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  • Csánki (Csánky) Benjámin teológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1929/30. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Benjámin Csánki (Csánky), Professor of Theology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1929/30. It was during Csánki’s rectorship that the construction of the Main Building of the University was completed, together with the professors’ residential villas. The structure of the university library was also outlined in the said period. Again, it was during the time referred to that serious negotiations were launched for the purposes of establishing universitylevel
    education for the agrarian program in Debrecen. The building of the university church and the construction of the modern student dormitories were also undertaken during this time. Besides offering an overview of the events of the rectorial year, the present discussion, by also looking at specific writings by him, evaluates Csánki’s most characteristic theological works.

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    Gerlőtei Jenő fontos szerepet töltött be műgyűjtő és művészeket támogató tevékenységével a debreceni egyetem működésének első korszakában. A Francia Intézet magántanára, irodalomtörténész volt. Meghirdetett órái és publikációi, valamint a róla írt feljegyzések mély művészeti érdeklődéséről tanúskodnak. Fennmaradt levelezése bizonyítja mecénási törekvéseit. Képzőművészeti tárlatok és művész életutak méltatásával is találkozunk életművében. Sajnos, életéről nagyon keveset tudunk, alig áll rendelkezésünkre forrás vele kapcsolatban, a hazai adatbázisok és a debreceni egyetemi dokumentumok között még halálának időpontja sem ismert.


  • Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága
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    The Life and Work of Pál Szarvas, Professor of Chemistry. At the University of Debrecen, the Faculty of Science was founded in 1949. The management boards of the new Faculty and of the University spared no effort to bring prominent scientists as leading members of the newly organized science departments. In this manner, Pál Szarvas was also invited in 1951 to come to Debrecen to be the Head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. His first task here was to organize the furnishing and equipment of the student and research laboratories, to initiate classroom teaching and research work despite the rather unfavourable financial conditions. From 1952 on the number of staff members began to increase and from the mid-1960s the level of the laboratory equipment was also improving. Research work was launched in the field of analytical chemistry, where various methods were developed for the determination of some rare metals in the presence of larger amounts of other elements. From the end of the 1960s the main research field of the Department was solution chemistry, the equilibrium and kinetic studies on the formation of complexes of transition metals and lanthanides with organic ligands. Another developing field was the synthesis and study of new boron-organic compounds. The focus of research in analytical chemistry shifted to the use of emission spectrography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Professor Szarvas was also involved in the leadership of the Faculty and of the University. He was Dean of the Faculty (1954–58) and the Rector of the University (1963–66). His activity was highly important in the preparation of the construction of the chemistry building. Professor Szarvas, who retired in 1975, played a significant role in the organization of the teaching and research work of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, which has exerted an important impact on the current existence and successes of the Department.

  • „Lássatok hozzá, és építsétek föl Istennek, az Úrnak szentélyét” (A Debreceni Református Egyetemi Templom építésének története)
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    „Rise up and Build the Sanctuary of the Lord God, so that you may bring the Ark of the covenant of the Lord.” – The History of the Construction of the Reformed University Church in Debrecen. In this essay I try to find the answer to the question of what the main cause of the structure of the University Church was and which were the most relevant stages of the construction. After launching the university in Debrecen, the undergraduates, the professors and the local citizens established a claim to engender a place of worship where they could get an opportunity to inward edification. The negotiations about the church to be constructed began in the 1910’s, after all the quartercentenary of the Reformed College gave the handle for the church’s structure. The University Church was built in vicissitudinous ways and it came up against a lot of difficulties during the second half of the twentieth century. Consequently this fact encumbers the researching of the building’s history. However, the history of construction is trackable by the eight boxfuls of sources of the Archives of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District.

  • A debreceni tudományegyetem hallgatóinak emlékirata az egyetem megcsonkítása ellen (1933)
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    The Memorandum of Studentsts againstst the “Mutilation” of the University of Debrecen (1933).Between the two world wars, the Great Depression made a significant impact on higher education in Hungary. At the beginning of 1930s, many articles were published in the national and local press about the plans of the government in connection with the handling of the crisis. These rumours were about the “mutilation” of the universities (closing or merging of the faculties, reduction of the estimation). As in the other university towns, substantial social and political protest began in Debrecen against these plans. Besides the parties, the associations and the Calvinist Church, the university students sent a memorandum to the leaders of the University, the town and the government. This paper includes this document of protest and presents the main (historical, judicial and economic) reasons against the “mutilation.”

