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  • Egy évszázados adósság – A Magyar Értelmiségi Adattár (Repertorium Academicum Hungariae) elkészítése

    A centuries-old debt. The creation of the Hungarian Intellectuals’ Database (Repertorium Academicum Hungariae). Not school registers nor collections of archival sources were published about the Hungarian universities in the second half of the nineteenth and in the twentieth century. Similar books were publicised abroad much earlier about foreign institutions. Since Hungary has lost two third parts of its territory after the First World War the archival sources of these regions fell into foreign hands. Unfortunately,
    during the time of the Hungarian revolution in 1956 a few archival sources of the University Archives has also perished. Until nowadays we knew very little about students who were educated at universities or any other ecclesiastical or secular higher educational institutes. In 2013 the MTA-ELTE History of Universities Research Group was formed with the purpose of collecting and transforming into a database every available personal and educational information about every higher educational students from the beginning to 1850. The name of this future database will be Repertorium Academicum Hungariae. According to our current knowledge before 1850 there were 108 institutes in Hungary, Croatia and Transylvania which provided higher-level education than the intermediate level. We have already processed the two-thirds of the collected data and we are going to continue this task. The final database will be useable together with the completed database of the foreign-educated Hungarian students. The electronic database will be contain information about nearly 400,000 matriculated students and it will be unquestionably a useful scientific source for the nations of the Carpathian Basin.

  • A zágrábi Tudományegyetem hungarológiai tanszékének története
    66 - 81

    The author gives an overview on the history of a quarter of a century of the youngest foreign workshop of Hungarian studies, namely, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Zagreb. The education on Hungarian studies started in Zagreb in 1944 and was precedented. At the University of Zagreb the Hungarian Language Department was functioning as early as the second half of the 19th century. Form 1904 to 1918, for almost one and a half century at the same place Hungarian language and literature was educated with the direction of professor Dr. Kázmér Greska. After the collapse of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy the representatives of the Croatian National Council radically put out professor Greska from the university and closed down the department. It was impossible to reorganize it in Yugoslavia between the two world wars. A new possibility came only after the independence of Croatia in 1994. The work in the department restarted on the basis of an interstate contract under the leadership of professor Dr. Milka Jauk-Pinhak and with the partnership of visiting teachers from Hungary. Today, under the management of Orsolya Žagar-Szentesi, 25-30 students start their studies at the department in each year. The function of the special college of translation of poetic works is outstanding. The department in 2002 celebrated the 900 years jubilee of the coronation of Kálmán Könyves as Croatian king with the representative volume of essays entitled Croato-Hungarica. The department was introduced in the „Hungarian issue” of the journal Književna smotra, the Zagreb journal of world literature in 2014 on the 20th jubilee of the department. Their latest publication is With heart and Soul/ Dušom i srcem Hungarian-Croatian Somatic Phraseology/ Mađarsko-hrvatski rječnik somatskih frazema (2018).

  • Inscrutable Students.Searching for Enemy in Hungarian Universities at the Beginning of Fifties

    „Unknowable Students”. „Searching for the Enemy” at the Hungarian Universities in the Beginning of the Fifties. The Communist Party organization of Hungarian universities, in order to fulfil one of their main tasks, i.e. to “unmask the enemy”, attempted to gather a lot of information about the students. They collected data through admission procedures about their class-origin, which was reckoned as basic indicator of their political reliability, while functionaries tried to force them to verbalize their opinion and to comment daily political events in obligatory courses of Marxism-Leninism and in other formal and informal discussions. Besides the identification of the “enemy”, the forcing of political statements had the purpose to get the chance to correct them. However, the overstraining of political issues, the circulating process of re-learning the same parts of Communist ideology over and over again, along with the overreaction of functionaries to politically “incorrect” opinions led to an unwanted effect. Reports on the effectiveness of contemporary practices of indoctrination stated several times that the ideological dissemination of knowledge does not provide some students with a world view, but rather a practical knowledge: the students, instead of revealing their real thoughts “learned to speak Marxism”.

  • Vilmos Haendel, Professor of Law the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1942/43.

    Vilmos Haendel was a lecturer for 14 years at the law academy at the Reformed College of Debrecen, then for nearly 30 years he taught political sciences at the University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen. Being a well-rounded person he stood out from among the teachers of the Law Faculty of the university before the World War II. He played an important role in the political, social and cultural life of Debrecen for decades. At the same time, his nationalism and anti-Semitism made him a typical figure of the public life of the city in the first Half of the 20th century. The study describes his way of life on the basis of such data which have not been summed up so far, and tries to show his teaching career and the events of the year when he was the Rector flashing his most important scientific works.


