyetemi menza működéséről és debreceni kapcsolatáról

    In the Footsteps of Kolozsvár. Documents on Students Work at the University of Debrecen and its Connection with the University of Kolozsvár. It’s a well-known historical fact that the foundation of the students’ canteen in the University of Debrecen was one of the first steps to establish a welfare organization in a hope to support hundreds of students in their studies between the two World Wars in Debrecen. Also widely known that under the guidance of Nándor Láng this students’ canteen gained prosperity. At the
    same time, far less attention has been given to networks and relations in higher education underpinning this initiative. Láng asked assistance and information from the University of Kolozsvár which was the only provincial university in Hungary. The letter of Béla Posta which was written to Nándor Láng in December 20, 1916 and all of the attached documents are very rare and valuable sources of the history in both universities. The paper therefore can be considered as a novelty by giving an insight into the partnership of the University of Debrecen and Kolozsvár.


    János Bodnár as  professor and chair of the Institute of Medical Chemistry taught not only the first year medical students but, as a subject lecturer– owing to the lack of faculty of natural sciences – at the faculty of humanities he also took part in natural sciences teacher training of the teacher candidates. In addition, he also offered courses to those students who intended to obtain a doctoral degree.

    In the academic year of 1943–44 he served as rector of the University of Debrecen, which was hard work because of the wartime climate and existence. In the following academic year, 1944 – 1945, he again took part in the management of the university as deputy rector since the newly appointed rector, János Hankiss got stuck in Budapest  because of the war events. He concentrated on the temporary reconstruction of the war damages and he endeavoured to ensure the availability of the facilities of education.



    Ferenc Bozóky was a professor of statistics and economics at the Faculty of Law of the István Tisza University of Debrecen for more than 35 years. The professor, popular among his students and appreciated by his colleagues, as the last rector of law at the university, contributed significantly to the reconstruction of the university through his tireless work in the background after World War II. The study also gives a taste of Bozóky's advanced conservative-minded scholarly work in field of statistics and economics.

  • Neuber Ede Bőrgyógyászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1931/32. Tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Ede Neuber, Professor of Dermatology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1931/32. Professor Ede Neuber was the organizer and first director of the Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, and nationally, it was he who first organized the health supervision of university students. Again, he took part in spearheading the campaign against venereal diseases also through curtailing epidemic diseases by means of creating a law (lex veneris).
    In the 1931–1932 academic year he was Rector of Debrecen’s István Tisza University. During his rectorship, the Main Building of the University was completed and inaugurated, and the university took over the city’s public hospital for the purposes of training and practice. From 1936 through 1938 he represented the university in the upper house. In 1938 he was appointed principal professor of the clinic of dermatology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University, so he left Debrecen.

  • Tivadar Hüttl, Rector Magnificus of the Academic Year 1939/40 of the Tisza István University

    Tivadar Hüttl, Professor of Surgery the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1939/40. Tivadar Hüttl – whose father was the owner of a successful porcelain factory – graduated as a doctor of medicine from the University of Arts and Sciences of Budapest, and worked there at the I. Surgery Clinic besides Professor Tibor Verebély. In 1921, he was entrusted with the management of the Surgery Clinic in Debrecen, and one year later, he became a director-professor. In his clinic, he organized sections of otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, urology, traumatology, orthopaedics, etc., which later became independent clinics. He established an important scientific school; his students came to him from all over the world. In the academic year of 1939-1940, he was the rector of the István Tisza University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen, and the representative of the university in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament. In 1944, he stayed in Budapest because of the war, and after his return, he was deprived of the position of professor on indignant causes in a show trial. From 1951 to his death in 1955, he was the head physician of the National Institute of Oncology in Budapest.



    Research into the history of university travel abroad, or peregrination, is an important topic for all European nations. The European centre, the countries to which university mobility from the periphery was directed, had primarily host universities, and it is important for them to study their own links and their own sphere of attraction. This is particularly the case for universities in Italy, France and Germany. However, they are also examining their own university visits in relation to other regions of the centre. Some of the countries at the northern, eastern and southern ends of Europe were relatively early in the development of their own universities, but still sent large numbers of students to universities in the centre countries, so researching this is also important for them. For example, for Spanish and Portuguese historiography, the study of the French and Italian university itineraries is an important issue. In the older states of Scandinavia and Central Europe, although universities were established relatively early, they were not permanent and the vast majority of intellectuals from these nations were educated in foreign universities. This is particularly true of the smaller European states that became independent in the 19th and 20th centuries, and it is even more important to examine the development of their national intellectuals. This paper addresses these issues by presenting research on the subject.

  • A hadiárva és a hadirokkant apával rendelkező hallgatók számának emelkedése az egyetemeken az 1930-as években

    AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF WAR-ORPHAN STUDENTS AND STUDENTS WITH WAR-DISABLED FATHERS AT HUNGARIAN UNIVERSITIES IN THE 1930S. he thematic focus of the present study is a somewhat neglected phenomenon: the sudden rise in the number of war-orphan university students and students with war-disabled fathers in the irst half of the 1930s. During and immediately after World War One institutions of higher education were called upon to accept the enrollment of a large number of veterans who returned from the war with physical injuries and psychic scars: often these ”veterans” were returning war-disabled students. By the beginning of the 1930s the focus of relief of disabled servicemen shifted to those whose father had either died or became war-disabled in the Firsts World War. As early as the academic year of 1929/30 this shift was well discernible, by the 1934/35 academic year, however, there came a steep rise in their relative number. he present study ofers a glimpse at those natural causes and administrative measures that will make it more understandable to sort out the factors at work. It will also ofer an insight into the life and social circumstances of war-orphan students and the ones who had a war-disabled father.

  • Teológushallgatók doktorálása pedagógiából a debreceni egyetemen 1949-ig

    THE DOCTORAL STUDIES OF THEOLOGY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN UNTIL 1949. Based on the minutes of the doctoral culminative exams at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen before 1949, the essay comes to the conclusion that numerous doctoral students in the Faculty of Arts between 1917–1949 completed their studies as students of the Faculty of heology. It has been proven that it is not only a unique practice in Debrecen, but it is a continuation of an established practice in Kolozsvár. he author decsribes the practice in Kolozsvár and how it was adapted at the University of Debrecen. Based on some memoirs, the author shows that numerous signiicant representatives of Pedagogy started their careers as students of Theology.

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