  • Simai Erdős József, a negyedik rektor
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    József Simai Erdős, the Fourth Rector. The fourth rector of the University of Debrecen was József Erdős, who was born in Szatmárnémeti and who pursued his studies in Debrecen and Vienna. For a short time after 1888 he served as minister at the Theological Academy of Debrecen’s Protestant College, then, from 1914, at the Faculty of Theology of the newly-established university he was professor of New Testament exegesis. When, as dictated by the principle of rotation, it was again the Faculty of Theology’s turn to delegate a new Rector, in the academic year of 1917/18 he became the fourth Rector of the University. In 1908 be received a title of Hungarian nobility, and in 1946 the silver-headed scholar was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa. He carried on extensive work in the history of religion (The General Outlines of the Life and Reformist Activity of Ulrick Zwingli; Theology at the University; The Basic Principles of the Statecraft of Apostle Paul, etc.). He translated and published the Catechism of Heidelberg and the Second Helvetian Creed.

  • Rectori beszámoló
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    Rector’s Report on Debrecen University 1914–1915 The rector’s report about the first academic year of the Royal University of Debrecen depicts a poignant picture. While recording the national joy that was felt over the opening of a new university, he also notes how the first academic year was rudely disrupted by the outbreak of World War I. His report reflects the sense of duty and the patriotic spirit which pervaded both the students and the faculty of the university, and the immediate ensuing hardship which was conquered by an undiminished faith in education despite all difficulties.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Centenáriumi Év programsorozatának nyitó rendezvénye
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    THE OPENING EVENT OF THE SERIES OF PROGRAMS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, FEBRUARY 3–4, 2012. A commemorative session of the University Senate, the inauguration of a memorial plaque, the opening of an exhibition, a theatrical world premier, and an evening ball were part of the opening program of the centenary year with which the University of Debrecen celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the foundation of its legal predecessor, the Royal Hungarian University of Debreczen. he brief summary below will evoke the respective events of the series of pertinent events.

  • Holland Tanszék alapításának kísérlete a két világháború között
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    An Attempt to Establish a Department of Dutch Between the Two World Wars. On 20th June, 1921, Ms. Catharina Kuyper, daughter of the former prime minister of the Netherlands, visited Debrecen. This occasion brought the rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen to write her a letter and ask her to convince the Dutch government of the importance of a Department of Dutch Literature and Culture at this university. Kuyper agreed with this wish and promised the board of the university her mediation to raise money for the new department. The managers of the university found a qualified person, dr. Zsigmond Nagy, for the leadership of the Dutch Studies. They received only goodwill support from the Hungarian government but no money. Nagy died in the spring of 1922 and the Dutch government refused to help establish a new Dutch department because of the hard financial situation of the Netherlands.

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    A Debreceni Egyetem Böszörményi úti kampuszán 2020 októberében avatták fel az 1919-ben elhunyt Kozma András professzor mellszobrát. Az ünnepségen a Gazdaságtudományi Kar dékánja emlékezett meg a nagy hatású, országos jelentőségű egyetemi tanár munkásságáról.