    In February, we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of János Váradi-Sternberg (Nagyvárad, January 10, 1924 – Budapest, February 12, 1992), a Transcarpathian historian, professor and specialist writer. The renowned researcher was the excellence of Hungarian historiography beyond the border, who, as a university teacher, trained generations in conscientious, objective research work. Unfortunately, he did not receive the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, so it is the task of posterity to cherish his memory in a dignified manner.


    Since Antiquity Rhetoric, Ars Dictaminis and different types of Prose-Composition have great importance within education on the one hand, but on the other hand, we can see the different ways to localize Rhetorica within the canon oft liberal arts. Latest with Alcuin Rhetorica became the main point in practice in ruling. This means that knowledge of rhetorical precepts got part of the „educatio Regis”, and this we can see at least up to Eneas Silvio de Piccolominibus’ Tractatus de liberis educandi, written for Ladislaus Postumus (d. 23-11-1457). With the eleventh and twelfth century Ars dictandi got his place in educating persons who are specialists in „dictare”, formulating privileges, charters, epistles, and all other different sorts of empowering. With the Universities Rhetorica had his place in Faculty of Arts „Artistenfakultät” in there between Poetria and practice.  Studying for many students meant to get tools to be successful in princely chancelleries, Episcopalian and town (urban) administrations. There exits many examples to give us a survey to the different ways of teaching and gathering examples for „how to write” the different sorts of texts-documents in political communication. Here we can see an examples from the third and fourth decade of the fifteenth century, which combines theory (Brieftheorie/Ars dictandi), and examples. Because those examples show us the different themes, because we can see laypeople and clergy throughout all positions in society, and because we find mentioned places we can see the coverage in teaching and ruling. Finally yet importantly, we know by many examples of charters and letters how those compendia artis dictandi also could rule the script.

  • A Tiszántúl északi részéről származó diákok egyetemjárása külföldön 1292–1918

    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF STUDENTS ABROAD FROM THE NORTHERN PART OF THE TRANS TISZA REGION 1292–1918. he social and cultural history of the regions cannot be examined without exact information about the school system, the catchment area of the schools and their eiciency in a given region. his analysis includes the examination of the university attandence abroad, especially in case of countries where the university system was established with a delay, therefore university education was a valid option only at international universities. he data relating to Hungarian regions, counties, or cities can be easily obtained from this analysis. he present essay summarizies the university attending practices in the Northern part of the trans Tisza region.


    Although economics education has a history going back to the reign of Maria Theresia and despite the fact that its  position has significantly strengthtened by the 20st centruty, the future of the subject has been a bone of contention ever since the 19th century. The majority supported the establishment of an independent University of Economics, however this was only partially materialized in 1920 with foundation of the partiallly independent Faculty of Economics. The faculty struggled with financial and placement-related issues, and the establishment became part of the József Nádor Technical and Economics University in 1934. This redesign involving a number of academic institutions (Technical University; Faculty of Economics; College of Veterinary; and College of Mining and Forestry) seemed to be succesful. Although the global economic recession resulted in the decrease of the number of students studying economics in the 1930s, from the 1940s on student enrollment figures  started to sharply increase owing to the economic recovery following the world wars. The Hungarian University of Economics was only opened in 1948, but the nature of the institution changed following the communist takeover, not in line with its original purpose.

  • A debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika története Adler Péter professzor vezetése alatt (1946–1979)
    11 - 23

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor Péter Adler (1946–1979). With the approaching front of the 2nd World War in October 9, 1944, Professor András Csilléry head of the Stomatology Clinic left Debrecen because of his political views, so the institution remained without a leader until 17th November. Thereafter as a substitute, trainees then Stefánia Morvay Assistant Lecturer under the supervision of Professor Gyula Verzár was the head. From June 20, 1946, Péter Adler was assigned to the lead, which was one of the longest leading positions of the Faculty of Medicine since he was director of the clinic until July 1, 1979. Péter Adler graduated from the University of Vienna, where he specialized in the field of Dentistry and worked at the Department of Orthodontics at the Polyclinic of Vienna, while in spring 1939 he had to return home for political reasons. During the war he worked as a translator and then assigned to forced labor, and after the war, he was placed to the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. From 1948 he worked as a chief clinician, in 1952 he became candidate of sciences (CSc), and in 1953 he was appointed as a university professor. He received Doctor of Science (DSc) degree in 1957. He was a member of the editorial board of several foreign professional journals, he was accepted by several international editorial boards, wrote several textbooks. He translated two books written by others into German. He was chairman of the Association of Hungarian Dentists and Editor-in-Chief of the Stomatologica Hungarica. The main topics of the research at the Stomatology Clinic are: examination of hypersensitivity to dental anesthetics, clarification of many details of caries epidemiology, proof of the protective effect of fluoride against caries. Under his leadership there was a dynamic scientific work on the Stomatology Clinic, proven by the fact that between 1945–1980 12 books, 487 publications, book chapters and monographs appeared, which was unique among similar national institutions. He lay down the fundaments of the dental education in 1976 and contributed the architectural and professional requirements of the new Stomatology Clinic in 1981.

  • Gyula Mitrovics, Professor of Pedagogy the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza University of Debrecen of the Academic Year 1940/41.

    Professor of Pedagogy Gyula Mitrovics was Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1940-1941. His profound interest in the arts and his Protestant identity
    shaped by the oscillation between the Sárospatak versus Debrecen axis constituted the basis and the framework for an overarching career which the child of a Sárospatak family of educators could fulfill in the Hungary of the first half of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the success of his early publications and the affirmative critical responses beckoned the young and upcoming teacher to a career in art history or to the calling of an aesthete, the interests of the arts faculty of the ”newly born” university of Debrecen dictated a different professional alternative. His attention turned to pedagogy, of which he became privat-docent in 1917, then full professor in 1918. Starting from this juncture, he led parallel professional lives rooted in aesthetics and pedagogy. In the year before his retirement he was elected rector of the university. His attitude in this supreme office was characterized by seeking compromises, which was a direct consequence of the priorities of the age in which he lived. It was during his rectorship that the university was to surrender its science departments. However, the diplomatically sensitive rector was able to attain the continuance of instruction in the disrupted departments by employing external lecturers. During his retirement as pensioner his life assumed a tragic turn: int he year 1949 – prompted by outside advice – he resigned his position as corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy then, in the middle of the 1950s he left Hungary. The one-time Debrecen professor of pedagogy spent his remaining years in Stuttgart and that is also where he died in 1965.

  • Feltáratlan emlékek Kenézy Gyula életéből és munkásságából
    54 - 78

    Unexplored memories from the life and work of Gyula Kenézy. Gyula Kenézy is an outstanding historical figure of the University of Debrecen as well as of the City of Debrecen. Beyond many sculptures, street, prize, a hospital, and a civil society which carry his memories, the cities of Debrecen and Hajdúszoboszló regularly remember the renowned professor. Many monographs gave the account of his life and accomplishments, and a collection of his relics gained a permanent place for commemoration in the Museum of Hajdúszoboszló. Nevertheless, one-hundred years after the beginning of medical education in Debrecen, new pieces of historical records continue to enrich our memories about Gyula Kenézy. For the first time in its history, the Kenézy Memorial Day was organized by the Kenézy Civil Society and the University of Debrecen together in 2017. The program provided us with exciting recollections, and so far unraveled details of the life of Gyula Kenézy.

  • Holland egyetemek hatása a 17-18. századi magyar orvoslás kultúrtörténetében

    INFLUENCE OF DUTCH UNIVERSITIES ON THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES. 97 students are known who were registered as a student of medicine at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. he basic subjects of medical training, botany and anatomy, were met by the universities and clinical education was also introduced. Hungarian students disputed and defended doctoral theses in the Netherlands under inluence of the newest philosophical and medical theories. After having inished their medical training abroad, they became doctors of towns and provinces in their home country. Some of them continued writing scientiic works or translated works of famous European doctors. he work of the most inluential Dutch medical doctor, Hermann Boerhaave was continued by his students in Vienna and Hungary, too. His name also appeared in literary works of the 18th century.


    The database presents the list of students of two Hungarian gymnasiums from the 16th and 17th centrury. These details have been largely unknown to date and they help to complement the information we have of the Protestant peregrination from Hungary. A large portion of the peregrines who attended the two institutions continued their education at one of the universities in Germany. Therefore, the informaton presented here provide an important contribution and reveal some of the peregrations paths of the 16th and 17th century.


    The paper reviews the history of agricultural education in Debrecen from the establishment of the University of Agricultural Sciences in Debrecen in 1970 to the present day. The main focus is on the presentation of the educational activities, showing how the range of courses has broadened in the last five decades. It also highlights the main achievements and future objectives of research and innovation.


    Education, Tradition, Innovation. 250 years of Semmelweis University. Chief editor Péter Sótonyi, editor László Molnár.


    An Experiment to Reconstruction. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the law academies in Hungary and Transylvania played an important role in the training of the intellectuals of the multi-ethnic Carpathian Basin, especially in the training of officials. Perhaps the most unusual of these institutions was the History of the Academy of Law in Sibiu. To the best of our knowledge, the following data archive is the first attempt to reconstruct the composition of the teaching staff of the Academy of Law in Sibiu over the slightly more than four decades of its existence. The compilation is based on available printed and archival sources.