  • Arany János születésének 100. évfordulója és a háború a nagyszalontai Emlékegyesület értesítése a Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetemnek az ünnepség elmaradásáról
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    the Centenary of the Birth of János Arany and the War. The Message of the Memorial Society from Nagyszalonta to the University of Debrecen about the Cancellation of the Ceremony. One hundred years ago and one hundred years after the birth of Arany the memorial society prepared for a nationwide celebration in Nagyszalonta. They sent their official invitation to every literary and scholarly society, with the University of Debrecen among them. Nándor Láng, who was the Rector of the university in the 1916/17. academic year gave the mandate to Károly Pap to attend the ceremony and represent the university. Károly Pap, who was the dean of the faculty of arts, accepted this with pleasure because he was a researcher of the poetry of Arany. But the ceremony was postponed because the train service became unreliable due to the war. The nationwide ceremony had to be cancelled because of the bad traffic conditions and it was never held in Nagyszalonta in 1917. This printed media sources inform us about this and the effect of the Great War on the centenary of the birth of János Arany.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem Archontológiája 1950-1990 XV. (befező rész): Idenenyelvi Lektorátus
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    A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem két kara, a Bölcsészettudományi Kar és a Természettudományi Kar, valamint az ún. központi egységek 1950. január 1. és 1990. december 31. közötti archontológiáját a Rektori
    Hivatal személyi kartotékjai és anyagai, valamint a kevésbé dokumentált ’50-es évek tekintetében kiegészítőleg a Személyzeti Osztály éves kimutatásai alapján készült. Ennek ellenére a rendelkezésünkre álló
    anyag nem lehet teljes és nem lehetséges teljes pontossággal összeállítani az archontológiát. Jelen XV. rész az Idegennyelvi Lektorátus dolgozóinak listáját adja a lektorátus vezetőtől az ügyintézőig.

  • A Simonffy utcától az Egyetem térig: az egyetemi könyvtár első évtizedei
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    From Simonffy Street to University Square: the First Decades of Debrecen’s University Library. The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen celebrated the centennial of its foundation on the last day of September, 2016. The institution, which boasts the second largest deposit collection in the country, emerges from the system on account of its unique national services, as well as of its extraordinary priceless collection. Several components of this valuable collection still await careful exploration for
    the purposes of promoting scientific and scholarly activity, as well as of ensuring the possibilities of access for the general public. The present study highlights the stages of the initial placement of the university library and its subsequent relocation in the University’s main academic building.

  • Krakkótól Wittenbergig Magyarországi hallgatók a krakkói, bécsi és wittenbergi egyetemeken a 16. században
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    From Krakow to Wittenberg. Students from the Hungarian Kingdom at the Universities of Krakow, Vienna and Wittenberg in the 16th Century. This paper aims at collecting the students from the Hungarian Kingdom at the universities of Krakow, Vienna and Wittenberg in the 16th century. According to the medieval traditions, the majority of the students attended the university of Vienna and Krakow (90%) in the first quarter of the 16th century. After the battle of Mohács (1526), the situation changed
    basically, and in the second period up to 1550, the University of Wittenberg started to rise, however, the total number of the peregrinating students decreased significantly. After 1550 the peregrination from the Hungarian Kingdom started to increase, however, its magnitude reached the level of the beginning of the 16th century again only in the 17th century. The heyday of the University of Wittenberg dates back to the second part of the 16th century, when the university of Krakow was hardly attended by any students of the Hungarian Kingdom. Whereas the universities of Vienna and Krakow attracted the students originated from the institutions’ neighbourhood, the university of Wittenberg was attended by the Saxons and it was also popular with the burghers of Debrecen. All the three universities had an organization for the students who came from the Hungarian Kingdom. However, the one of Vienna (Natio Hungarica) was not a national college in its modern sense; the one of Krakow (Bursa Hungarorum) was considereda national community in the first half of the 20th century. On the other hand, it seems more acceptable, that those students were its members, who originated far from Krakow. The college of Wittenberg (Coetus Ungaricus) was considered a national community, but its students must have chosen it because of their religious convictions, since many of them were engaged in the new ideas of the Reformation. Meanwhile, the most-known reformers from the 16th century attended these three universities, mainly   Wittenberg. Both the first Hungarian Calvinist bishop, Márton Sánta Kálmáncsehi (Krakow 1523) and ‘the Hungarian Luther’, Mátyás Bíró Dévai (Krakow 1523, Wittenberg, 1528), moreover Ferenc Dávid (Wittenberg 1545), the founder and the first bishop of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania appeared at these universities.

  • 100 éves a debreceni orvosképzés-I. Az általános orvostudományi kar. Az intézetek és a tanszékek története-II. Az általános orvostudományi kar professzorainak életrajza
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    Negyedszer jelent meg  debreceni orvosképzés történetét feldolgozó összefoglaló munka.