  • The Settlement of the Hungarian Royal Minin and Forestry College (Academy) from Selmecbánya to Sopron, 1918/19

    The Resettlement of the Hungarian Royal Mining and Forestry College (Academy) from Selmecbánya (Banská Štiavnica) to Sopron, 1918/19. The history of the Hungarian Royal Mining and Forestry
    College’s goes back to 1735, the establishing of the School for Training Mining Officers. During the centuries, this school developed in his type to the only higher educational institution of the Hungarian part of Austro-
    Hungarian Empire. At the beginning of World War I, it was a Europe-known technical college. With the outbreak of World War I, there was a big rupture in the life of the college. The last lectures started on 6th
    October, 1918, but the academic year could not be finished. The troops of the new Czechoslovakia occupied the region. The professors and the students decided to keep the Hungarian citizenship and they wanted to
    teach and learn in a Hungarian institution hence they packed up the college and moved from the ancestral residence to Hungary. They had many difficulties during the flight but finally the so-called „refugee
    university” found place in Sopron.

  • Bernolák Nándor (1880–1951), a Debreceni M. Kir. Tudományegyetem második rektora

    Nándor Bernolák (1880–1951), the Second Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen. As second rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, which was launched in 1914, Nándor Bernolák played an important role in shaping the events of the first years. He was a nationally recognized theoretical criminal jurist when he was invited to chair the department of penal law in Debrecen. In addition to an outline of his brief, seven-year, university career, a discussion of his previous professional activities is offered, and the events of his life pertaining both to the early history of the university and to his subsequent political and legal career are highlighted. Professor Bernolák’s reformist initiatives pertaining to criminal law as well as his attempts aimed at the renewal of law training are likewise reviewed. In summary it is stated that Nándor Bernolák excelled both as a criminal jurist and as a university manager. As regards his political career, it turned out to be rather brief and controversial. In view of the fact that he turned his back to his university commitments, we are obliged to consider him as one of those university professors who was lost for Hungarian higher education when they assumed political commitments.

  • Archontologyof Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950-1990), Part XV.: Lectorat of Foreign Languages

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part XV: Lectorate of foreign Languages. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences,
    and for the so-called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily
    documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the
    archontology with perfect accuracy. Part XV presents the complete list pertaining to the Lectorate of Foreign Languages from head of department to administrator.


    The year 2022 marked the 75th anniversary of the appointment of Aimé van Santen, then first secretary of the mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Prague, which reopened after the liberation of Czechoslovakia in August 1945, as a lecturer in Dutch at the University of Olomouc, reconstituted in February 1947. This article examines academic links between Olomouc and the Low Countries from the 16th through the 20th century and the circumstances of the beginning of the study of Dutch there in 1947.

  • Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedures the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39

    Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedure the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39. Jenő Bacsó was the emblematic figure of the jurist training and university life in Debrecen. The editor of the „Debreceni Képes Kalendárium” told that Jenő Bácsó should have been elected rector for the academic year 1938/39 even if someone else could be the next, since he was the person who joined the city, the College and the university. Besides Béla Szentpéteri Kun he was the other professor at the faculty who taught and took part actively in the university life from the establishment of the faculty (1914) to the suspension of the jurist training (1949). He held several positions and educated during his active 33 years as well as during two years after his retirement: he was one of the major figures of the committee which was responsible for handing-receiving of the office of the dean, he took part in Mensa Academica, the committee of the university territorial planning, furthermore, as Rector he was a member of the commission of inquiry sent at the time of the student rioting. He was one of the members of the National Council of the Higher Education from Debrecen. He was the dean of the Faculty of Law during three academic years: 1922/23, 1934/35, 1946/47.

  • A kolozsvári példa dokumentumok a kolozsvári egyetemi menza működéséről és debreceni kapcsolatáról

    In the Footsteps of Kolozsvár. Documents on Students Work at the University of Debrecen and its Connection with the University of Kolozsvár. It’s a well-known historical fact that the foundation of the students’ canteen in the University of Debrecen was one of the first steps to establish a welfare organization in a hope to support hundreds of students in their studies between the two World Wars in Debrecen. Also widely known that under the guidance of Nándor Láng this students’ canteen gained prosperity. At the
    same time, far less attention has been given to networks and relations in higher education underpinning this initiative. Láng asked assistance and information from the University of Kolozsvár which was the only provincial university in Hungary. The letter of Béla Posta which was written to Nándor Láng in December 20, 1916 and all of the attached documents are very rare and valuable sources of the history in both universities. The paper therefore can be considered as a novelty by giving an insight into the partnership of the University of Debrecen and Kolozsvár.

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