  • A debreceni agrárfelsőoktatás első 150 éve
    161 - 170
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    The first 150 years of Agricultural Tertiary Education in Debrecen. The Georgikon in Keszthely was founded in 1797 as the first one in the line of subsequent agricultural tertiary institutions and was followed by one in Magyaróvár in 1818. It was fifty years later – that is one and a half centuries ago – that the National Higher Institution of Agriculture opened its gates in Debrecen. The speech that opened the first academic year at the new agricultural higher school was delivered by the then director Péter Papi Balogh and it has been preserved for later generations. On 5 September 2018, a hundred and fifty years later, Dean István Komlósi had the honour to recall the first 150 years of agricultural tertiary education in Debrecen. His speech is published in full length by Gerundium, the journal devoted to papers on the history of the University of Debrecen.

  • Egy méltatlanul elfeledett egyetemi kiadványsorozat - A Debreceni Református Kollégium Tanárképző Intézetének dolgozatai
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    A budapesti Eötvös Collégium mintájára szerveződő debreceni Református Tanárképző Intézet 1925–1952 között kiegészítő képzés keretében a hazai református középiskolák számára nevelt tanárokat. Az intézet hallgatói önálló tudományos tevékenység végzéséhez is komoly impulzusokat kaptak szakvezető tanáraiktól, és többen közülük a 20. század derekán a magyar kulturális élet és oktatás meghatározó alakjaivá váltak. A hallgatók doktori disszertációit és egyéb tudományos dolgozatait közlő kiadványsorozat 28 kötete 1936–1943 között jelent meg kb. 3000 oldal terjedelemben. A tanulmány az „Acta Instituti Paedagogici Collegii Debreceniensis” cimű kiadványsorozat megszületésének és  megszűnésének körülményeit és annak szellemi profilját igyekszik bemutatni.

  • Az 1944 novemberében-decemberében Budapesten felavatott debreceni doktorok
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    INAGURATION OF DOCTORS IN DEBRECEN IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER OF 1944. After war had reached the István Tisza University in Debrecen in October 1944, the majority of the professors led to Budapest where they held several meetings. Doctors, who had received their degree earlier, were inagurated in Budapest between November 4 and December 20 in the name of the Debrecen University (23 medical, 3 law, 3 political science, 2 arts doctorate certiicates were given). he partly oicial operation in Budapest lasted until the second part of December, while some of the professors in Budapest, some in rural areas waited out the end of the ights. Some, though, had joined the medical training in Halle and Breslau organized by András Csilléry appointed government commissioner.

  • A debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika története Adler Péter professzor vezetése alatt (1946–1979)
    11 - 23
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    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor Péter Adler (1946–1979). With the approaching front of the 2nd World War in October 9, 1944, Professor András Csilléry head of the Stomatology Clinic left Debrecen because of his political views, so the institution remained without a leader until 17th November. Thereafter as a substitute, trainees then Stefánia Morvay Assistant Lecturer under the supervision of Professor Gyula Verzár was the head. From June 20, 1946, Péter Adler was assigned to the lead, which was one of the longest leading positions of the Faculty of Medicine since he was director of the clinic until July 1, 1979. Péter Adler graduated from the University of Vienna, where he specialized in the field of Dentistry and worked at the Department of Orthodontics at the Polyclinic of Vienna, while in spring 1939 he had to return home for political reasons. During the war he worked as a translator and then assigned to forced labor, and after the war, he was placed to the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. From 1948 he worked as a chief clinician, in 1952 he became candidate of sciences (CSc), and in 1953 he was appointed as a university professor. He received Doctor of Science (DSc) degree in 1957. He was a member of the editorial board of several foreign professional journals, he was accepted by several international editorial boards, wrote several textbooks. He translated two books written by others into German. He was chairman of the Association of Hungarian Dentists and Editor-in-Chief of the Stomatologica Hungarica. The main topics of the research at the Stomatology Clinic are: examination of hypersensitivity to dental anesthetics, clarification of many details of caries epidemiology, proof of the protective effect of fluoride against caries. Under his leadership there was a dynamic scientific work on the Stomatology Clinic, proven by the fact that between 1945–1980 12 books, 487 publications, book chapters and monographs appeared, which was unique among similar national institutions. He lay down the fundaments of the dental education in 1976 and contributed the architectural and professional requirements of the new Stomatology Clinic in 1981.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem díszudvarának panteonja
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    THE PANTHEON OF THE FORMAL COURTYARD OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. In the plaques of the formal courtyard of the University of Debrecen 23 names are inscribed, which faithfully relect the mentality of the city, as well as its scientiic and scholarly signiicance. he pantheon is a replica of the rich store of Hungarian spirituality, which faithfully renders the speciic heritage of Debrecen and it also comprises within itself the values of Hungarian national culture in the spirit of universitas scientiarum. Based on thorough research, the study is the irst exploration of how the list of names of those chosen was established, and it ofers short biographies of the respective denizens of the pantheon.

  • Az oktatás megindulásának 100 év előtti emlékei
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    SCHOOL YEAR OPENING IN 1914. he irst oicial school year opening of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen was organized on October 1, 1914 in the Great Church. he event was reported by several newspaper of the time. he detail history of the establishment of the Universiy of Debrecen was irst written by dr. Béla Kun (later known as Béla Szentpéteri Kun) in the Almanach of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen in 1914, and published in printed format only in 1916. he third chapter of the essay is available in full text.

  • Tankó Béla kötet Szerk. Virágos Márta
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    TANKÓ BÉLA, 1905-1974 A BIOKÉMIAI INTÉZET ALAPÍTÓJA című könyv szerkesztője Virágos Márta a professzor teljes életművéről ad részletes képet. A kötet ismertetését Aradi János a professzor tanítványa és munkatársa készítette.

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    A magyar diákok 20. századi hollandiai egyetemjárásának történetében fontos szerepet játszott az 1761-ben alapított utrechti Stipendium Bernardinum. Számos magyar teológus nyerte el az ösztöndíj támogatását. Forró Imre a debreceni teológiai tanulmányai végeztével nyert felvételt Utrechtbe, ahol három évet töltött el, majd kutatása folytatására még egy évet pályázott és nyert el az ösztöndíjbizottságtól. Jelen tanulmány Forró diákéveinek több aspektusát vizsgálja: a tanulmányait, a korabeli diákéletet és az 1930-as években megkezdett kutatómunkát, a franekeri magyar peregrináció történetének feldolgozását. Minden élettörténet egyedi, mégis a külföldön tanulók tanulmányai és hétköznapjai számos hasonlóságot mutat egymással.

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    A második világháború utáni évtized az atomkutatás fénykora volt, hiszen a nagyhatalmi versengés területévé vált. Szalay Sándor, a debreceni egyetemi Kísérleti Fizikai Intézet tanszékvezető professzora és egyben a Magyar Tudomány Akadémia Atommagkutató Intézetének vezetője ügyesen használta ki a konjunktúrát és sok jó szakembert tudott alkalmazni, köztük olyanokat is, akiket az akkori államhatalom félreállított. Azonban a Zichy Ernő vegyészmérnököt – akit korábban kitelepítéssel is büntettek – arisztokrata származása miatt neki sem sikerült egyik intézetébe sem felvennie.


  • A Debreceni Egyetemi Diákjóléti Bizottság szervezeti szabályzata Szabályzat a diáksegélyezés szervezetéről a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetemen
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    The Articles of the Student Welfare Committ ee of the University of Debrecen. The textual source material published below is an attempt to acquaint the larger public with the articles and statutes of the Student Welfare Committee of the University of Debrecen, which was presided over by Nándor Láng and which was the supreme body of the university welfare institutional network united in 1930. The articles were approved by the higher authorities on July 1, 1931. The document offers an insight into the inner composition and concrete activities of the committee which oversaw the respective student welfare institutions and which co-ordinated the whole of the university-level student welfare programme. The most important tasks, as laid down in the articles, included ”the promotion of the educational and material interests of the student body” and ”the support of all sorts respecting poor students making good study progress”. Despite the fact that the committee’s personal composition underwent various changes, it continued to remain faithful to the spirit of the statutes, thus becoming the most significant mainstay of the most indigent students.

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